Super Energy Of Silver! Burning Hell - Page Four

He holds up the Communication Device once more and tells her to tell them.  Taro cries for help can still be heard.  Silver Heat Mask asks Yoko, what are you going to do?  He is only one meter away from going into the water.  Shall I lower him more?  Yoko reluctantly agrees to do it.  Silver Heat Mask tells a Zolder to untie her.  Silver Heat Mask gives the Communication Device to Yoko.  Into the Communication Device, Yoko states this is 007 speaking.  An emergency alert from 007. 

Inside the Gorengers Secret Base, Tsuyoshi responds.  I'll send them over to Area 203 right away. 

Ki Ranger and Ao Ranger search Area 203.  Ki Ranger finds it all very strange.  There is no sign of Silver Heat Mask in this valley.  Although this is the last place to search.  Unseen above them is a Zolder.  Suddenly a net is dropped over Ao Ranger.  Ki Ranger calls out a warning but it's too late.  Ao Ranger is trapped in the net.  Ki Ranger runs over to help, but several  Zolders stops him.  Ki Ranger fights the Zolders.  Ki Ranger lands several punches on a Zolder.  Ki Ranger strikes another Zolder and tosses him aside.  While Ki Ranger fights, Ao Ranger is lifted off the ground.  Silver Heat Mask laughs at Ki Ranger as he tells him, you fell right into our trap.  In the net, Ao Ranger is tangled over the rocky surface.  Ki Ranger tells Ao Ranger to hang on.  Momo Ranger suddenly appears on the bridge.  Mido Ranger is on the other side of the bridge. 














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