Page Twenty-Eight

Billy contacts Tommy to check in with them.  Billy lets them know what is going on.  The teens are all on alert.  Later, Alpha 5 contacts Billy, Rocky, and Aisha to let them know that Lord Zedd has sent down Cannontop.  Billy, Aisha, and Rocky morph.  They are joined by the rest of the Rangers.  The Rangers face down Cannontop.  The Rangers have a difficult time against Cannontop and they are knocked off their feet.  The Rangers use their Power Blaster against Cannontop and Cannontop is defeated.  Lord Zedd tosses down his grow bomb.  Cannontop catches it and is now giant size.  The Rangers summon their Thunder Zords.   White Ranger summons his White Tiger Zord.  Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode hops on top of White Tiger Zord and they charge towards Cannontop.  Cannontop fires at them.  Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode and White Tiger Zord ran through the flames towards Cannontop.  Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode strikes Cannontop as they pass it.  White Ranger tells Saba it's time for the Thunder Ultrazord.  Saba calls on the power of Tor.  Tor arrives.  Cannontop becomes alarmed and shouts, what's this?!  Tor fires at Cannontop, hitting it several times.  White Ranger calls for White Tiger Warrior Mode.  White Tiger Warrior Mode and Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode face down Cannontop.  The rest of the Thunderzords arrive and Mega Tigerzord is formed.  Mega Tigerzord and Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode face down Cannontop.  Cannontop fires at Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode.  Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode is hit and takes several steps back.  Cannontop fires again, this time at Mega Tigerzord.  Mega Tigerzord walks through the explosions towards Cannontop.  Cannontop taunts Mega Tigerzord and asks, can you hit a moving target, as it charges towards Mega Tigerzord.  Mega Tigerzord powers up.  Firebird Thunderzord flies out and strikes Cannontop, destroying it.  Firebird Thunderzord returns to Mega Tigerzord.  Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode walks over to Mega Tigerzord and they shake hands.  After the battle, the teens return to the Youth Center.  They walk up to the counter.  They need one more scavenger item.  They give the clues to Ernie and he figures out it's the Power Rangers.  Ernie goes back to get a picture he has of them.  Gypsy Abalonia, Bulk and Skull enter.  Gypsy Abalonia tells them the Rangers are near and heads towards the teens.  Ernie comes out with a picture of the Power Rangers.  Bulk and Skull have had enough of Gypsy Abalonia and tell her to look in their eyes as they fire her.  The teens laugh and then race over to the judges' table.  They dump their items.  After a few anxious moments, the teens are declare the winners of the scavenger hunt.

Billy, Adam, and Aisha are at the park.  They are tossing a Frisbee around.  Aisha:  "Alright, Billy, over here!"  Billy:  "Adam!"  Suddenly a space craft came flying over them and they all ducked to the ground.  Once it passed, they got back up again.  Aisha:  "Whoa, nearly gave me a haircut!"  The space craft came back towards them.  Billy:  "Here it comes again!"  Adam:  "Duck!"  The space ship crashes close by. 

Scavenger Hunt





The Great Bookala Escape










Page One
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Page Thirty-Six
Young Billy