Page Two

 Afterwards, on their machines, Akira, Tsuyoshi, Peggy, Kenji, and Daita drive along the road, knowing their battle with Black Cross Army has only just begun.

Akira, Peggy, and Tsuyoshi were at Gorengers Secret Base when Daita and Kenji enter.  The Commander is giving their instructions.  Professor Kudo was attacked and abducted by Samurai Mask.  Their mission is to save Professor Kudo and make sure Black Cross Army does not get his equipment.  Tsuyoshi leads the group into the adjoining room and they start to get onto their Machines.  Daita notices a door and asks about it.  Tsuyoshi tells him they can figure that out later and the group heads out.  Once in the city, the teams splits up.  Kenji and Daita drive towards Professor Kudo's home. Elsewhere, Akira, Tsuyoshi, and Peggy search an area and are soon surrounded by Zolders.  Samurai Mask is there as well and he laughs at them.  Akira recognizes him as the one who had attacked his branch.  Samurai Mask gives the order to attack.  Akira, Peggy, and Tsuyoshi quickly transform into Gorenger.  Aka Ranger fights several Zolders.  He uses his Red Vute on the Zolders as he battles them. Momo Ranger lands several kicks on a Zolder.  Ao Ranger battles another batch of Zolders.  Samurai Mask shoots arrows at the group as they fight.  Ao Ranger manages to avoid being hit, but his boot is soon stuck between some rocks.  Samurai Mask keeps shooting arrows.  This time the arrows hits Ao Ranger in the arm.  Aka Ranger battles more Zolders.  Samurai Mask tries to shoot arrows at Aka Ranger, but Aka Ranger leaps out of the way.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute to wrap around Samurai Mask's neck.  Samurai Mask struggles and eventually frees himself of the Red Vute.  Samurai Mask and Aka Ranger fight each other.  Momo Ranger spots the fight.  Momo Ranger calls out a warning to Aka Ranger and then throws her Earrings Bomb at Samurai Mask.  Samurai Mask appears in the smoke of the explosion and laughs at them and then vanishes.  Aka Ranger and Momo Ranger walk over to Ao Ranger.  Momo Ranger asks Ao Ranger if he is alright?  Ao Ranger replies that he is, although it is obvious he is in pain.  Ao Ranger cruses Samurai Mask and they start to head back.  Momo Ranger notices the dark outline of something on the ground and asks, what could that be?  Aka Ranger replies, it's a human that got hit with the Sand Beam.  At the Gorenger Secret Base, Peggy bandages up Akira's arm, telling him to bare with it.  Akira pretends the wound doesn't bother him at all.  Akira wants to be the one to take down Samurai Mask. Tsuyoshi tells him to simmer down and reminds him that their mission is to safely recover Professor Kudo.  Tsuyoshi places his hand on Akira's arm hard and Akira cries out in pain.  Tsuyoshi and Peggy soon head back out.  Later, at Gorenger's Secret Base, one of the computers is flashing.  Akira takes a look and knows it's time to get Variblune ready. 

The Crimson Sun! The Invincible Gorengers


The Blue Earth! The Deadly Desertification Plan













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