Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I - Page Six

Tommy walks over to Kimberly and tells her he is going to skip out on the mall today.  Tommy tells his friends he is going to go home and take care of this headache.  Kimberly suggests aspirin.  Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, and Billy watch Tommy walk away. 

Distracted by the pain in his head, Tommy doesn't notice Clone Tommy hiding in the shrubs.   Clone Tommy grins as he watches Tommy pass and his friends call out farewells. 

Meanwhile, Lord Zedd is happy that everything is going so well.  Perhaps I underestimated Rita.  Lord Zedd contacts the Wizard of Deception.  The Wizard of Deception tells him, to proceed with the plan, they need to make sure the rest of the Rangers are out of our way.  Lord Zedd remarks, that's easier said than done.  The Wizard of Deception reassures Lord Zedd that the Rangers are going far, very far indeed.  Lord Zedd is thrilled.  He tells Goldar that joining with Rita has made them unstoppable.  Squatt and Baboo are hiding and listening to the conversation.  Baboo tells Squatt, this marriage might work out after all. 

In Angel Grove, Clone Tommy walks along the same path Tommy had taken earlier.   

Clone Tommy finds a bench and sits down.  He uses his communicator to contact the Rangers.  Billy responds, and asks what's up?  Tommy replies that something has come up.  Meet me at the Angel Grove city limit's sign at the outskirts of town, right away.  See you there.  Billy replies you got it Tommy.  Clone Tommy grins.  Within a few moments, Clone Tommy waits beneath the city limit's sign.  Billy, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, and Kimberly come running up to him.  Clone Tommy quickly stands up and faces them.  Kimberly asks him, what's going on?  Clone Tommy replies, that he's not too sure.  Zordon had told him they should all meet here.  Billy is ready to contact Zordon to see what's happening.  Clone Tommy quickly tells him no.  Look, Zordon gave us our orders, right?  Adam agrees.  Zordon must have a reason.  Suddenly they all hear the sound of the Wizard of Deception laughing.  He is in a tree above them.  Adam is ready to morph, but Clone Tommy stops him.  Billy starts to question Clone Tommy.  Clone Tommy tells them, they are way too late.  Billy, Aisha, Kimberly, Rocky, and Adam realize something is wrong.  Kimberly pleads with Clone Tommy, no.  Clone Tommy simply smiles and  walks away as Kimberly asks him, what's going on?  Rocky replies, he's turning on us, that's what.  The Wizard of Deception uses his wand to cast another spell.  Rocky, Adam, Billy, Aisha, and Kimberly feel the effects of the spell and cling to the city limit's sign.  

The teens arrive in a strange place. 














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