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Suddenly an explosion took place and putties arrived.  The teens are frighten at first.  Zack and Jason immediately began battling them.  Trini joined in as well in battling them.  Billy and Kimberly fought them as well, but they are soon overpowered by the putties.  They all land in a heap together.  Jason suggests they use the morphers.  The teens did so.  Zack became the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.  They were then teleported to the city.  The Rangers arrive in the city and battle more putties.  Goldar is there as well, and soon Goldar is soon giant size.  The putties are destroyed, but the Rangers still had to deal with giant Goldar.  The Rangers summon their zords and form the Megazord.  The Rangers battle Goldar.  Red Ranger summons the power sword, but before they can use it, Goldar retreats.  Zack and his friends are very excited when they returned to the Command Center.  Zordon congratulates them on a job well done.  Zordon also told them the three basic rules or lose the protection of the power.  One:  Never use the power for personal gain.  Second:  Never escalate a battle unless Rita forces you to.  Three:  Keep your identity a secret.  No one is to know they are Power Rangers.  Zack is unsure.  Zack thought they had been lucky this time.  Zordon replied that luck had nothing to do it.  The five of them have come together to form a fine a group of superheroes as there has ever been.  They had gone through an extraordinary experience.  They need each other and the world needs them.  Zack, Jason, Trini, and Billy immediately say they will do it.  Kimberly told them she was unsure - the uniform was cool, but the helmet messed up her hair.  Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason couldn't believe it.  Kimberly told them she was just joking and they all laughed in relief.  Except for Alpha 5 who went a little haywire, until he realized it was humor.  The teens formed a circle and placed their hands on top of each.  They then leap into the air and shout out Power Rangers. 

Zack and Kimberly are at the Youth Center, standing by the climbing rope.  Jason starts climbing the rope with Zack's and Kimberly's encouragement.  Trini walks over as Jason starts to climb.  Trini is very nervous to see how high Jason is and tells him to be careful.  Zack tells her not to discourage Jason.  Trini walks over to some exercise equipment.  Kimberly comes to the conclusion that Trini has height freight.  As Jason lowers himself on the rope, Billy walks in with great news.  But before he can tell them, Jason ends up on his shoulders.  They swing around for a moment and then fall in a heap.  Everyone laughs.  Bulk & Skull walk in and give the teens a hard time.  Jason challenges Bulk by telling him that he at least can make it to the top.  Bulk takes on this challenge.  The first attempt, Bulk doesn't make it.  Bulk tries a second time and only climbs a little further before falling to the mats.  Some of the plaster falls on Bulk as well.  The teens laugh and Kimberly tells Bulk he really showed them this time.  Zack and his friends head over to the lockers.  Billy tells his friends what his great news is.  At first no one understands what he has said.  Trini explains it - Billy ahs some up with a way for them to stay in contact with the Command Center, Zordon, and Alpha 5.  Billy shows them the communicators he has invented.  Zack, Trini, Jason, and Kimberly press the button and they are accidentally teleported to the Command Center.  Billy soon follows.  The teens land in a heap on top of Alpha 5.  After they untangle themselves, Billy tells his friends the communicators must have malfunction.  Zordon commends Billy on his communicators and with a few adjustments, they will work.  Alpha 5 begins making the adjustments when he sets himself off and goes berserk.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly step back as Alpha 5 runs around in circles.  After awhile, the alarms go off.  Zordon informs them that Rita has sent down a device to open up a time trap.  There are also Putty Patrollers gathering outside of town.  Zordon wants them to find out what they are doing, as he analyzes the time device.  The teens teleport out and land just outside a group of Putties unseen.  But another group of Putties have seen them.  Zack, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini go into action battling the Putties.  Billy and Trini take off to spread out the Putties.  Zack, Jason, and Kimberly battle the Putties who are not chasing after Billy and Trini.  The Putties soon overwhelm them and they surrounded with the Putties pressing down on them.  Billy and Trini arrive and help break apart the Putties that are surrounding them.  Zack, Kimberly, and Jason form a human chain and knock the remaining Putties into the cactus, and the Putties retreat.  Zordon contacts the teens and tells them they did a superb job defeating the Putties.  Especially Trini, who had overcome her fear of heights to help Billy.  The alarms go off in the Command Center, and Zordon tells them to hold their position.  After a few seconds, Zordon informs them that Rita has sent down Bones.  Bones can fire energy bolts out of his eyes.  Zordon believes he controls the time device as well.  Zordon tells them it's morphing time.  The teens morph and teleport to the amusement park.  Before the Rangers can do anything, they are teleported into the time warp.  Bones is there as well.  The Rangers battle Bones.  Several Skelton type creatures come running out and the Rangers battle them as well.  Baboo and Squatt are in the dimension as well.  they light up a bomb to blow up the time device to trap the Rangers.  Pink Ranger spots what they are doing and alerts the others.  The Rangers use their Blade Blasters on Bones.  Bones falls to pieces, but then reassembles quickly.  Blue Ranger knows they need to destroy his head and leaps up and grabs it.  Blue Ranger tosses it to Yellow Ranger.  Yellow Ranger throws it down a crevice.  Bones it destroyed, but their troubles are not over.  Giant breaks through and grabs Red Ranger.  the rest of the Rangers are knocked out of the time warp.  Giant drops Red Ranger.  Zordon sends in Tyrannosaurus Dinozord.  Red Ranger is happy to see him and leaps into the zord.  Red Ranger, with his zord, battles Giant.  Red Ranger destroys Giant.  Zack returns to the Youth Center.  Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy are standing by the climbing rope.  Zack pulls out a monster mask, which he puts on.  Zack sneaks up to Trini and growls at her.  Trini quickly climbs up the rope to the top.  Zack pulls off his mask and laughs.  Kimberly, Billy, and Jason join in.  Zack tells Trini it looks like she has really overcome her fear of heights.

Zack, Jason, and Billy were walking down the hall of their high school, Angel Grove High School.  Zack smiled at the other students they passed.  The guys stop where Kimberly and Trini had set up a petition to shut down a toxic waste dump.  Zack, Billy, and Jason signed the petition.  Trini asked them to come along.  Zack couldn't.  He was suppose to meet with Alpha 5 for something super important.  Jason and Billy also had excuses not to come.  The guys walked away. 

Day Of The Dumpster




High Five












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