Super Energy Of Silver! Burning Hell - Page Nine

Yoko spots Taro on the bridge and starts to run. 

Ao Ranger puts Variblune on auto pilot.  He flies out of Variblune using his Birdies. 

Silver Heat Mask prepares to leave the bridge.  Ao Ranger lands on the bridge.  He fights off a Zolder and grabs a hold of Taro.  Ao Ranger carries Taro off the bridge.  Yoko is at the end of the bridge and gratefully takes Taro from Ao Ranger. 

Aka Ranger, Ki Ranger, Mido Ranger, and Momo Ranger are on their Machines, searching for Silver Heat Mask.  Ao Ranger lands in front of them.  Ki Ranger is very surprised to see him and asks what is he doing here?  The four Gorengers get off their Machines as they walk up to Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger tells them he decided to leave the hospital.  An explosion takes places behind them.  It's Silver Heat Mask with several Zolders standing above them.  The Gorengers are ready.  They hop back onto their Machines and drive towards the Zolders and Silver Heat Mask.  Explosions erupted around them.  Silver Heat Mask is confident they got them.  Instead the Gorengers appear above them.  Silver Heat Mask is surprised to see the Gorengers have surrounded them.  The Gorengers leap down.  Silver Heat Mask tells the Zolders to get them.  The Zolders race towards the Gorengers.  Aka Ranger kicks a Zolder away.  Ao Ranger also kicks a Zolder away.  Mido Ranger fights a pair of Zolders, landing several chops.  Ki Ranger strikes another Zolder.  Momo Ranger punches a pair of Zolders. 














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