The Big Blue Fortress! Big Raging Variblune - Page Seven

Aka Ranger states, normal strategy won't work.  Let's return for now.  The rest agree. 

Rainbow Mask is very pleased and gloats, is that all you've got Gorengers?  Rainbow Mask laughs.  Sun Halo Mask enters and tells Rainbow Mask, this is no time for laughing.  The two face each other and Sun Halo Mask tells Rainbow Mask to take Variblune and carry out a raid on Tokyo right now.  The Zolders throw black netting on Variblune.  Both Rainbow Mask and Sun Halo Mask are in the cockpit of Variblune as it takes to the skies. 

Inside the Gorengers' Secret Base, Akira apologizes for allowing them to steal Variblune.  Commander Edogawa responds the question is, what are they up to?  I wonder what they're going to do with Variblune?  They soon get their answer as Daita receives intel that Tokyo is being bombed. 

Inside Variblune, Rainbow Mask notes they are over Tokyo now.  Sun Halo Mask instructs him to release the bombs.  Several bombs hit Tokyo.  Variblune also fires on the city.  Sun Halo Mask is very happy with their triumph. 














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