Super Energy Of Silver! Burning Hell - Page Three

Taro quickly lowers himself.  Silver Heat Mask tells them it's fully charged with solar heat.  The two Zolders remove the wires off Silver Heat Mask.  Silver Heat Mask now has an hour's worth of Silver Heat Power.  Taro tries to leave quietly.  As he runs off, he is spotted.  Silver Heat Mask aims his weapon at Taro.  The weapons shoots out a net and Taro is trapped within the net.  Taro cries out for help as a Zolder picks him up. 

Yoko hears Taro's cries for help and begins searching for her brother.  She arrives as Silver Heat Mask and the Zolders leave with her brother.  She calls out Taro's name as she chases after them.  Two Zolders grab Yoko.  Yoko tries to break free.  But she cannot shake them off.

Yoko and Taro are taken to Silver Heat Mask's base.  Silver Heat Mask discovers the Communication Device on Yoko's wrist and realizes she is with EAGLE.  Silver Heat Mask concludes that Yoko is an EAGLE spy.  Yoko refuses to say anything.  Silver Heat Mask holds the Communication Device to Yoko's face and asks her, why don't you contact the Gorengers now?  Pass this information over to them.  Silver Heat Mask's next target is Area 203.  Yoko responds, I refuse to give them such misinformation.  Silver Heat Mask tells her that he will make her.  The Zolders place Taro into a cage.  Taro cries out for help.  Yoko is very distressed.  The cage is then lowered down a shaft.  Taro screams that he is scared.  Silver Heat Mask informs Yoko that the bottom is filled with groundwater.  So, have you changed your mind yet? 














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