The Big Blue Fortress! Big Raging Variblune - Page Five
Several Zolders go after Ao Ranger. Using a special technique, Ao Ranger heads towards the Zolders. Ao Ranger fights the Zolders. Ao Ranger kicks one of the Zolders off the roof. Ao Ranger jumps off the roof. Rainbow Mask throws his staff at Ao Ranger but misses. Ao Ranger leaps up back on top of the roof. Ao Ranger fires his Blue Cherry at Rainbow Mask and strikes him in the face. Rainbow Mask slides out of the arrow. Rainbow Mask makes three clones of himself. Ao Ranger leaps back down and fights Rainbow Mask and his clones. It is difficult as he is outnumbered. Rainbow Mask uses his staff to summon Rainbow Beams. The beams hit Ao Ranger. Rainbow Mask then throws Rainbow ropes towards him and Ao Ranger is quickly covered in it.
The rest of the Gorengers gathered together. Aka Ranger asks the group if they found Rainbow Mask, but none of them had. Ki Ranger is confident that Rainbow Mask got scared of the Gorengers and ran away. Aka Ranger suggests they find Ao Ranger and meet again. The four Gorengers use their Birdies to take to the skies.
Rainbow Mask uses his staff and causes part of the ground to sink. The shaking of the ground throws Ao Ranger off balance and he tumbles down. Momo Ranger spots Ao Ranger. The four Gorengers land close by and race towards Ao Ranger. Ao Ranger is hurt and Aka Ranger suggests they summon Variblune. Ao Ranger pulls out his handheld transistor radio and calls for Variblune. Variblune is chained up in the hangar. Ao Ranger notes there is no response. The signal is being blocked. They were after the Variblune from the beginning. Ao Ranger has a hard time standing and Momo Ranger, Mido Ranger, and Aka Ranger help him stand up. Ki Ranger vows he is not going to let that happen. Let me recapture it! Aka Ranger agrees and suggests that the three of them will go. Aka Ranger, Ki Ranger, and Mido Ranger activate their Birdies.
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