Page Seventeen

This time Trini and her friends battle the Putties with ease and defeat them.  Goldar and Scorpina arrive.  Trini and her friends morph as Goldar and Scorpina (in monster form) grow to giant size.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and Megazord is formed.  Megazord battles Goldar and Scorpina.  Eventually Goldar and Scorpina retreat.  The next day, Trini and her friends are in Miss Appleby's class.  She is out sick, so Mr. Caplan is taking the class.  Mr. Caplan passes out the tests, telling Trini and her friends they all got As.  Mr. Caplan calls Bulk and Skull to the front of the classroom and gives them their tests.  Skull gets excited because they didn't get Ds.  Instead they got Fs.  Mr. Caplan writes on the chalkboard that they will be in detention forever.  He shakes the eraser at Bulk and Skull.  Bulk sneezes and Mr. Caplan's toupee flies off, causing Trini and the rest of the class to laugh. 

The Youth Center is going out of business.  Trini was outside, trying to raise some money to save the place.  Zack was inside doing the same.  After awhile, Trini walks in with her own can and joins her friends.  Trini asks Billy, how's it going with Ernie's books?  Billy had been working on the computer, trying to help Ernie.  Billy doesn't have good news.  From the looks of these reports, Ernie's last quarter operating expenses far exceeded his revenues.  Kimberly doesn't understand and simply says, Trini?  Trini tells her, he's broke.  Trini asks Zack, how much do we have in donations?  Zack replies, about enough for a burger and shake.  It is very obvious that Ernie is upset as he tries to work.  Kimberly tells her friends, poor Ernie.  I have never seen him so bummed out.  Jason walks in and joins his friends.  In his arms is a dog.  Kimberly immediately gets up to pet the dog.  Jason asks, how's Ernie?  Trini replies, not too good.  Zack wants to know where Jason got the dog.  Kimberly thinks the dog is adorable.  Jason tells them, he followed me here after school.  He looked kind of lost, so I brought him in.  A few moments later, Ernie brings over a bowl of water for the dog.  Ernie tells the teens, I feel bad for the little guy.  Being away from home and everything.  My problems don't seem so terrible all of a sudden.  Ernie walks away.  Trini tells her friends, Ernie is so sweet.  We can't let the Juice Bar go out of business.  Kimberly tells her she is right.  Guys, there's got to be something we can do.  The dog starts barking and whimpering.  Jason asks the dog if it's okay.  Zack comments, it probably has to go to the little puppies' room.  They all laugh.  Jason thinks Zack is right.  I should take him for a walk in the park.  Kimberly tells Jason, she will go with him.  It's on her way home.  Kimberly and Jason head out with the dog.  Later, Trini and her friends are summon to the Command Center.  Kimberly stands next to Jason as Alpha 5 declares that is one heavy duty rash!  My epidural scanner is going haywire!  Trini asks Zordon, what could it be?  Zordon replies, I'm afraid it's quite serious Rangers.  Rita has finally hatched her evil Fighting Flea.  Jason is agitated, man I should have known that Rita was behind this.  Kimberly comments that she must have planted it on Jason's dog somehow.  Zordon agrees.  And as you discovered the flea's bite is extremely contiguous.  Be careful, not only will the itch spread all over Jason, but also to anyone who touches the rash.  Trini asks if there is anything they can do?  Zordon informs them, this spray will temporally stop the itching.  However, any contact with Rita's monster will immediately neutralized the formula's power.  Billy walks over to the control panel and picks up Alpha 5's scanner.  He tells them, I'm going to take the data in Alpha's scanner back to my lab.  Perhaps I can come up with a permanent antidote.  Zordon thinks that's an excellent idea.  Jason tells Zordon he wants to go back to the park.  I got to find that dog.  Alpha 5 tells Jason, no, it's too dangerous.  Wait until Billy finds the antidote.  Zack agrees.  Rita could be waiting for you.  Jason holds out his arm and tells them, look, someone else could pet that dog and the same thing could happen to them.  It would be my fault.  Kimberly decides she is going with Jason.  Trini tells them that she and Zack will check around back at the Juice Bar.  Zordon warns them to be careful and stay in close contact at all times.  Trini, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason teleport out.  Trini and Zack enter the Juice Bar and immediately spot the dog.  Ernie is standing next to the dog as Trini and Zack walk up.  The dog is eating out of a bowl.  Trini asks Ernie, what is he doing here?  Ernie replies, I guess he really loves my chili.  You know, I wish I had more loyal customers like him.  Ernie walks away.  Moments later, Trini's communicator goes off.  Trini and Zack look around and walk over to the locker area.  Trini responds, Trini here Zordon.  Zordon tells them, Jason and Kimberly are in trouble.  You must morph immediately.   Zack states, it's morphin' time!  Trini and Zack morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger and Black Ranger arrive at the junkyard where Red Ranger and Pink Ranger are.  Blue Ranger arrives as well with the antidote, which he immediately uses on Red Ranger.  The antidote works, which makes Fighting Flea very angry.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle and defeat Fighting Flea.  Within moments, Fighting Flea is giant size.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and form the Megazord.  The battle continues with Fighting Flea.  Eventually the Rangers call for the power sword.  When the power sword arrives, Megazord strikes Fighting Flea with it and destroys it.  After the battle, Trini and her friends return to the Juice Bar.  A woman enters the Juice Bar happy to see her dog.  She asks which of them found her dog?  Kimberly tells her the person she should really thank is Ernie.  The woman gives Ernie a large check, thanks him, and walks out with her dog.  Trini and Zack happily take down the going out of business sign.  Ernie offers sodas and pizza on the house.  Trini and her friends get excited.  Bulk and Skull walk in and it is obvious that they are miserable and scratching like crazy.  Trini and her friends walk over to their table.  Jason asks them if they want to stop itching?  Bulk is immediately ready.  Billy and Jason place dog collars around Bulk and Skull's necks.  Bulk and Skull are not happy about the collars and less happy when they find out they have to wear them for a week.  Trini and her friends laugh.

Trini is sitting in class with her friends at Angel Grove High School.  In the front of the class, there is a time capsule sitting on table.  Miss Appleby opens the time capsule as she tells the class they are going to fill the time capsule with items that reflect today's world.  A hundred years from now, it will showcase our lifestyle to future generations.  I am anxious to see what each of you has brought in.  Miss Appleby calls on Jason first.  Jason has brought his first trophy that he had won in a karate match.  Jason tells the class it shows what you can do when you believe in yourself and take good care of your body.  Jason places the trophy into the time capsule as Miss Appleby tells him, that is a good message for the future.  As Jason walks back to his seat, Miss Appleby calls on Kimberly.  Kimberly walks up with a pile of pink clothes.  Kimberly tells the class, these are to show what we were wearing, you know, that we had the freedom to make choices of our clothes and stuff.  Miss Appleby adds, a sense of individual style.  Kimberly agrees.  She also thinks it might start a whole new fashion trend in the future.  Kimberly places the clothes in the time capsule.  Kimberly walks back to her desk.  Trini raises her hand and asks Miss Appleby, if she is including anything in the time capsule?  Miss Appleby smiles as she replies, as a matter of fact I am.  On the table is a clipboard with a couple of papers, the top one is marked with an A, and a manila envelope.  She pulls out a picture from the manila envelope.  It is a picture of the Power Rangers.  Miss Appleby tells the class, she is contributing this photograph of the Power Rangers.  They've risk their lives for our planet so many times, I wanted to make sure the future remembers these remarkable heroes.  Miss Appleby places the photograph into the time capsule.  Next up is Zack.  Zack tells the class, music affects everybody and contemporary music usually reflects what's happening in the world.  So I brought in a slammin CD with some fat tunes.  Zack puts the CD into a case and places it into the time capsule.  Miss Appleby tells Zack, good idea.  Billy is up next.  He tells the class, I'm including this personal computer with the latest software to demonstrate how advance our technology was in this time period.  Billy places the personal computer into the time capsule as Miss Appleby calls on Trini.  Trini tells the class that she has brought in today's newspaper, so whoever opens the time capsule in the future, will read about the events of the day.  Miss Appleby tells her, an excellent choice as Trini places the newspaper into the time capsule.  Miss Appleby asks, who's next?  Suddenly the door opens and Bulk shouts, we are!  Skull repeats it.  Bulk is carrying a large loaf of bread and Skull has a paper sack.  Bulk tells the class, what we're going to bury in the time capsule is going to change the future forever.  Bulk and Skull scare off two students from their desks and pull the desks to the front of the room, side by side.  Miss Appleby is standing close by unsure of what is going on.  Bulk tells her it's the almighty, hail to the big guy, stuff a gut, super sandwich.  Otherwise known as the Bulkwich.  As Bulk talks, Skull gets everything ready to make the sandwich.  Bulk continues, and we're going to make it live, right here fresh, for your eyes.  Bulk asks Skull if he is ready.  Skull replies, ready Bulk.  Very quickly, Bulk and Skull start making the sandwich.  Miss Appleby backs away.  The class chuckles as they watch.  Skull gets crazy with the mayonnaise and accidentally sprays it on Bulk's face.  The class makes ewww sounds and some of them laugh.  Bulk tells Skull, it's suppose to go on the sandwich dimwit, not on me!  Jason tells them, yeah, that's really going to change the future guys.  The rest of the class laughs.  After school, Trini and Kimberly are standing by their lockers.  Kimberly tells Trini that she thinks it's so cool that Miss Appleby put in a picture of the Power Rangers in the time capsule.  Trini wonders what the future will think of them.  Trini and Kimberly hear Billy's voice and walk down the hall to see Jason and Zack carrying the time capsule.  Billy is carrying several shovels.  Billy sees them and tells them that they got the highest grades in class, so they get to bury the time capsule.  Zack is eager to bury the capsule - this thing is getting heavy. Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, and Jason walk through the park.  Zack tells his friends, he has always wanted to see this.  Kimberly sees the sign for the time capsule and points it out to her friends.  They walk over to the spot and Billy passes out the shovels.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack start digging when suddenly several Putties arrive.  Zack asks, what do they want this time?  Jason replies, same as usual, us.  Unseen, Baboo and Squatt arrive behind a bush.  Zack battles several Putties.  Trini battles another group of Putties.  Close to the sign, Billy battles more Putties.  Jason battles another group of Putties.  Kimberly battles yet another group of Putties.  With the teens busy fighting the Putties, Baboo and Squatt get out of their hiding place and walk up to the time capsule.  Baboo and Squatt pick up the time capsule and start to walk away.  Trini is fighting several Putties.  Kimberly is also fighting more Putties.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Jason gather together, the Putties are defeated and vanish.  Zack wonders what that was all about?  Kimberly points out Baboo and Squatt walking away with their time capsule.  The teens chase after them.  Squatt spots them and tells Baboo, they are in trouble now.  Jason yells at them, don't even think about it!  Baboo and Squatt drop the time capsule and vanish.  Trini asks her friends, what could they want with our time capsule?  Jason adds, the question is, what would Rita want with it?  A few moments later, Jason's communicator goes off.  Jason responds, we read you Zordon.  Zordon tells them, Rangers, Rita's latest creation is terrorizing Angel Grove park.  Jason replies, we're on it.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack morph and teleport to where Jellyfish is.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap in and strike Jellyfish with their Blade Blasters.  Jellyfish pushes them hard enough away, that they hit the ground and roll away.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers gather together as Jellyfish approaches.  Jellyfish taunts them, I was hoping I would catch you, little power fishes!  Jellyfish laughs.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers get back on their feet.  They still have their Blade Blasters drawn.  Black Ranger shouts back, you're the one who's gone slime!  Jellyfish is still amused and responds, flattery will get you nowhere, little Mastodon.  Black Ranger doesn't take well the comment, little.  Jellyfish continues, now try this on for size!  Red lasers shot out of Jellyfish's hand and hits the Rangers hard.  Jellyfish fires at them several times, hitting them each time.  The Rangers are knocked to the ground once more.  Black Ranger comments, man that Jellyfish has a sting alright.  Blue Ranger notes that somehow the blast penetrated their suits.  Jellyfish walks towards the fallen Rangers.  They quickly get back up.  Red Ranger tells his team they have to back up and figure something out before it's too late.  The Rangers quickly retreat.  In the Command Center, Red Ranger asks, what's the story with this Jellyfish, Zordon?  Black Ranger adds, whatever it was that he was shooting, nearly burn right through us!  Zordon tells them the Jellyfish is equipped with a toxic spray that can eat even through your special suit Rangers.  Pink Ranger asks, how do we fight him then?  Zordon replies, Alpha has been working on a chemical coating that will shield your suits.  Alpha 5 announces, I have it here.  Alpha 5 sprays the Rangers with the chemical coating.  When he is done, Alpha 5 comments, that should do the trick.  Black Ranger is eager to take on Jellyfish.  The alarms goes off.  Alpha 5 announces there is an attack in Angel Grove park.  Yellow Ranger turns around to look at the viewing globe and notes it's Jellyfish and several Super Putties.  The rest of the Rangers turn around to see Jellyfish and the Super Putties in the viewing globe.  Zordon tells them the Jellyfish must be stopped.  With his toxic spray, he can destroy the Earth.  May the power protect you.  Black Ranger replies, we'll squish that fish!  Yellow Ranger adds, we're on it Zordon!  Red Rangers tells his team, let's do it Rangers!  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger teleport out of the Command Center.  Jellyfish is singing and dancing, along with the Super Putties, and having a great time when the Power Rangers arrive.  Red Ranger shouts, you're through Jellyfish!  Jellyfish responds, that's what you think!  Get them Super Putties!  The Super Putties charge towards the Rangers.  The Rangers charge towards the Super Putties.  Black Ranger battles several Super Putties.  Yellow Ranger battles another group of Super Putties.  Pink Ranger fights several Super Putties.  Jellyfish shouts, fight you clay brains!  The Super Putties are soon defeated.  The Rangers gather together in front of Jellyfish.  Jellyfish tells them, very impressive.  Jellyfish then sprays his toxic spray at the Rangers.  The Rangers leap out of the way.  A park bench is hit instead and partially dissolves.  Yellow Ranger points it out, look what it did to that bench!  Pink Ranger states, we got to stop him.  Pink Ranger leaps into the air with her Power Bow.  Yellow Ranger leaps alongside her with her Power Daggers.  They fire their weapons.  Jellyfish pulls out an umbrella which deflects the weapons.  Blue Ranger and Black Ranger leap towards Jellyfish.  Jellyfish shoots his toxic spray and hits the two Rangers.  Black Ranger and Blue Ranger fall to the ground.  Red Ranger hurries over and tells them to stay back.  Red Ranger charges towards Jellyfish with his Power Sword.  Red Ranger tries to strike Jellyfish several times, but Jellyfish is too fast for him, and vanishes and reappears several times.  Red Ranger can't land a strike against Jellyfish.  Eventually Jellyfish knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  The rest of the Rangers gather around him.  Jellyfish twirls his umbrella.  The Rangers are swirled around and land in a strange place.  Red Ranger exclaims, where are we?  Black Ranger adds, what going on?  Red Ranger has his Power Sword drawn when Jellyfish approaches the Rangers.  Jellyfish welcomes them to his humble home.  Jellyfish then charges towards them, pointing his umbrella at them.  The Rangers try to fight Jellyfish, but every blow they try, goes right through him.  Jellyfish is able to strike them with ease.  Jellyfish gloats, you can't touch me, but I can touch you!  Jellyfish knocks Black Ranger and Blue Ranger to the side.  Black Rangers notes, he wasn't kidding.  What's up with that?  Blue Ranger replies, he's time phased.  Maybe a power burst from your Power Ax will knock us all out this dimension.  Black Ranger fires his Power Ax.   The plan works and the Rangers and Jellyfish are busted out of the dimension.  The Rangers have their power weapons drawn as they face down Jellyfish.  Black Ranger shouts, okay Jellyfish, now you are mine!  Black Ranger leaps towards Jellyfish with his Power Ax.  Black Ranger strikes Jellyfish with his Power Ax, knocking Jellyfish off his feet.  Jellyfish taunts them, it will take more than that Power Weaklings!  Black Ranger tells Red Ranger, we're going to need more power.  Red Ranger tells his team, get set everybody.  Jellyfish grows to giant size.  He taunts the Rangers, I'm the big fish in this pond now Power Rangers.  Red Ranger exclaims, not for long!  The Rangers summon their zords and they quickly arrive.  The Rangers immediately leap into their zords.  Red Ranger instructs Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger to fire.  Yellow Ranger confirms, target locked.  Sabretooth Tiger and Triceratops fire at Jellyfish.  Jellyfish uses it's umbrella to deflect the shots.  Black Ranger is outrage.  It didn't even touch him.  Black Ranger decides it's time for some frozen fish action.  Mastodon fires at Jellyfish.  Jellyfish complains about the cold and is soon knocked off his feet.  Jellyfish gets back up on his feet.  The Rangers quickly form the Megazord.  Jellyfish taunts Megazord, come and get me, you big tin can!  Megazord walks towards Jellyfish and they are soon battling.  Megazord lands several punches, while Jellyfish lands several kicks.  Jellyfish also head butts Megazord.  Megazord lands a hard punch.  Jellyfish quickly vanishes and reappears as Megazord tries to keep up.  Jellyfish teases Megazord, looking for me?  Megazord tries to land another punch, but walks right through Jellyfish instead.  Jellyfish continues to tease, you don't scare me.  Red Ranger summons the power sword.  When it arrives, Megazord tries to strike Jellyfish with it.  Instead Jellyfish catches the power sword.  Megazord flings Jellyfish off it's power sword.  Jellyfish lands hard on the ground.  Jellyfish gets back up only to be destroyed by Megazord.  After the battle, Trini and her friends go to the Youth Center and sit together at the counter.  Ernie fixes a tray of drinks and popcorn for Trini and her friends and carries it over to them.  He tells them, five cold sodas after a hard day's work.  Zack thanks him as they all reach for their drinks and popcorn.  Ernie walks away.  Jason tells his friends, he's glad they finally got the time capsule buried.  Kimberly comments that it was quite the workout.  Bulk and Skull struggle to enter the Youth Center with their Bulkwich.  It doesn't help that lots of teens want to leave at the same moment they are trying to enter.  Kimberly suggests they catch a movie.  Trini notices Bulk and Skull and points them out to her friends.  Bulk announces, we did it.  We finish the Bulkwich.  Skull and Bulk hold the sandwich over their heads.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Jason walk away from the counter and stand by the steps.  Bulk continues, the future is going to love this feast.  Jason tells them, sorry guys.  We already buried the capsule.  Bulk is very disappointed and the sandwich drops on his head.  It also spills on Skull, but he laughs it off.  Kimberly laughs and comments, now that's what I call a Bulkwich.  Skull tears a piece of the bread off and gives it to Bulk.  Bulk fights Skull with the bread.  Skull fights back.  Bulk slips on the floor as Skull makes his way out the door.  Everyone laughs.  After a few moments, Jason gets serious.  He hopes the people who open the time capsule in the future live in a peaceful and friendly world.  Kimberly adds with no hatred.  Billy comments, no prejudice.  Trini adds, no crime.  Zack ends with, and no wars.  Kimberly asks her friends, do you think it will ever happen?  Jason responds, if we all do our part, and try to get along with each other, yeah, I do.  We just got to hope for the best.  Zack makes a fist and sticks it out in front of his friends as he states, to the future.  Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy all place their hands on top of Zack's and give a small shake.

At the Youth Center, Trini is trying to learn a new form of kung-fu from Master Li.  Trini is struggling as she tries to keep the same pace and form as Master Li.  Master Li sees Trini's struggle and shows her on how to do a particular move, then instructs her to try again.  Trini does so, but the move is very difficult for Trini.  Master Li shakes his head, but tells Trini, you will get there.  Rest a moment, I will test your mind.  Trini gives a small bow and then grabs a towel to dry her face.  Master Li asks Trini, what is the most honorable tradition of kung-fu?  Trini answers, we always honor the tradition of a fair fight.  Always face your opponent with equal numbers.  Master Li replies, good.  Now to help you master the praying mantis style, I've brought along this.  Master Li picks up a small cage and shows it to Trini.  Inside the cage is a praying mantis.  He tells Trini, observe the mantis.  Delicate but powerful.  Peaceful but always ready to defend itself.  Master Li places the cage into the gym bag.  Master Li tells Trini, let's try again.  Trini puts down the towel and joins Master Li in practicing kung-fu.  Trini continues to practice her kung-fu with Master Li and struggle during the practice.  Frustrated, Trini tells Master Li, it's so difficult.  Master Li responds, it just means you have to work harder to perfect it.  Trini tells him she will keep at it.  They give a small bow to each other.  Master Li gives Trini the cage with the praying mantis inside it. Trini takes the cage with a smile and walks over to the table where her friends are at.  Trini places the cage on the table where Zack immediately freaks out over the bug.  He places the cage on to Billy, asking Trini, how can you stand to be near this thing?  Billy is impressed with the praying mantis.  Billy passes the cage to Kimberly as Trini tells them she has to study it for her next kung-fu lesson.  Kimberly jokes, whoa, double duty.  Math and kung fu homework.  Jason thinks its really cool, but why do you choose to learn this new kung-fu?  Trini replies, I think the real reason I like it is that it emphasis fairness.  Honor and playing fair and never cheating in a competition.  That's a real challenge to live up to.  Bulk and Skull enter the Youth Center with their cockroach kung-fu gear on.  They immediately spot Trini, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason and walk over to their table.  Bulk tells Trini, you're not the only bug fu expert in town anymore.  My partner and I are the newest and master of the mystic cockroach kung-fu! They even have a jar full of cockroaches.  Zack freaks out - not more bugs!  Skull quickly dashes over to where Kimberly is sitting and does some "cockroach kung-fu" moves to impress her.  Kimberly grins throughout the whole routine.  Skull then wraps his arms around her and asks, do you want to date a cockroach kung-fu master babe?  Kimberly is immediately repulsed and pushes him off, telling him, I don't date bugs!  Trini tells Skull, there is no such thing as cockroach kung-fu.  Bulk tells her, there is now.  Skull agrees, and asks, do you want to see?  Skull joins Bulk and they go through their cockroach kung-fu routine.  After watching for a few seconds, Jason tells them, we would love to see more but we have to go to the library.  The teens gather their school stuff and leave.  Later, Trini is practicing her kung-fu in the park when her communicator goes off.  Trini quickly looks around and then responds, I read you Zordon.  Zordon tells her, Alpha has detected something suspicious in the woods near you.  Trini replies, I'll check it out.

Crystal Of Nightmares


To Flea Or Not To Flea



Reign Of The Jellyfish


Plaque Of The Mantis








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