Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I - Page Five

Another of Zedd's Putties has a pair of scissors and cuts off a piece of Tommy's hair and gives it to the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception laughs and vanishes.  Three of Zedd's Putties leap and dance around Tommy before they vanish as well.  Tommy slowly sits up.  The rest of the teens have defeated their batch of Zedd's Putties.  Kimberly is happy until she spots Tommy.  She is joined by Aisha and Rocky.  Adam and Billy race over to Tommy and help him up.  Billy thinks they need to contact Zordon.  Rocky agrees.  Maybe he can tells us who that lizard dude was.  Kimberly also wants to know why he seems to be after Tommy. 

 In the Command Center, Alpha 5 has been watching the park through the viewing globe.  Alpha 5 informs Zordon that the wizard had disappeared as quickly as he appeared.  Zordon replies, that it's not over yet.  Unfortunately, all we can do is wait.  Alpha 5 hates waiting. 

The Wizard of Deception reappears in another area of Angel Grove.  He tosses the lock of Tommy's hair onto the ground.  The Wizard of Deception uses his wand and casts a spell on the lock of hair.  Soon another Tommy appears.  The Wizard of Deception welcomes him to his new reality.  From now on you're Tommy, keeper of the evil Green Ranger's powers.  You shall follow all of my commands.  Clone Tommy gets up and stands.  He tells the Wizard of Deception, he is here to serve him.  The Wizard of Deception tells him what he wants him to do.

Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, and Tommy wait as Billy walks up.  Billy tells them according to Zordon, the wizard has the ability to create an illusion that than becomes reality.  Aisha asks, like a nightmare that becomes true?  Billy replies, exactly.  Kimberly notices that Tommy is not looking so well and asks him if he is okay?  Tommy replies that he is okay, just has a headache.  Rocky is confident that if they all stay alert they can beat him.  Aisha hopes Rocky is right.  Adam wants to know what their next move is.  Billy replies that Zordon had said there is nothing they can really do right now.  Billy suggests they just go on with their day.  Tommy reminds them to keep an eye on their communicators at all times. 














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