Trini Kwan - The First Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger

Trini was at the Angel Grove Youth Center with her friends, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack.  Trini was helping Kimberly with her gymnastics when Bulk and Skull entered the Youth Center.  Bulk and Skull walked up to the girls and gave them a hard time.  But Trini and Kimberly were able to take care of themselves, and Kimberly and Trini had flip Bulk and Skull onto the mat.  Zack who had offered to help the girls, was very amused.  Moments later, Trini and Kimberly sat and watch Billy in his karate class, taught by Jason.  Bulk tried to interfere with the lesson, but ended up on the mat once more.  After class, Trini and her friends gathered around a table enjoying each other's company.  Suddenly the floor began to shake.  Assuming it was an earthquake, everyone ran out of the Juice Bar.  Trini and her friends were teleported to a strange place, the Command Center.  There was a small robot there as well, Alpha 5.  Then a floating head appeared in a tube, Zordon.  Zordon told the teens of Rita Repulsa, who had been trapped in a dumpster with her army and now has broken free.  Rita's next target was Earth. 

Day Of The Dumpster














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