Page Eleven

 Trini awoke with a start.  She realized she had been dreaming until she noticed Mr. Ticklesneezer was gone.  Trini panic at first, but then spotted the doll on the floor.  Trini told Mr. Ticklesneezer that she had too much Rita on her mind.  The following day, Trini went to school.  Miss Appleby had Bulk and Skull do the final presentation.  Bulk and Skull showed off their flea circus.  Bulk and Skull had collected the fleas from neighbors dogs.  It looked like there were no fleas in Bulk and Skull's circus.  Trini and her friends began to laugh as Miss Appleby started to scratch herself and it became obvious that the fleas were on her.

It was night time and the Youth Center was closed.  Inside Trini sat at one of the tables, painting a banner.  Kimberly was sitting next to her blowing up balloons.  Billy had brought along the cake-o-matic and set it up.  Billy then places some headphone on and danced around to the music.  The cake-o-matic began making strange sounds and Ernie went to check on it.  Ernie couldn't figure it out what was wrong and cake batter began pouring out of the cake-o-matic.  Ernie started yelling for Billy, but Billy didn't hear him.  Trini and Kimberly both yelled out for Billy, but he didn't hear them either.  Kimberly got up and removed Billy's headphones.  Kimberly told Billy she was glad he enjoyed the music, but Ernie needed his help.  Billy saw what was happening as Ernie slip and fell onto the floor and the cake batter continued to spill onto Ernie.  Billy raced over and tried to stop the machine.  Billy kneel down to Ernie and told him he guess he still had a few kinks to work out.  Ernie replied that he hated machines.  Ernie left to clean himself up as Trini and Kimberly continued with the party decorations.  Ernie came back out as Billy tried to figure out what went wrong with the cake-o-matic.  Trini was on the floor, painting the banner when Kimberly told her it looked alright.  Trini knew that Kimberly was joking and told her to get back to work.  Kimberly hopped onto the counter and continued with her balloons.  Jason walked in carrying a couple of cans of paint and asked if there were any problems.  Ernie told him that the cake-o-matic went on the war path and nearly drown him in cake batter.  Jason thanked Ernie for letting them stay at his place after hours and set up for Zack's surprise birthday party.  Ernie commented that Zack was really going to be surprise.  Ernie said he had another surprise as well about the Power Rangers.  Billy and Jason pretended that it took them a few moments to realize who Ernie was talking about.  Ernie was confident that the Power Rangers would do for Angel Grove what Batman has done for Gotham City.  Jason asked Ernie what he had heard.  Ernie told him that he had heard they were regular humans, just like you and me.  Jason told Ernie he had heard the Power Rangers were space aliens from a distant planet.  Ernie was totally blown away.  Jason asked Ernie to keep it under his hat, they wouldn't want people to panic.  Ernie walked away, still stunned by the possibility that the Power Rangers were space aliens.  After a few moments, Bulk walked in, dragging Skull behind him.  Bulk noted it was the nerd patrol from Angel Grove High.  Billy walked up to Bulk and told him the place was closed.  Bulk picked up Billy and placed him on the counter, telling him it was closed to nerds like him.  Skull had walked over to where Trini stood and picked up the banner.  Skull drew Bulk's attention to the banner, noting it was a birthday party.  Bulk walked over to Skull.  Kimberly told him they would have invited him, but animals were not allowed.  Bulk took the banner and blew his nose in it.  Trini was outrage, she had worked a long time on it.  Skull took her hands and starting leading her away.  Skull was walking backwards.  Skull told Trini he would help her make another banner, after they had some fun.  Skull then fell over a stack of paint cans.  Kimberly laughed.  Bulk walked over to Kimberly, took one of her balloons, and let the air out into her face.  Jason told Bulk that someone should let the air out of him.  Bulk furiously charged at Jason.  Jason stepped away and Bulk ran into the pole, hitting his head.  Bulk became dizzy and fell into the box of balloons.  Skull got up and charge towards Jason.  Skull also ran into the pole and hit his head.  Skull became dizzy as well.  Billy laughed.  Skull charged towards him.  Billy opened the door to the cake-o-matic and Skull's head went in.  Kimberly told Trini she hated party crashers as Skull wiped off cake batter from his face.  Bulk & Skull left.  Trini continued with her banner.  Billy complimented her on the drawing, although Kimberly and Jason had no idea what he said.  Jason asked Kimberly and Kimberly responded that she didn't speak Billy.  Trini told them Billy had told her she draws a good cartoon.  Trini then thanked Billy for the compliment.  The place was pretty much done.  The only thing they had to do was make sure Zack didn't find out before hand.  Ernie hurried in and told them he just saw Zack walk past his office window.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Ernie raced around, taking down decorations, cleaning up, and heading all the stuff.  Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly then hid behind the counter, just in time as Zack walked in.  Ernie stood at the counter and Zack walked over and asked him about the late hours.  Ernie told him he was just catching up on some paperwork.  Zack told him that Trini's mom had said the gang might be here.  Ernie pointed out that the place was empty, just him, paperwork, and his bowl of popcorn.  Zack told Ernie if he saw them, tell them he was looking for them and walked out.  Ernie whispered that the coast was clear.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy stood up.  Kimberly told Ernie that was a close one.  The following day, Trini, Billy, and Jason walked down the halls of Angel Grove High School.  They passed Zack on the way, but he barely said anything to them.  Trini, Jason, and Billy walked over to Kimberly, who stood by her locker.  Jason asked what was wrong with Zack.  Kimberly told him that Zack thought they had forgotten his birthday.  Kimberly had doubts about the surprise birthday party, Zack was really bummed.  Trini told Kimberly he would be okay.  Billy told them his disappointment now, will only amp up his happiness when he was at his party.  Jason added that Zack will be so excited, they would have to peel him off the ceiling.  Kimberly felt better.  The bell rang.  Trini and Jason headed off to one class, while Billy and Kimberly headed off to another class.  Later, Zordon contacted Jason.  Black Ranger was battling Nasty Knight on his own and he needed their help.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason morphed and Alpha 5 teleported them to where the battle was.  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger immediately leaped into the battle.  Nasty Knight fired their Power Weapons.  Red Ranger suggested they use their Blade Blasters.  The Rangers did so.  Nasty Knight used his shield and the Rangers were knocked to the ground.  Rita, who was close by, made Nasty Knight giant size.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord.  The battle continue, and it was difficult.  Red Ranger asked Zordon to send down the Megazord's Power Sword.  It was sent, but Nasty Knight soon burnt it.  The Megazord was knocked to the ground and Nasty Knight began stomping on them.  Rita was very pleased.  Black Ranger realized what was going on and told the other.  Nasty Knight was reflecting their weapons' energy back at them, that's how their weapons got fired.  Red Ranger wondered what to do.  Black Ranger suggested they reflected Nasty Knight's energy back at him, along with a little bit of their own.  The Megazord began reflecting Nasty Knight's energy back at him.  The Megazord got back on his feet and the Power Sword was reenergized.  The Power Rangers destroyed Nasty Knight with the Megazord's Power Sword.  Rita was very upset as she teleported out.  After the battle, Trini and her friends entered the Youth Center.  Zack wondered why the lights were off and where Ernie was.  The lights flickered on and the crowd, along with Ernie, shouted Happy Birthday Zack.  Zack was totally blown away and hugged his friends.  Jason asked him if he thought they had forgotten and Zack admitted he had been bumming.  Zack heard a strange sound and asked what it was.  It was the cake-o-matic acting up.  Ernie had already raced over and was soon joined by Billy.  Once more, cake batter poured from the cake-o-matic.  The band started playing.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Zack joined in the dancing.  The party was a great success.

Trini took Sylvia, her cousin, to the carnival that was in Angel Grove.   They soon met up with her friends, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly.  Trini introduced her cousin to her friends.  They had been watching Pineapple the Clown (Pineoctopus) who was giving a juggling demonstration.  When Pineapple the Clown was done, he asked them who would like to try juggling eggs.  Sylvia wanted to, but Billy stepped forward and took the eggs.  Billy started juggling the eggs just as Bulk & Skull walked up.  Bulk asked them if they had seen the signs - no geeks allowed.  Bulk and Skull threaten Trini and her friends that things could get messy.  The eggs that Billy had been juggling landed on Bulk & Skull.  Trini and her friends laughed.  Jason noticed a gymnastics demonstration and everyone left for that.  Trini stood by Sylvia as her friends and a clown formed a human pyramid.  Billy urged Trini to hurry as they were about to collapse.  Trini laughing climbed to the top of the human pyramid.  Trini excitedly asked Sylvia to look.  Sylvia was nowhere to be seen.  Trini became alarmed and the human pyramid collapsed.  Trini quickly got up and told her friends that Sylvia was missing and she needed to find her.  Trini hurried through the carnival, looking everywhere for Sylvia.

For Whom The Bell Trolls





Happy Birthday, Zack


No Clowning Around









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