Super Energy Of Silver! Burning Hell - Page Six

People flee in terror. 

At Snack Shop Gon, Cook tells Kenji, Tsuyoshi, and Daita that the invasion of Silver Heat Mask has reached into the town.  Kenji wants to leave right away.  A tearful Yoko enters with Peggy behind her.  Daita tells Peggy, we must go now.  Peggy moves Daita aside and walks up to Tsuyoshi and tells him he crossed a line.  Do you want Taro to be killed?  Tsuyoshi gets up and heads for the door, with his head bowed.  He tells them, my sister was killed the Black Cross Army!  Yoko is stunned as well as the others.  Tsuyoshi walks out.  No one says anything. 

Taro sits silently in his cage with tears coming down his face. 

At the Gorengers Secret Base, Daita is rubbing Commander Edogawa's shoulders as he asks, what should we do now?  Kenji states, the faster we rescue Taro, the better!  Daita responds, we don't even know where to go.  Peggy quickly enters.  She hands over a letter Yoko left and tells them Yoko is gone.  Daita quickly unfolds the letter.  The letter states, Dear Gorengers, I don't know how to apologize, especially to Shinmei.  I can't bother you guys any more about Taro.  I'll make sure to defeat Silver Heat Mask, even if it costs me my life!

Yoko is heading towards Silver Heat Mask's base in a jeep. 














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