Forest For The Trees - Page Two

Mike tells himself he will just have to train harder.  Mike leaps back up and starts practicing with his Spin Sword again.

Desperaino emerges from a gap in the city.  He is unaware that the gap sensor has detected him.  Desperaino notes it's such a nice day.  So, let's change that.  Desperaino holds his weapon up into the sky and black smoke emerges from it.

The alarms sounds off in Shiba House.  Jayden, Emily, Kevin, and Mia stare at it for a moment and then take off running.

The citizens in the city are going about their business.  Suddenly a downpour hits several of the citizens.  The small black cloud then vanishes.  The citizens that have been drenched become sad.  The Samurai Rangers arrive.  They are puzzled by the citizens behavior.  Yellow Ranger is the first to notice Desperaino as he leaps towards them.  Desperaino lands in front of the Rangers.  Pink Ranger notes we got to get rid of this guy fast.  Green Ranger is confident that they will.  Desperaino does not like their sunny outlook.  The Rangers pulled out their Spin Swords and race towards Desperaino.  Desperaino uses his weapon to blast the Rangers.  They are hit and going flying through the air.  The Rangers hit the pavement hard.  Blue Ranger quickly gets back up and tells Pink Ranger they have to use the new discs.  Blue Ranger places his disc on his Hydro Bow.  Pink Ranger agrees and is about to place the Beetle disc onto her Sky Fan when Desperaino fires his weapon again.  This time the blast hits the Beetle disc and it goes flying through the air.  Green Ranger leaps through the air to catch it.  Pink Ranger runs up to Green Ranger and tells him, good catch.  Green Ranger has his Forest Spear and is confident he can do this.  Instead of giving the disc to Pink Ranger, Green Ranger places the Beetle disc onto his Forest Spear.  Pink Ranger wonders what he is doing.  Blue Ranger races up to them and tells Green Ranger to stop, you're not ready!  Desperaino doesn't think this is much fun.  The top of his head turns into a helicopter propeller and he flies up into the air.  Red Ranger tells Blue Ranger and Green Ranger to stop it.  Blue Ranger and Green Ranger race forward with their weapons.  Blue Ranger fires the Hydro Bow with ease.  Green Ranger struggles with his Forest Spear. 














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