Page Nineteen

After awhile, Billy's communicator goes off.  After a quick look around, Trini and Billy hurry over to the locker area.  Billy contacts Zordon.  Zordon instructs them to teleport to the Command Center immediately.  Trini tells Billy, let's go.  The two teens teleport out of the Youth Center.  Billy asks Zordon, what's happening?  Trini asks, where's everyone else.  Zordon replies, your friends are being held by a magnetic force field in Goldar's rope.  Observe the viewing globe.  Trini and Billy turn around.  The viewing globe shows Jason, Zack, and Kimberly struggling to free themselves from the rope.  Alpha 5 tells them he can't figure out how to free them.  This is an awful mess.  Billy states, we have to go to them.  Zordon asks them to wait.  There's even a more serious problem.  Zordon asks them to turn their attention to the viewing globe once more.  This time it's an image of Grumble Bee.  Zordon informs them, Rita's monster Grumble Bee.  It's spouts lethal venom and shoots poisonous stingers.  Left uncheck, he could destroy mankind.  Trini responds, we got to stop it.  Billy is concern about Kimberly, Zack, and Jason.  We just can't leave them there.  Zordon tells them, Alpha will continue working on a solution to that problem.  It is up to you to head off Rita's monster.  Trini and Billy morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger face down Grumble Bee.  Grumble Bee shoots his stingers at Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger managed to avoid the stingers.  Grumble Bee fires more stingers, hitting Blue Ranger this time.  Grumble Bee shoots more stingers towards Yellow Ranger.  Yellow Ranger quickly climbs up a tree and avoids being hit.  Yellow Ranger leaps out of the tree and strikes Grumble Bee, knocking him to the ground.  Yellow Ranger yells over at Blue Ranger, high kick!  Yellow Ranger puts her hands in position as Blue Ranger runs towards her.  Yellow Ranger lifts Blue Ranger up into the air.  Blue Ranger tries to land a kick, but falls to the ground instead.  Yellow Ranger races over to Blue Ranger.  Yellow Ranger asks, what happened?  You've never missed that one before.  Blue Ranger replies, the bee's venom.  It's making me weak.  Yellow Ranger tells Blue Ranger to stay here, I'll protect you.  Before Yellow Ranger can do anything, Grumble Bee fires at the two Rangers with ultra sonic pulses of energy.  They are both struck and hit the ground.  Grumble Bee is proud of his secret weapon.  Yellow Ranger tells Blue Ranger, there's no way we can fight it.  We got to get out of here.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger retreat.  At the Command Center, Billy informs Zordon that the ultra sonic waves are too powerful.  We have to find the monster's weakness.  Zordon replies, Alpha 5 is creating a special weapon for that purpose.  Behold the viewing globe.  Trini and Billy turn around and look at the viewing globe, which shows images of Grumble Bee.  Trini asks, what about the others?  Billy replies, we have to try and free them.  Zordon wishes them good luck.  Trini and Billy teleport out.  Trini and Billy arrive at the park and quickly run over to their friends.  When they touch the rope, they receive an electric shock.  Kimberly pleads with them to hurry.  Zack tells them they got to do something.  Billy's communicator goes off.  Billy tells Zordon, we can't get them free.  Zordon informs them, the situation has gotten worse.  You and Trini must morph and battle the Grumble Bee again.  Trini asks, how can we leave them?  Jason tells them they have to go.  You and Billy have to stop the monster. Now!  Billy agrees.  We'll do our best.  Trini and Billy morph and teleport away.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger arrived in another area of the park.  They immediately leap into the air and land a powerful kick on Grumble Bee.  Grumble Bee goes flying and hits the ground.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger face down Grumble Bee as he gets back up.  Grumble Bee charges towards the two Rangers.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger fight Grumble Bee.  Grumble Bee quickly knocks Blue Ranger to the ground.  Yellow Ranger continues to fight Grumble Bee, until she is knocked to the ground as well.  Grumble Bee taunts Blue Ranger.  You've felt my sting, now taste my poison venom.  Grumble Bee shoots his venom at Blue Ranger, who is soon encased in it.  Blue Ranger falls to the ground.  Yellow Ranger races over to Blue Ranger.  She asks him if he is alright as she helps to prop him up.  Blue Ranger tells her he is alright so far, but the venom is highly toxic.  It's eating through my suit.  The rest of the Rangers arrive.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger immediately land a kick that knocks Grumble Bee off his feet.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger stand protectively in front of Blue Ranger and Yellow Ranger.  Pink Ranger is kneeling by Blue Ranger, making sure he is okay.  Red Ranger tells them, don't worry guys.  We're all here now.  Grumble Bee gets back up and summons several Putties.  Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger charge towards the Putties, as the Putties charge towards them.  Red Ranger fights a batch of Putties.  Black Ranger leaps through the air and hooks one Putty with his feet and the other with his arms.  Black Ranger flips both of them away.  Yellow Ranger fights another group of Putties.  Pink Ranger battles yet another batch of Putties.  Eventually the Putties are defeated.  Grumble Bee tells the Rangers they are a pain in his wings.  Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger face down Grumble Bee.  Red Ranger tells Grumble Bee, you're through!  Grumble Bee shoots them with his sonic pulses of energy.  The four Rangers are hit hard and are knocked to the ground, clutching their helmet.  Black Ranger exclaims, I can't take much more of this!  Grumble Bee laughs.  Blue Ranger races over to the fallen Rangers, and tells them to hang on.  The effect will wear off just like the venom did.  Blue Ranger yells at Grumble Bee, you're going to pay for this!  Grumble Bee mockingly responds, I'm shaking!  Alpha 5 teleports the weapon to Blue Ranger and it appears in Blue Ranger's hands.  Blue Ranger thanks Alpha.  Blue Ranger knows just what to do.  Blue Ranger points the weapon at Grumble Bee as he tells him, here is lesson number one.  Grumble Bee shouts, no you don't!  Blue Ranger fires the weapon.  A glue like substance sprayed out and covered Grumble Bee.  Grumble Bee screamed, stop it!  The rest of the Rangers gathered around Blue Ranger and cheer for him.  Grumble Bee begins to shake off the substance and Blue Ranger notes Grumble Bee is becoming unglued.  Red Ranger declares, I'll put him down.  Red Ranger leaps into the air with his Power Sword and strikes Grumble Bee hard, knocking him to the ground.  Grumble Bee grows to giant size.  The Rangers quickly summon their zords and form the Megazord.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, let's kick this bug head!  Grumble Bee releases several of his stingers and they strike Megazord hard.  Red Ranger declares they are going to need more power and the Megazord goes into battle mode.  Grumble Bee charges towards the Megazord.  Megazord heads towards Grumble Bee.  Megazord and Grumble Bee fight.  Megazord lands a hard punch on Grumble Bee.  Grumble Bee blocks a kick.  Megazord tries to strike Grumble Bee again, but misses.  Megazord tries again and this time hits Grumble Bee hard enough to knock him off his feet.  Grumble Bee quickly gets back up and releases more stingers.  The stingers hit Megazord several times and Megazord takes a few steps back.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, they need to get in a little closer.  Megazord heads towards Grumble Bee.  Grumble Bee leaps into the air and lands a hard kick on Megazord.  Megazord almost falls.  Grumble Bee release his sonic pulses of energy.  Megazord can barely move.  Black Ranger tells Red Ranger, we got to back down.  Grumble Bee continues his assault of sonic pulses of energy towards Megazord.  Blue Ranger tells Red Ranger, we can't back off, just because we're in a little trouble.  We got to keep trying.  Red Ranger agrees and summons the power sword.  Grumble Bee tells them, your puny sword can't save you!  Megazord approaches Grumble Bee with the power sword.  Grumble Bee is convinced the sword isn't even real.  But Grumble Bee soon realizes it is and starts to back away from the power sword.  Megazord strikes Grumble Bee with the power sword several times.  Grumble Bee falls to the ground, but gets back up.  Megazord charges up the power sword and strikes Grumble Bee again, this time destroying him.  The following day, Trini and Kimberly watch Jason and Zack spar at the Youth Center.  Tommy walks in and tells them he did well at the karate tournament, he just feels bad about not helping them.  Trini and Kimberly reassured him that they know he is there for them.  Moments later, Billy enters and walks towards them in high spirits.  He tells his friends, he has been accepted into the Young Scientists of America club.  His friends congratulate him.  Jason notices Bulk and Skull sitting at a table, and it looks like they are studying.  Trini and her friends walk over and Bulk tells them if they don't pass, Miss Appleby is going to have the six top students tutor them all summer.  Trini and her friends quickly realize that means them and they immediately begin helping Bulk and Skull study.

The Youth Center is holding a Women's Self-Defense Class.  Jason and Tommy are teaching the class to several moms.  They demonstrate several defense moves.  Jason reminds the class to scream as loud as possible to attract attention.  Tommy asks if there are any questions.  One of the moms tells them, I just want to say how nice it is for you boys to volunteer to teach us self defense.  The class applauds Tommy and Jason.  Tommy tells them, anything for Angel Grove's moms.  Jason continues, today's class is about teamwork.  Teamwork can be one of your best weapons against an opponent.  Tommy tells them, Kimberly and Trini are going to help us show you what we mean.  Trini and Kimberly walk to the front of the class.  Tommy notes, when they walk they use the buddy system.  Jason continues, but unfortunately they are still attacked.  Trini uses her defense moves against Jason.  Tommy points out, one mistake Trini is making is she's not yelling.  Kimberly uses her defense moves against Tommy and eventually knocks him down onto the mats.  Kimberly helps Tommy up as the class applauds.  Trini continues to use her defense moves against Jason as Tommy lectures the class.  See by working together and fighting their attackers, they stay calm and are able to defeat them easily.  Remember ladies, two heads are better than one.  Trini had knocked Jason down on the mats and she helps him back up.  Trini and Kimberly leave and the class applauds.  Trini and Kimberly join Billy and Zack at the counter.  After the class, Jason and Tommy walk over to their friends.  Ernie places a basket of fruit on the counter.  Zack is really enjoying his drink.  Kimberly passes her glass to Tommy and tells him, he's got to try this.  Zack adds, man they are great as he passes his glass to Jason.  Jason and Tommy take a sip of the drinks.  Tommy agrees, that's really good.  Jason asks, what is this?  Ernie tells them, they are my new exotic fruit shakes.  I've got some pineapple, a little guava, some papaya, and a whole bunch of stuff.  Ernie walks away.  Trini tells them, Ernie bought all kinds of exotic fruit to make them.  Kimberly makes a face when Bulk and Skull join them.  Bulk greets them, okay karate geeks, we are here for the self defense class.  Jason responds, well you guys are late and class is over.  Trini adds, besides it's a women's self defense class.  Bulk responds, we know that.  We want to meet some babes.  Skull adds, yeah, like Kimberly as he lifts her hair and sniffs it.  Kimberly yanks her hair away.  Tommy tells them, you know what.  You should be in the class.  Tommy gives Jason a wink and he quickly plays along.  Jason adds, yeah, we've got some real babes for you two to meet.  Bulk and Skull get excited and exclaimed yes!  Tommy reminds Jason, we have to go figure out what we are teaching next time.  Jason tells his friends, catch you guys later.  Jason and Tommy head out.  After awhile, Trini and her friends are teleported to the Command Center.  Once they arrive, Zordon informs them that Jason and Tommy were just attacked in the park by Rita's latest monster, the Two Headed Parrot.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Jason, Tommy, and Billy turn around and face the viewing globe, which shows images of Two Headed Parrot.  Zordon continues, with two heads working together, the parrot becomes twice as intelligent and twice as dangerous.  Jason comments, it shoots feather shaped darts.  Tommy adds, and missiles.  Zordon tells them, the key to the parrot's power lays in both brains cooperating with each other, in order to launch it's attack.  The teens turn around and face Zordon.  Kimberly comments, I guess Rita finally learned how to use a little teamwork.  Zack adds, man, that is one bad bird.  Trini asks, how can we stop it?  Billy suggests they distract it with it's favorite food.  Parrots do love fruit.  Alpha 5 tells them the data on the parrot shows it likes pamangos.  Tommy tells his friends, there are a lot of fruit trees in the park.  I'll go find one.  Zordon tells Tommy, good thinking.  But be careful, your powers are limited.  Tommy responds, got it.  Zordon tells the rest of the teens to stay here and study Alpha's data on the Two Headed Parrot until Tommy gets back.  Jason agrees.  Tommy teleports out.  After a few moments, Billy looks at the data he retrieved and then tells his friends, well parrots are rather intelligent to begin with.  By doubling it's cranium capacity, Rita created a monster that....the alarms went off.  Zordon informs them that the Two Headed Parrot has appeared in the park once again.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Jason turn around and look at the viewing globe, which is showing images of the Two Headed Parrot.  There are also images of the Putties, which alarms Alpha 5.  Kimberly concludes they are going to ambush Tommy.  Trini tells them, we got to stop them.  Trini, Kimberly, Jason, Zack, and Billy morph and teleport out.  The five Rangers arrive in the park and face down Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot calls them foolish and asks, do you really think you can outsmart us?  Several Putties arrive and soon the five Rangers are fighting the Putties.  Two Headed Parrot taunts the Rangers as they fight.  Give up!  You'll never win!  Two Headed Parrot leaps towards the five Rangers.  The five Rangers get out their Blade Blasters and charge towards Two Headed Parrot.  The five Rangers fight Two Headed Parrot with their Blade Blasters.  Two Headed Parrot easily knocks the five Rangers away.  The Rangers gather together and hold out their Blade Blasters.  Two Headed Parrot tells them, their time has come.  They are going to finish them once and for all.  With eyebeams from all four eyes, Two Headed Parrot blasts the five Rangers off their feet.  The Rangers struggle to get up.  Red Ranger becomes angry.  That's enough!  I've had it with this guy!  Black Ranger tries to calm him down.  Be smart, wait for Tommy.  Two Headed Parrot asks, what's the matter Red Ranger?  Have you finally discovered you're no match for us?!  This really makes Red Ranger mad.  He leaps into the air with his Blade Blaster, declaring, you're mine!  Red Ranger fights Two Headed Parrot with his Blade Blaster.  After several kicks and hits, Two Headed Parrot knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  Red Ranger struggles to get back up.  Two Headed Parrot walks towards Red Ranger and comments, divide and conquer, right.  Red Ranger teaches about teamwork but forgets his own rules.  Two Headed Parrot stomps Red Ranger.  Green Ranger leaps in with his Dragon Dagger.  Green Ranger grabs Two Headed Parrot and they fall to the ground.  Green Ranger gets up quickly and holds out the pamango fruit.  Green Ranger comments, this should keep you two occupied.  Green Ranger tosses the pamango fruit towards Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot grabs the pamango fruit and immediately start arguing over it.  The rest of the Rangers gather around Green Ranger.  Pink Ranger tells Green Ranger, good job.  That was great.  Red Ranger thanks Green Ranger.  Guess I lost it.  Green Ranger replies, no problem.  Let's show this turkey some real teamwork!  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Red Ranger leap into the air and land a kick on Two Headed Parrot.  The five Rangers gather together and, using their hands,  form a launch pad for Green Ranger.  Green Ranger lands onto their hands and then goes flying towards Two Headed Parrot.  Green Ranger fires his Dragon Dagger at Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot is hit and rolls onto the ground.  The Rangers gather together and face down Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot grows to giant size.  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger summon their zords.  The zords arrive and the five Rangers quickly leap inside them.  Red Ranger gives the command to power up all systems.  Blue Ranger confirms, all systems go.  The Megazord is formed in tank mode.  Red Ranger gives the command for battle mode.  The Megazord transforms into battle mode.  Green Ranger uses his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord quickly arrives.  Megazord and Dragonzord stand side by side as they face down Two Headed Parrot.  Megazord and Dragonzord charge towards Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot runs and then leaps into the air towards them.  Two Headed Parrot strikes both Megazord and Dragonzord.  Megazord and Dragonzord take several steps back.  Two Headed Parrot runs towards them again.  Dragonzord swings it's tail, but misses Two Headed Parrot.  Megazord tries to kick Two Headed Parrot, but Two Headed Parrot blocks the kick.  Dragonzord swings it's tail once more, and misses again as Two Headed Parrot ducks out of the way.  Two Headed Parrot strikes Dragonzord.  Two Headed Parrot releases it's feather darts and several hit Megazord.  Dragonzord goes after Two Headed Parrot.  This time when Dragonzord swings it's tail, it strikes Two Headed Parrot hard.  Two Headed Parrot and Dragonzord fight each other.  Two Headed Parrot tries several kicks, but Dragonzord blocks them.  Dragonzord strikes Two Headed Parrot hard and Two Headed Parrot goes flying through the air and hits the ground.  Two Headed Parrot struggles as it gets back up on it's feet.  Megazord joins Dragonzord and they stand side by side once more.  Green Ranger exclaims, let's finish it guys!  Red Ranger calls on the power of Titanus.  Titanus quickly arrives and Ultrazord is formed.  Red Ranger tells Two Headed Parrot to give it up.  Two Headed Parrot refuses.  Ultrazord fires all weapons and Two Headed Parrot is destroyed.  The following day, the lessons continue for the self defense class.  Tommy and Jason are busy teaching the class.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy are sitting at the counter.  Zack is enjoying one of the exotic fruit drinks and comments, he could drink them all day.  Ernie asks Kimberly, how do you like the parrot?  Kimberly is very confused.  Ernie continues, Tommy says he's been a finicky eater.  Kimberly continues to be puzzled and replies, he did?  Ernie passes a pamango fruit to Kimberly and tells her to give him another one of these.  Kimberly thanks Ernie, even though she has no idea what he is talking about.  Kimberly looks at Trini and asks, what?  Trini replies, I don't know and they both laugh.  Bulk and Skull enter the Youth Center.  Zack notices them and points them out to his friends.  Bulk and Skull walk through the class, a little puzzled.  They interrupted class to talk to Tommy and Jason.  Bulk asks, where are all the babes?!  Skull adds, these are just a bunch of moms.  Two moms in particular are very offended over the remark.  Jason notices their expression and comments, I think it's time for a little practice.  Jason asks Bulk and Skull if they would like to be the attackers?  Bulk and Skull immediately perk up and reply sure.  Bulk tells the moms, don't worry ladies, we won't hurt you.  Skull tries to attack one mom and ends up quickly restrain.  Bulk attacks another mom and finds out he can't keep up with her defensive moves.  Bulk and Skull try one more time and the moms flip them onto the mat.  Tommy tells Jason, taught them how to do it.  Jason replies, I knew we could do it.  Tommy and Jason pound fists.  At the counter, Trini and Kimberly are amused at the display.  The moms help Skull and Bulk get back up on their feet.  Bulk and Skull are a little wobbly as they stand up.  One of the moms tells them, always remember boys.  The two moms then speak together, two moms are better than one.  Jason is very amused.  Bulk and Skull look at each other and then fall back down onto the mats.  The rest of the class gathers together around the two moms, Jason, and Tommy.  They are very proud of themselves.  At the counter, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack chuckle over the scene.

Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason enter the Youth Center.  They paused at the doorway as they witness Angela give Zack a kiss on the cheek.  When Angela walks pass, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy walk towards their friend, teasing him.  Jason asks, so when's the wedding?  Zack grins and replies chill guys. It was just a little peck on the cheek.  But his friends aren't fooled and Zack can't help but to dance with joy.  After awhile, Kimberly tells Trini, Jason, and Billy they have to hurry.  I promised to meet Tommy at the mall before it closes.  They all head over to where Zack is cleaning up his magician table.  Jason asks Zack if he is coming?  Zack replies, no.  I'm going to hang out here and make sure Angela...I mean the kids don't need any help.  Not one of his friends believe him.  Kimberly asks, who is that rad guy Angela is talking to?  Zack quickly looks over.  Angela is talking to one of the young boys.  Kimberly teases Zack.  Busted!  Jason tells Zack not to do anything he wouldn't do.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason head out.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason are walking through the park and talking about Zack.  Kimberly asks them, did you see the look on Zack's face when Angela kissed him?  Jason replies, he was putty in her hands.  Suddenly several Putties leap towards them.  Jason tells them to spread out and they do so.  Billy fights a group of Putties.  Trini fights another group of Putties.  She kicks one so far, it goes flying and hits a tree.  Trini shouts, take that clay face! Jason fights a group of Putties.  Kimberly is battling another batch of Putties.  Jason shouts, hang it there guys!  We almost got them beat!  The battle continues.  Jason fights a batch of Putties.  Billy fights another group of Putties.  Trini is fighting yet another group of Putties.  Suddenly the Putties vanish.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason gather together.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Zordon informs them, Rita is up to her old tricks again Rangers.  You must act quickly to save Angel Grove.  Teleport here at once and I'll explain.  Jason replies right and tells his friends, let's go and they teleport out of the park.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason arrive at the Command Center.  Alpha 5 immediately tells them, you won't believe what Rita has been up to!  Zordon instructs them to behold the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows images of Peckster.  Zordon informs them that Rita has sent down the dreaded Peckster, who's mission is destroy every home and building in Angel Grove city.  Billy notices the abundance of feathers on Peckster.  Zordon tells them the Peckster's powerful wings can cause wind storms, adding yet another evil dimension to it's fighting arsenal.  Jason states, man, that's just what we need.  A wacko woodpecker full of hot air.  Kimberly is ready to go.  Trini asks, where's Zack?  Zordon tells them, Zack will join you later.  Right now he's needed at the Youth Center with the children.  Kimberly asks about Tommy.  Zordon replies, remember Kimberly, he must conserve his powers.  I will contact him if you need him.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger arrive in the city and immediately spot Peckster flying above them.  Peckster makes his way towards the four Rangers, as they charge towards him.  As Peckster flies by them, he knocks each Ranger off their feet with his wings.  The four Rangers gather together and face down Peckster.  Peckster taunts them, oh no Rangers!  You better look before you leap!  The four Rangers glance down and are very surprised to see Putties.  The Putties quickly surround the four Rangers.  Peckster tells them, you're making this too easy!  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger battle the Putties.  Peckster flies into the battle.  Peckster knocks Yellow Ranger and Pink Ranger to the ground.  Peckster brags, let me show you something.  I think you will get a bang out of it!  Peckster shoots several red darts from it's mouth, hitting the two Rangers and knocking them off their feet once more.  Blue Ranger and Red Ranger leap towards Peckster.  Peckster avoids being struck and Red Ranger and Blue Ranger land on the ground.  Peckster uses his powerful wings and creates a wind storm.  Red Ranger and Blue Ranger struggle against the wind.  Eventually they are lifted up into the air.  Peckster shoots more darts at them and they are hit several times.  Red Ranger and Blue Ranger crash onto the ground.  Yellow Ranger and Pink Ranger hurry over.  Yellow Ranger asks if they are alright?  Red Ranger replies, yeah, so far.  Peckster tells them, not for long.  Peckster charges towards the four Rangers.  Peckster fights the four Rangers and does well against them.  Suddenly Black Ranger leaps into battle and kicks Peckster hard, sending him flying.  The rest of the Rangers gathered around Black Ranger.  Blue Ranger notices Black Ranger holding a handful of balloons and asks, don't you think this is a bad time for a party?  Black Ranger replies, not if this idea works.  Black Ranger challenges Peckster.  Bet you can't pop these?  Peckster is eager to prove Black Ranger wrong.  Peckster leaps into the air and towards Black Ranger.  Peckster quickly pops all the balloons, except the black one.  Peckster's beck is stuck inside the rubber ball, which Black Ranger had disguised as a balloon.  Peckster rolls onto the ground, trying to remove the ball.  Black Ranger taunts, what's the matter bird breath?  Cat got your tongue?  Or does the ball got your beak?  Red Ranger tells Black Ranger great job.  Black Ranger thanks him.  It doesn't take much thought to beat a bird brain.  Peckster can't remove the ball and charges towards the Rangers.  Black Ranger states, I think it's time to make a feather duster out of you.  Black Ranger pulls out his Blade Blaster and fires at Peckster.  Peckster is hit and knocked to the ground.  Peckster grows to giant size.  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger summon their zords.  Once the zords arrive, the Rangers leap into them quickly and form the Megazord.  Peckster leaps towards the Megazord and pecks at it.  Megazord steps backwards several feet.  Black Ranger shouts, let's get him!  Red Ranger calls on the mammoth shield.  Peckster charges towards Megazord once more.  Red Ranger taunts Peckster, let's see you peck through this!  Megazord takes several steps towards Peckster.  Peckster attempts to peck Megazord, but is blocked by mammoth shield.  Megazord punches Peckster.  Peckster goes flying and hits the ground hard.  Laughing, Peckster gets back up.  Peckster tells them, I haven't even begun to fight.  How about a whiff of my toxic tornado you teenage twerps.  Peckster flaps his wings.  Megazord struggles against the tornado.  Peckster shoots several darts at Megazord.  Megazord is hit and falls to the ground.  Black Ranger tells his friends, come on guys!  We can't give up - we're the Power Rangers!  It's high time we started using our heads!  Black Ranger uses the cranial laser.  Peckster charges towards the fallen Megazord but is suddenly hit by the laser.  Peckster is knocked to the ground as Megazord gets back up.  Red Ranger tells Black Ranger, great work!  Okay Rangers, let's finish this bird brain off!  Red Ranger calls on the power sword.  Peckster gets back up.  Megazord strikes Peckster with the power sword and destroys him.  After the battle, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason go to the Youth Center.  Jason joins Trini, Billy, and Kimberly sitting at a table.  A few moments later, a sharp dressed Zack walks in.  Trini and Kimberly tease Zack, with Trini telling Kimberly, hold me back.  Jason asks, you got a hot date?  Grinning, Zack tells his friends he's taking Angela out for a big night on the town.  Billy asks, what's on the itinerary?  Zack replies, I thought we would start off with a little candlelight dinner at La Petite Bistro.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason are impressed.  Zack continues, and then maybe a little slow dancing at Cafe DeBlouee.  Still giggling, Kimberly comments to Trini, Romeo.  Zack concludes, and then who knows, maybe a candlelight party for two.  Facing his friends, Zack doesn't see Angela walk in with the group of kids.  Angela greets Zack and he turns around, surprised to see the kids with Angela.  Angela asks, why are you so dressed up?  We're only taking the kids to the cartoon festival.  Zack tries to take in the fact that he will not be having a romantic date with Angela.  Angela asks him, wait, did you think this was a date?  Zack quickly replies, me, no.  Trying to help out her friend, Kimberly tells Angela, Zack always dresses like that when he goes to the movies.  Perhaps not believing Kimberly or Zack, she tells Zack, you are so good with kids, I just assumed....Zack tells her, no sweat.  Angela tells him, we better be going.  The kids walk in front of them as they head out.  Downfallen, Zack tells his friends later as they head out.  Zack asks Angela, what cartoon festival are we going to see?  Angela replies, my favorite.  A five hour retrospective of Woody the Woodpecker.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason cringe as Zack smacks his face.

Trini and Tommy are at the Youth Center, checking out a table set up for snacks.  Kimberly joins them.  Kimberly is very excited as she tells them, wait till you hear the totally awesome news.  Trini asks, what?  Kimberly replies, I'm going to be a contestant on the TV show, Trick or Treat.  Trini can't believe it.  No way, that's great!  Trini and Kimberly high five each other.  Tommy is happy for Kimberly.  Trick or Treat, isn't that like the most popular game show in America?  Trini nods her head in agreement.  Tommy continues, millions of people will see you on TV.  Playing around, Kimberly tells them, I'm going to be a star.  Trini and Tommy laugh.  Kimberly tells them she could actually win a brand new car.  Trini and Tommy are impressed.  Kimberly invites them to come see her next Saturday.  Trini immediately replies, of course.  Count me in.  Tommy is bummed.  Next Saturday?  I have this big inner city karate match I can't miss.  Kimberly tells Tommy she understands.  Kimberly wonders who her opponent will be.  Just then Bulk and Skull walk in and head straight for their group.  Bulk and Skull recite a rhyme which reveals that Skull will be Kimberly's opponent.  Kimberly can't believe it.  No way.  Bulk is confident that Skull is going to win.  Skull asks Kimberly, are you ready to meet a real winner as he reaches for her hand.  Kimberly flips his hand away and Skull lands face down in the bowl of guacamole.  Bulk yanks Skull out of the bowl and Skull's face is covered in guacamole.  Bulk tells them, forget it dweebs.  We got our strategy all worked out.  That grand prize car is going to be mine.  Skull repeats, yeah, mine!  Not too worried, Kimberly replies, trick or treat guys. Saturday arrives and the crew at Trick or Treat get everything set up for another game.  The audience is very excited and everyone is dressed in a costume.  Trini is sitting with Kimberly, Billy, Jason and Zack.  Jason comments to Zack, it's pretty wild here.  Zack agrees.  The show starts and the announcer states, okay everyone, it's time to play!  The audience shouts trick or treat!  The audience applauds and hollers as the excitement builds.  The host, Monty, steps in front of the audience, still combing his hair.  He tells the audience, good to see you, before going to stand behind a podium.  Monty starts the game by welcoming their two contestants.  First, the lovely and beautiful princess Kimberly Hart!  Kimberly excitedly gets up and goes over to a podium set up for the contestants.  The audience cheers and clap.  Trini holds up a sign cheering her on.  Monty continues, and secondly, recently escaped from detention, Eugene Skullovitch!  Skull quickly gets up and goes to the podium next to Kimberly.  Bulk gets up and excitedly claps and cheers for his friend.  He looks around and realizes no one else is cheering for Skull and stops.  Excited, Skull says hi mom to the camera.  Monty explains the rules of the game, all the while flossing his teeth.  Each of you takes turns asking me trick questions.  If you manage to trick me, you will be awarded pumpkin points.  The player with the most pumpkin points at the end of the game wins.  And today's fabulous prize is a brand new car.  Kimberly jumps up and down and Skull screams in excitement.  Monty starts the game.  Mr. Skullovitch, you won the coin toss so you get to ask me the first question.  Skull is surprised and without thinking replies, I do?  The buzzer sounds and Monty gleefully answers, yes you do!  Monty laughs as Skull realizes how easily he has been tricked.  Monty tells him I got you, no pumpkin points for you.  Monty states, and now we move on to Kimberly.  Kimberly asks, can you tell me the identities of the Power Rangers?  Monty is stumped.  Jason and Zack grin as Trini and Billy exchange amused glances.  Monty tries to think of an answer.  Skull is not happy and he glances over at Kimberly.  The announcer states Kimberly gets a pumpkin point.  Kimberly is very excited.  The audience and Trini, Billy, Zack, and Jason cheer and applaud.  Monty is a bit disgruntled.  So big deal.  You got me and you got a pumpkin point.  Kimberly gives Skull a mocking look and he glares back at her.  Monty states, now let's see if you can pick up three more points by playing our Wicked Wheel of Misfortune game.   Kimberly walks over to the Wheel of Misfortune.  Monty and his assistant strap Kimberly onto the wheel.  Kimberly is excited and a bit nervous.  The crowd, except Bulk, cheers her on.  Monty spins the wheel and Kimberly screams.  Kimberly does well and gains more pumpkin points.    Monty tells Skull it's now his turn to try and trick him.  Glancing at Bulk several times, Skull asks Monty what is my best friend's scam?  Skull quickly changes scam to name.  Monty is surprised that Skull has a friend, which allows Skull to gain a pumpkin point.  Monty announces that Skull gets to play Wicked Web of Disaster game.  Skull laughs with delight as the audience cheers.  Skull is standing in front of the Wicked Web of Disaster with Monty and his assistant.  Skull is feeling very confident.  Monty explains the rules.  The object of this game is to collect three bugs in ten seconds.  In the audience, Zack can't help but to mutter yuck, bugs.  Monty continues, if you can also manage to get out of the web before the spider gets you.  Skull leaps into the web and quickly climbs up.  Skull grabs two bugs before the spider sprays him with white goo.  Skull screams in frustration as the audience laughs.  Monty exclaims, now we're having fun!  Monty asks Kimberly if she really thinks she can trick him again?  Kimberly grins until she glances over at her friends.  They are pointing to their communicators.  Kimberly understands and immediately comes up with an idea.  Skull is puzzled when Kimberly wanders onto the stage.  Kimberly spins around and then dramatically announces, I don't feel so good.  Kimberly "faints".  Trini, Jason, Zack, and Billy run onto the stage and surround their friend.  Kimberly lifts her head briefly and gives them a wink.  Billy tells Monty that the stage lights were too much for her.  Trini, Zack, Billy, and Jason help Kimberly up and guide her off the stage.  Trini, Kimberly, Jason, Zack, and Billy are backstage as Kimberly grumpily tells them, I can't believe I lost the car to that bonehead!  Jason replies, sorry Kimberly.  Zordon needs us.  The five teens teleport out.  Alpha 5 is very worried when Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly teleport in.  Zordon informs them that they have a dangerous mission ahead of them.  Behold the viewing globe.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Jason, and Billy turn around and face the viewing globe which is showing images of a pumpkin patch.  Zack doesn't get it, it's just a bunch of pumpkins.  Zordon tells him, no Zack.  They are Rita's evil doings.  These pumpkins can attach themselves to your head.  Making it impossible for you to see or breathe.  Kimberly becomes alarmed and places her own hand close to her neck.  Zordon continues, when the biggest of them ripens, it will turn into Rita's newest creation, Pumpkin Rapper.  Trini asks, what can this monster do?  Zordon replies, it will try to distract you with it's clever raps and rhymes.  It will wrap it's mind around you and destroy you.  The viewing globe now shows images of Pumpkin Rapper.  Jason comments, Rita's got some evil tricks going on this time.  Zordon informs them, they have to find this monster before he ripens.  Billy asks about Tommy.  Zordon replies, Alpha will contact him if you need him.  Remember Rangers, Tommy must conserve his powers.  Jason is ready to tackle the monster.  Trini, Billy, Zack, Jason, and Kimberly morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive at the pumpkin patch.  Red Ranger tells them to spread out.  Pink Ranger decides to check behind the bushes while the rest of the Rangers investigate the pumpkin patch.  Yellow Ranger and Black Ranger each pick up a pumpkin.  Yellow Ranger can't stand the smell.  Black Ranger notes that they don't look dangerous.  Blue Ranger had picked up a pumpkin as well and taps it.  Blue Ranger states, it sounds like they are devoid of any internal substance.  Blue Ranger places his helmet next to the pumpkin to hear better.  Red Ranger picks up a pumpkin.  Well, there's got to be something to them or Zordon wouldn't have sent us out here.  Suddenly the pumpkin glows.  Red Ranger struggles against it, but it is too late.  Red Ranger's helmet is encased in the pumpkin.  Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger have the same problem and they stagger around trying to remove the pumpkins.  Pink Ranger glances over and sees her friends in trouble.  She races over to her friends.  Pink Ranger pulls out her Blade Blaster and slices it through the pumpkin on Red Ranger's head.  It works and Red Ranger is relieved that he can breath again.  The rest of the pumpkins automatically burst open.  Black Ranger wonders what happened?  Red Ranger informs him that they all came off once Pink Ranger cut his off.  They must be connected somehow.  Blue Ranger points out that all the pumpkins are moving.  Pink Ranger notes, that's not good guys.  I have a feeling something bad is about to happen.  The pumpkins begin to float into the air and then transform into Putties with pumpkins for heads.  Red Ranger tells his team, let's get them!  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers fight the pumpkin Putties.  As the Putties get defeated they revert back to being a pumpkin.  But every time the Rangers knock the pumpkin Putties down, more pop up.  Black Ranger notes, these pumpkin heads keep coming.  Blue Ranger points out the very large pumpkin.  Red Ranger is confident that is the Rapper's pumpkin.  Let's check it out.  The Rangers leap over to the large pumpkin.  The Rangers surround the pumpkin and are eager to wake it up.  The Rangers rap as they stare at the pumpkin.  The Rangers laugh and the large pumpkin begins to shake.  The large pumpkin rolls away from them and then transforms into Pumpkin Rapper.  Pumpkin Rapper is mad at the Rangers for waking him up with a rap that bad.  Pumpkin Rapper has the pumpkin Putties attack the Rangers.  The Rangers fight the pumpkin Putties with their Blade Blasters.  The pumpkin Putties are defeated.  The Rangers faced down Pumpkin Rapper with their Blade Blasters.  Using his vines, Pumpkin Rapper knocks the Blade Blasters out of the Rangers' hands.  Pumpkin Rapper then shoots his vines out at the Rangers, encasing them.  The Rangers struggle to free themselves from the vines.  Pumpkin Rapper uses his vines to blast the Rangers.  The Rangers are hit hard and fall to the ground in a pile.  Suddenly, Green Ranger leaps in with his Dragon Dagger and slices the vines.  The force knocks Pumpkin Rapper off his feet.  Green Ranger joins the rest of the Rangers as Pumpkin Rapper gets back up on his feet.  Green Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers to get their weapons ready.  Green Ranger charges towards Pumpkin Rapper with his Dragon Dagger drawn.  Pumpkin Rapper fires at Green Ranger several times, but misses.  Green Ranger leaps into the air once more and strikes Pumpkin Rapper with his Dragon Dagger.  Green Ranger grabs a hold of Pumpkin Rapper as the rest of the Rangers put together the Power Blaster.  Green Ranger kicks Pumpkin Rapper away.  Pumpkin Rapper falls to the ground, but gets back up on his feet.  The rest of the Rangers fire the Power Blaster, hitting and destroying Pumpkin Rapper. 

Laughing, Bulk and Skull are walking down the hall of Angel Grove High School, towards their lockers.  Tommy's locker is close by them and he glances over at them before walking over to his friends.  Tommy greets Jason.  I heard you and Zack got Ernie to give Roger another tryout on the junior soccer team.  Jason replies, Ernie is great.  He is giving all the runner ups a second chance.  Trini is excited.  Wow!  Do you think Roger will make it this time?  Zack answers, training with the Jaseman and me.  He'll ace it.  Zack has a soccer ball and he walks a little a ways from his friends as he bounces the ball on his knees.  He has no idea Bulk and Skull are behind him until Bulk grabs the ball.  Bulk asks Zack, don't you think someone who knows soccer aught to train the kid?  Billy asks, and that would be?  Bulk replies, obviously you have never seen me on the practice field.  Laughing, Kimberly responds,  I don't think anyone has.  Bulk gets offended at the remark and states, that's because I don't need practice.  Zack tries to take the ball, but Bulk refuses to let go.  Bulk gets ready to give a demonstration of his skills.  Jason warns his friends to be careful.  Trini warns Bulk, that you shouldn't be doing this in the hallway.  Miss Appleby walks around the corner just as Bulk kicks the soccer ball.  Trini, Tommy, Jason, Billy, Kimberly, and Zack all duck out of the way.  The ball flies past Miss Appleby, startling her, and causing her to drop her papers.  The ball hits a wall, knocks down an award and then heads straight down the hall again.  Tommy leaps out of the way, slamming his hand and communicator against the wall.  Trini, Jason, Billy, Kimberly, and Zack back up against the lockers.  The ball hits Bulk in the chest and then bounces into Zack's hands.  Bulk slides to the floor as Zack tells him, someone could have gotten hurt.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Jason, and Billy walk over to help Miss Appleby.  Tommy checks his communicator.  Bulk yanks Skull out of the locker and yells at him, you were suppose to catch it.  Miss Appleby tells them they both have detention after school.  Kimberly notices Tommy's look of concern and asks if he is alright?  Tommy replies, I'm fine.  Bulk struggles to get up and then yanks Skull to his feet.  They both stumble towards Miss Appleby's classroom.  After school, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy are sitting at a table at the Youth Center.  Ernie brings over drinks for them.  Trini asks Ernie if he is ready for the tryouts?  Ernie replies, it was such a strain to make a choice the first time, I don't know how I'm going to do it again.  Suddenly the teens' communicators goes off.  Ernie looks around, asking what is that?  Kimberly asks, what is what?  Ernie dismisses it.  I'm so concern over these tryouts, I'm hearing things.  Ernie walks over to another table as Trini, Kimberly, and Billy hurry over to the locker area.  Billy contacts the Command Center.  Zordon?  Alpha 5 informs the teens, Jason and Zack are under attack by Putties in the park.  Roger is with them.  I've arranged to teleport you there to a spot hidden from view.  Kimberly glances around as Billy tells Alpha 5 they are ready.  Trini, Billy, and Kimberly are teleported out of the Youth Center.  Trini, Billy, and Kimberly arrive at the park.  Trini tells her friends she will stay with Roger.  Billy and Kimberly join Jason and Zack.  Zack tells them, man we are glad to see you guys.  Billy, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack run towards ball shaped Soccadillo.  Trini stays with Roger by the tree and they both watch the teens and the Putties.  Trini calls out a warning to Kimberly.  Kimberly quickly does a split onto the grass, avoiding being hit by the ball.  The ball then bounces off a tree Billy is by.  Two Putties appear behind the tree and Billy fights them.  Kimberly does several flips and then fights a batch of Putties.  Landing several powerful kicks to the Putties.  Zack flips towards another group of Putties.  Zack fights a group of Putties.  During the fight, he manages to land on the shoulders of one of the Putties.  Using the Putty as leverage, Zack kicks several Putties to the ground.  Jason fights yet another batch of Putties.  Jason lands several kicks on the Putties and defeats them.  The ball flies towards Jason, but he ducks down in time.  The ball goes after Zack next, but Zack ducks down in time as well.  Zack goes back to fighting yet more Putties and defeating them.  The ball rolls onto the ground and then vanishes.  The remaining Putties gather together and vanish as well.  Zack takes a cautious look around.  Jason cautiously looks around as well.  Trini and Roger run up to Jason.  Moments later, Billy and Kimberly join them as Roger tells them, you guys were great.  Zack joins his friends as well.  After making sure Roger is safe, the teens teleport to the Command Center.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack are looking at the viewing globe.  Kimberly asks, what is that thing?  Zordon replies, behold the Soccadillo.  Billy is impressed.  Trini points out this isn't the same creature we saw at the park.  Zordon informs them that Rita is feeding him energy to enable it to change form and increase it's power.  In less than an hour, it may be invincible.  Alpha 5 adds, I've been trying for some time to contact Tommy.  Jason asks, any luck?  Alpha 5 replies no.  Nothing.  Zordon tells them, without the Green Ranger, you can not defeat the Soccadillo.  The teens exchange concern looks.  A few moments later, Zordon informs Trini, Billy, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason that Soccadillo has just appeared, just outside of Angel Grove.  Kimberly tells Zordon, we still can't reach Tommy.  Jason decides they can't wait any longer.  With or without Tommy.  The five teens morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger arrive and face down Soccadillo.  Soccadillo warns them that their puny weapons are no much for his armor.  Soccadillo gears up to fight the five Rangers.  The Rangers have their Blade Blasters ready as Red Ranger shouts, let's get him guys!  Soccadillo charges towards the Rangers.  The five Rangers charge towards Soccadillo with their Blade Blasters.  The Rangers fight Soccadillo with their Blade Blasters.  Soccadillo has an easy time with the Rangers, knocking them down with ease.  Soon it's just Red Ranger fighting Soccadillo with his Blade Blaster.  Soccadillo lands a powerful strike that knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  The rest of the Rangers gather around Red Ranger.  Soccadillo crosses his arms and fires at the Rangers from his wrists.  The Rangers are knocked off their feet.  Soccadillo taunts the Rangers.  What's the matter chowder Rangers?  Tired so soon?! Blue Ranger struggles to a sitting position as he keeps his Blade Blaster ready.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the team that Soccadillo is gaining strength rapidly.  We've got to stop him!   Red Ranger gets up and shouts, the game isn't over yet!  Tower formation!  The five Rangers quickly form the tower formation.  Soccadillo becomes alarmed.  The Rangers power up their Blade Blasters and fire at Soccadillo.  Soccadillo quickly goes into his ball shape, which protects him from the blast.  Yellow Ranger notes, it had no affect on him.  Soccadillo laughs as he rolls towards the Rangers.  He asks them if they would like to play a little ball  as he knocks them off their feet.  Soccadillo rolls away from the Rangers and goes back into his monster form.  You're not very good at soccer, are you?!  The Rangers gather together and face down Soccadillo once more.  Soccadillo tells them he's going to bring some coaches for them.  Several Putties arrive.  Soccadillo commands the Putties to get them.  Five Putties hold out several clay ball shapes.  The five Putties kick the clay balls towards the Rangers.  The Rangers are hit and knocked off their feet once more.  Soccadillo laughs.  Score five for our side!  Soccadillo goes into ball shape.  Two Putties race forwards and kick Soccadillo towards the Rangers.  The Rangers are hit.  Green Ranger arrives and gives a strong kick to the ball shape Soccadillo when he arrives.  Soccadillo hits the ground and reverts to monster form.  The rest of the Rangers gather around Green Ranger.  Green Ranger comments, man, it looks like I'm just in time to get into this game.  Let's kick this creep!  Soccadillo goes back into ball form and flies through the air towards the Rangers.  Green Ranger and Red Ranger punch the ball and it goes flying in the opposite direction.  Once more, Soccadillo loses it's ball form and reverts back to monster form.  Yellow Ranger and Pink Ranger leap into the air with their power weapons.  Yellow Ranger strikes Soccadillo with her Power Daggers at the same time as Pink Ranger strikes Soccadillo with her Power Bow.   Black Ranger and Blue Ranger leap into the air and strike Soccadillo with their Power Ax and Power Lance.  Followed by Green Ranger and Red Ranger who strike Soccadillo with their Dragon Dagger and Power Sword.  Soccadillo falls to the ground.  As he scrambles back up, he vows he will fix those Rangers just as soon as he stops feeling dizzy.  The Rangers gather together with their power weapons drawn.  Soccadillo grows to giant size and is convince he is invincible.  Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger quickly back up.  The five Rangers summon their zords.  The zords arrive and the five Rangers leap inside them.  Megazord is quickly formed.  Green Ranger uses his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Megazord and Dragonzord walk towards each other and then face down Soccadillo.  Soccadillo threatens to open them up like a couple of sardine cans as he charges towards them.  Megazord and Dragonzord walk towards Soccadillo.  Dragonzord strikes Soccadillo with it's tail.  Megazord lands a punch on Soccadillo.  Dragonzord tries to strike Soccadillo with it's tail once more, but misses.  Soccadillo strikes a powerful blow against Megazord.  Soccadillo lands several strikes against Dragonzord.  Dragonzord tries to strike with it's tail, but Soccadillo rolls out of the way.  Dragonzord charges towards Soccadillo and strikes it with it's tail.  Soccadillo goes flying and lands on the ground.  Soccadillo gets back up.  Dragonzord fires at Soccadillo.  Soccadillo quickly rolls into a ball and is protected against the blasts.  Black Ranger notes, when it's in a ball, our best shots just bounce off him.  Red Ranger asks if Black Ranger has any ideas?  Black Ranger does.  Wait till he unrolls and get him with the power sword.  Soccadillo, in ball form, floats over to Megazord and Dragonzord.  Soccadillo hits both Megazord and Dragonzord.  Black Ranger encourages the team to hang in there.  He can't stay rolled up forever.  Soccadillo floats past Megazord and Dragonzord again and strikes them both again.  Soccadillo unrolls and faces them.  Soccadillo gloats, and now to finish you!  Megazord and Dragonzord walk towards Soccadillo.  Soccadillo tells them, not so close and shoots beams out of it's eyes.  Megazord and Dragonzord are hit.  Red Ranger calls on the power sword.  The power sword arrives and Megazord strikes Soccadillo with it.  Soccadillo is destroyed.  The Rangers cheer.  After the battle, the teens enter the Youth Center.  Zack points to the crowd of boys gathered around the sign-up sheet posted on the corkboard.  Trini and Kimberly crossed their fingers in hopes that Roger made the team.  Gradually the boys happily walk away from the sign-up sheet once they find out they made the team.  As they pass the teens, Trini, Kimberly, and Tommy give them high fives.  Jason congratulates them.  The only two left at the sign-up sheet is Roger and Ernie.  The teens exchange looks of concern.  Roger slowly turns around and when he sees the teens, he runs up to them.  Ernie follows Roger over to the teens.  Roger excitedly tells them, I made it!  I made it!  Ernie adds, the kids did so well, I added a second team.  The teens are very happy for Roger.  Bulk and Skull enter and plow their way through the teens.  Skull is struggling to remove goo from his hands.  Bulk and Skull stop when they see Ernie and Roger.  Bulk states, what did I tell everybody?  You see kid, you didn't have to work after all.  Roger replies, yes I did.  Bulk asks him, how do you figure?  Skull repeats, yeah, how do you figure?  Roger gloats, if I hadn't practiced, I wouldn't be captain of the team.  The teens laugh and Trini claps.  Bulk doesn't buy it.  I still say you don't have to practice to be good at something.  Bulk gets an idea.  Take Skull here for instance.  Never practice anything in his life.  Bulk asks Roger to toss the ball.  Roger does so and Bulk catches the ball.  He gives the ball to Skull and tells him to show them what you got.  Skull finally breaks his hands apart and takes the ball.  The goo from his hands is sticking to ball and Skull struggles to free his hand from the ball.  Eventually Skull just tosses the ball.  Skull notices that the goo hasn't broken free from the ball and the ball snaps back and hits Skull.  Skull bumps into Bulk.  They both slowly slide down, knocking a tray of drinks onto them as they hit the floor.  Trini, Zack, Jason, Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Ernie, and Roger laugh.

At Angel Grove High School, Tommy is talking to Trini and Kimberly.  He is standing in front of Jason's locker.  Jason walks up and tells Tommy, excuse me.  Tommy gets into Jason's face and replies, you are excuse.  Trini glances over at Kimberly with a concerned look.  Kimberly tries to lighten the mood.  Billy and Zack say the karate class is going really well.  Trini and Kimberly smile at the guys.  Tommy tells them, don't talk to me about it.  I quit.  Trini is surprised - quit?  How come?  Jason answers.  Because he's a quitter, that's what quitters do.  Tommy gets into Jason's face once more and jabs his finger into him several times as he tells him, you know what?  I rather be a quitter than watch you show off every afternoon for the rest of my life.  Jason knocks Tommy's hand aside.  Trini and Kimberly are stunned by this exchange.  Kimberly grabs Trini's arm in alarmed concern.  Bulk and Skull are walking down the halls, when Bulk spots the confrontation between Jason and Tommy.  Bulk tells Skull to check it out.  Oblivious, Skull glances in every direction but down the hall.  Bulk grabs Skull's hair and turns his head in the right direction.  Right there!  Jason is yelling at Tommy - man, you're the one who shows off!  Bulk suggests to Skull that they have a little fun.  With wicked grins, Bulk and Skull head over.  Jason threatens Tommy, you better stay out of my way!  Trini calmly suggests they sit down and talk about this.  I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding.  Bulk gets behind Jason and suggests, of course, you can always settle this like men.  Bulk holds up his fist to emphasize the point.  Skull repeats, yeah, like men.  Kimberly tries to shoo them away.  Come on guys, just stay out of this.  Kimberly makes shooing motions with her hand.  Tommy replies, hey I'm game for it.  Right here, right now!  Skull and Bulk exchange excited looks as Jason and Tommy move out into the middle of the hall.  Suddenly all the students can hear Miss Appleby's voice.  What is going on here?!  Bulk quickly grabs Jason in a bear hug, but Jason breaks out of it.  The students part as Miss Appleby makes her way towards them.  Bulk tells Miss Appleby that they were just trying to break these two up.  Things were starting to get a little ugly.  Miss Appleby finds that hard to believe.  Kimberly steps forward and states, Tommy and Jason were just practicing their moves for their karate class.  Trini backs up Kimberly's story.  Miss Appleby tells them, the hallway is not the place.  I am surprised.  You two should know better than that.  Miss Appleby walks away.  The students scatter as Jason and Tommy glare at each other.  Jason walks over to his locker, takes out a book, and slams the locker door hard as he walks away.  The locker door bounces open and Trini gently closes it.  Trini concludes, something awful must have happened between those two.  Kimberly agrees.  But what?  Trini doesn't have an answer.  Worried about their friends, Trini and Kimberly shut their lockers and head off to class.  Bulk and Skull has arranged a fight between Jason and Tommy at the Youth Center after school. The crowd at the Youth Center gets very rowdy, as they are eager for the match to begin.  Bulk and Skull try their best to hold them back.  Skull yells at the crowd to be quiet.  Bulk walks over to Tommy and Jason and tells them, the only rule is there are no rules.  Last one standing wins.  Go to your corners, come out fighting.  Tommy and Jason go to their corners as Skull enthusiastically rings the bell to start the match.  The crowd chants, fight as Jason and Tommy circle each other in fight positions.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy managed to get through the crowd and stand in front in disbelief.  Trini tells them, guys, this is terrible.  Billy adds, this confrontation could have disastrous results.  Kimberly states, we got to do something.  Zack steps into the middle of Tommy and Jason.  Bulk and Skull quickly walk up to Zack, as Bulk asks him, what are you doing dweeb?  Zack tells Tommy and Jason, this has gone way too far.  Why don't you guys shake hands, and forget it ever happen, alright?  Jason replies, no way Zack.  I'm going to finish this now!  Zack tries again.  Remember what you always tell your students in class?  Don't fight.  Not unless it's the only way to work things out.  Tommy tells Zack to get out of their way.  It's time to take care of this once and for all.  Bulk adds, you heard what they said.  Either buy a ticket or hit the road.  Zack reluctantly walks away and joins Trini, Kimberly, and Billy.  Jason pushes Bulk out of the way, eager to take down Tommy.  Bulk doesn't get mad.  He cheers them on.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy, watch the match in dismay.  The crowd continues to chant fight as Tommy and Jason face each other.  Bulk and Skull urge the two to fight as Trini shoots them a disapproving glance.  Suddenly Zack's communicator goes off.  Zack comments, saved by the beep.  Zack gets between Tommy and Jason once more.  He points to his communicator as he tells them, it's time to go.  Neither Tommy or Jason moves.  Zack yells, it's time to go!  Jason states, this is going to have to wait.  Tommy agrees, but we will finish this later.  Zack pushes Tommy ahead of him and Jason follows his friends out.  Bulk tries to stop them, but they ignore him.  Alpha 5 is busy working when the teens teleport in.  Jason and Tommy land in back of the group, but they push their way towards the front.  Tommy pushes Alpha 5 out of the way.  Alpha 5 tells him to slow down.  There's plenty of room for everybody.  No need to push.  Zordon informs them, we're attempting to track Rita's latest monster.  Behold the viewing globe.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack turn around and face the viewing globe.  Jason and Tommy glare at each other before turning around and facing the viewing globe.  The viewing globe is showing images of Rita's latest monster.  Zordon continues, this is Rita's Slippery Shark.  It's extremely elusive and hard to pin point with our equipment.  Trini is impressed with it's speed.  Wow, look at it go.  Zordon adds, not only can it fly through the air at incredible velocity, but it's able to travel underground with it's exposed fin tearing into anything in it's path.  Zack comments, man, talk about a nightmare for a dentist.  Look at those teeth.  Billy adds, I'm certainly glad I got over my fear of fish.  Tommy tells Jason, you might as well forget it.  This is too much for you to handle.  Jason responds, man, why don't you give it up?  You don't stand a chance because you're too slow.  Tommy asks, who're you calling slow?  Before Jason can respond, Zordon interrupts them.  He tells them they must listen to him very carefully.  Your anger is not real.  Rita has used the shark's special powers to cast a spell on the two of you.  Turning you against one another.  Billy adds, of course.  Now that Jason and Tommy are enemies, Rita is using that power struggle to destroy our team spirit.  Kimberly asks if there is any way to break the spell?  Zordon responds, there is only one way to reverse the effect of the shark's evil power.  Jason and Tommy must put aside how they feel about each other right now and work together to capture this dangerous creature.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack exchange skeptical looks.  Trini asks, isn't there anything the rest of us can do?  Zordon replies, unfortunately no Trini.  You and the other Rangers must stand by.  This is not the answer Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack wanted to hear.  Zordon adds, ultimately it will take all of you to destroy this monster.  Tommy tells Jason, I will take care of this part.  Jason quickly replies, don't even think about it.  Eager to prove who is better, Jason and Tommy morph and teleport out as their friends can only shake their heads.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack watch several of Red Ranger and Green Ranger's attempts to defeat Slippery Shark.  Eventually they decide to work together and the spell breaks with them trapping Slippery Shark in a net. Green Ranger and Red Ranger give each other a high five.  Kimberly is very happy.  Yes!  They did it!  Billy tells them, it appears Rita's spell has been broken.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack have continued to watch the viewing globe as Slippery Shark breaks free from the net and the fight continues. When Red Ranger comments, we're going to need some help here, they are ready.  The four teens morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger leap in with their Blade Blasters drawn.  The four Rangers fight Slippery Shark with their Blade Blasters.  Slippery Shark has an easy time battling the four Rangers.  Eventually he knocks all four Rangers to the ground.  Red Ranger and Green Ranger leap in and simultaneously land on Slippery Shark.  Slippery Shark is knocked to the ground.  Slippery Shark tells them, later losers and he slips beneath the ground.  The Rangers gather together as Green Ranger cautions them to keep their eyes open.  He's really fast.  The Rangers keep a close eye on the ground.  Blue Ranger is the first to notice Slippery Shark's fin heading towards them and calls out a warning.  Slippery Shark's fin knocks each Ranger down as it goes past them.  The Rangers gather together once more.  Black Ranger pulls out his Power Ax and fires it.  The blast forces Slippery Shark above ground.  The Rangers stand up and face down Slippery Shark.  The five Rangers assemble their Power Blaster.  The five Rangers fire their Power Blaster just as Rita's wand hits Slippery Shark.  Slippery Shark grows to giant size.  He taunts, miss me!  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger summon their zords.  The zords arrived and the Rangers quickly leap inside them.  The crystals are powered up and Megazord is formed.  Green Ranger summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Megazord and Dragonzord face down Slippery Shark.  Slippery Shark charges towards them with his weapon.  Slippery Shark runs in circles around Megazord and Dragonzord.  Slippery Shark strikes Megazord with it's weapon.  Dragonzord tries to strike Slippery Shark with it's tail, but misses.  Megazord and Dragonzord can't keep up with Slippery Shark.  Red Ranger shouts, alright shark breath!  You've had it!  Red Ranger summons the power sword.  Megazord tries to fight Slippery Shark with the power sword, but continues to miss striking Slippery Shark.  Slippery Shark strikes a powerful blow against Megazord.  Megazord knocks Slippery Shark aside.  Slippery Shark gets in another strike against Megazord.  Red Ranger notes Slippery Shark is too fast.  Blue Ranger reminds him, teamwork, remember?  Grab the fin and then let Dragonzord take him.  Megazord blocks a blow from Slippery Shark.  Megazord pushes Slippery Shark's weapon down, keeping Slippery Shark in place.  Dragonzord strikes Slippery Shark with it's tail.  Megazord pushes Slippery Shark to the ground.  Slippery Shark gets back up.  Megazord charges towards Slippery Shark with the power sword drawn.  Megazord strikes Slippery Shark several times with the power sword.  Slippery Shark threatens to cut Megazord up into fish bait.  Megazord knocks Slippery Shark's weapon onto the ground.  Megazord then destroys Slippery Shark with the power sword.  After the battle, Tommy and Jason are teaching their karate class at the Youth Center.  Standing close by the class are Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy.  Billy tells them it's really reassuring to see Tommy and Jason working together as a team.  Now that Rita's spell has been broken.  Zack comments, it was really weird seeing them go at each other that way.  Trini and Kimberly agree.  Jason dismisses the class for a break as Bulk and Skull stumble into the Youth Center and head straight for Jason and Tommy.  Noticing the torn clothing, Tommy asks, what happened to you guys or is this your new style?  Jason chuckles.  Bulk replies, very funny.  You owe us a fight.  Jason tells them, sorry guys.  Can't help you.  Bulk tells them, maybe you didn't hear me.  You're going to fight.  And you're going to do it now!  Skull has to prop up his arm to point at Jason and Tommy as he repeats, you're going to fight!  And you're going to fight now!  Bulk tells Skull to shut up.  Bulk and Skull try to strike Jason and Tommy.  Jason and Tommy simply lean back and avoid being hit.  Instead Bulk and Skull's fists hit each other.  They both cry out in pain and fall to the floor.  The class, along with Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack laugh.  Jason uses this example to point out to his class, that there is always a better way than fighting.  The class applauds.

Trini, Zack, Jason, and Billy enter the Youth Center.  Ernie approaches them with a clipboard in his hands.  He tells them he is glad to see them.  Jason asks, what's up Ernie?  Ernie replies, I need someone to run downtown and pick up some supplies I ordered.  The delivery truck broke down.  Jason takes the clipboard and replies, I'll go.  Ernie thanks Jason and tells him he owes him one.  Ernie walks away and Jason heads out.  Trini, Zack, and Billy walk over to where Tommy is standing.  Kimberly is helping Kelly with her routine.  (Kelly wants to join the Angel Grove Junior High cheerleading squad.)  Trini asks Tommy, how's she doing?  Tommy replies, pretty good.  But that's not how Kelly feels.  After a few drills, Kelly feels frustrated.  She shakes her head and yells, forget it!  I can't do it.  Kimberly is feeling a little exasperated as well.  Kelly continues, let's face it.  I'm never going to be as good as you Kimberly.  Why should I even bother trying out for the team!  Kelly throws her pom poms to the floor and runs out of the Youth Center.  Kimberly yells at Kelly to wait, but Kelly is already gone.  Kimberly and Tommy leave to search for Kelly.  Later, Kimberly and Tommy return and hurry over to Trini, Zack, and Billy, sitting at the counter.  Zack sees their expressions and asks, what's wrong?  Kimberly answers, Squatt and Baboo took Kelly.  We got to go to the Command Center.  Trini, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Tommy, hurry out.  Moments later,  Jason arrives at the Command Center.  Kimberly quickly tells Jason that Rita has taken Kelly.  Jason looks over at Zordon as he informs him that she also released another monster.  Zordon replies, yes I know.  The Lizzinator.  Jason continues, and he's super strong because I was way outmatched.  Billy states, we'll have to combine our powers.  Tommy tells them, count me in.  The rest of the team is concerned.  Zack points out, what about your limited power supply?  Tommy replies, it's one of the times I got to use it.  Zack reluctantly tells him, alright man.  But you got to be careful.  Zordon warns them, I'm afraid all six of you may not be able to destroy the Lizzinator.  Trini is in disbelief.  He's that powerful.  Zordon informs them that Alpha will show you the computer analysis of this new creature.  Alpha 5 gives the device to Billy, telling him to take a look at it.  After pressing a few buttons on the device, Billy informs the team that apparently the Lizzinator's outer body is made of super metals from another galaxy.  Virtually impossible to penetrate.  Kimberly states, well we got to try.  If we don't stop him, I'll never find Kelly.  The alarm goes off.  Trini quickly turns around to look at the viewing globe, telling her friends, guys, look.  The viewing globe is showing images of Lizzinator on a rampage.  Trini states, that creepy lizard is tearing another building apart.  Alpha 5 becomes alarmed.  He's going to destroy the world!  Zack quickly responds, no way.  Zordon, we're on it!  Kimberly asks Alpha 5, could you try and find Kelly?  Alpha 5 replies, I'll do my best.  Trini, Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive as Lizzinator pushes a car.  Red Ranger shouts, hold it right there lizard breath!  Lizzinator is happy the Power Rangers have arrived.  Finally a suitable challenge.  Lizzinator shoots red beams out of it's eyes towards Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers roll out of the way.  Lizzinator summons the Putties and orders them to attack the Rangers.  The Rangers are kept busy battling the Putties.  Lizzinator goes back to pushing the car.  Red Ranger leaves the fight with the Putties to battle Lizzinator.  After awhile, Green Ranger joins Red Ranger in his fight against Lizzinator.  Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Blue Ranger defeat the Putties and race over to join Red Ranger and Green Ranger. Red Ranger tells them good work!  Now we'll hit him with all of us together.  Green Ranger agrees, you got it partner!  Lizzinator gets back up on his feet and asks, you think you are through with me?  You haven't seen anything yet chowder Rangers!  Lizzinator grows to giant size.  Green Ranger quickly summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord arrives and faces Lizzinator.  Lizzinator charges towards Dragonzord.  Dragonzord tries to strike Lizzinator with it's tail, but misses.  Lizzinator lands several strikes against Dragonzord.  Dragonzord tries once more to strike Lizzinator with it's tail and misses as Lizzinator rolls out of the way.  Lizzinator grabs a hold of Dragonzord's tail.  He lifts Dragonzord up in the air and spins him around.  Red Ranger notes, Dragonzord is in trouble.  Blue Ranger adds, we got to help.  Lizzinator lets go of Dragonzord and it hits the ground.  Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Red Ranger summon their zords.  The Rangers leap inside their zords.  Megazord is formed.  Megazord walks over to Dragonzord, who has gotten up.  They stand side by side as they face Lizzinator.  Lizzinator isn't scare.  Two of you?  Maybe when I'm through, I can make cars out of the spare parts.  Lizzinator charges towards Megazord and Dragonzord.  They both walk towards Lizzinator.  Lizzinator strikes both of them.  Megazord and Dragonzord take several steps back.  Dragonzord tries to strike Lizzinator with it's tail.  Lizzinator rolls out of the way.  Lizzinator strikes Megazord and avoids being struck by Dragonzord's tail.  Lizzinator strikes Dragonzord.  Dragonzord stumbles back towards Megazord.  Lizzinator states, let's see how you like my super stink breath.  Megazord and Dragonzord began to spark and the Rangers are quite shaken.  Megazord and Dragonzord took several steps backwards.  Lizzinator stomps his feet.  Lizzinator asks them if they smell it?  It's the smell of defeat.  And as Rita has commanded, I shall destroy you both.  Red Ranger notes, our weapons can't penetrate that metal skin.  Red Ranger summons Titanus.  Titanus arrives.  Lizzinator is confused.  What is this?  Hey!  Wait!  No fair!  I was just about to win!  Ultrazord is formed and the Rangers fire all weapons.  Lizzinator is destroyed.  Red Ranger reports, we got him Zordon!  Pink Ranger reminds them they still have to find Kelly.   Zordon informs them that Alpha has located her.  Her coordinates are being transmitted to you now.  Within moments, the Rangers teleport to a cave.  Kelly is very excited to see them.  Red Ranger tells her, good job Kelly.  We knew you could do it.  Later that day, the Angel Grove Junior High cheerleader tryouts are being held at the Youth Center.  Kelly stands with Kimberly and her friends.  Kimberly asks Kelly, how are you doing?  Kelly replies, great, thanks to you.  You made me realize I need to stop comparing myself to everyone else and I needed to start believing in myself.  Thanks Kimberly.  Kimberly gives Kelly a hug.  Bulk and Skull enter the Youth Center and head straight for Trini, Zack, Kelly, Kimberly, Jason, Billy, and Tommy.  Bulk comments, well, well, well.  Looks like the wonder tot made it to the cheerleading tryouts after all.  Too bad you won't make the team!  Skull adds, yeah, too bad and laughs.  Kelly responds by asking them why don't they pick on someone with their own IQ?  Kimberly adds, yeah, I think the zoo might be down the street.  Bulk gets angry.  You think you're so smart.  I bet you can't do this.  Bulk goes through his version of a cheer routine, much to the amusement of everyone at the Youth Center and the embarrassment of Skull.  During the routine, Bulk's pants rip, which creates a lot of laughter.  Skull quickly comes to his aid, by covering the ripped pants with his hat.  As discretely as possible, Bulk and Skull leave the Youth Center.  The coach calls out, Kelly, you're next!  Kelly comments, this is it.  Kimberly tells her, you can do it Kelly.  I know it.  Kelly replies, yeah, I know it too.  Kelly goes out to the floor and starts her routine.  Kimberly is excited and nervous as she watches her cousin.  Kelly does a great job and everyone cheers.  Kelly is told she made the team.  Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Tommy run over to congratulate Kelly as the rest of the team also gathers around Kelly.  Kimberly tells Kelly, I knew you could do it and they high five each other.

Trini and Kimberly enter the Youth Center and head straight over to Tommy, who is sitting at the counter.  They immediately notice his concerned expression.  Trini asks, what's wrong?  You seem so worried.  Tommy replies, well I guess I am.  I just can't help thinking about the tryouts.  Kimberly tells Tommy, he is a natural athlete.  Tommy is not so sure.  I've never played.  I've spent most of my life training in karate.  Trini tells him, that's quite an accomplishment on it's own.  Kimberly nods her head in agreement.  Ernie, overhearing their conversation, offers to help.  Tommy, you're not going to believe this.  I was an all star full backer in my college days.  Tommy is surprised.  No kidding!  Wow Ernie.  Would you be interested in helping me train?  Ernie is more than happy to help.  Skull walks in with an open book, shouting at Bulk to come along.  Bulk reluctantly enters, wearing a tutu over his shorts.  Bulk grumbles I can't do this.  Skull points out that the book says, many pro football players study ballet for grace and agility.  Ernie adds, he's right Bulk.  It makes you light on your feet.  Skull nods his head in agreement as Bulk takes the book to see for himself.  Skull points to the page.  Bulk shuts the book and comments, well, maybe so.  But if I hear one twinkle toe remark, I'm going to cream you.  Skull backs away from Bulk.  Trini, Tommy, and Kimberly laugh.  Kimberly tells Tommy they are going to the park to play a little flag football with the guys.  Trini invites Tommy to come along.  It should be good practice for you.  Tommy turns down the invite.  I'm going to stay here and get some pointers from Ernie.  Trini tells him, okay, I'll see you later and heads out.  Kimberly follows her out after wishing Tommy good luck.  At the park, Billy, Zack, and Jason are tossing the football around when Trini and Kimberly join them.  Kimberly suggests they have a little scrimmage.  With a smile, Jason agrees.  The teens have fun playing flag football.  After awhile several Putties arrive.  A Putty leaps in front of Billy and catches the football before Billy can.  Jason tells his friends, let's tackle them!  Jason and Zack charge towards the Putties.  Two Putties grab a hold of Billy and push him away.  Billy does several flips and catches the Putties by surprise by fighting them.  Zack fights another batch of Putties.  He kicks several to the ground.  Jason fights several Putties as well as the football goes flying.  Billy ends up catching the football and he takes off running as several Putties chase him.  Trini is fighting a Putty and flips it onto the ground.  Billy steps on the Putty as he runs pass.  The Putties also step on the fallen Putty as they continue to chase Billy.  Kimberly fights another group of Putties.  Jason carries a Putty on his shoulders as he charges towards another group of Putties.  Billy manages to outmaneuver everyone as he continues to run.  The Putties suddenly vanish and the teens gather together.  They are in high spirits.  Suddenly Jason's communicator goes off.  Zordon tells them to teleport to the Command Center immediately.  Jason responds, we're on our way.  Trini, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Zack teleport to the Command Center.  When the teens arrive, Zordon tells them, as you can tell by her latest Putty attack, Rita has planned a football game of her own.  The teens gathered towards the viewing globe.  Zordon continues, and this is her quarterback.  The viewing globe shows images of Rhinoblaster.  He is quick on his feet and very cunning.  You must be careful.  Trini comments, that monster looks mean.  Kimberly adds, and strong.  Zack also adds, a cruel looking rhino.  Zordon tells them they are all correct.  The Rhinoblaster is vicious and very strong.  Rita plans to pit her evil team against yours.  The teens turn to face Zordon.  Zordon continues, if they defeat you, her evil will be unleashed on Angel Grove.  Alpha 5 becomes alarmed, but Billy is quite calm.  I believe our team is stronger.  Jason agrees.  Come on, we have a score to settle!  The teens morph and teleport out.  The five Rangers face down Rhinoblaster.  Rhinoblaster boosts, you power brats are no match for my team!  Five Putties arrive, with football jerseys on.  Rhinoblaster sends the Putties in.  The five Rangers charge towards the Putties.  The Putties manage to push the Rangers back.  The Putties knock the Rangers off their feet.  The Putties charge towards the Rangers.  The Rangers get back up and flip out of the way.  The Putties don't give up and go after the Rangers relentlessly.  The Rangers are knocked to the ground once more.  Rhinoblaster tells them, you've been sidelined!  Hit the showers!  Rhinoblaster blows a white mist towards the Rangers.  The Rangers are hit and teleported away.  The five Rangers land on a small rock and are unable to escape the vortex they are trapped within.  They are stuck for quite some time.  Eventually they can hear Green Ranger as he tosses the Dragon Dagger into the mist, shouting Jason!  Catch!  It takes awhile, but suddenly a vortex appears, and Megazord steps out of it.  Megazord takes a giant leap and punches Rhinoblaster.  Rhinoblaster falls to his knees.  The Dragon Dagger returns to Green Ranger.  Using the Dragon Dagger, Green Ranger gets Dragonzord back on it's feet.  Rhinoblaster is in disbelief.  What!  No way!  Dragonzord joins Megazord.  Megazord gives a small nod of acknowledgement.  Green Ranger thanks the rest of the team and notes Dragonzord is back and ready for action.  Green Ranger begins playing the Dragon Dagger.  The rest of the Rangers cheer on Green Ranger.  Megadragonzord is formed.  The Rangers fire their weapons and Rhinoblaster is destroyed.  The following day, Mr. Caplan has the crowd settle down at the Youth Center.   As he walks over to the cardboard cutout of the school's mascot, he doesn't notice he has dropped one of his papers on the floor.  Mr. Caplan prepares to announce the football team as Ernie adjusts the lights.  Kimberly has two sets of fingers crossed as she and Trini anxiously wait for the names of the football team.  As Mr. Caplan calls their names, each member of the football jumps through the streamers, placed inside the cardboard mouth of their mascot.    Jason!  Billy!  Zack!  Bob!  Matthew!  Ryan!  Michael!  Thomas!  And Paul!  The crowd, including Trini and Kimberly, had cheered as each name was announced.  Mr. Caplan concludes, that's it ladies and gentlemen.  Congratulations to our new team!  The smiles leave Trini and Kimberly's faces as Kimberly notes, oh no.  Poor Tommy.  He didn't make the team.  Trini and Kimberly exchange concerned glances.  Zack notices a piece of paper on the floor.  He picks it up as he tells Mr. Caplan, it looks like you dropped something.  Zack gives the paper to Mr. Caplan.  Mr. Caplan apologies.  I'm sorry.  I seem to have made an error here.  There are more names.  Kimberly clutches Trini's hands.  Mr. Caplan continues, well, well, well, well.  I'm pleasantly surprised.  So, let's introduce....Bulk!  There is smattering of claps.  Although disappointed, Trini and Kimberly cheer for Bulk.  Bulk leaps through the streamers, still wearing his tutu.  He does a spin and falls onto the floor.  Skull helps him up as he tells Mr. Caplan, they are still working on the agility part.  Mr. Caplan gives them a look and Bulk and Skull walk away.  Mr. Caplan continues, last but not least, I would like to introduce to you our new star quarterback.....Tommy!  Kimberly jumps up and down as she and Trini cheer and clap, along with the rest of the crowd.  Tommy leaps through the streamers with a big smile.  Mr. Caplan asks for a round of applause for our new team.  Everyone cheers.  Afterwards, Tommy walks over to Ernie.  I don't know how to thank you Ernie.  I never could have done it without you.  Ernie tells him, you worked hard for this.  And I'm really proud of you.  Tommy gives a small nod.  Ernie walks away.  Tommy greets his friends with a big smile as they gather around him.  Jason tells him, way to go bro!  Zack adds, that's morphenomenal news.  Kimberly adds her congratulations.  Billy tells him, we're glad you're on our team.  Tommy doesn't know what to say.  I didn't think I could do it.  Jason leans in.  Hey, after you play football against Rita, you can play against any team.  They all laugh.

Trini sits at a table with Kimberly at the Youth Center when Tommy joins them.  Tommy can't get over the fact that he is forgetful.  Trini and Kimberly tell him that they will help him with the problem.  A few moments later, Bulk & Skull stop by Kimberly and Trini's table to give Tommy a hard time and then leave.  Later, Kimberly and Tommy head off to the park where they are attacked by Pink and Green Mutant Rangers.  Trini and her friends arrive at the Command Center.  Zordon tells them that Goldar has distributed the Badges of Darkness to four putties to become the Mutant Rangers.  There is no evil Red Ranger at this time.  Unable to do anything at this time, the teens return to their lives.  The next day, Trini, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason walk down the halls of the Angel Grove High School.  They don't like waiting around and their anxious to get started.  Suddenly Jason's communicator goes off.  They find a quiet spot and gather round.  Zordon tells the teens that Rita Repulsa had selected Commander Crayfish to be the leader of her Mutant Rangers. Jason responds, we'll take care of it. Zordon continues, Commander Crayfish is at the Angel Grove shoreline.  You must stop him before he heads inland. Kimberly asks about Tommy.  Zordon tells them that Tommy is not answering his communicator.  The teens morphed and teleport out. The five Rangers battle the Mutant Rangers and Commander Crayfish.  Soon Green Ranger arrives to help in the battle.    The Rangers have a difficult time against the Mutant Rangers and Commander Crayfish.  They retreat back to Command Center.  Zordon gives them weapons that looks like their old ones, but more powerful.  The Rangers return to the battle and their new powerful weapons help.  The battle escalates to Zords, and the Rangers soon defeat Commander Crayfish and the Mutant Rangers with the Ultrazord.  The following day, at school, Trini and Kimberly tell Tommy that it's okay to have faults.  Jason, Zack, and Billy joined them telling Tommy that your true friends will accept you as you are.  They all watch Bulk and Skull stroll down the hall dressed in tuxes.  Bulk and Skull present Miss Appleby with a gift.  Miss Appleby insists that Bulk and Skull open the gift as she just had her nails done.  Bulk and Skull have no choice but to open the gift and have silly string spray all over them.

Trini, Billy, and Jason are walking through Angel Grove park.  Trini wonders how Zack's date is going.  Jason is the first to spot the Putties heading their way.  The three teens battle and defeat the Putties.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Jason responds, Zordon we read you.  Zordon informs them that Rita has called for the Ecocide Pearl and started her Oysterizer monster on a path of destruction.  Trini becomes alarmed.  We got to stop her.  Zordon tells them your greatest danger is Rita's magic pearls of stillness.  Jason quickly asks didn't Zack buy a pair of pearls for Angela?  Billy confirms it.  He showed them to us after he bought them.  Zordon continues, those pearls will render all life forms motionless.  You must tell Zack and the others.  Jason tells Zordon, we're on our way.  Trini, Billy, and Jason teleported out of the park.  Trini, Jason, and Billy just enter the restaurant when they notice Angela putting on the pearl earrings.  They scream no as they race to stop her.  But it is too late and everyone in the dining area of the restaurant become still as statues.  After some time, and with Black Ranger defeating Oysterizer, the people in the restaurant return to normal.  The waiter has had enough.  No, pourquoi!?  The waiter storms off.  Trini, Billy, and Jason reach Kimberly and Angela's table.  Trini lets Angela know that her earrings are disintegrating.  Angela assumes it's another of Zack's pranks.  Wait till I get my hands on Zack.  Angela tosses the earrings into a glass of water as she gets up.  Just as she gets to the exit, Zack races in.  He immediately apologizes.  Angela, look, I'm sorry.  Angela has had enough.  Zack, do me a favor and don't do me any more favors.  Comprendez-vous?  Angela walks out.  Disappointed, Zack heads over to his friends.  Guys, we got a big problem.  Trini responds, we know, the Oysterizer.  Kimberly asks, where's Tommy?  Zack replies, he's okay.  I left him at the beach.  We have to go after the Oysterizer and the Ecocide Pearl underwater.  Billy comments, this will definitely be a new experience for the Megazord.  Jason is eager to go.  Let's jam.  Zack quickly places some bills on the table and the friends race out of the restaurant.  In a quiet area, the teens morph.  The Megazord is quickly formed and descends onto the ocean floor.  Black Ranger is excited.  Yeah, we made it!  Red Ranger is ready.  Let's do it.  The Megazord starts searching.  Soon Red Ranger spots the Ecocide Pearl.  Oysterizer quickly arrives.  Red Ranger tells the team, let's get rid of the pearl while we have a chance.  Megazord fires a laser that destroys the pearl.  Oysterizer is furious.  No!  You fools!  You've destroyed my beautiful pearl!  Oysterizer charges towards the Megazord and strikes it several times.  You bunch of sea snails!  Take this!  Oysterizer strikes Megazord hard and Megazord falls to the ocean floor.  Oysterizer threatens them.  I'll turn you into flounder bait!  Oysterizer charges towards the fallen Megazord.  Oysterizer places it's foot on Megazord and presses down.  Black Ranger notes, we can't take much more of this.  We need help.  Red Ranger agrees.  Megazord wasn't meant to work underwater, but Dragonzord is.  Red Ranger tells Pink Ranger to focus all our communication signals on a tight beam to the beach.  Red Ranger tells Blue Ranger to send a distress signal now.  Green Ranger is standing on the beach when he hears Blue Ranger's voice over his communicator.  Tommy, do you read us?  We need help.  Green Ranger quickly summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord battles Oysterizer and eventually the battle moves onto the surface again.  Oysterizer soon has Dragonzord wrapped in his chains and unable to break free as it is covered in acid gel.  Oysterizer yanks on the chain, trying to drag Dragonzord.  Suddenly the chain is broken.  Oysterizer falls to the ground, but quickly gets back up.   Megazord has arrived and stands protectively in front of Dragonzord.  Pink Ranger points out that Dragonzord is covered in acid gel.  Megazord uses it's laser to clear the acid gel off of Dragonzord.  Dragonzord gets up and stands next to Megazord.  Oysterizer is not happy.  You two are becoming a real pain in the shell.  Oysterizer charges towards them holding a spike in it's hands.  Green Ranger shouts, let's do it buddy and begins playing his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord fires it's missiles at Oysterizer.  Oysterizer is hit several times and knocked to the ground.  Oysterizer gets back up.  Red Ranger shouts, all right, Rangers, let's finish this!  Megazord destroys Oysterizer with it's power sword.  The following day, Trini stands with Zack in the doorway of the Youth Center.  Angela is working out.  Zack is holding a bouquet of flowers.  Zack tells Trini he sure learned a lesson.  Never try to impress somebody with money.  You can't buy love.  Trini thinks that's a very good motto to live by.  Always be yourself.  Zack admits that's he broke.  These flowers are all I could afford.  Trini gives Zack a smile.  Bulk and Skull walk up behind them.  Trini glances at them and then wishes Zack good luck before she walks away.  She joins the rest of her friends at their table.  Zack walks towards Angela singing.  Bulk and Skull follow behind, playing their instruments.  Which draws everyone's attention at the Youth Center.  Zack kneels down and continues to sing his song to Angela, who is moved by the lyrics.  After a few moments, Skull breaks into song.  Everyone winces or covers their ears.  Angela laughs.  Zack apologizes.  Angela apologizes as well.  I guess I shouldn't be so materialistic about things.  Zack tells her happy birthday, as he gives her the flowers.  Angela and Zack kiss.  This time Bulk breaks into song with Skull quickly joins in.  Trini and her friends laugh, along with the rest of the customers.

Grumble Bee



Two Heads Are Better Than One


Fowl Play

Trick Or Treat


Second Chance


On Fins And Needles

Enter...The Lizzinator

Football Season


Mighty Morphin Mutants



An Oyster Stew


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