Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I

February 20, 1995

Written by:  Shuki Levy

Directed by:  Shuki Levy

At Angel Grove High School, Miss Appleby is giving her class an assignment.  What period in history would you have liked to lived?  These are the subjects for your assignment.  The bell rings.  Miss Appleby tells her class to enjoy their three day weekend.  Miss Appleby erases her chalkboard as the students leave her class.

The students head outside.  Bulk and Skull are not happy about having an assignment on a three day weekend.  Aisha and Kimberly walk together towards a table discussing the assignment.  Kimberly would definitely go back to last year, when the Galleria was having a huge sale, and she was out sick with the flu.  Aisha laughs and tells Kimberly, I think we are suppose to go back a little farther in time.  Adam and Billy are already sitting at the table when Aisha and Kimberly join them.  Tommy and Rocky walk up.  They are also discussing the assignment.  Rocky thinks he would like to be in Viking times.  Tommy would have liked to lived in the times of King Arthur.

Lord Zedd has been watching the teens.  Goldar is with him.  Lord Zedd declares if he could, he would send them all back in time.  Then they would be out of my way forever!  Goldar asks him, didn't the Ghost of Darkness conquered up some wizard once that had those special powers, my Lord?  Lord Zedd agrees, but the ghost is Rita's creation.  She's been so touchy lately, I don't know if she would cooperated.  Goldar suggests Lord Zedd order Rita to talk to him.  Lord Zedd calls Goldar a fool.  You know Rita, that won't work!  Goldar bows before Lord Zedd, claiming he forgot.  Lord Zedd continues, if you want something nice from Rita, you have to ask nicely.  Lord Zedd sends Goldar to deliver his request with his warmest regards.  Goldar starts to leave.  Lord Zedd adds one more thing, remind Rita that no wife of mine, shall ever be allowed to fail me!  Lord Zedd wonders why he married Rita.  Goldar comments, good question.  Lord Zedd becomes outrage.  Goldar decides to take a different tack and suggest they could send the Rangers back in time.  Lord Zedd becomes furious - I already said that!  Now go!  Goldar leaves.  Lord Zedd is confident that the Power Rangers will become nothing more than a faded memory.  I will finally control the world.  Lord Zedd laughs.

Bulk and Skull are playing thumb war, but are within hearing distance of Aisha, Adam, Billy, Tommy, Rocky, and Kimberly's table.  Rocky asks Billy what period of time would you have liked to live in?  Billy replies, that's an easy one.  Back in the 30's with Albert Einstein.  Of course, I would have to be his assistant.  Everyone chuckles.  Adam confesses this assignment is a tough one for him.  Aisha tries to encourage him, there's got to be some period of time you would be interested in.  Adam tells them maybe the renaissance, everything seem romantic.  The guys laugh, but the girls think it is sweet.  Bulk asks Skull if he heard that?  That makes me sick.  Skull replies, romantic.  Get a load of that geek. Bulk suggests they leave.  Bulk and Skull walk away.  Back at the table, Kimberly goes over her homework assignments.  She's got her math and history done, that just leaves English.

Rita Repulsa kneels before the altar of the Ghost of Darkness.  Rita Repulsa tells him, that Lord Zedd has sent her. 














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