Page Eighteen

 Trini walks along until she spots Mantis arriving in the woods.  Trini contacts Zordon and tells him, it's one of Rita's monster.  Alert the other Power Rangers.  Zordon replies, I shall Trini.  Be careful.  Trini morphs.  Yellow Ranger faces down Mantis.  Mantis tells Yellow Ranger that she has no chance against her.  Mantis slices down a tree and Yellow Ranger leaps out of it's way.  Mantis charges towards Yellow Ranger.  Yellow Ranger and Mantis fight.  Mantis strikes a hard blow that sends Yellow Ranger flying.  The rest of the Rangers arrive and gather around the fallen Yellow Ranger.  Red Ranger tells Yellow Ranger, don't worry, we're here.  Red Ranger is ready to go after Mantis, but Yellow Ranger stops him.  Yellow Ranger tells him, you have to be careful, it's kung-fu.  Mantis leaps away, telling Yellow Ranger, you called your friends.  It's not a fair fight.  You have no honor.  Mantis vanishes.  Mantis' words hit Yellow Ranger hard.  The Rangers go to the Command Center.  Trini is troubled and paces back and forth.  Kimberly tells Trini not to be so hard on herself.  We're going to get the Mantis.  Trini knows, but she wonders if it would have been more honorable to face him on her own.  Zack quickly tells her it was a monster bug - no way.  Zordon asks Alpha 5, what information do we have regarding Rita's Mantis?  Alpha 5 replies, I'll punch it up on the viewing globe.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack turn around and face the viewing globe which shows images of Mantis.  Alpha 5 informs them that Mantis is an expert on praying mantis kung-fu.  Very dangerous.  Billy concludes perhaps Mantis challenged Trini because she is the kung-fu expert.  Kimberly adds, if the Mantis takes her out, he is going to have an easier time with us.  Trini tells them she is going to put in some extra practice.  Next time that Mantis shows up, I'll be ready.  Jason adds, and we'll nail him.  True to her word, Trini returns to the Youth Center and practices her kung-fu.  After awhile, Ernie calls out to Trini and tells her someone left a note for you.  With a smile, Trini walks over to the counter and thanks Ernie as she takes the note.  Trini reads it, comments that she's got to go, places the note back on the counter and takes off.  Trini walks through the quarry, calling out for Master Li.  Suddenly Mantis appears.  Mantis tells Trini, you have no honor.  Trini replies, I do have honor, I believe in fair play, but you're one of Rita's monsters.  You can't be trusted.  Mantis makes a motion to strike and Trini quickly fights back, but Mantis vanishes and reappears behind Trini.  Mantis laughs and Trini turns around.  Mantis tells her, I give you my word as kung-fu master.  Redeem your honor, accept my challenge.  Trini shakes her head no, refusing to believe Mantis. But Trini has a change of heart.  Yellow Ranger faces down Mantis.  Mantis tells her, so you have decided to face me after all.  Yellow Ranger replies, yes, you see, I do have honor.  Mantis tells her, honor will not save you from destruction.  Mantis charges towards Yellow Ranger.  Yellow Ranger charges towards Mantis.  Soon they are fighting each other.  Yellow Ranger is knocked to the ground, but gets back up.  She tells Mantis, that he hasn't beat her yet.  Yellow Ranger and Mantis continue to fight.  Yellow Ranger lands on Mantis' arms and strikes Mantis several times in the face.  Yellow Ranger leaps off and Mantis falls to the ground.  Mantis gets up and screams for Putties.  Several Putties arrive and surround Yellow Ranger.  Mantis laughs and tells Yellow Ranger, this should test your honor.  Yellow Ranger is outrage.  What about your honor?  Mantis replies, I have no honor.  Like you said, I'm one of Rita's monsters.  The Putties charge towards Yellow Ranger and fight her.  Yellow Ranger fights the Putties.  Yellow Ranger is knocked to the ground.  Yellow Ranger calls Mantis a cheater, which makes Mantis laugh.  Mantis calls Yellow Ranger a fool.  Yellow Ranger gets back up and goes after Mantis.  Yellow Ranger lands several kicks and strikes against Mantis.  Yellow Ranger pulls out her Blade Blaster and strikes Mantis with it, knocking Mantis to the ground.  Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, and Black Ranger arrive at the quarry and stand behind Yellow Ranger.  Yellow Ranger still has her Blade Blaster out.  Yellow Ranger tells Mantis, now it's a fair fight.  Mantis is very angry.  Pink Ranger leaps into the air and fires her Power Bow at Mantis.  Mantis strikes Pink Ranger and she falls to the ground.  Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger race over to Pink Ranger.  Pink Ranger is okay.  Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Red Ranger charge towards Mantis.  Mantis fights the three Rangers.  Mantis knocks Black Ranger and Blue Ranger to the ground.  Red Ranger continues to fight Mantis, but he is soon knocked down as well.  Mantis grows to giant size.  The Rangers summon their zords.  When the zords arrive, the Rangers quickly form the Megazord.  Mantis and Megazord face each other.  Neither one moves.  Red Ranger asks Yellow Ranger, what's he doing?  Yellow Ranger replies, he conserving all his energy for a quick, single blow.  Black Ranger shouts, let's do it!  Yellow Ranger warns, watch his foot work.  Red Ranger replies, we're ready for him.  Slowly, Mantis moves forward.  Megazord cautiously moves forward as well.  Suddenly Mantis leaps into the air and strikes Megazord.  Megazord and Mantis battle.  Mantis lands a couple of kicks and a powerful strike against Megazord, knocking it backwards.  Red Ranger summons the power sword.  Mantis charges towards Megazord.  Megazord and Mantis continue to fight.  Mantis tries to strike Megazord and Megazord blocks it with it's power sword.  Mantis is knocked down, but quickly gets back up.  Megazord charges towards Mantis and strikes it several times with the power sword.  Eventually Mantis is destroyed.  After the battle, the teens return to the Command Center, where Zordon tells Trini, she had done the right thing.  Later, they return to the Youth Center.  Trini is working with Master Li on her kung-fu.  Master Li notes that she has improved and Trini replies, practice makes perfect.  Trini joins her friends and they all enjoy another of Bulk and Skull's cockroach kung-fu demonstrations.


Angel Grove High School was hosting Parents Day at the Youth Center.  The place was packed with parents, teachers, and students.  Trini was there with her parents.  At a table, Mr. Kwan and Mr. Scott are arm wrestling.  They are being watch by Trini, Mrs. Scott, Jason, and Mrs. Kwan.  Mr. Cranston joins the table just as Mr. Kwan beats Mr. Scott in arm wrestling.  Jason can't believe it and asks his dad if he is giving up?  Trini tells them, her dad always tells her mental and physical strength should always go hand in hand.  Mr. Kwan adds, it's always been a winning combination.  Mr. Scott laughs and agrees.  Jason asks Mr. Cranston, what's keeping Billy?  Mr. Cranston replies, you know how my son is when he's occupied with a new invention.  Skull wanders over to their table with a video camera and hears Mr. Cranston's comment.  Skull replies, yeah, boring.  Skull laughs and then wanders around filming.  A few moments later,  Mrs. Hart walks in, scanning the room for Kimberly.  Trini walks up and says hello.  Mrs. Hart asks Trini if Kimberly is here?  Trini replies, no, I thought she was coming with you.  Mrs. Hart notes that Kimberly's dad has arrived, but with no Kimberly.  Mrs. Hart wonders where Kimberly is.  A teenage girl walks up and tells them if they are looking for Kimberly, I just saw her outside.  Trini thanks her and tells Mrs. Hart that she will go and get her.  Trini finds Kimberly sitting outside the Youth Center.  Trini can tell that Kimberly is upset and asks her what is wrong?  Kimberly replies, everything is so messed up.  My mom and dad have hardly seen each other since, you know, they got divorce.  Kimberly feels like it's all her fault.  Trini adamantly tells her, you know that's not true.  Kimberly doesn't think her dad is even going to show up.  Trini tells her, your mom and dad are both at the party looking for you.  Kimberly feels better.  Clasping hands, the two friends head back to the Youth Center.  Suddenly, several Putties leap in.  Kimberly can't believe - this is just what we don't need right now.  Trini adds, who invited them anyways?!  Trini and Kimberly battle the Putties, but they are having a difficult time.  After a few moments, Zack and Jason quickly join the fight against the Putties.  Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack are kept busy battling the Putties.  Suddenly the Putties vanish.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Zack gather together.  Trini asks, what's Rita up to this time?  Kimberly answers, one word, trouble.  Kimberly is anxious to get back inside and see her parents.  Zack comments this is all getting too strange for me.  As they head for the door, Jason hopes their parents didn't see anything.  Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack enter the Youth Center and immediately become concern.  The room is empty and a mess.  Jason asks, what's going on?  Trini wonders how a room full of people just disappear into thin air?  Zack can think of a few possibilities and he doesn't like any of them.  Kimberly spots a scarf on the floor and walks over to it.  Kimberly picks up the pink scarf and tells her friends, this is my mom's scarf.  I gave it to her for her birthday.  Zack asks, what's happened to our parents?   Jason tells his friends they need to stay calm.  I'll contact Zordon.  Kimberly hurries over to her friends.  Jason contacts Zordon and tells him something terrible has happened.  Can you tell us what's going on?  Zordon tells them, I am aware of the situation.  Teleport to the Command Center immediately.  Trini, Zack, Jason, and Kimberly teleport out of the Youth Center.  Trini, Zack, Jason, and Kimberly arrive in the Command Center and immediately bombard Zordon with questions.  Jason asks, where are our parents?  Kimberly asks, are they alright?  Trini asks, what is Rita up to now?  Zack asks, what can we do?  Zordon instructs them to calm down.  My sensors tell me your parents are safe for now.  This upsets Kimberly.  For now?  What do you mean for now?  For how long?  Zordon replies, for the time being.  It's all I can tell you at this point.  Jason becomes upset as well, but tries to keep his composure.  Trini asks, where's Billy?  Zordon replies, I'm afraid Billy has fallen prey to the Dramole monster that Rita used to kidnap your parents.  While under the influence of the monster's noxious gas, he came here, deactivated Alpha and stole the Dragon Dagger.  Trini thinks she can reactivate Alpha.  Trini gets to work and soon Alpha 5 is reactivated.  Kimberly asks if Billy is alright?  Zordon informs them that Billy has been engulfed in the gas of the dangerous Dramole monster, which has allowed Rita to control his mind.  Jason asks, what exactly is a Dramole monster.  Zordon instructs the four teens to observe the viewing globe.  Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Jason walk over to the viewing globe and it shows an image of the Dramole monster.  Zack warns, if he hurts our parents!  Kimberly can't believe this is happening.  Jason asks Zordon, what is Rita up to this time?  Zordon replies, destruction using the Dragonzord.  You must reclaim the Dragon Dagger.  Jason comments, if we don't, there will be no more Angel Grove.  Trini asks Zordon, where's Billy now?  Zordon informs them, Billy has taken the Dragon Dagger to Rita's dark dimension.  You must find him and try and stop him before it's too late.  I'll keep trying to locate your parents.  Trini, Zack, Jason, and Kimberly morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive in the dark dimension, just as Billy is walking towards Goldar with the Dragon Dagger.  Red Ranger shouts out, Billy, don't do it!  Goldar boasts, it's no use, he's under my control.  Yellow Ranger shouts out encouragement, fight it Billy!  Don't let Rita win!  Goldar calls them fools and summons several Putties.  Goldar knocks Billy down to the floor and laughs.  Red Ranger fights a group of Putties.  Billy watches the fighting all around him.  Black Ranger fights another group of Putties.  Yellow Ranger fights a batch of Putties.  Pink Ranger fights several Putties as well.  Goldar joins in the battle and fights Black Ranger.  Goldar knocks Black Ranger to the side.  Red Ranger battles Goldar, but is soon knocked aside as well.  Yellow Ranger battles Goldar.  Billy watches the four Rangers fight Goldar.  Red Ranger fights Goldar again and is knocked aside again.  Pink Ranger fights Goldar but is soon flipped onto the floor.  Goldar leaps out of the battle and lands next to Billy.  Goldar takes the Dragon Dagger from Billy.  Red Ranger shouts no!  Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Black Ranger hurry over to Red Ranger.  The Putties circle them.  Suddenly the Putties vanish.  The spell is broken and Billy is puzzled, what's happening?  Goldar calls Billy a fool and tells him, he has just given the Dragon Dagger to me!  Billy is horrified and cries out oh no!  What have I done?!  Red Ranger tells him, it's not your fault Billy.  You were under a spell.  Goldar tells them they have all fallen into his trap.  Now I have control over the Dragonzord, you have no choice but to surrender your power coins in exchange for your parents.  Black Ranger tells Goldar, he's crazy.  Why should we do what you say?!  Goldar replies, because you really have no other alternative.  An hour glass appears in Goldar's hand.  Goldar tells them, this will remind you of the time you have slipping away.  Once the sand is through the glass, you must make a decision.  Your power coins or your parents.  Goldar laughs and vanishes.  Yellow Ranger asks, what do we do?  Red Ranger replies, figure out  a way to keep our coins and save our parents.  Black Ranger asks about Billy.  Pink Ranger notes the spell has worn off and we really need him.  Red Ranger agrees.  Red Ranger tells Billy, come on, let's go!  It's Morphin' time!  Billy morphs and the Rangers teleport out of the dark dimension.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive in Angel Grove just as Goldar summons Dragonzord with the Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord comes up from beneath the sea and immediately begins attacking Angel Grove.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers quickly summon their zords and form the Megazord, first in tank mode and then in battle mode.  Megazord and Dragonzord battle.  Red Ranger comments, we need more power.  The battle continues until Megazord crashes into a building.  The Rangers eject from Megazord.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers face Goldar.  Goldar makes the hourglass appear in the sky and announces your time is up Power Rangers.  Turn over the power coins or lose your parents forever!  The Rangers don't know what to do.  Black Ranger suggests they contact Zordon.  Red Ranger agrees and contacts Zordon.  But Zordon cannot give them an answer, as this involves their parents.  The Rangers make the painful decision to give Goldar their power coins.  As they each turn them over, they demorph.  After the power coins are given, Jason demands the return of their parents.  Goldar laughs.  He has everything he needs and has no intention of returning their parents.  Goldar vanishes.  Trini and her friends return to the Command Center.  They are watching the viewing globe which shows their parents, dazed but okay in another dimension.  Kimberly asks, what are they going to do now?  Goldar has all their power coins.  Jason replies, not all of them and pulls out the dragon coin.

Zordon tells the teens, that coin may help you defeat Rita.  Kimberly doesn't understand.  What good will be Tommy's power coin do if he doesn't have his powers anymore?  Alpha 5 points to the viewing globe and announces, we've located your parents.  The teens gathered around the viewing globe and watched the images of their parents and teachers wandering around aimlessly.  Jason tells his friends, we have to try.  Trini agrees, we can't give up now.  Zack just hopes they are alright.  Zordon reassures them that their parents are safe for the time being.  Billy asks, what can we do?  Zordon replies, first we need Tommy.  Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to locate and teleport Tommy to the Command Center immediately.  Tommy is teleported into the Command Center and is surprised and happy to see his friends.  Jason walks up to him and tells him welcome back old friend.  Jason gives the power coin to Tommy.  Tommy looks at his friends puzzled.  Tommy's friends explained what was going on.  Tommy tells them, I'll do anything I can to help, but how?  How can I without my powers?  Zordon states, I believe the only way possible is to infuse Tommy with an enormous amount of my own energy.  Billy becomes alarmed.  That could be extremely dangerous for both you and Tommy!  Jason agrees.  What happens if these temporary powers give out during a fight?  Kimberly feels they can't ask Tommy to take that risk.  But it is a risk Tommy is willing to take.  When do we begin?  The energy transfer from Zordon to Tommy begins.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Alpha 5 watched the process anxiously.  Billy warns Zordon to be careful.  If you drain too much of your energy, you will cease to exist.  Alpha 5 agrees.  Zordon replies, Rangers it's our only chance.  You worry too much.  After awhile, it begins to work.  Tommy morphs into Green Ranger.  Green Ranger is teleported out and is soon battling Goldar and several Putties.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Zack are watching the battle on the viewing globe.  Billy and Alpha 5 are at the control panels.  Alpha 5 is worried.  Zordon's energy level has dropped dangerously low.  Zordon tells them, just a little more.  Billy is worried too.  This can't go on much longer.  Kimberly points at the viewing globe and tells her friends to look.  The viewing globe shows Green Ranger having a difficult time against the Putties.  Kimberly states, there's way too many of them.  Jason is confident that Tommy can do this.  Jason tells Alpha 5 to turn up the power.  Alpha 5 reluctantly turns up the power.  It works and Green Ranger is filled with renewed strength.  Green Ranger battles the Putties with ease.  Zack happily tells Zordon, he's back in!  Trini adds, you did it!  But after awhile, Green Ranger begins to lose his strength.  The teens are watching the battle on the viewing globe.  Jason tells Zordon, he's too weak.  He'll never make it.  Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to bring Tommy back.  Alpha 5 informs Zordon that he is fading.  Alpha 5 panics.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly,  Zack, and Billy hurry over.  Kimberly becomes alarmed when she notes they have lost Zordon.  Billy asks Alpha 5 if he can still bring Tommy back?  Alpha 5 replies, I'll do my best.  Green Ranger is teleported to the Command Center and collapses onto the floor.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Alpha 5 hurried over.  Jason notes, he's doesn't look good.  But he did it.  He brought back our power coins.  Trini is worried, look at him now.  Green Ranger demorphs.  Kimberly asks Alpha 5 if Tommy is going to be alright?  Alpha 5 replies, his readings are very low.  Tommy is placed onto a cot and Kimberly watches over him for a few moments and then joins her friends.  Jason asks, how's he doing?  Kimberly replies, well he's resting comfortably and seems to be breathing okay.  Trini points out, that's a good sign.  Zack can't believe they lost Zordon as well as their parents.  Billy responds, don't say that Zack.  Billy then asks Alpha 5, there has to be something we can do?  Alpha 5 has been thinking about that.  He's come to the conclusion that what worked for Tommy, might just work for Zordon.  Zack is confused.  Billy tells his friends, Alpha 5 is right.  If Zordon used his energy to infuse Tommy, why can't we use ours, meaning our power coins, to infuse him?  Trini quickly picks up on the idea.  So if we held them together and concentrate our energy to Zordon.  Kimberly concludes, we can bring him back.  Zack thinks it might work.  We got to try.  The teens form a semi circle and hold out their power coins into the center.  They call on the power of all those combined.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Zack direct the energy towards Zordon's tube.  After a few moments, it works and Zordon is back.  Everyone is thrilled.  Zordon thanks them.  Alpha 5 is overcome with emotion.  Billy just wishes they could bring back their parents just as easily.  Jason vows we will think of something.  After a few moments, the alarm goes off in the Command Center.  Zordon informs the teens that the Dramole monster has come up from beneath the surface.  Jason states, we got to stop him.  Zordon continues, once this monster has been destroyed, your parents will be free.  Kimberly tells her friends, let's go get that disgusting rat.  Zordon warns the teens, Dramole is very dangerous.  Avoid the mind controlling gas that emits from his nostrils.  Billy tells his friends, Zordon is right.  Remember what happened to me.  Trini asks Alpha 5 if Tommy will be alright?  Alpha 5 replies, I will watch over him.  Zack is anxious to go.  What are we waiting for?!  Let's go get our parents!  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy morph and teleport out.  Red Ranger leads his team as he tells them, we know he's around here somewhere.  Dramole breaks through the surface behind them.  Pink Ranger finds his appearance gross.  Dramole immediately releases it's gas.  It washes over the Rangers.  Pink Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers, don't breathe it.  The skies suddenly darken.  Dramole fires energy bolts at the Rangers.  It hits Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Blue Ranger.  The four Rangers clutch their helmets as Pink Ranger asks them, what's happening to you?  What's the matter?  Yellow Ranger gives the command to attack the Pink Ranger.  Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger go after Pink Ranger.  Pink Ranger tries to outmaneuver them, but she is soon caught.  Black Ranger and Blue Ranger hold her arms as Pink Ranger yells at them to let go of her.  Yellow Ranger and Red Ranger stand guard as Dramole steps forward.  Green Ranger arrives and fires at Dramole.  Dramole is knocked to the ground.  The skies clear and the spell is broken for the four Rangers.  Dramole gets back up on it's feet.  Red Ranger asks, what just happened?  Yellow Ranger is confused too, what's going on?  Green Rangers runs up to the rest of the Rangers and they are very happy to see him.  Pink Ranger tells Green Ranger, I'm so glad to see you.  Green Ranger replies, it's good to be back.  The six Rangers face Dramole.  The battle continues until eventually Dramole is destroyed by Ultrazord.  The teens return to the Command Center where they find out their parents have been returned to the Youth Center with no memories of what had happened.  Tommy is also back as the Green Ranger, although this time with limited powers.  Trini and her friends return to the Youth Center.  Trini walks up to her parents and tells her dad how proud she is to be his daughter.  After awhile, a food fight breaks out.  Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, Billy, and Zack soon run out into the locker room for cover.  They can't believe their parents.  Zack comments, well you're only as old as you feel.

Miss Appleby is passing back tests to her students.  Bulk tosses his test away.  Skull takes his and crumbles it up and tosses it on the floor.  Miss Appleby apologies to Billy as she gives him back his test.  Billy doesn't believe it, he got a B.  Trini gives him a small pat on the shoulder.  The bell rings and students gather their stuff and head out.  Miss Appleby reminds them, only those with top grades will be invited to join the Young Scientists of America club.  Tomorrow is the final test.  So study!  Trini and Kimberly join Jason and Zack at the door.  They wait as Billy slowly walks up to them.  It's obvious that Billy is very upset.  He tells them, he is most perplex.  I've never receive a B before.  Zack tells Billy not to sweat it.  A B is not so bad.  Kimberly adds, yeah, if they were, I'll be in big trouble.  I get them all the time.  Billy responds, perhaps Kimberly, but I never do and I've been working so hard at this.  Trini tells him, you did your best.  That's all any of us can do.  Skull and Bulk walk up and stand on either side of Billy.  Bulk tells him, too bad about the B geek.  B stands for Bad.  Didn't you know that?  Skull adds, it's also stands for Bulk.  Jason tells Bulk to back off.  Bulk and Skull head towards the door.  Kimberly tells them to leave Billy alone.  Bulk glances back at Billy with a gleam in his eyes.  See ya!  Wouldn't want to B ya!  Skull and Bulk laugh and head out of the classroom.  Kimberly glares while Trini looks concern.  Billy is very stressed over the taunts and test result.  After school, still feeling down, Billy removes his books from his locker.  When he turns around, his friends are standing there.  They can all see that Billy is still upset.  Zack tells Billy not to take it so hard.  Kimberly reminds Billy that you tried hard and did your best.  Jason suggests they go to the park and shoot a few baskets to clear his mind.  Billy declines.  I appreciate your efforts, but acceptance into the Young Scientists club is very important to me.  I better study.  Trini volunteers to stay behind and help quiz Billy.  Billy appreciates the offer.  Zack, Kimberly, and Jason head off to the park as Trini and Billy leave for the Youth Center.  Sitting at a table, with a book propped up, Trini quizzes Billy.  Billy soon recognizes the question he missed on the test and can't believe he blew the test on a bee question.  Trini asks Billy, do you know what it means?  Billy promptly answers.  Trini tells him he is amazing.  Embarrassed Billy rolls his eyes and grins.

Plaque Of The Mantis










Return Of An Old Friend, Part I


Return Of An Old Friend, Part II


Grumble Bee


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