Forest For The Trees - Page Five

Desperaino apologizes.  He didn't even know Octoroo could read.  Desperaino asks if Master Xandred is resting.  Dayu replies yes.  He's in a bad mood.  You might say he's feeling under the weather.  Desperaino walks over to Dayu.  Desperaino tells her not to make jokes, she can't pull off.  Desperaino exclaims that he is going to use his rain to create a flood of human wretchedness.  That aught to put Master Xandred on cloud nine.  Dayu wants Desperaino to leave, all the water is making her harmonium out of tune.  Octoroo walks over to them.  He yells at Desperaino to get to work!  Desperaino leaves and Octoroo gets back to his book.  He wants to continue his research on the Red Ranger and Deker.  Dayu asks Octoroo why he cares so much about Deker?  Octoroo replies, we may have overlooked something important about him.

Deker is sitting by a fire.  He pulls out Uramasa.  Deker talks to his sword.  At last, we have found him.  All that remains is to find the right place and time.  And then the most epic duel in history will be ours.

Mentor Ji and Mike are walking through the forest.  Mike is concern that Mentor Ji brought him out here to yell at him.  But that is not the case.  Mentor Ji wanted to talk to him about his symbol power.  Mike looks around and gets that his symbol power is the forest.  Mentor Ji tells him he must look deeper.  Your power springs from the essence of the forest.  It's deepest meaning.  If you understand that meaning,  you will find it within yourself too, then you can give your symbol even greater power than it already has.  Look inside yourself and connect with what the forest means to you.  Mike stops and observes the forest silently.  After a few moments, Mentor Ji hands Mike his Samuraizer back.  Mike is very surprised.  Mentor Ji tells Mike it was his mistake not to teach him all of this from the start.  Even though I said you weren't listening, I clearly wasn't listening to your needs either and I'm sorry.  Mike apologizes as well and teaches Mentor Ji a new handshake.  Mike's Samuraizer goes off.  It's Jayden and they need Mike's help.  Mike takes off running.

Blue Ranger fires his Hydro Bow at Desperaino.  Desperaino jumps up into the sky to avoid being hit.  Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger are there as well with their Spin Swords drawn.  Desperaino taunts the four Rangers that they can't even come close to defeating him while he is flying.  Desperaino blasts the four Rangers with his weapon.  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger are hit and land on the pavement hard.  Red Ranger states he can't move. 














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