Super Energy Of Silver! Burning Hell - Page Five

The rope is cut and Ao Ranger is dropped to the ground.  Ki Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Mido Ranger hurry over to Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger does not respond.

Tsuyoshi is sitting inside the Gorengers Secret Base, when Yoko slowly enters.  She walks up to Tsuyoshi as Tsuyoshi informs her that Ao Ranger got ambushed and injured.  Yoko is surprised.  Tsuyoshi continues, by the way, how did you get your information?  Yoko doesn't answer and Tsuyoshi asks her, what's wrong?  Yoko lowers her head but still doesn't answer.  Tsuyoshi tells her, I'm just wondering why Shinmei and the others got ambushed.  Yoko apologizes.  It was a lie. 

Back at Silver Heat Mask's base, Taro continues to cry out for his big sister. 

Yoko passes a Black Cross Army transmitter to Tsuyoshi.  She can barely look at him.  Tsuyoshi asks her if she was going to spy on the Gorengers for Silver Heat Mask?  Yoko responds no.  But, I had no choice.  Tsuyoshi angrily throws down the transmitter and it breaks apart.  Tsuyoshi yells at Yoko to grow up already!  Don't you remember that you're with EAGLE?  I understand that you're worried about your little brother.  But, it doesn't justify your betrayal of the Gorengers!  Hearing the yelling, Peggy enters and asks, what's happening here?  Tsuyoshi walks out without answering.  Peggy asks Yoko, what is going on with you, 007?  Yoko doesn't answer.

Silver Heat Mask's hideous plot penetrated to the center of Tokyo, causing fires everywhere. 














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