The Big Blue Fortress! Big Raging Variblune - Page Eight

Black Cross Fuhrer is watching on his screen and he is also pleased with the clever scheme. 

At the Gorengers' Secret Base, the team is also watching the destruction on their screen.  Akira notes it's Variblune causing the destruction.  I'm absolutely sure of it, though it's camouflaged.  Akira tries once more to communicate with Variblune and have it return to their base.  There is no response and Akira is afraid the signal is being blocked.  Variblune continues the destruction.  Akira, Kenji, Tsuyoshi, Peggy, Commander Edogawa, and Daita watch with horror.  Daita states, we must get the Variblune back now! Akira decides he will go. 

Akira fights and defeats a couple of Zolders.  He tries to stop a cable car, but is unable to.  Then he leaps onto the cable car and grabs a hold of a cable from inside the cab and holds on for dear life. 

Tsuyoshi, Daita, Kenji, and Peggy are on their way on their Machines.

Akira has made his way to the door opening of the cable car.  Two Zolders drag to shake him off. 

Below, Daita, Kenji, and Peggy race towards the cable car. They immediately spot Akira, dangling from the cable car.  Several Zolders with guns, suddenly surround them.  Daita leaps towards the Zolders.  Peggy lands a powerful kick on one of the Zolders.  Daita takes another Zolder and squeezes with all his might.  Peggy lands a karate chop on another Zolder. 

Tsuyoshi is on a boat, racing towards the cable car that Akira is hanging onto. 














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Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen