The Big Blue Fortress! Big Raging Variblune - Page Three
Tsuyoshi Kaijo employs the Variscope.
Explosions continue to take place on the ground. Several of EAGLE's soldiers fall to the ground.
Tsuyoshi instructs Akira to continue to look for their base. Tsuyoshi and the rest of the team deploy. Aka Ranger, Momo Ranger, Ki Ranger, and Mido Ranger arrive on the ground. There is chaos all around them. Aka Ranger tells the EAGLE soldiers to let them handle it. Several Zolders continue to fire at the EAGLE soldiers. The four Gorengers chase after them. Racing past fallen bodies. Once they pass the fallen EAGLE soldiers, they start to get up. The EAGLE soldiers reveal that they are actually Zolders. Aka Ranger notes it's a trap and to be careful. Sun Halo Mask watches from above and tells the Zolders to go get them! The Zolders pursue the four Gorengers. Aka Ranger kicks a pair of Zolders. Ki Ranger punches a couple of Zolders. Mido Ranger lands a powerful kick on a Zolder. Momo Ranger fights another set of Zolders. Mido Ranger throws his Midomerang towards Sun Halo Mask. Sun Halo Mask bats it away with his staff.
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