Page Twenty-Three
Akira notices the radio interference device and knows he has to destroy it. Akira takes an arrow and throws it at the device. The radio interference device explodes, startling Rainbow Mask. He demands the Zolders find out what is going on. Akira uses his hand held transistor radio to talk to Variblune. He tells Variblune to take off. Variblune starts up. Akira then tells Variblune to blow up the hanger. Variblune turns in a circle and exits the hangar. Akira tells Variblune to go! Explosions follow as Variblune exits the hangar. Once outside, Akira has Variblune stop. Akira gets into Variblune and it takes off into the sky. Rainbow Mask tells the Zolders to launch the missiles. With great skill, Akira has Variblune outmaneuver the missiles. Akira spots a hole on top of the fortress' shield. Variblune fires at the device that operates the shield. Rainbow Mask is furious that Akira broke the barrier. Akira, with Variblune, fires at the rest of the operation.
The Big Blue Fortress! Big Raging Variblune
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