Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I - Page Four
Adam, Rocky, and Billy hurry away.
In the Command Center, Alpha 5 informs Zordon that the Rangers are on their way. Zordon warns Alpha 5 that they must be careful. This wizard has the power to create illusions that become reality. Alpha 5 becomes worried - this is terrible!
Aisha, Kimberly, Billy, Adam, and Rocky arrive at the park. Several of Zedd's Putties head their way. Kimberly battles a few on her own. Even throwing one into the fence. Tommy is still battling his batch of Zedd's Putties. Billy leaps into the fight and battles a couple of Zedd's Putties. Rocky fights yet even more Zedd's Putties. Aisha battles two Zedd's Putties on her own. Tommy is grabbed by two of Zedd's Putties as the rest of his friends continue to battle the rest of Zedd's Putties. Adam battles another batch of Zedd's Putties until he has defeated them. Two of Zedd's Putties still have a hold of Tommy when the Wizard of Deception appears. The Wizard of Deception uses his wand to knock Tommy out. The Putties knock Tommy to the ground and hold him there.
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