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Ao Ranger shouts no!  He pulls out his controller and has Variblune drop down it's clamp and attaches to the Freeze Beam Bazooka.  Variblune then lifts the bazooka away.  The Gorengers run towards Witch Mask.  Witch Mask orders the Zolders to get them!  Ao Ranger kicks another set of Zolders.  Momo Ranger blocks a move from Zolder.  Aka Ranger lands several punches on a Zolder.  Ki Ranger punches a Zolder and then tosses it aside.  Aka Ranger knocks a Zolder off it's feet with his Red Vute.  Mido Ranger strikes a Zolder several times.  Ao Ranger outmaneuvers a Zolder, then punches it, and tosses it aside.  Momo Ranger flips a Zolder.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute to strike a Zolder.  Ao Ranger uses his Blue Cherry to fire at a Zolder.  Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang to strike a couple of Zolders.  Ki Ranger lands several quick punches on a Zolder.  Finishing off the Zolders, the Gorengers face down Witch Mask.  Witch Mask uses it's broom to shoot several  fire bombs at the Gorengers.  The Gorengers manage to outmaneuver them all.  Aka Ranger calls for Gorenger Storm.  Momo Ranger turns around and a pink ball appears in her hands.  She places the pink ball on the ground and kicks it over to Ki Ranger.  When it reaches Ki Ranger, the ball has turned yellow.  Ki Ranger head butts the ball towards Ko Ranger.  On the way to Ko Ranger, the ball turns blue.  Ao Ranger kicks the ball over to Mido Ranger.  Once more the ball changes color, this time to green.  Mido Ranger kicks the green ball high - over to Aka Ranger.  The ball changes one last time.  It is now spikey and red.  Aka Ranger leaps into up and kicks the  ball towards Witch Mask.   The ball strikes Witch Mask in the head and destroys her.  Black Cross artillery towers followed the path of Variblune.  Akira tells Daita to use the bazooka.  Daita switches on the Freeze Bazooka.  It freezes all of the artillery towers.  Akira and  Daita are very happy with the success of the bazooka.  Tsuyoshi, Peggy, and Kenji are also in Variblune, and they are very happy as well.  Witch Mask's plan to freeze Tokyo has failed.  However, the Black Cross Army haven't given up and have more plans in the works.

Aka Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Mido Ranger were sent on a mission to stop Wing Mask and to retrieve the Hurricane Diode from Wing Mask as well.  Instead Wing Mask grabbed a young girl, Yuki, and took her hostage.  The three Gorengers could only watch as Wing Mask made his getaway with Yuki.  Later, the three Gorengers came up with another plan.  Peggy befriend Yuki and got her off Wing Mask's ship, unfortunately, Wing Mask had spotted them.  Peggy tried to fight off the Zolders while trying to keep Yuki safe.  Kenji drove up on his Machine and Peggy placed Yuki into the sidecar.  Kenji took off on his Machine with Yuki, but soon had problems with Zolders as well.  They are stopped by three Zolders on motorcycles.  The Zolders rev their engines at Kenji.  Kenji takes off in the opposite direction.  He doesn't get far when several explosions take place where the Zolders were.  Kenji gets off the Machine and stands protectively in front of it and Yuki.  The Zolders drive past him.  Kenji looks up and sees Variblune.  Akira deploys the crane.  As the crane is lowered, more Zolders arrive.  Some are in a jeep and they fire at Kenji.  The crane lowers around the Machine and scoops them up.  The Zolders glare up in frustration.  Yuki is thrilled to be inside Variblune.  Variblune flies away.  Later, Mido Ranger and Aka Ranger go into action as Peggy has been captured.  They free Peggy and she quickly transforms into Momo Ranger.  The three Gorengers soon find out they have been tricked and all three are trapped inside a cell inside a lighthouse.  A Zolder runs into the area followed by Ki Ranger and Ao Ranger.  The two Gorengers fight the Zolder and defeat it.  Mido Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Aka Ranger are very happy to see them.  Everyone steps aside as Ki Ranger struggles but lifts the bars off the floor.  Momo Ranger, Aka Ranger, and Mido Ranger hurry to get underneath the bars.  Ki Ranger lets the bars drop back down as they all run out of the room.  The explosion rocks the lighthouse.  Seeing the explosion, Wing Mask is ready to start his hurricane plan.  Before Wing Mask can do anything a voice yells at them from above.  It's Aka Ranger, along with Ao Ranger, Ki Ranger, Mido Ranger, and Momo Ranger.  Wing Mask is not happy to see the Gorengers.  Wing Mask commands the Zolders to attack.  The Gorengers and Zolders fight.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute against a Zolder.  Mido Ranger kicks a Zolder aside.  Ki Ranger tosses a Zolder.  Ao Ranger strikes a Zolder with his Blue Cherry.  Ki Ranger lifts a Zolder into the sky as Ao Ranger takes aim at it with his Blue Cherry and hits it out of the sky.  Ki Ranger strikes a Zolder and then tosses it aside.  Mido Ranger lands several chops on a Zolder.  Aka Ranger strikes another Zolder with his Red Vute.  Momo Ranger flips a Zolder onto the ground.  Then she releases her Earrings Bomb on a pair of Zolders.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute to fight three Zolders.  Mido Ranger throws his Midomerang towards a Zolder and knocks it to the ground.  Momo Ranger fights another Zolder.  She lands several punches on the Zolder and then shoves the Zolder aside.  Ao Ranger fires his Blue Cherry at another Zolder.  The Zolders are defeated. Aka Ranger tells Ao Ranger get the diode with Blue Cherry.  Ao Ranger aims Blue Cherry towards Wing Mask.  Wing Mask tells him if he shoots that arrow, the girl will die.  Behind Wing Mask is a Zolder holding Yuki.  Ao Ranger lowers Blue Cherry as the rest of the Gorengers gather around him.  Wing Mask tells them the balloons Yuki is holding is filled with explosives.  Wing Mask laughs as he turns on the Hurricane Diode.  Strong Winds immediately hit the Gorengers.  The Gorengers struggle to keep their footing.  Aka Ranger notices that Yuki's balloons are not moving.  Aka Ranger concludes that Yuki's balloons are the eye of the storm.  Aka Ranger activates Birdie.  Aka Ranger flies high into the sky.  Aka Ranger lands in the eye of the storm.  Aka Ranger strikes the Zolder who is holding Yuki with his Red Vute and the Zolder falls to the ground.  Yuki accidentally lets go of her balloons.  After some distance, the balloons explode.  Wing Mask is furious.  Aka Ranger wraps Wing Mask in his Red Vute and throws him quite a distance.  Wing Mask gets up as Momo Ranger leaps down and removes Hurricane Diode from Wing Mask.  Wing Mask tries to strike Momo Ranger but instead finds himself tossed by Momo Ranger.  Wing Mask throws his Condor Wing towards Momo Ranger.  Mido Ranger stops Condor Wing with his Midomerang. Condor Wing returns to Wing Mask and he uses it to fire at the Gorengers.  The Gorengers easily outmaneuver his explosions.  The Gorengers prepare to use Gorenger Storm.  Momo Ranger turns around and a pink ball appears in her hands.  She places it on the ground and kicks it to Ki Ranger.  The ball turns yellow and Ki Ranger hits it with his head towards Mido Ranger.  The ball turns green and Mido Ranger kicks it over to Ao Ranger.  The ball turns blue and Ao Ranger kicks it over to Aka Ranger.  The ball turns red and spikey as Aka Ranger leaps into the sky and kicks it over to Wing Mask.  Gorenger Storm hits Wing Mask and destroys him.  After the battle, Akira, Daita, Tsuyoshi, Peggy, and Kenji are with Yuki.  Daita praises Tsuyoshi for realizing that there was no wind where the balloon was.  Kenji teases Daita, telling him Tsuyoshi's brain is bigger, unlike you.  But Daita is good natured and laughs along with everyone else.  Yuki breaks away from the group.  Peggy asks what Yuki is doing?  Akira replies that Wing Mask gave her the balloon.  He was a nice old man to her.  Yuki stares at her red balloon.  Yuki gently releases the balloon into the sky, saying goodbye to Wing Mask.  Yuki cries as she watches the balloon float away.  Later, the Gorengers patrol on their Machines.  The Gorengers were able to stop Wing Mask's Hurricane Project with the help of the Yuki's red balloon.  

Aka Ranger and Momo Ranger had rescued Professor Kudo from Boat Ear Mask but they needed help.  Ao Ranger was waiting in Variblune when Ki Ranger joined him.  Variblune takes to the skies with Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger.  Variblune flies towards Aka Ranger and Momo Ranger.  Aka Ranger spots Variblune and has Momo Ranger move the professor.  With Aka Ranger's help, Momo Ranger moves Professor Kudo to higher ground as explosions erupt around them.  Momo Ranger tells Aka Ranger they can't put Professor Kudo onto the Variblune with the explosions all around them.  Aka Ranger decides to go into the minefield and draw the attention of Boat Ear Mask.  With the distraction, Momo Ranger will try to get Professor Kudo to the safety of Variblune.  Aka Ranger runs through the minefield, barely missing the explosions taking all around him.  Soon Aka Ranger and Boat Ear Mask are fighting.  Meanwhile, Momo Ranger helps Professor Kudo onto his feet.  Variblune hovers above.  The cage is lowered.  Momo Ranger grabs onto the cage and gently places Professor Kudo underneath it.  Professor Kudo shoots up the tube and into Variblune.  Variblune flies away.  Soon Variblune returns, Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger fly out of Variblune with the use of their Birdies.  The two land close to where Aka Ranger and Boat Ear Mask are fighting.  Boat Ear Mask is furious as the four Gorengers make their presence known.  But Boat Ear Mask quickly taunts them that their 5th member didn't show up and laughs.  Mido Ranger shouts, turn around!  The five Gorengers face down Boat Ear Mask.  Boat Ear Mask summons the Zolders and has them attack.  Momo Ranger fights a Zolder with quick moves.  Ki Ranger lands a powerful chop against a Zolder.  Aka Ranger lands several punches against a Zolder.  Mido Ranger fights a Zolder using his Midomerang against it.  Mido Ranger struggles a little with his injured arm.  Ao Ranger lands a kick against a Zolder.  Ki Ranger head butts a Zolder and then tosses it.  Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang against the same Zolder and knocks it out.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute against several Zolders.  Momo Ranger fights a pair of Zolders and knocks them aside. She takes her Earrings Bomb and tosses them towards a group of Zolders racing towards her.  Ao Ranger uses his Blue Cherry and shoots a Zolder above him.  Mido Ranger fights three Zolders using his Midomerang.  After defeating them, Mido Ranger challenges Boat Ear Mask.  Boat Ear Mask responds by telling him, come at me!  Boat Ear Mask uses his reverse strike but misses Mido Ranger.  Boat Ear Mask releases his ribbon but Mido Ranger cuts it with his Midomerang.  Mido Ranger tells Boat Ear Mask, he is going to get his ears next.  Mido Ranger leaps high into the air and lands close to Boat Ear Mask.  Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang and cuts off Boat Ear Mask's ears.  The ears land on the ground and then reassemble onto Boat Ear Mask's weapon.  Boat Ear Mask fights Mido Ranger with his weapon.  Mido Ranger leaps out of the way and lands close to the rest of the Gorengers.  The Gorengers summon Gorenger Storm.  Boat Ear Mask runs towards them with his weapon.  Momo Ranger has a pink ball and kicks it towards Ki Ranger.  Ki Ranger head butts the yellow ball towards Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger kicks the blue ball over to Mido Ranger.  Mido Ranger kicks the green ball over to Aka Ranger.  The ball turns red and spikey on it's way towards Aka Ranger.  Aka Ranger leaps up and kicks the ball towards Boat Ear Mask.  Gorenger Storm strikes and destroys Boat Ear Mask.  Afterwards, on their Machines, the Gorengers patrol the city.

Into the Communication Device, Yoko states this is 007 speaking.  An emergency alert from 007.  Inside the Gorengers Secret Base, Tsuyoshi responds.  I'll send them over to Area 203 right away.  Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger search Area 203.  Ki Ranger finds it all very strange.  There is no sign of Silver Heat Mask in this valley.  Although this is the last place to search.  Unseen above them is a Zolder.  Suddenly a net is dropped over Ao Ranger.  Ki Ranger calls out a warning but it's too late.  Ao Ranger is trapped in the net.  Ki Ranger runs over to help, but several  Zolders stops him.  Ki Ranger fights the Zolders.  Ki Ranger lands several punches on a Zolder.  Ki Ranger strikes another Zolder and tosses him aside.  While Ki Ranger fights, Ao Ranger is lifted off the ground.  Silver Heat Mask laughs at Ki Ranger as he tells him, you fell right into our trap.  In the net, Ao Ranger is tangled over the rocky surface.  Ki Ranger tells Ao Ranger to hang on.  Momo Ranger suddenly appears on the bridge.  Mido Ranger is on the other side of the bridge.  The rope is cut and Ao Ranger is dropped to the ground.  Ki Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Mido Ranger hurry over to Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger does not respond.  Ao Ranger is taken to a hospital.  Later, Variblune is sent out with Ao Ranger in the pilot seat.  Silver Heat Mask is high above the four Gorengers, with Taro as their captive.  Silver Heat Mask laughs and tells them to go ahead and use your bomb, if you like.  But, he'll be gone too as Silver Heat Mask points to Taro.  Ao Ranger puts Variblune on auto pilot.  He flies out of Variblune using his Birdies.  Silver Heat Mask prepares to leave the bridge.  Ao Ranger lands on the bridge.  He fights off a Zolder and grabs a hold of Taro.  Ao Ranger carries Taro off the bridge.  Yoko is at the end of the bridge and gratefully takes Taro from Ao Ranger.  Below, Aka Ranger, Ki Ranger, Mido Ranger, and Momo Ranger are on their Machines, searching for Silver Heat Mask.  Ao Ranger lands in front of them.  Ki Ranger is very surprised to see him and asks what is he doing here?  The four Gorengers get off their Machines as they walk up to Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger tells them he decided to leave the hospital.  An explosion takes places behind them.  It's Silver Heat Mask with several Zolders standing above them.  The Gorengers are ready.  They hop back onto their Machines and drive towards the Zolders and Silver Heat Mask.  Explosions erupted around them.  Silver Heat Mask is confident they got them.  Instead the Gorengers appear above them.  Silver Heat Mask is surprised to see the Gorengers have surrounded them.  The Gorengers leap down.  Silver Heat Mask tells the Zolders to get them.  The Zolders race towards the Gorengers.  Aka Ranger kicks a Zolder away.  Ao Ranger also kicks a Zolder away.  Mido Ranger fights a pair of Zolders, landing several chops.  Ki Ranger strikes another Zolder.  Momo Ranger punches a pair of Zolders.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute against another set of Zolders, knocking one of them down a hill.  Ao Ranger strikes another set of Zolders.  Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang against three Zolders.  Momo Ranger kicks a Zolder.  Ki Ranger tosses a Zolder away.  As the Zolder goes flying through the air, Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang to strike the Zolder.  Ao Ranger lands several punches against a Zolder.  Ao Ranger uses his Blue Cherry against a set of Zolders running towards him.  One is struck and falls to the ground.  Momo Ranger takes her Earrings bomb and tosses it towards the same set of Zolders.  The Zolders are defeated.  The Gorengers face off Silver Heat Mask.  Silver Heat Mask uses his Silver Heat Power - on full power - towards the Gorengers.  The Gorengers are caught in the flames.  They run to escape the heat as explosions erupted around them.  Silver Heat Mask laughs as he leaps down.  Silver Heat Mask runs towards the Gorengers with his weapon pointing at them.  The Gorengers summon Gorenger Storm.  A pink ball appears in Momo Ranger's hands.  She places it on the ground and kicks it towards Ki Ranger.  Ki Ranger head butts the yellow ball towards Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger kicks the blue ball towards Mido Ranger.  Mido Ranger kicks the green ball towards Aka Ranger.  Aka Ranger leaps up and kicks the red spikey ball towards Silver Heat Mask.  Gorenger Storm strikes Silver Heat Mask and he is destroyed.  Afterwards, on their Machines, the Gorengers go on patrol.  Thanks to the Gorengers' hard work, Tokyo, and in fact the earth, avoided the burning hell.  Yet, the tenacious Black Cross Army is on to the next plan, which is even more fierce. 

Aka Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Ki Ranger had been having a tough time against Horn Mask and his Human Bombs.  Ki Ranger had suffered the most from his battles with them.  Akira and Kenji walked into the Gorengers Secret Base.  Tsuyoshi, Daita, and Peggy were there.  Daita sneezed several times as Peggy wrapped Daita's arm in bandages.  Kenji and Akira walked over to them and Akira noted how beat up Daita was.  Kenji stated, sticking you in dry ice and sending you to us...they're mocking us.  Daita replied Daita Oiwa has never been so ashamed. Is there really no good way to beat these guys?  They all started to think about what they could do.  Akira stated, in order to defeat the Human Bombs...we have to find a way to confuse their computers.  Daita thought that was impossible.  They're just walking bombs.  Touch them and boom.  Peggy wondered if they should wave their fingers, like when you make a dragonfly dizzy, we could confuse their computers?  Akira thought it was a good idea.  Tsuyoshi agreed.  Daita wondered if it would work.  Tsuyoshi thought it was worth a shot.  Now their only issue is how we defeat Horn Mask, who can quickly transform himself into a rock.  After all, even the Storm was useless against him.  Commander Edogawa entered and told them he had an idea.  Let's go with a time-lag attack method.  The plan went into action. Peggy carefully worked on Gorenger Storm, adding the time-lag attack to it.  She was surrounded by Commander Edogawa and the rest of the guys as they watched her intently.  Yoko, Tomoko, and Haruko hurried in.  Yoko told Commander Edogawa, following the attack on Base 15, Base 16 has also been overwhelmed.  Tomoko added, Horn Mask is drawing near to the main EAGLE base.  If we don't stop him soon...Commander Edogawa told them to calm down.  Haruko stated, if you don't send out the Gorengers, then we will...Commander Edogawa told them to stop and watch for a bit.  Peggy was sweating profusely and Daita was kind enough to wipe the sweat off.  With the encroaching attack from the Black Cross Army at the forefront of her mind, Peggy put all her efforts into creating a new, powerful and effective explosive.  Everyone was watching Peggy work intently.  Peggy put the cover on Gorenger Storm and excitedly told them, I've done it!  The Child-Parent Bomb!  Commander Edogawa sent the Gorengers out. Variblune took off with the team inside.  After awhile, Variblune landed and Aka Ranger took off on his Machine, followed by Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger on their Machine, and Mido and Momo on their Machine.  Horn Mask and his troops headed towards the EAGLE main base.  An explosion took place in front of them.  Horn Mask and the Zolders jumped out of their jeep.  The Gorengers appeared above them.  Horn Mask told them, you still haven't learned! The Gorengers announced themselves.  The Gorengers leaped down and faced Horn Mask.  Horn Mask told them, this place will be your tomb!  Horn Mask sent his Human Bombs after them.  The Gorengers put their plan into action.  Horn Mask thought they were running away.  Moments later, the Gorengers appeared on their Machines.  Horn Mask sent the Human Bombs after them.  The Human Bombs walked toward the Gorengers as the Gorengers began their Machine strategy.  On their Machine, the Gorengers rode circles around the Human Bombs.  The Human Bombs' computers had no data about the Gorengers' new Machine strategy.  The Gorengers' strategy was working.  Ki Ranger picked up a Human Bomb and tossed it.  Ao Ranger used his Blue Cherry and struck a Human Bomb with it.  Aka Ranger used Red Vute against a Human Bomb.  Aka Ranger wrapped the Human Bomb with his Red Vute and then released it into the air for Mido Ranger.  Mido Ranger used his Midomerang and knocked the Human Bomb out of the sky.  The Human Bomb landed on a pile of Human Bombs and they all blew up.  Horn Mask was furious.  Horn Mask sent the Zolders after the Gorengers.  Mido Ranger fought two Zolders with his Midomerang.  Ki Ranger fought another set of Zolders, knocking a pair down a hill.  Aka Ranger struck several Zolders with his Red Vute.  Ao Ranger fought another Zolder.  A pair of Zolders were running towards Momo Ranger.  Momo Ranger struck both Zolders with several blows.  Mido Ranger fought another Zolder with his Midomerang, causing it to fall down the hill.  Aka Ranger struck another Zolder several times.  Ki Ranger struck another Zolder.  Ao Ranger fought a pair of Zolders.  Ao Ranger struck and kicked the Zolders.  Momo Ranger used her Earrings Bomb against a group of Zolders.  It went flying through the air and struck three Zolders to the ground.  Ao Ranger used Blue Cherry against a Zolder.  It struck the Zolder and he went tumbling down a hill.  Ki Ranger held tight onto a Zolder.  The Zolder was unable to strike Ki Ranger.  Ki Ranger then flipped the Zolder over and onto the ground.  Aka Ranger kicked and used his Red Vute against a Zolder.  The Zolders were defeated.  Horn Mask was trying to get away when Mido Ranger threw his Midomerang at him.  Horn Mask turned into a boulder and Midomerang bounced off.  Horn Mask gloated no one can injure me!  Momo Ranger and Ao Ranger came running up.  Ao Ranger used his Blue Cherry and it struck Horn Mask, but did nothing.  Horn Mask pulled the bow out.  Horn Mask leaped into the air, changed into a boulder and flew towards Ao Ranger and Momo Ranger.  Ao Ranger shielded Momo Ranger.  The boulder struck Ao Ranger's back.  The bolder then flew into the air and headed towards the two Gorengers.  Ki Ranger jumped in front of them and caught the boulder.  Ki Ranger tossed the boulder down the hill.  At the bottom of the hill, Horn Mask returned to his normal form.  Aka Ranger called for the Time Lag Attack.  The Gorengers got into formation.  Momo Ranger turned around and a pink ball appeared in her hands.  She placed the pink ball onto the ground and kicked it towards Ki Ranger.  The ball turned yellow as Ki Ranger head butt it towards Mido Ranger.  Mido Ranger kicked the green ball towards Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger kicked the blue ball towards Aka Ranger.  The ball turned red and spikey as Aka Ranger leaped into the sky.  Aka Ranger kicked the red spikey ball towards Horn Mask.  As Gorenger Storm flew through the air, it dropped a smaller red spikey ball onto the ground.  The rest of Gorenger Storm continued until it struck Horn Mask.  Horn Mask laughed as he ran out of the smoke and towards the Gorengers.  Not paying any attention to the ground, Horn Mask ran on top of the smaller red spikey ball and was destroyed.  Later, the Gorengers patrolled the area on their Machines.  With first the Machine Strategy, and then the Time Lag Attack, the Gorengers were able to defeat the Human Bombs and Horn Mask.

Daita and Tsuyoshi had a run in with Skull Mask.  They reported the incident back at the Gorengers' Secret Base.  Soon, Yoko Kato informs Tsuyoshi, Peggy Matsuyama, Akira Shinmei, Kenji Asuka, Daita, and Commander Edogawa, that according to info from EAGLE HG, Professor Eguchi came home this morning and then left for work seeming a bit different than he usually acts.  Daita wonders what it could mean?  Thinking about it, it's pretty strange.  Commander Edogawa tells them the place where Professor Eguchi works...it houses Japan's largest nuclear reactor.  He wonders if  the plant is the target. Akira and Tsuyoshi head off for the nuclear plant.  Tsuyoshi and Akira are walking down the stairs of the plant when they hear the sound of gun shots.  "Professor Eguchi" fires at them.  Tsuyoshi transforms into Aka Ranger.  Aka Ranger tells Akira to get the professor.  Akira chases after the professor while Aka Ranger goes to where the bomb is.  Aka Ranger is able to dispose of the bomb.  Meanwhile, Akira is fighting "Professor Eguchi" with several kicks.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute against Professor Eguchi, who transforms back into Skull Mask. 

Blue Shadow! Variblune Secret Strategy




The Red Balloon! Wind Speed At 100 Meters






The Pink Secret! Defeat The Human Bomb

The Red Coffin! The Mysterious Skull Mansion



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