The Big Blue Fortress! Big Raging Variblune  - Page Four

The four Gorengers regroup.  Sun Halo Mask makes his way towards them and then slowly goes away from them.  Aka Ranger wants to stop him.  The four Gorengers run after Sun Halo Mask. 

Akira spots the base.  Akira is stunned when he hears a voice greeting him and knowing his identity as Ao Ranger.  Akira demands the voice show his face.  It is Rainbow Mask.  Rainbow Mask tells him to surrender your Variblune to my Rainbow Mask troops.  Akira responds, Variblune is my best friend.  Go ahead, make my day!  Rainbow Mask tells him to shut your big mouth.  Suddenly several cables, with hooks, shoot towards Variblune and attach to the aircraft.  Akira struggles to keep Variblune from being pulled down.  Eventually Variblune is pulled down into a hangar.  Akira transforms into Ao Ranger and jumps out before the Variblune reaches the floor of the hangar.  The roof of the hangar closes.  Ao Ranger lands on top of the roof. 














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Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen