Page Twenty
The teens are in the Command Center. Billy is still working on his device, but without any luck. Billy: "I don't understand it Zordon. I've boosted the stimulator output to maximum capacity, but it's not working. They're still frozen." Zordon: "Keep trying Billy. You must find a way to break the flower monster's spell." Not only did Billy, Kimberly, and Tommy need to unfreeze the Rangers, but rescue their new friends, and stop Terror Blossom. Soon, the alarms goes off. The Terror Blossom is heading towards the power plant. Billy, Kimberly, and Tommy know this means they are running out of time. Billy tries again to unfreeze the three Rangers. Slowly the device works and Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger are back. The Rangers immediately leap into action and face off Terror Blossom. Lord Zedd throws down his grow bomb. Terror Blossom catches the grow bomb and throws it on the ground. Terror Blossom becomes giant size. The Rangers call for their zords and the Thunder Megazord is formed. The battle continues with Thunder Megazord and White Tiger Zord. After awhile, Zordon contacts the Rangers. He tells Red Ranger and Black Ranger to finish the battle with Terror Blossom, the rest need to teleport to the cave entrance of the Dimension of Despair. The team splits up. Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and White Ranger arrive at the entrance and start battling the numerous Putties. Blue Ranger and Yellow Ranger manage to get inside the Dimension of Despair. Adam, Rocky, and Aisha are thrilled to see the Power Rangers. Blue Ranger grabs the snake and begins to wrestle with it. Yellow Ranger uses her weapon to free the three teens and Mr. Anderson. Yellow Ranger hurries over to Mr. Anderson and tells the teens to get out. Yellow Ranger tells Mr. Anderson she is going to take him to Jacob and teleports out with him. Blue Ranger continues to wrestle with the snake. Soon Pink Ranger and White Ranger enter the Dimension of Despair with Rocky, Aisha, and Adam. The Rangers tell Adam, Rocky, and Aisha to stand back. Blue Ranger is still wrestling with the snake. White Ranger gets the snake off and Pink Ranger blasts the snake. Blue Ranger is still having trouble and the Rangers have to remove his helmet. Billy feels better until he spots Adam, Rocky, and Aisha staring at him. White Ranger and Pink Ranger reluctantly remove their helmets and three of the Rangers identities are identified to Adam, Rocky, and Aisha. Afterwards, all the teens are gathered together. Adam, Rocky, and Aisha are in the very front. Zordon has had Alpha 5 check into the character of Adam, Rocky, and Aisha and found they are outstanding citizens. Adam, Rocky, and Aisha make a solemn vow not to reveal the identities of the Power Rangers. Afterwards, Billy, Aisha, Kimberly, Adam, Rocky, and Tommy are in the park and go to the picnic table where Mr. Anderson, Bulk and Skull are sitting. Bulk and Skull want to interview Adam, Rocky, Aisha, and Mr. Anderson about their encounter with the Power Rangers, which they all decline. Mr. Anderson tells Bulk and Skull they had done a great job with Jacob and offers them a babysitting job. Bulk and Skull make a quick getaway as the rest of the teens laugh.
The Youth Center is hosting the first annual world teen summit, with Billy as the host. Kimberly and Tommy are inside the Youth Center. There is a lot of activity as everything is being set up. Tommy: "I just can't believe this really is coming together." Kimberly: "I know." Tommy: "Billy is hosting this incredible event." Kimberly: "This is so cool. To have students from all over the world just talking about global events." Ernie had walked in with a statue and placed it on the table where Billy and six delegates sat. Aisha, Adam, and Rocky walked in and headed over to Kimberly and Tommy. They were all very excited. Ernie announced that it was time to begin. Billy stood up and thanked Angel Grove High School's art class for the statue. Billy then introduced the six teen delegates from around the world, Themba (South Africa), Chun Mei (China), Charlie (Australia), Boris (Russia), Pablo (Mexico), and Tamara (Israel), the head chairperson. Tamara thanked everyone and planned to enjoy her time in their beautiful city. Billy told the audience how the six delegates would be talking to teens in Angel Grove, and three would be selected to go to Switzerland with them. The following day, Tommy, Rocky, and Adam take some of the teen delegates out to the park. There they show each other their karate moves. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Rocky, Adam, and Tommy continued to show their karate moves to the delegates.
The Ninja Encounter, Part III
PSA About Pranks
A Monster Of Global Proportions
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Young Billy