Billy Cranston - The Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger

Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Jason, Tommy, and Zack prepare for the motor rally.  Bulk & Skull stop by and tell them that they will be eating their dust.  Kimberly reminds them that the motor rally is for a charity.  Mr. Caplan is in charge of the rally and walks around as everyone gets ready.  Billy has a map and call his friends over to look it over before the start of the race.  Soon, Mr. Caplan starts the race.  Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Tommy, Zack, and Jason are all enjoying themselves as they raced along with the other participants.  During the race, Jason thinks he hears something and signals to his friends to pull over.  They all pull over to the side of the path and Jason takes a careful look in the sky.  Jason is uneasy and his friends decide to keep a closer eye on things.  They return to the race.  After awhile, Jason's communicator goes off.  Jason tells Alpha to hang on.  I'll round up the others.  They pull off the main track, get off their bikes and gather together.  Jason states, we read you Zordon.  Zordon tells them to teleport to the Command Center immediately.  This is an emergency.  Jason responds, we're on our way.  Trini asks, what do you think it could be?  Jason doesn't know.  He asks Tommy if they are clear and Tommy replies, clear.  The teens teleport.  The teens arrive in the Command Center and Alpha 5 is still in a panic.  Jason asks Zordon, what's going on?  Zack asks, what's the emergency?  Zordon replies, the thing I feared most has happened.  Lord Zedd has returned.    Billy asks, who's Lord Zedd?  Zordon answers, Rita's and her minions, lord and master.  Kimberly is surprised.  You mean there is somebody worse than Rita.  Zordon replies, I'm afraid so.  Lord Zedd has been ruling over darker places within another galaxy.  Eons ago, he left Rita in charge to carry out his orders.  Since she has failed to do so...Trini finishes, he's come back to finish the job.  Tommy asks, will we be able to defeat him?  Zordon doesn't know.  I'm afraid your zords might not be powerful enough to defeat Lord Zedd's magic.  Alpha 5 adds, Lord Zedd's magic is unmatched by anything we have seen before.  The teens are worried.   Moments later, Alpha 5 shouts, Rangers!  Come quick!  Jason asks, what is it?  Alpha 5 points to the viewing globe, look!  The viewing globe shows images of Bulk and Skull surrounded by Zedd's Putties.  Kimberly notes, they don't look like your normal run of the mill Putties.  Zordon informs them, they are Lord Zedd's new army of Putties.  I'm afraid they will be significantly more difficult to defeat.  Zack bets this attack was meant for us.  Trini adds, we got to get there before they hurt Bulk and Skull.  The teens morph and teleport out.   The Rangers arrive.  Bulk and Skull hide.  Bulk and Skull are very excited to see the Power Rangers and Skull shouts, we're saved!  They both shout, we love you!  The Rangers fight Zedd's Putties.  It's a difficult battle as Zedd's Putties are very strong.  Red Ranger encourages the team to find their weak spot.  Bulk tells Skull, I bet you those grey guys are the reason Jason and the other geeks took off.  Skull agrees.  Yeah, they chickened out!  The fight begins to take it's toll and Black Ranger doesn't know if he can last much longer.  Green Ranger is also starting to feel weak.  Red Ranger punches one of Zedd's Putties on it's Z chest and it shatters into pieces.  Red Ranger tells his team, aim directly for the Z.  The Rangers battle Zedd's Putties and as soon as they can, they hit the Z on their chest.  Eventually Zedd's Putties are destroyed.  The Rangers check on Bulk and Skull.  Red Ranger asks them if they are okay?  Bulk and Skull give a thumbs up.  The Rangers teleport back to the Command Center.  Jason tells Zordon he was right.  Those Putties were really strong.  Billy adds, way more than we anticipated.  Tommy tells Zordon, my powers failed me.  If it wasn't for Jason.  Zordon tells them they were lucky to find to find their weak spot so quickly.  Apparently the Z on their chest is the source of their power.  Trini states, I'm sure Lord Zedd wasn't counting on us discovering it so soon.  Kimberly wonders what he's got in store for them next.  Zack has got a feeling it ain't' Pudgy Pig.   After awhile, the alarms go off and Alpha 5 goes into a panic.  Trini asks, what is that?  Zordon answers, Lord Zedd has created a monster from a fish out of the rampoon river.  My sensors tell me it was a piranha, called Pirantishead.  Zack asks, as in man eating?  Zordon replies, I'm afraid so.  This monster has been sent to find you in Angel Grove.  Tommy.  You must stay behind temporarily while the others morph.  Tommy is very disappointed.  Zordon continues, Alpha and I will try to reenergize your powers to make them stronger.  Tommy tries to be encouraging.  Alright guys, I'll be there as soon as I can.  Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Jason, and Zack morph and teleport out.   The five Rangers arrive in the city.  Pirantishead is standing on top of a building and laughs as he spots the Rangers.  He taunts them, watch this Power Rangers!  Pirantishead puts a fish flute to his mouth and blows on it.  The icy air causes several explosions in the city.  The five Rangers try to stay out of the way of the falling debris.  Pirantishead shouts at them to give up!  You'll never defeat Lord Zedd!  Red Ranger shouts back, that remains to be seen fish face!  The five Rangers summon their zords.  Pirantishead states, I'm afraid this time you're going to be left out in the cold.  Using his fish weapons, Pirantishead freezes the zords.  Red Ranger can't believe it.  Oh man, he froze the zords.  We're history!

Red Ranger tells them they are not beat yet.   Let's do it!  The Rangers summon Tyrannosaurus.  Tyrannosaurus quickly arrives.  Pirantishead gloats, watch this, as he blows on his fish flute.  The icy breath put Tyrannosaurus under Pirantishead's control.  Tyrannosaurus immediately knocks Blue Ranger and the rest of the Rangers off their feet.  Red Ranger shouts, hey!  What's going on?!  Tyrannosaurus charges towards them.  Red Ranger concludes Tyrannosaurus has turned on them.  Our only hope now is Tommy and his Dragonzord.  Soon, Green Ranger arrives and the rest of the Rangers are glad to see him.  Black Ranger informs Green Ranger that fish face froze our zords and turned Tyrannosaurus against us.  Green Ranger uses the Dragon Dagger to call Dragonzord to protect them.  Dragonzord arrives and fights Tyrannosaurus.  Tyrannosaurus head butts Dragonzord.  Dragonzord tries to strike Tyrannosaurus with it's tail, but misses.  Tyrannosaurus swings it's tail and strikes Dragonzord several times.  Dragonzord strikes Tyrannosaurs with it's tail.  Pirantishead shouts, hey you two!  It's not nice to fight each other.  Pirantishead uses his fish flute once more and fires the icy blast towards Dragonzord.  The blast hits Dragonzord and it immediately turns against the Rangers.  Pink Ranger asks, what are we going to do?  Dragonzord swings it's tail towards the Rangers and strikes them.  The Rangers are knocked off their feet and hit the pavement.  Red Ranger exclaims, this can't be happening!  Pirantishead is having fun as he tells the Rangers, their own zords will finish them off.  Red Ranger can't believe Pirantishead has turned the zords against them.  Dragonzord prepares to fire it's missiles at the Rangers.  Tyrannosaurus goes into a threatening pose.  Dragonzord begins to wreck  Angel Grove.  Dragonzord tries to strike the Rangers with it's tail.  Black Ranger calls out a warning.  The ground shakes with the destruction Dragonzord and Tyrannosaurus are causing.  Green Ranger comes up with the idea to distract Dragonzord long enough for the rest of the Rangers to regain control.  Green Ranger plays his Dragon Dagger.  The rest of the Rangers leap up to the top of a building.  They hurry across to where they can see Dragonzord.  Before they can get any plan in action, Dragonzord fires it's missiles at the Rangers.  The five Rangers are knocked off their feet and fall off the building.  They hit the pavement hard.  Red Ranger tells Green Ranger, it's not going to work.  Let's regroup!  Green Ranger agrees.  Red Ranger calls out a warning as Dragonzord tries to strike them with it's tail.  Red Ranger suggests they get back to the Command Center.  Maybe Zordon will have an answer.  At the Command Center, Jason tells Zordon they lost their zords.  Zack adds, that's it.  We're history.  Trini adds, I can't believe this is how it ends.  Kimberly asks, isn't there anything we can do?  Zordon replies, I'm afraid nothing we can do will ever give the zords enough power.  You now need stronger new zords equipped with the power of thunder to defeat Lord Zedd.  Tommy asks, new zords?  Billy repeats power of thunder?  What do you mean Zordon?  Alpha 5 has the Rangers follow him out of the Command Center.  In the sky their new zords appear.  Zordon tells Jason he will control the Red Dragon Thunderzord.  It's power is fierce and true.  Trini, yours will be the Griffin Thunderzord.  Swift and accurate.  Zack the Lion Thunderzord will have courage and strength.  Billy your Unicorn Thunderzord has mystic logical power and wisdom.  Kimberly the Firebird Thunderzord shall be yours.  Powerful and agile.  When joined together they form the Thunder Megazord.  Jason is impressed.  These new zords are amazing.  Zack is feeling confident.  Lord Zedd is in for it now.  Kimberly glances over at Tommy and notices his expression.  Kimberly asks, what about Tommy?  Alpha 5 answers, it's not yet known whether or not Tommy's powers will remain.  Tommy tells them, it's alright guys.  We knew this might happen.  I just wish there was something I could do about it.  Trini asks, when do we take control of the new zords?    Alpha 5 replies, you have to regain control of the old zords first.  Jason comments, looks like we got our work cut out for us guys.  Inside the Command Center, the teens are stressed and trying to come up with a plan.  Zack comments, I keep trying but I can't think of anything to do.  Kimberly, sitting next to Zack,  adds, we've got to come up with something. She gets up and walks over to Jason.  Jason, what can we do?  Jason doesn't know.  But we can't let Lord Zedd remain in control of our zords.  Trini walks over to Alpha 5 and asks if the computer has come up with a solution?  Alpha 5 replies, only some abstract statistics that I must analyze more thoroughly.  Billy volunteers to help Alpha.  Zack gives Tommy a small pat as he walks by.  Tommy comments, there's got to be a way.  Zack throws up his arm in frustration.  After a few moments, Billy comments, I think I got something here.  Trini asks what is it?  Billy replies, by my calculations if we build a device that will interfere with Lord Zedd's signal, we should be able to release the zords.  Jason comments, like reprogramming it.  Billy agrees.  I think I have all the available equipment back at my lab.  Zordon tells Alpha 5 and Billy, good work.  We have no time to lose.  Lord Zedd and his monster must be stopped.  Trini volunteers to go back to the lab with Billy.  Maybe I can help.  Billy thanks her.  Billy and Trini teleport out.  At Billy's lab, Billy asks Trini if the wire tips are stripped?  Trini replies, yeah.  Here it is.  Billy examines the piece and compliments Trini.  Trini replies, you know what they say, two heads are better than one.  Billy gives a small nod in agreement and gets back to work.  At the Command Center, the viewing globe shows images of Pirantishead.  This upsets Jason, Zack, Tommy, and Kimberly.  Zack tells Zordon, we've got to do something.  Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to contact Billy and Trini.  Alpha 5 replies, right away Zordon.  Once contact is made, Zordon asks them if they have finished making the device?   Billy answers, we're still working on it.  Trini adds, we're hoping to get it done soon.  Alpha 5 tells them, hurry, we need it. 

After awhile, Alpha 5 contacts Billy again to see if his signal blocker is ready.  Billy replies, negative.  We're still working on it.  Zordon tells Billy that the situation has become critical and you must hurry.  Billy responds, we should be done with it soon Zordon.  Trini agrees.  Soon, Billy and Trini finished the signal blocker.  Billy notes, it's a little rushed, but I think it will work.  They morph and take it to the rest of the Rangers.  Blue Ranger and Yellow Ranger arrive and race towards the rest of the Rangers.  Yellow Ranger excitedly announces that they have the signal blocker.  The rest of the Rangers are excited to see them.  Blue Ranger tells the rest to keep their fingers crossed as he starts the device.  Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord are still attacking.  Blue Ranger doesn't understand.  What's the matter with this thing?!  Red Ranger asks, what's going on?  The Rangers nervously back up as Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord heads towards them.  Tyrannosaurus attempts to stomp on them, but the Rangers leap out of the way.  Blue Ranger tries the device again, but it doesn't work.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers he doesn't understand what went wrong.  Pirantishead gloats as he tells the Rangers, prepare to meet your end.  Pirantishead uses his fish flute.  Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord are hit once more.  Red Ranger notes, we have to buy some time.  Red Ranger calls for the Power Blaster.  The Rangers assembled the Power Blaster.  They act like they are going to attack the zords, but instead they attack Pirantishead.  Pirantishead is hit hard.  Red Ranger tells Blue Ranger to fix the signal blocker.  Pirantishead threatens them, it's not over with yet.  Blue Ranger can't believe it.  I put the battery in upside down.  Green Ranger jokes, our genius!  Blue Ranger switches the battery and tells Green Ranger, let's take back our zords.  Blue Ranger activates the signal blocker just as Tyrannosaurs and Dragonzord are about to stomp on them.  The signal blocker works and the zords are under the Rangers' control again.  Suddenly, the ground shakes beneath the Rangers' feet.  Blue Ranger and the rest of the Rangers roll out of danger's way.  The ground beneath the zords opens up and they sink below.  The Rangers are very distressed.  The Rangers gather together.  Pink Ranger asks, what are we going to do?  Red Ranger replies, we have to stick together.  Red Ranger tells Green Ranger to be quick.  Lord Zedd hasn't gotten to Dragonzord yet.  Green Ranger uses his Dragon Dagger to send Dragonzord back to the sea where he will be safe.  Red Ranger tells Green Ranger, he had to do it.  Green Ranger agrees.  There's no way I'll let Zedd get him too.  Within moments, Pirantishead catches the grow bomb.  Red Ranger notes, I think our problems are about to get bigger.  Pirantishead grows to giant size.  Red Ranger states, without our zords, we don't stand a chance.  Retreat to the Command Center.  Jason tells Zordon, it's terrible.  Seeing the zords sink down into the earth like that.  Trini adds, everything we worked for is gone.  Zordon responds, not quite Trini.  Alpha managed to save enough of your old zords to create the new zords.  Alpha becomes modest as he responds, it was nothing.  Alpha 5 is very excited to tell the teens they can now call their new zords.  Zordon adds, zords with unbelievable power.  The alarms go off.  Alpha 5 states, it's another attack.  Zordon tells the teens, you must face Pirantishead again.  Call for the new zords when you need them and they will come.  Tommy, your powers are too weak to support a new zord.  I'm sorry.  Trying to make the situation better, Alpha 5 adds, he can still morph.  He just can't power a zord.  We'll keep trying to find a way to regenerate Tommy's powers.  But right now you got to save Angel Grove and the world.  Alpha 5 presses a button and tells the teens, your zords are now activated.  Jason asks Tommy if he is going to be okay?  Tommy replies, yeah, go on.  Give them one for me.  Jason exclaims back to action as the teens morph and teleport out.  Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger call their new Thunderzords.   Unicorn and the rest of the Thunderzords arrive. The zords form the Thunder Megazord.  Pirantishead charges towards Thunder Megazord.  Thunder Megazord charges up it's thunder saber.  Pirantishead plays it's fish flutes.  But it does nothing.  Pirantishead tosses one of it's fish flutes towards Thunder Megazord.  Thunder Megazord is hit hard.  Red Ranger instructs the team to hang tough.  Pirantishead taunts them.  Is that the best you can do?!  Pirantishead strikes Thunder Megazord with it's fish flute once more.  Thunder Megazord takes several steps back.  Pirantishead tells them they are finished.  Red Ranger shouts to his team, let's can this thing!  Thunder Megazord knocks Pirantishead off it's feet.  Pirantishead tosses it's fish flute away and tells the Rangers he is going to tear them apart with his bare fists.  Pirantishead gets back up on it's feet.  Thunder Megazord strikes Pirantishead with it's saber and destroys it.  The teens return to the Command Center.  Zordon congratulates the teens on a impressive new beginning.  Alpha 5 adds, the new zords will serve you well.  Zordon continues, once mastered, your zords will reveal even greater powers.  Kimberly asks, what about Tommy?  Will Dragonzord be able to go through another fight?  Zordon replies, the Dragonzord must now converse what energy it has left.  Just as Tommy's power periodically fail him, so it shall be with the Dragonzord.  Tommy responds, hey no sweat.  Well, it was nice while it lasted.  Jason responds, man what are you talking about?  You know you're always going to be one of us.  Zack adds, that's right.  You got us through some tough times.  Trini agrees, and we're not going to forget that.  Billy adds, hey, there still may be a way.  Anything's possible, right?  Tommy thanks them and adds, there's just one thing I'm wondering about.  Kimberly asks, what's that?  Tommy asks, what ever happened to Rita?  Alpha 5 responds, right this way and we'll find out as he leads them towards the viewing globe.  On the viewing globe is images of Rita, inside her dumpster, singing.  Everyone laughs and Zordon even sings along to the song.  Soon, Alpha 5 notes the sensors indicate that something is not quite right.  The viewing globe shows images of Bulk and Skull still on out of control 4-wheelers.  Alpha 5 tells the teens, your friends from school are still under the spell of Pirantishead's magic.  If we don't do something, they'll continue to ride out of control forever.  The teens laugh.  Trini points out that they can't just leave them like that.  Billy adds, we better help them.  Perhaps my device can turn the 4-wheelers back to normal.  Trini is ready, let's do it.  The teens arrive a short distance away from Bulk and Skull.  Billy and Trini hurry over to the signal blocker and use it on the 4-wheelers to break the spell.  Bulk and Skull crash into each other backwards.  They get off the 4-wheelers and spin around several times before falling onto the dirt.  Billy and Trini high five each other.  Billy and Trini hurry back to their friends.  Jason tells Tommy and Kimberly they should check on Bulk and Skull.  The rest of us will go back and get the bikes.  Kimberly and Tommy hurry over to Bulk and Skull as Billy and the rest get the 4-wheelers.  Soon Billy, Trini, Jason, and Zack arrive with the 4-wheelers.  Kimberly, Tommy, Bulk and Skull walk over to them.  Zack thinks it's time to get back to the marathon.  Trini tells Bulk and Skull they will have to double up.  Skull threatens, these 4-wheelers better not go backwards.  Bulk responds, you are backwards.  Kimberly gives Tommy his helmet and tells him she's driving.  They all ride off together and soon spot the finish line.  Mr. Caplan announces, here they come ladies and gentlemen.  They are entering the home stretch.  The teens bring up the rear of the race.  The crowd cheers them on as well as they cross the finish line.

Billy, Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Tommy are playing basketball.  Kimberly's back is turned when Zack walks up in a monkey outfit and scares her.  Zack has just return from his little cousins' birthday party.  Jason tells Zack to take off his monkey suit and join them in their game of basketball.  Zack takes off the ape costume and joins them.  Zordon contacts Billy and his friends and tells them to come to the Command Center. Jason tells his friends, there's trouble, let's go.  Jason tosses the basketball aside.  Billy and his friends teleport out. Billy and his friends arrive at the Command Center and Trini assumes that Lord Zedd has launched another attack.  Instead, Zordon tells Billy and his friends due to the planets alignment, he must de-ionize.  After Zordon de-ionizes, Billy and his friends are aware that they must stay extra aware and tell Alpha 5 to contact them the moment Lord Zedd does something.  Billy and his friends teleport out. 

The Mutiny, Part I





The Mutiny, Part II







The Mutiny, Part III


The Wanna-Be Ranger



Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven
Page Eight
Page Nine
Page Ten
Page Eleven
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen
Page Sixteen
Page Seventeen
Page Eighteen
Page Nineteen
Page Twenty
Page Twenty-One
Page Twenty-Two
Page Twenty-Three
Page Twenty-Four
Page Twenty-Five
Page Twenty-Six
Page Twenty-Seven
Page Twenty-Eight
Page Twenty-Nine
Page Thirty
Page Thirty-One
Page Thirty-Two
Page Thirty-Three
Page Thirty-Four
Page Thirty-Five
Page Thirty-Six
Young Billy