Page Nine
The scientist struggles to speak but replies, the super cobra...serum was...Daita quickly surmises that it was stolen. The scientist tells them it just happened. The scientist collapses. Akira is upset. Daita tells him, they must still be outside. On their Machine, Akira and Daita chase after the Jeep with Zolders. They catch up to the Jeep and Daita jumps over onto the Jeep. The Zolders stop the Jeep and Daita slings one of the Zolders out. Akira jumps into the Jeep and hits the remaining Zolders with their own weapon. One of the Zolders has the serum and is about to drop it but Daita grabs it. Daita contacts Commander Edogawa and tells him the serum's secure. Commander Edogawa replies he will contact the hospital. Hurry over. Variblune takes to the skies once more. They quickly fly over to the hospital. Daita asks Akira if they will make it in time? Akira replies they will. Soon Variblune arrives at the hospital. Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger use their Birdies and exit Variblune. Inside the Mr. Scott's hospital room, Tsuyoshi is fighting the Zolders. He punches one several times. Ao Ranger and Ki Ranger enter the room. Ki Ranger has the serum. Ki Ranger tells the doctor to take care of Mr. Scott for them. Ao Ranger, Ki Ranger, and Tsuyoshi leave the room. Elsewhere, Poison Fang Mask leads the way as the Zolders pull Amy along. Amy pleads with them to let her see her father, as he is going to die. The group stops when they see Aka Ranger above them. Ao Ranger, Ki Ranger, Mido Ranger, and Momo Ranger are there as well. Amy is very happy to see the Gorengers. Poison Fang Mask has the Zolders attack. Aka Ranger fights a couple of Zolders. He flips one over a ledge. Ao Ranger kicks a Zolder. He uses his Blue Cherry and hits a Zolder. Ki Ranger fights another group of Zolders, tossing one of them over a ledge. Mido Ranger punches a Zolder several times in the face. Momo Ranger kicks a Zolder. Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute to strike another Zolder. When the Zolder stumbles in Momo Ranger's direction, she strikes him. Mido Ranger throws his Midomerang towards Poison Fang Mask. Poison Fang Mask knocks it aside with his staff. The rest of the Gorengers join Mido Ranger. Poison Fang Mask throws his snake bombs towards them. The Gorengers duck down and are not hurt. The Gorengers approach Poison Fang Mask and Poison Fang Mask backs away, along with the two Zolders who still have Amy. Aka Ranger tells Poison Fang Mask to give Amy back. Instead Poison Fang Mask uses his staff to create poison smoke and vanishes, along with the Zolders and Amy. Momo Ranger spots them in the distance and points it out to the others. They all run over to the area. When they reach the area, they see Amy is tied to stake with snakes. Amy spots them and yells for help. Momo Ranger warns the rest of the Gorengers not to get close. Those are no ordinary snakes. Ki Ranger asks, what are they? Momo Ranger replies, I saw them before...those are bombs. Poison Fang Mask pops up from his hiding place. He has overheard their conversation and tells them, they're Snake Bombs. They explode to the sound of this snake whistle. If you want to save this girl, then bring Mr. Scott over here. In exchange for Mr. Scott, I'll hand this girl over to you. If you don't comply...Poison Fang Mask indicates he will blow his snake whistle. Aka Ranger states, we have no choice. Ao Ranger doesn't agree. Aka Ranger turns his back towards Poison Fang Mask and takes out his Red Vute. Aka Ranger quickly turns around and uses his Red Vute to take the snake whistle out of Poison Fang Mask's hands. The Gorengers run forwards. Mido Ranger and Momo Ranger remove the Snake Bombs from Amy. Poison Fang Mask picks up his snake whistle and blows it. Momo Ranger and Mido Ranger quickly toss the Snake Bombs. The Snake Bombs land on two Zolders. The Snake Bombs go off, destroying the two Zolders. Poison Fang Mask is angry. The Gorengers summon Gorenger Storm. The Gorengers get into position. The silver ball appears in Momo Ranger's hands. She kicks it over to Ki Ranger. Ki Ranger head butts it over to Ao Ranger. Ao Ranger kicks it over to Mido Ranger. Mido Ranger kicks it over to Aka Ranger. Aka Ranger leaps into the sky and kicks it over to Poison Fang Mask. Gorenger Storm hits Poison Fang Mask and destroys him. Later, at Snack Shop Gon, Cook gives Daita his favorite dish. Daita tells Cook, it looks delicious, thanks for the food. Tsuyoshi, Peggy, and Kenji are sitting at the counter as well as Daita. Akira and Yoko join the group. Everyone is in high spirits and smiling. Peggy excitedly wonders if Amy's over there yet. Cook tells the group, right about now, she should be eating her first meal in her father's country. They all agree. Tsuyoshi states, there's no watering down a parent and child's bond. Akira playfully places a snake on the counter. Daita freaks out, believing it to be a super cobra. They all tease Daita, as it is only a rubber snake. Tsuyoshi grabs a hold of the snake and teases Peggy with it. Peggy gives a small scream. Kenji takes the snake from Tsuyoshi and scares Yoko with it. Afterwards, the Gorengers patrol on their Machines. They feel good that they were able to safely protect Mr. Scott. They also wonder what kind of scheme will the Black Cross Army be hatching next?
Black Fear! The Murderous Poison Fang
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