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 Trini yells at Billy, but he doesn't hear her.  Trini fights against her fear, as she climbs up to help Billy.  Trini reaches the top and stands protectively by Billy.  Trini taunts the Putty, calling him a dirt bag and telling him to leave Billy alone.  Trini challenges the Putty.  The Putty races over and Trini and Billy move out of the way, and the Putty falls over.  Trini and Billy spots their friends in trouble and race down to help them.  The Putties have Jason, Zack, and Kimberly surrounded and are pressing down on them.  Trini and Billy race in and break the hold the Putties have on them.  Jack, Kimberly, and Jason form a human chain and knock the remaining Putties into the cactus, and the Putties retreat.  Zordon contacts the teens and tells them they did a superb job defeating the Putties.  Especially Trini, who had overcome her fear of heights.  The alarms go off in the Command Center, and Zordon tells them to hold their position.  In a moment, Zordon informs them that Rita has sent down Bones.  Bones can fire energy bolts out of eyes.  Zordon believes he controls the time device as well.  Zordon tells them it's morphing time.  The teens morph and teleport to an amusement park.  Before the Rangers can do anything, they are teleported into the time warp.  Bones is there as well.  The Rangers battle Bones.  Several Skelton type creatures come running out and the Rangers battle them as well.  Baboo and Squatt are in the dimension as well.  They light up a bomb to blow up the time device to trap the Rangers.  Pink Ranger spots what they are doing and alerts the other Rangers.  The Rangers use their Blade Blasters on Bones.  Bones falls to pieces, but the reassembles quickly.  Blue Ranger knows they need to destroy his head and leaps up and grab sit.  Yellow Ranger throws it down a crevice.  Giant breaks through and grabs Red Ranger.  The rest of the Rangers are knocked out of the time wrap.  Giant drops Red Ranger.  Zordon send sin Tyrannosaurus Dinozord.  Red Ranger is happy to see him and leaps into the zord.  Red Ranger, with his zord, battles Giant.  Red Ranger destroys Giant.  Later, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason  returned to the Youth Center.  They are sitting at a table and overhear Ernie talking to a customer about the Power Rangers.  Trini and her friends are very amused.  They get up from the table and walk over to the climbing rope.  Billy thanks Trini for coming to his aid.  Trini tells them she just hopes she never has to climb that high again.  Zack comes up from behind, wearing a mask, and scares Trini.  Trini is so scared, she climbs the rope to the very top.  Billy, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly laugh.  Zack tells Trini she has really overcome her fear of heights.

Trini and Kimberly were standing in front of a display in the hall of Angel Grove High School.  They were trying to get a petition signed to stop pollution at a waste site.  Trini and Kimberly also planned to stop by the plant and show them their petition.  Although they had enough signatures, Jason, Billy, and Zack were unable to come with them as they had other plans.  Of course, Bulk & Skull mocked their efforts to clean up the environment.  After school, Trini and Kimberly left for the plant.  Pollution covered the plant and Trini and Kimberly had an uneasy feeling as they walked up to the place.  Their unease was justified as several putties appeared.   Trini and Kimberly battled the putties.  But it was difficult as there were so many Putties, and only two of them.  Eventually there were only two Putties left.  Trini and Kimberly came up with an idea and used the empty bins to finish off the last two Putties.  Alpha 5 contacted the girls and told them to morph, and try to hook up with the others.  Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger were battling Minotaur.  Plus, Goldar had arrived in Angel Grove as well.  Trini and Kimberly morphed.  Yellow Ranger and Pink Ranger battle more Putties and Goldar.  Goldar struck Pink Ranger down with his sword.  Yellow Ranger came up from behind and held Goldar back.  Yellow Ranger told Pink Ranger to go get the others for help.  Eventually Yellow Ranger join the rest of the Rangers.  Minotaur was giant size.  The zords were summon.  Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord fired and then leaped into the air and knocked against Minotaur.  Triceratops, Mastodon, and Tyrannosaurus Dinozords all battle against Minotaur.  Pterodactyl Dinozord fired at Goldar and the Putties.  After awhile, Red Ranger gave the instruction for the Megazord to be formed.  The Rangers battled Minotaur with the Megazord, but it was not enough.  Zordon contacted the Rangers and told them to come to the Command Center for new instructions.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleported to the Command Center.  When they arrived, they wondered what was going on.  Zordon told them their zords have gone into hiding and presented them with new power weapons.  Yellow Ranger received the Power Daggers.  The weapons also come together to form a more powerful weapon.  The Rangers teleported out.  Red Ranger gave the rest of the Rangers the plan, as they flew across the terrain.  First they were going to use their new weapons against Minotaur and if that didn't work, they would put their weapons together.  Minotaur was normal size when the Rangers arrived.  The Rangers used their new weapons against Minotaur.  Zordon instructed them that the time was right to bring their weapons together.  The Rangers did so.  Minotaur was destroyed.  Trini and her friends returned to school after the battle.  The hallway was a mess and when Mr. Caplan came out, he assumed it had been Trini and her friends.  Mr. Caplan received a call and had to go.  Trini and her friends very quickly cleaned up the hall.  When Mr. Caplan returned he was puzzled to see a clean hallway.  Mr. Caplan gave up and walked away.  Zordon contacted the teens.  He congratulated them and told them they ha done well.  Zordon also asked them to excuse the static as it was a result of Alpha 5 practicing his dance steps and short circuiting the controls.  Zack (who had given the dance lessons) told Alpha 5 to forget about the hip hop, go back to being a robot and keep the controls working.  Trini and her friends laughed.

Trini with Billy in his lab when Zack and Kimberly came racing in.  Kimberly and Zack were concern for Jason.  Earlier they had been battling King Sphinx and several Putties.  King Sphinx had used his wings and sent Black Ranger and Pink Ranger back to the Youth Center and demorph.  Red Ranger was on his own.  Trini used her communicator to try and contact Red Ranger, but didn't hear anything back.  Trini and the rest were concern.  Kimberly suggested they go to the Command Center.  Trini and the rest teleported out.  They arrived in the Command Center.  The viewing globe showed Red Ranger trying to battle a giant King Sphinx and Goldar.  Zordon told them to bring forth their Power Crystals.  Trini and the rest did so.  The Power Crystals would allow them to reach Jason.  Alpha 5 came over with a packet and the Power Crystals were placed inside.  The packet was sent to where Red Ranger was.  Once Red Ranger release the crystals, Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrived.  The zords were summon and the Megazord was formed.  The Rangers battled King Sphinx and Goldar.  The Megazord in tank mode used it's cannons against the two.  The Megazord then went into battle mode.  Eventually the Megazord's Power Sword was summon and King Sphinx was destroyed.  Goldar retreated.  After the battle, Trini and her friends went to the Youth Center.  Jason tried one more time to beat the bench press record.  Trini counted the bench presses this time.  Zack, Billy, and Kimberly, along with a huge crowd cheer Jason on.  Jason beat the record and the crowd erupted in cheers.  Jason told Trini and the rest he couldn't have done it without them.  Ernie walked in with a cake on a cart to celebrate.  Jason noted that written on the cake was "Happy Birthday Mom".  Ernie replied what do you expect at the last minute.  It was the last one.  Bulk and Skull walked in.  Bulk was upset over Jason beating his bench press record.  Bulk told Jason that he was going to get his record back.  Skull repeated what Bulk said.  Bulk grabbed Skull by the shirt and told him he could speak for himself.  Kimberly told them to get a life and Trini asked them if they ever gave up.  Zack suggested they have some cake and chill out.  Bulk liked the idea of cake and told them he gets the first piece.  Skull repeated it.  Bulk turn towards Skull, angry at him for repeating what he had just said, and tripped over some weights on the floor.  Bulk fell face first into the cake.  Trini and her friends laughed.  Skull walked over and pointed at Bulk and laughed.  Bulk grabbed a piece of the cake and shoved it into Skull's face. 

High Five












A Pressing Engagement


PSA About Healthy Eating

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