Super Energy Of Silver! Burning Hell - Page Eight

The bomb goes off in front of them.  Tsuyoshi tells Yoko, don't be stupid!  Silver Heat Mask gives the order to get them to the Zolders.  Tsuyoshi fights the Zolders while trying to protect Yoko.  Tsuyoshi takes Yoko's hand and they try to leave the area.  Another Zolder leaps in and tries to stop them.  Tsuyoshi fights the Zolder and knocks if off the ledge.  Another Zolder creeps up from behind and Tsuyoshi fights it as well and flings it off the ledge.  More Zolders appear and Tsuyoshi fights them with several kicks.  Tsuyoshi takes a weapon from one of the Zolders and uses it to stab another Zolder.  Tsuyoshi leaps into the sky and transforms into Aka Ranger.

Aka Ranger fights the Zolders.  Aka Ranger kicks a Zolder away.  Aka Ranger punches another Zolder.  Aka Ranger uses his Red Vute against another set of Zolders.  Silver Heat Mask points his weapon at Aka Ranger and tells him, don't move.  Aka Ranger faces him with his Red Vute.  Suddenly Midomerang strikes Silver Heat Mask's arm.  Mido Ranger has arrived.  Silver Heat Mask tells the pair of Zolders to get them and suddenly there is an explosion behind Silver Heat Mask and the Zolders.  It's Momo Ranger and she joins Mido Ranger and Aka Ranger.  Ki Ranger joins them as well.  Aka Ranger tells Silver Heat Mask, you're not getting away.  Silver Heat Mask turns on his Silver Heat Power.  The four Gorengers are engulfed in the extreme heat.  Fires erupt on the rocks.  Silver Heat Mask takes off.  Aka Ranger notes he is gone. 

Variblune is sent out with Ao Ranger in the pilot seat. 

Ki Ranger shouts out, come on out, Silver Heat Mask!  What a coward!  Momo Ranger tells the team, we must use the Gorenger Storm now.  Mido Ranger asks, what about Ao Ranger?  Aka Ranger points out they can't leave Taro here alone.  Momo Ranger wonders where Taro has gone.  Silver Heat Mask shouts out to them.  He is high above them, on a bridge with a pair of Zolders.  One of the Zolders has Taro.  Silver Heat Mask laughs and tells them to go ahead and use your bomb, if you like.  But, he'll be gone too as Silver Heat Mask points to Taro. 














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