The Big Blue Fortress! Big Raging Variblune - Page Two
Black Cross Fuhrer asks Sun Halo Mask if he has any type of plan? Sun Halo Mask responds, you can count on me, sir.
EAGLE Kanto Branch Base 16 was in the middle of a training session in the mountains. Bombs explode all around them. Several guns fire at the branch with several EAGLE soldiers struck down. One of the soldiers tried to rouse another solider, but the solider stayed unconscious. The remaining soldiers faced Rainbow Mask. Rainbow Mask sent the charge, and several of Zolders threw bombs towards the EAGLE soldiers, knocking them off their feet.
Variblune quickly took to the skies, having learned the EAGLE Kanto Branch Base 16 was attacked by Rainbow Mask's troops.
Up in the mountains, several Zolders were riding a cable car with Rainbow Mask. When they arrive at the top of the mountain, Rainbow Fortress appears. Rainbow Mask and several Zolders enter Rainbow Fortress.
Akira Shinmei notes that they are almost there.
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