Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I - Page Two

Ghost of Darkness heard about the wedding.  Ghost of Darkness asks what he can do for her, my evil child?  Rita replies, that Zedd has come up with a ridiculous plan to get rid of the Power brats by sending them back in time.  Ghost of Darkness tells her that the Wizard of Deception can carry that out.  But as long as the White Ranger leads them, you can never get rid of them completely.  Rita agrees, my point exactly!  Send the Rangers back in time, send them anywhere, but they always have White Ranger to lead them back.  Ghost of Darkness tells her to destroy the White Ranger.  Rita gets excited.  At last, someone as intelligent as I am!  How do we do it?!  Ghost of Darkness replies, the White Ranger is quick thinking, wise, and strong.  He can only be defeated by another such as he.  The Wizard of Deception will get rid of the others and create the being that will finally destroy the White Ranger.  The Wizard of Deception is sent down to Angel Grove in blaze of fire.

The Wizard of Deception lands safely among some large bushes.  The Wizard of Deception declares, Surprised Zordon?!  I'm back!

Rita thanks the Ghost of Darkness.  Lord Zedd is going to love this!

Bulk and Skull are walking.  Bulk tells Skull, he has an idea.  From now on, we go to school every day and we try to get an education.  Skull laughs.  Suddenly they see the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception instructs them to look into his eyes and he quickly places them under a spell.  You'll do as I command.  Bulk and Skull reply, yes master.  The Wizard of Deception gives them their orders.  You shall go and seek a human named Tommy and bring me a sample of his hair.  So I may grow another of his image and strength.  The Wizard of Deception holds out a pair of scissors.  Bulk takes the scissors.  Skull makes a pair of scissors using his fingers.  The Wizard of Deception tells them to go, but Bulk and Skull simply stand there, repeating yes master.  Frustrated, the Wizard of Deception uses his wand and casts a spell on Bulk and Skull's feet.  Bulk and Skull quickly turn around and start walking away.  The Wizard of Deception shakes his head, humans.

Finster is working on some potions when Rita Repulsa comes in to see him.  Rita tells Finster, the Wizard of Deception is going to create another Tommy!  Rita is thrilled and laughs hysterically.  Finster thinks that's a brilliant idea.  Rita continues, with our own little Tommy, I can create the evil Green Ranger and beat those power brats once and for all!  Rita laughs again.

Tommy and Kimberly are holding hands and walking together.  Tommy asks Kimberly what's she up to this weekend?  Kimberly replies, the weather is so nice outside, I might sit outside and read a book.  Kimberly asks Tommy if he wants to join her, and he replies yes.  They walk over to a bench and sit together, facing each other.  Bulk and Skull are close by and they quickly spot Tommy.  Tommy asks Kimberly if she wants to catch a movie later, but Kimberly had already made plans with Aisha to go to the mall.  Kimberly asks Tommy if he would like to join them?  Kimberly spots Skull and Bulk crawling on their knees, behind their bench.  Kimberly speaks to the guys and the guys stand up on their knees. 














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