Page Twenty-Six

Adam asks Billy where he would keep his prisms, but Billy has no idea.  Billy and Adam search the lab.  Eventually they find the prisms in a case.  Adam takes one and tells Billy to take one as well.  Billy and Adam teleport to the fields outside of town.  Billy and Adam have the prisms and hold them up.  Scatterbrain hits the two with his beams.  Now Adam had no memory of who he is or what is going on.  Yellow Ranger and Red Ranger race up to Billy and Adam.  Before they can take the prisms, they are hit as well.  The two Rangers are demorph and have no memories.  Kimberly and Tommy wonder over to the four teens.  Kimberly asks them why they change their clothes?  The teens are in a state of confusion.  After awhile, their memories are restored, and they are morphed.  It is due to Bulk and Skull having a showdown with Scatterbrain.  Blue Ranger and the rest of the Rangers race over to where Bulk and Skull landed after being hit.  Bulk and Skull have lost their most recent memory.  They think the Power Rangers save them.  The Rangers tell them they were the ones to save them.  Scatterbrain grows to giant size.  Blue Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and form Thunder Megazord.  The Rangers battle and destroy Scatterbrain with their Thunder Megazord.

Billy and Rocky are sitting at a table together at the Youth Center.  They are studying.  Billy: "So its the expediential difference between this number and that number."  Rocky:  "That would be 10 to the 26th power times X square."  Billy:  "Exactly.  This study session has been extremely productive.  You know, we should have no problems acing the advance math test."  Rocky:  "And I've got plenty of time before my karate student shows up."  Ernie:  "Hey guys, check out my new...pachinko machine!" Rocky:  "A what machine?"  Billy and Rocky got up and walked towards Ernie.  Billy:  "A pachinko machine.  It's really popular in Asia.  See you activate this handle and you can watch the ball bearings chart an unplanned trajectory course through the game area."  Ernie:  "Yeah, the idea is to get more ball, so you can keep playing.  Try it."  Rocky did.  Rocky:  "This is too fun!"  Ernie went back to work and Billy went back to studying.  Rocky stayed at the pachinko machine and continued to play.  Billy:  "Rocky!  We really need to hit the books again."  Rocky:  "Alright, just let me finish this game."  Rocky went back to the game and showed no sign of quitting.  Billy:  "Rocky, come on!"  Rocky:  "No way!  I'm having too much fun!"  Billy continued to study as Rocky continued to play on the pachinko machine.  Rocky:  "Yeah!"  Rocky laughed amused at the game.  Rocky:  "Yeah!  Yeah!  I win again!  Yes!  Come on!  Come on!  Come on!  Alright!  Alright!  Yeah!  I win again!  Yes!  Yes!"  Ernie stopped by Billy's table.  Ernie gave Billy a look of concern about Rocky.  Billy got up and walked over to Rocky.  Billy:  "Rocky, I really think we need to get back to our math."  Rocky:  "Well go study then Brainiac, I'm having fun."  Billy went back to his table.  Rocky was totally engrossed in the pachinko machine.  Rocky:  "Yeah!  Come on!  Come on!  Yes!  Alright!"  Kayla, Rocky's student, went up to Rocky.  Rocky was suppose to help her study for her next belt, but Rocky blew Kayla off.  Kayla stopped by Billy's table and asked him what was wrong with Rocky?  Billy didn't know.  Billy gathered his books and left the Youth Center.  Billy ran up to the park.  Aisha, Kimberly, Adam, and Tommy were tossing a Frisbee around when Billy found them.  Billy went running towards them.  Aisha asked Billy what was up?  Billy told them there was a problem.  Kimberly thought it was Lord Zedd, but Billy told them it was Rocky.  Rocky had become obsessed with Ernie's pachinko machine.  The friends walked together.  Adam suggested they go to the Youth Center and talk to Rocky.  They all agreed.  Suddenly several Putties arrived.  Billy and the rest battled the Putties.  In the midst of the battle, Aisha contacted Zordon and let him know about the attack in the park.  Eventually Rocky showed up.  Instead of helping them, Rocky played on the playground equipment.  Billy and the rest continued with their battle until the Putties were destroyed.  But it was not over.  Pachinko Head appeared in the park.  Billy and the rest morphed.  Red Ranger did not help.  Red Ranger ran around acting silly and applauding Pachinko Head.  Before Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Pink Ranger could battle, Pachinko Head turned them into giant pachinko balls.  Soon after Black Ranger and Red Ranger were also turned into giant pachinko balls.  Later, Billy, Kimberly, Adam, and Aisha were turned back to normal.  They were in the Command Center.  Alpha 5 had worked hard to break Lord Zedd's spell.  Alpha 5 had already broke the spell for Rocky and Rocky had left.  Zordon filled them in.  White Ranger had been battling Pachinko Head and during the battle, White Tiger Zord Warrior Mode got hurt.  Red Ranger had been sent in, but he needed help.  Billy, Adam, Aisha, and Kimberly morphed.  Blue Ranger and the rest joined Red Ranger in the battle.  The zords were summon and Thunder Megazord formed.  The five Rangers destroyed Pachinko Head.  Serpentera had landed in Angel Grove.  The Rangers battled Serpentera.  Serpentera knocked Thunder Megazord to the ground.  Tor arrived to help.  Serpentera was squashing Tor, when he suddenly stopped.  Serpentera had only enough energy to retreat, which Lord Zedd and Goldar choose to do.  After the battle, Billy returned to the Youth Center.  He was studying once more and Aisha was with him.  Rocky entered and walked up to their table.  Billy and Aisha asked Rocky to join them.  Rocky told them he would, but first he had to help Kayla with her practice.  Billy and Aisha couldn't resist teasing Rocky and asking him if he didn't just want to have fun?  Rocky told them he had learned his lesson.  Kayla came running in, eager to begin practice.  Rocky and Kayla headed towards the mats.  The pachinko machine returned to the counter.  Ernie called out to Rocky and asked him if he wanted to play?  Billy and Aisha exchanged concern looks.  Rocky told him no, he had better things to do.  Billy and Aisha grinned at each other in relief.

Aisha was giving a report in Miss Appleby's class.  Billy, Adam, Rocky, Bulk and Skull are also in the class.  Aisha:  "And television, as we know it, was first introduced at the World Fair fifty years ago in 1939."  Aisha then plays a tape, which has black and white images.  Reporter:  "As early as 1923, David Sarnoff recognized the possibility of developing a television system.  In a historic memoriam, he had this to say.  Quote "I believe that television, which is the technical name for seeing as well as hearing by radio, will come to pass in due course."  The tape ends and Miss Appleby walks up to the front of the class.  Miss Appleby:  "That was a wonderful report Aisha.  Class, can anyone remember from Aisha's report, who is the father of television?  Bulk?"  Bulk:  "Captain Kangaroo."  Miss Appleby:  "No Bulk.  Obviously, you weren't paying attention."  Miss Appleby:  "Adam?"  Adam:  "General David Sarnoff."  Miss Appleby:  "Correct."  Bulk:  "Captain, General, what's the difference?"  Miss Appleby:  "Class, today we learned about the power of television as a communication medium.  Tonight, as you all know, the Power Rangers will be on TV to spread their special message about the power of education.  Tomorrow, in class, we will discuss what they had to say and how it affects you personally."  The bell rings.  Miss Appleby:  "Class dismissed."  Billy and the rest of the class get up and leave.  Adam in pacing in front of his lockers.  Billy, Rocky, and Aisha are there.  Adam:  "Guys, I'm nervous.  I never like being in front of cameras."  Aisha:  "Don't worry Adam.  You'll be morphed and no one will know who you are anyways."  Adam:  "Yeah, I know, but I still don't like cameras."  Rocky: "Ah, come on, this is going to be a blast."  Billy walks up to Adam and places his hand on his shoulder.  Billy:  "Yeah, and if you think about it, it's a great opportunity to reach out to kids and teens all across the world, with a very important and positive message.  Come on."  Billy and his friends left.  After school, Billy and his friends walked through the park.  Kimberly:  "You guys, I'm so excited to be on the Harvey Garvey show."  Tommy:  "Yeah, it's such a cool way to spread our message."  Rocky:  "You know what?"  Rocky told them he kind of like being a super hero.  Billy and the rest laugh.  Suddenly several Putties appeared, along with Goldar.  Billy and his friends morphed.  Blue Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled the Putties.  Eventually the Putties were destroyed.  Red Ranger had landed a flying kick to Goldar.  Goldar was defeated and retreated.  Billy and his friends wonder what the attack was about, but they didn't have too much time to think about it.  Billy and his friends hurried to the set.  Harvey Garvey announced the Power Rangers and the crowd cheered as one by one, the Rangers appeared on the set and struck a pose.  They all sat down and Harvey asked them about the importance of education.  The Rangers explained how their education helps them figured out how to defeat monsters.  Yellow Ranger and Red Ranger encourage Harvey to come from behind his desk.  They then tried to show him some moves, but Harvey fell to the floor.  Harvey was good humored about it.  Later, Harvey would ask White Ranger whatever happened to Green Ranger?  White Ranger requested they move on to the next question.  Alpha 5 contacted them while they were on stage.  There was another monster attack.  Blue Ranger and the rest of the Rangers had to go.  Before they left they told the audience to be cool and stay in school.  The Rangers teleported out.  Billy and the rest teleported to the Command Center.  Zordon directed them to the viewing globe, which showed the monster Showbiz. 

When Is A Ranger Not A Ranger?




Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun









Lights, Camera, Action


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Young Billy