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Trini was at the Youth Center with Zack and Jason.  Trini and Jason were arm wrestling.  Trini was holding her own against Jason.  Kimberly was teaching an aerobics/dance class.  Billy was in the class.  As Billy tried to keep up with the steps, he bumped into Ernie, who was dancing, and then tripped.  Billy landed on a cart full of towels.  The cart careen through the dance class.  Billy waved his arms to warn people away.  Trini and Zack watched Billy apprehensively.  The cart went out into the hall with the lockers and they all heard a crash.  Moments later, Billy, still on the cart, was rolling back into the dance class.  This time he crashed into a wall and he was covered in toilet paper and various debris.  Billy crawled over to them.  Trini went over and helped Billy up and had him walked over to where she and Jason and Zack were.  Trini removed the debris from Billy and straighten up his hair.  Billy told them, with Trini's translation, that he can't dance.  After awhile, Bulk & Skull walked in and immediately began making fun of the dance class.  Zack challenge Bulk by telling him he would like to see him try.  Bulk then copied the dance steps in the class and kicked away the legs of the chair Jason was sitting on.  Jason was very angry.  Zack held him back and Trini walked over to calm Jason down.  Zack then challenge Bulk to do his dance steps.  A crowd had gathered.  Zack did a dance routine and got applause.  Bulk tried to copy it and only got applause from Skull.  Zack did a spinning move.  Bulk tried to do the same spinning move and got stuck.  Skull had to help him back to his feet as everyone laughed.  Zack then did a headstand on the counter.  Bulk charge towards the counter, and then went over it, taking Zack's dish with him.  When Bulk came up, his face was covered in food.  Trini and the rest laughed.  Zack told Bulk he could have his meal, he wasn't hungry anyways.  Zack then told Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy they needed to bail if they were going to make the movie.  Bulk threaten that they better bail as no one tricks them.  Zack remarked it looked like they did.  Laughing, Trini and her friends left.  Later, Jason found Trini and the rest.  Jason had a note from Melissa, Melissa is deaf, that said her friends were in danger.  Trini and her friends followed Melissa as she leaded them through the fields and to an entrance of a cave that was guarded by Putties.  Kimberly signed to Melissa to hide behind a bush, they would take care of friends.  The teens morphed.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers used their Power Weapons against Gnarly Gnome, who had kidnapped the girls.  The Rangers then formed the Power Blaster.  With the Power Blaster, Gnarly Gnome was defeated.  Rita threw down her wand and Gnarly Gnome was back and giant size.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord, first in tank mode and then into battle mode.  Gnarly Gnome played his music and it cause the Rangers to see a city, even though they were in a field.  It made things confusing for awhile.  Eventually the Megazord's Power Sword was summon and the Rangers destroyed Gnarly Gnome.  The Rangers demorph.  Trini and her friends rescue the girls from the cave.  The girls had been excited to see the Rangers.  Trini and her friends gave Melissa and the Rangers all the credit for their rescue.  Zack suggested they go get some ice cream.  Everyone agreed and they headed back to the Youth Center.  Kimberly, Melissa, Jason, and another girl sat at a table.  Trini, Billy, Zack, and the rest of the girls gathered around the table.   Jason tried to sign to Melissa.  Melissa grinned and Kimberly told Jason he had signed that he had a smelly dog.  Everyone laughed.  Melissa signed for Billy to dance with her.  Billy did not want to dance.  Melissa dragged him to the dance floor.  Trini sat down at the table and they all watched Melissa and Billy dance.  Kimberly told them she always thought Melissa was a happening girl and then she rescued the girls.  Billy then did some amazing dance move.  Kimberly added that Melissa was a miracle worker.  Trini, Jason, Zack, and the rest laughed. 

Trini and her friends were working at the Food Festival in the Angel Grove Youth Center.  The festival was to earn money for new playground equipment.  Mr. Caplan had stopped by and was pleased with how well the event was going.  Ernie was helping out as well.  Trini and Billy ran the booth for Asian food.  Bulk & Skull were goofing around and soon a food fight erupted.  When it died down, the place was a mess.  Mr. Caplan was very angry and blamed Trini and her friends for the mess.  After Mr. Caplan left, the teens' communicators went off.  Trini and her friends found a quiet place and listen to Zordon.  There was trouble in Angel Grove.  Trini and her friends teleported to the Command Center.  The viewing globe showed a large pig, Pudgy Pig, attacking all the food in sight.  Zordon told them Rita's plan was for the pig to eat everything and the citizens would starve.  Trini and her friends quickly morphed.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Pudgy Pig, but things did not go well for the Rangers and they sent into a vortex.  Pudgy Pig had also eaten their weapons.  The Rangers had demorphed as well.  Trini and her friends ended up at the park.  Jason checked in.  Pudgy Pig was now at the Food Festival.  Trini and her friends hurried back to the food festival.  The place was a bigger mess and they had just missed Pudgy Pig.  Trini noticed none of the spicy food had been eaten and this gave her an idea.  Trini and her friends gathered some food and placed spicy ingredients in them.  The Rangers were teleported to where Pudgy Pig was eating once more.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers tossed their food at Pudgy Pig.  Once Pudgy Pig tasted the spicy food, he spit their weapons out.  The Rangers defeated Pudgy Pig.  Trini and her friends, once more, returned to the Youth Center.  The place was still a mess when Mr. Caplan walked in.  Mr. Caplan was in a better mood, the festival had still raised some money.  Almost enough.  Trini offered Mr. Caplan some food, for a price.  Mr. Caplan relented because he realized it was all for a good cause.  Mr. Caplan had some spicy food.  It was so hot, he needed water quickly.  Mr. Caplan splashed the water onto his face, causing his wig to fall off.  Trini and her friends laughed.

Trini and Kimberly entered the Youth Center searching for a young girl, Maria.  Kimberly asked Ernie if he had seen a young girl with long black pony tails.  Ernie told Kimberly no.  Billy was sitting at the counter and Trini asked him, but Billy hadn't seen her either.  Jason and Zack were there sparring.  Trini, Kimberly, and Billy scan the workout floor for Maria.  Zack and Jason stopped sparring and walked over.  Jason noted that they look like they had lost something.  Trini explained how she and Kimberly were big sisters for the day.  They were suppose to meet Maria at the Youth Center a half hour ago.  Kimberly was concern that something happen to Maria.  Zack walked over to them and told them not to fear, as detective Zack was on the case.  Zack asked how much trouble could a little girl get into.  Just then several teenage boys came running out of the shower are with towels wrapped around their waists.  Some even still had shampoo in their hair.  Trini and her friends, along with the rest of the crowd, laughed.  Jason asked who would do such a thing.  Trini and Kimberly then spotted Maria sitting by the hot water valve.  Moments later, Trini and Kimberly walked up to Maria, who was sitting at the counter drinking a shake.  Trini and Kimberly reassured Maria that they were not mad at her.  Trini asked Maria why she had shut off the hot water.  Maria told them she just wanted their attention.  Trini and Kimberly let Maria know she didn't need to pull such stunts, and that they would be her friend, no matter what.  Trini asked Maria if she would like to go on a picnic with a basket full of food and fun.  Maria was very excited.  Kimberly whispered to Trini that she hoped they knew what they were doing.  Trini, Kimberly, and Maria took off for the park.  At the park, Kimberly tried to get Maria to talk about boys, but Maria thought boys were gross.  Their picnic ended when several putties arrived.  Trini and Kimberly battled the putties, but Maria was still taken.  Trini and Kimberly hurried back to the Youth Center to let the guys know what had happened.  They tried to used their communicators, but communication and teleportation were not working.  Billy told them that he had been working on a surprise in the garage, that might help them.  Trini and her friends took off for Billy's garage.  Billy revealed the Rad Bug - which was capable of flying.  Trini and her friends used the Rad Bug to go to the Command Center.  Trini and her friends arrived at the Command Center.  Trini and her friends informed Zordon of the capture of Maria.  Zordon instantly knew what Rita was up to.  Rita was going after the Power Eggs.  Long ago, sorcerers, which called themselves Morphin Masters, had placed the Power Eggs into a chest.  The chest could only be opened by the touch of an innocent child.  Rita had to be stopped.  Trini and her friends took off in the Rad Bug.  They traveled on ground instead of air, as Billy thought they could surprise Rita.  They spotted Baboo, Squatt, and Goldar.  The teens morphed.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled the three with their Blade Blaster.  During the battle, the chest with the Power Eggs was knocked into the sea.  Chunky Chicken arrived.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers then battle Squatt, Goldar, Baboo, and Chunky Chicken with their Power Weapons.  After defeating them, the teens worked on rescuing Maria.  Maria was at a warehouse, dangling from a rope.  Rita was there as well, along with Chunky Chicken.  Rita wanted the Rangers to retrieve the Power Eggs for her, but the Rangers refused.  Rita instructed Chunky Chicken to cut the rope.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord.  The Megazord caught Maria before she hit the ground.  They used the remote to bring the Rad Bug.  Maria hoped into the Rad Bug, which took her to safety.  The Rangers battle Chunky Chicken in the Megazord.  Chunky Chicken was destroyed by the Power Sword.  The following day, Trini and her friends were at the Youth Center.  Trini was sitting at a table.  Ernie asked Kimberly to help her with the chili.  Kimberly ask the patrons who wanted some chili.  Ernie announced that it was freshly made and on the house.  A crowd stampede over.  The bowl was knocked out of Kimberly's hands and landed on Bulk.

Trini and her friends were inside Billy's lab.  Billy's friend Willy had invented a holo game for the Junior Science Fair.  Trini and her friends tried out the game, which made them think they were on a roller coaster.  Everyone was having a good time, except for Kimberly, who shouted to make the ride stop.  Trini and her friends removed their goggles and were impressed with Willy's invention.  Trini and her friends walked Willy through the park.  They were suddenly attacked by several putties.  Trini and her friends battled and defeated the putties.  Trini and her friends made sure Willy was okay and then made their way to the Juice Bar, where the science fair was being held.  Trini and Kimberly went to talk to some friends at the fair.  Bulk and Skull entered the fair and caused their usual problems.  Bulk and Skull managed to get tossed into an invention Trini's friend had made.  It was a makeover invention and when Bulk and Skull emerged, they were made over as young women.  Bulk and Skull took off running.  Trini and her friends laughed.  Unfortunately, one of the judges thought Willy was the cause of the uproar and dismiss him from the fair.  Trini and her friends felt bad as Willy left.  Trini and Kimberly stayed at the fair while the guys went looking for Willy.  Later, Trini and Kimberly joined them.  All that was found was Willy's lucky cap.  Billy had an uneasy feeling something had happened to Willy.  Trini and her friends teleported to the Command Center.  The viewing globe showed them that Willy had been captured and Rita Repulsa wanted to steal his intelligence.  Trini and her friends immediately went into action.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Rita's monster - Eye Guy with their Power Weapons.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers then formed the Power Blaster.  They fired and Eye Guy fell into pieces, but then reassembled himself.  Zordon contacted Blue Ranger and told him that the main eye, which had Willy, was in the forest.  Blue Ranger filled in the rest of the Rangers and then took off.  After awhile, the rest of the Rangers joined Blue Ranger as Rita made Eye Guy giant size.  The battle continued.  During the battle, the main eye opened.  The Rangers used the Megazord's Power Sword and destroy the main eye which released Willy and destroyed Eye Guy.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers checked on Willy.  Willy was okay.  Later, Trini and her friends met with Willy and returned to the fair.  One of the judges and Ernie was trying out Willy's invention.  The judge apologize to Willy and gave him first place.  Bulk and Skull entered the fair, wrapped in towels.  They asked for their clothes back.  Much to Trini's and her friends' amusement, the invention had shrunk Bulk and Skull's clothing.

Trini was at Angel Grove High School, in Miss Appleby's classroom.  Miss Appleby was doing Hobby Week.  Trini was the first student to go up and talk about her hobby.  Trini pulled a cart towards her that was full of dolls.  Trini's hobby was collecting dolls.  She pointed to one from Japan that had an authentic kimono.  Bulk & Skull mocked the collected.  Trini continued.  Trini picked up Mr. Ticklesneezer.  Mr. Ticklesneezer was her favorite and had belonged to her mom when she was a little girl.  Trini picked up a book of legends and read to the class.  According to legend, Mr. Ticklesneezer collected things in his magic bottle.  Miss Appleby told Trini she had done well.  Several more students went after Trini to talk about and demonstrate their hobby.  Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack were also in the class.  They each had gone up to demonstrate their hobby.  Billy was the last one for the day and he had made a volcano model and demonstrated and explained how a volcano works.  The bell rang and the students began gathering their things.  Miss Appleby told them they will continue with hobby week tomorrow.  Miss Appleby also reminded them of their homework.  Chapter 4 - Question Marks - Why do we need them?  Students began filing out of the class.  Billy was cleaning up the volcano.  Trini walked up to Billy and told him his volcano was cool.  Billy thanked her.  Bulk & Skull spotted them.  Bulk walked over and grabbed Mr. Ticklesneezer.  Trini demanded Bulk give it back and tried to grab it, but Bulk kept the doll out of reach.  Bulk then tossed the doll to Skull.  Skull made a few mocking sounds and then tossed it back to Bulk.  Bulk went to catch it and accidentally pressed the button to activate the volcano.  Bulk's face was over the volcano and it got covered in purple goo.  Trini had caught Mr. Ticklesneezer.  Skull hurried over to help clean up Bulk and Bulk spit the purple goo at Skull.  Trini and Billy laughed.  That night, Trini placed her dolls back in their places in her bedroom.  She told them they had had a long day and realized she had had a long day.  Trini carried Mr. Ticklesneezer to her bed and placed him on the night stand.  Trini then went to sleep.  The next day, Trini couldn't find Mr. Ticklesneezer.  She had Billy help her search for Mr. Ticklesneezer.  Trini and Billy plan to drive to the school to see if she had left the doll there.  Instead, Trini and Billy encountered a giant Mr. Ticklesneezer, who collected them in his bottle.  Trini and Billy screamed for help.  Later, the rest of the Rangers were contacted.  Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger battled the Putties.  Pink Ranger told Trini and Billy to hold on.  Mr. Ticklesneezer tripped and the bottle landed on the train tracks.  Trini and Billy yelled for helped.  Pink Ranger grabbed the bottle and released Trini and Billy from the bottle.  Trini and Billy morphed.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled the Putties and Goldar.  Rita made Mr. Ticklesneezer even bigger.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords.  The Megazord was formed.  Mr. Ticklesneezer then caught the Megazord in his bottle.  The Rangers summon the Megazord's Power Sword.  The Power Sword knocked the Megazord out of the bottle.  The Rangers threaten to use the magic bottle on Rita, Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo.  Rita and her crew retreated.  Yellow Ranger then instructed Mr. Ticklesneezer to put back everything he had collected, which Mr. Ticklesneezer did.

Different Drum

Food Fight





Big Sisters

I, Eye Guy

For Whom The Bell Trolls






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