Super Energy Of Silver! Burning Hell

June 28, 1975

Written by:  Susuma Takaku & Hikaru Arai

Directed by:  Minoru Yamada

Silver Heat Mask is with three Zolders.  Silver Heat Mask has the ability to amplify sunlight two thousand times.  He demonstrates this ability to the Zolders.  The area Silver Heat Mask struck is now in flames. 

Silver Heat Mask goes to the Black Cross Army Base and reports to Black Cross Fuhrer.  Black Cross Fuhrer is very pleased.  Silver Heat Mask tells him, that if he can store enough sunlight this way, we can wipe out mankind from earth.  Black Cross Fuhrer is annoyed that it is not complete yet.  Silver Heat Mask quickly tells him that he has enough to burn all of Tokyo.  Black Cross Fuhrer is pleased with that information and tells him to proceed and make Tokyo a burning hell. 

Tsuyoshi is on his Machine, when he notices a red light flashing.  Tsuyoshi walks up to the red light when behind him are several Zolders.  Silver Heat Mask walks in front of Tsuyoshi.  Tsuyoshi grabs a hold of a Zolder as he faces Silver Heat Mask.  Silver Heat Mask warns him to stop snooping around.  Tsuyoshi quickly strikes the Zolder several times and knocks him to the ground.  Silver Heat Mask tells Tsuyoshi to get lost or he will have to take the Gorengers down first, before burning Tokyo down.  Tsuyoshi shouts at him, to give it your best shot! Tsuyoshi fights the two remaining Zolders.  He flings one of the Zolders off the road and strikes the other Zolder several times, knocking it to the ground as well.  Tsuyoshi leaps down into a valley and fights another group of Zolders.  Tsuyoshi lands a hard punch on a Zolder, sending it flying.  More Zolders leap into the fight.  Tsuyoshi transforms into Aka Ranger.

Aka Ranger lands on top of a waterfall.  Silver Heat Mask gazes up at him.  Aka Ranger fights two Zolders on top of the waterfall.  Aka Ranger kicks one of the Zolders down.  Aka Ranger strikes the other Zolder, grabs a hold of it, and flings both of them off the waterfall.  On ground, Aka Ranger continues to fight the Zolder.  Aka Ranger removes his Red Vute and strikes Silver Heat Mask.  Red Vute wraps around Silver Heat Mask's weapon.  After a few moments, Aka Ranger released Red Vute from Silver Heat Mask's weapon.  Aka Ranger and Silver Heat Mask leap into the air, facing each other.  They land opposite sides of a small creek. 














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