Page Thirty-One

Rocky is a volunteer lifeguard and is patrolling the beach when Billy and Aisha came running up to him.  Billy asks Rocky how the volunteer life guarding is going?  Rocky tells him great, but he is worried about Dougie.  Billy and Rocky glance back at Dougie who is sitting on the beach and far from the water.  Rocky tells them Dougie won't go in the water.  Aisha asks why?  Rocky tells them Dougie has got this thing about monsters in the lake.  Billy comments that he knows just how Dougie feels.  There was a time when he wouldn't go swimming himself.  Rocky asks them where are the others?  Aisha answers that Adam, Kimberly, and Tommy went scuba diving.  They plan to come to the beach for lunch.  The kids in the water start screaming as two sharks fins appear in the water.  Billy, Rocky, and Aisha are alerted as they spot the shark fins as well.  Billy and Rocky race over to a wave runner.  Dougie stands up in alarm.  Billy and Rocky hop onto the wave runner and take off.  Dougie runs over to his friend and tells her, see I told you there are monsters.  But it is not monsters - it is Bulk and Skull.  Bulk is not happy to see Billy and Rocky when they pull over.  Bulk refers to them as tweebs and asks them why they always have to mess everything up?  Skull is sure the Power Rangers would have been here any minute.  Rocky tells them this isn't funny.  The lake isn't a place to be fooling around.  Billy adds that they are lucky the Power Rangers didn't catch them.  He doesn't think they would appreciate being called into action if there are no monsters to deal with.  Billy and Rocky can only shake their heads at Bulk and Skull.  Rocky warns them to stay out of trouble.  He's got enough kids to look after.  Billy and Rocky leave on the wave runner.  Billy and Rocky return to the beach.  As they get off the wave runner, Aisha and Dougie come running up to them.  Dougie asks them what happened to the monsters?  Rocky tells him there were no monsters - they were just faking.  Billy remarks, all the excitement has made him work up an appetite.  Billy wonders if the others are done with their scuba diving exhibition?  Rocky goes back to his life guard duties.  After awhile, Rocky asks Steve to cover his post and walks over to Billy and Aisha.  Rocky tells Billy and Aisha they got to go.  Aisha tells Dougie they have a little emergency they have to take care of.  Rocky points out Steve to Dougie and tells him he's going to take care of you.  Dougie tells them bye and they take off.  Billy, Rocky, and Aisha go a little ways from the beach and then stop.  Rocky fills them in on what is happening.  Billy suspects Adam, Kimberly, and Tommy are still scuba diving, otherwise they would be here by now.  Billy, Aisha, and Rocky morph and teleport to the other side of the lake.  Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger land on top of a lookout post.  Red Ranger points out Slippery Shark below them.  Slippery Shark is eager to see them.  Red Ranger tells him he picked the wrong beach to pollute.  Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger leap off the outpost and start battling Slippery Shark.  Blue Ranger lands a kick to Slippery Shark.  Slippery Shark flips him onto his back.  Soon Red Ranger and Yellow Ranger are tossed to the side.  Blue Ranger and Yellow Ranger make sure Red Ranger is okay.  Red Ranger tells them this monster is tougher than he thought.  Slippery Shark taunts them by asking them if they are giving up already?  Slippery Shark laughs.  Red Ranger vows we are not through with you yet.  Goo Fish and Pirantishead land on either side of Slippery Shark.  The three Rangers are not happy to see two more monsters.  The three Rangers race forward and battle Pirantishead, Goo Fish, and Slippery Shark.  Yellow Ranger is battling Goo Fish.  Yellow Ranger is knocked to the ground just as Commander Crayfish comes leaping into the battle.  Another monster, Lord Zedd has sent in.  Commander Crayfish is about to strike Yellow Ranger, when Blue Ranger quickly gets her out of the way.  Blue Ranger tells Yellow Ranger this is looking bad.  Yellow Ranger is worried that if they don't get some help soon, they will be fish food.  After much difficulty, Alpha 5 manages to get a hold of Tommy and lets him know they need his help, as well as Kimberly and Adam.  White Ranger kicks aside Pirantishead as he arrives.  Blue Ranger is taken aback when Pirantishead is knocked to the ground.  But happy when he sees the rest of the Rangers have arrived. Commander Crayfish is not happy to see more Power Rangers. The six Rangers and the four monsters race towards each other.  The Rangers battle the monsters.  The Rangers are doing well against the monsters.  White Ranger has just knocked Pirantishead down when his communicator goes off.  Zordon informs White Ranger on what is going on.  Red Ranger asks White Ranger now what?  They still have these monsters to fight.  White Ranger decides they will split up.  White Ranger sends the rest of the team to save the city, while he stays behind to fight the four monsters.  Pink Ranger asks White Ranger if he is sure?  White Ranger tells them to not worry about him, just get the Thunder Megazord downtown.  Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger summon their Thunderzords and form the Thunder Megazord.  The Thunder Megazord heads into the city and faces off Tube Monster.  Tube Monster greets them by telling them to be prepare to be destroy, along with your city.  The Thunder Megazord and Tube Monster battle.  The Thunder Megazord destroys Tube Monster with the thunder saber.  After the battle, Billy, Rocky, and Aisha return to the lake.  They spot a large crowd that has gathered around Bulk and Skull.  Billy, Rocky, and Aisha run up and join the crowd  Steve tells Dougie good work, nice job and gives him a pat on his back.  Rocky asks what is going on?  Steve tells them that Dougie just saved Bulk and Skull from drowning.  Rocky is impressed.  Dougie adds there are no monsters in the lake.  Rocky tells Dougie he is very proud of him.  Aisha adds that Dougie is a real hero.  Rocky tells Bulk and Skull they are lucky to be alive.  Rocky thinks they have caused enough trouble for one day.  Bulk starts squirming around.  Bulk pulls out a fish.  The fish sprays water on Bulk's and Skull's faces.  Skull gets mad and spits back at the fish.  Bulk tosses the fish away as the crowd around them erupts in laughter.

Billy, Tommy, Adam, Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, Bulk, and Skull are in Miss Appleby's class.  Miss Appleby reminds the class that the assignment was to bring in a childhood photograph and to share with us a memorable experience at that age.  Miss Appleby asks who would like to begin?  Several teens raise their hands.  Miss Appleby calls on Aisha.  Aisha walks up to the front of the class. She holds up a photograph of her and her grandmother.  It is a picture of Aisha after her first dance recital.  This is so special, because my grandmother, who was sick, was able to come and it made her real proud.  Bulk and Skull are sitting in the back and are paying no attention at all.  Kimberly thinks Aisha looks really cute in her picture.  Miss Appleby calls on Kimberly next.  Kimberly goes to the front of the class and holds up a picture of her as a young girl in her first gymnastics competition.  Kimberly explains she was kind of bummed, because she lost.  But it did teach her to be a good sport and that has helped her a lot.  Tommy goes up and presents his picture.  Kimberly gives a glance back and Skull waves at her. Tommy tells the class about his picture - it's when he first learned about dedication and hard work.  Billy holds up his picture, which shows him and a vacuum cleaner in pieces.  Billy tells the class he learned about determination here.  It had taken him four hours to get his mom's vacuum cleaner back together.  Rocky's picture is of him and his dog, Buster.  He learned about responsibility.  Adam's picture is of him and his dad working together on a car.  Adam likes the picture because it shows them doing stuff together.  Bulk and Skull present their picture together.  The picture was when Skull realized that him and Bulk were meant to be life long pals.  Bulk disagrees, it was when you stuck a grape popsicle down my back and I didn't clobber you.  Skull replies exactly my point.  The class laughs and applauds. After the presentations, Miss Appleby congratulates the class on an excellent job.  The class applauds.  Miss Appleby continues by telling them it was so interesting to hear about the events that have made you whom you are today.  While Miss Appleby is talking, Billy glances at the clock and notices it is acting strange.  Billy raises his hand.  Miss Appleby calls on him and Billy points out the clock.  Miss Appleby and the rest of the class look over at the clock.  Miss Appleby  "Oh my goodness, that is rather odd.  What should we do?"  The teens in the classroom become alarm as the clock's hands start to spin faster.  Soon Billy and the rest of the class are reverted back to children, unaware of what has happened.

Alpha 5 used the molecular descrambler on the kids.  Billy, Tommy, Kimberly, Adam, Aisha, and Rocky are returned to their correct age.  Alpha 5 is very happy to see them.  Aisha exclaims whoa - that was weird!  Kimberly states we are back.  Rocky tells his friends, come on, we got to kick it!  The teens morph and teleport out.  The Power Rangers arrive.  The citizens are running terrified from Photomare.  Photomare had already turned several of the people into photographs.  Yellow Ranger yells at him - hey, what do you think you are doing?  Pink Ranger notes the people are totally freaking out.  Guys, we got to stop that thing.  Red Ranger tells her don't worry, we will.  Photomare notes their arrival - so we have some new subjects.  Red Ranger spots Photomare and Goldar too.  Goldar can't believe they escape the photograph.  Photomare is confident he can just shoot them again.  Red Ranger tells them they didn't come to pose.  White Ranger tells Photomare we're going to shut down your photo shoot permanently.  Lord Zedd throws down his grow bomb.  Photomare grows to giant size.  Goldar tells them you escaped me once before, but now you are going to pay.  White Ranger tells him you and your camera are through!  White Ranger tells Red Ranger it's time for him to call his zord and bring him down.  Red Ranger tells him he's on it and takes off.  White Ranger replies we will take care of Goldar.  Red Ranger summons Red Dragon Thunderzord.  When the zord arrives, Red Ranger leaps inside.  Red Dragon Thunderzord faces off Photomare.  A picture of Red Dragon Thunderzord lands on the ground.  Photomare shoots beams out of his eyes and the Red Dragon Thunderzord in the picture comes to life.  Meanwhile, Goldar summons several Putties.  Goldar tells the Putties to attack White Ranger.  The Putties race forward.  White Ranger battles the Putties. The rest of the Rangers summon their Thunderzords. The Thunder Megazord is formed.  The Thunder Megazord battles the copy Red Dragon Thunderzord as White Ranger battles Goldar.  Goldar tells White Ranger I will not let you spoil Lord Zedd's plans this time.  The Thunder Megazord battles the copy Red Dragon Thunderzord as White Ranger battles Goldar.  The Thunder Megazord's thunder saber arrives and the Thunder Megazord battles copy Red Dragon Thunderzord and Photomare with it.  Photomare and copy Red Dragon Thunderzord are destroyed.  White Ranger defeats the Putties.  The rest of the Rangers join White Ranger.  Zordon contacts the Rangers.  Black Ranger responds with a yes Zordon.  Zordon tells them sensors indicate Earth is becoming unstable due to Zedd's time reversal.  You must locate and destroy the Rock of Time before it's too late.  White Ranger tells Zordon they are ready.  We're through with Goldar.  Red Ranger shouts let's do it Rangers!  Goldar tells them they will never succeed before vanishing in a blaze of fire.  White Ranger tells Zordon they can't destroy the Rock of Time if they don't know where it is.  Zordon replies you will teleport to the coordinates Alpha is sending now.  But beware, the Rock of Time is guarded by Zedd's most powerful monsters from the past.  Black Ranger tells him we can handle it.  White Ranger and the rest of the Power Rangers jet to the area.  They arrive at the bottom of hill and immediately start climbing it.  The Rangers reach the top of the hill.  White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers we're almost to the location Alpha gave us.  Goldar and several Putties are already there.  Goldar asks them if they are looking for something?  White Ranger states you again, I was expecting someone tougher.  Goldar tells them he is the greatest warrior of all.  Invenusable Flytrap appears in front of the Rangers.  Pink Ranger is not happy to see him again.  Dramole appears behind the Rangers.  Then Oysterizer appears.  White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, let's split up and take them.  Pink Ranger and Red Ranger battle Putties.  White Ranger and Yellow Ranger battle another group of Putties.  Black Ranger and Blue Ranger battle yet another group of Putties.  The monsters join in the battle.  Red Ranger battles Invenusable Flytrap as Pink Ranger continues to battle the Putties.  White Ranger and Yellow Ranger not only battle the Putties, but Goldar as well.  Black Ranger and Blue Ranger battle Oysterizer.  Oysterizer knocks down Blue Ranger.  Black Ranger then battles Oysterizer.  Pink Ranger and Red Ranger have defeated their Putties and concentrate their efforts on battling Invenusable Flytrap.  White Ranger and the rest of the Rangers gather together and face down Dramole, Invenusable Flytrap, Goldar, and Oysterizer.  White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, they are going to need some extra fire power and their power weapons appear.  The two groups charge at each other.  The Rangers battle the monsters and Goldar with their power weapons.  Black Ranger and Blue Ranger battle Dramole and Invenusable Flytrap with their Power Ax and Power Lance.  White Ranger and Yellow Ranger battle Goldar with their weapons, Saba and Power Daggers.  Pink Ranger fires her Power Bow at Oysterizer and destroys him.  Another hit with the Power Lance destroys Dramole.  That is the last of the monsters.  The Rangers race over to help White Ranger and Yellow Ranger.  White Ranger and Yellow Ranger defeat Goldar.  Goldar tells them you may have won the day, but you have not seen the last of Goldar.  Goldar vanishes.  The Rangers now need to get rid of the Rock of Time.  Blue Ranger suggests the Power Cannon.    The Power Cannon is summon and the Rangers fire it at the Rock of Time and destroy it.  Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers that puts us back in the present time. 

At Angel Grove High School, Mr. Caplan is standing in front of a class.  Billy, Kimberly, Rocky, Adam, Bulk, Skull, Tommy, and Aisha are all in the class.  He is pleased and proud to announce that Angel Grove High has been picked as teen exchange speakers to represent the United States in Australia.  The whole class applauds.  Later, Billy, Kimberly, Rocky, Tommy, Aisha, and Adam are outside waiting for their train to take them to the airport.  Ernie is there as well.  Ernie asks them to do him a favor - keep an eye on Bulk and Skull.  Bulk and Skull are standing a little away from the rest of the group.  Ernie reminds them to send him a postcard from Australia.  Kimberly replies definitely.  Ernie wishes them a safe trip and walks away.  Rocky thinks this trip is so cool.  Billy is glad that their trip coincides with Lord Zedd's one hundred year recharge.  Tommy tells his friends it's too bad he couldn't stay asleep for one hundred years.  Aisha points out at least they know there won't be any trouble while they are gone.  Kimberly just hopes nothing interferes with her shopping.  After a long flight, Billy and his friends have arrived in Australia.  They are having a great time looking at the sights and waving to people on boats.  Bulk and Skull trail behind them.  After awhile, Billy and his friends stop to get a bite to eat.  They are enjoying the food and each other's company.  During their meal, there is a loud noise and strange lights flicker in the sky.  The sound and lights startled Billy and his friends and they all look up into the sky.  Tommy wonders what that was?  Billy has no idea.  Adam asks his friends if they should be concern?  Kimberly points out that Zordon had told them he would contact them, if there were any problems.  Trying to lighten the mood, Aisha tells her friends the only problem she has is trying to figure out how to get all her souvenirs home.  Rocky suggests a tug boat which cracks Tommy up.  The rest of the teens laugh as well and the moment of concern passes.  After their meal, the teens return to their group and continue with their tour of Australia.  Soon one of the chaperones tells the teens they don't have much time to shop and need to meet back here in two hours.  The chaperone walks away.  Tommy teases Kimberly that two hours is not enough time for her to go shopping. 

A Reel Fish Story

Rangers Back In Time, Part I










Rangers Back In Time, Part II

The Wedding, Part I



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Young Billy