Page Twelve

Zack, Billy, and Trini search the school for Bulk and Skull.  Billy spots Kimberly and Jason by the lockers and points them out to Zack and Trini.  They all run over to Jason and Kimberly.  Zack asks them if they have seen Bulk and Skull?  Kimberly replies, yeah, they were just here with that disgusting pig.  Jason asks what's up?  Trini confides, Rita might do something to Norman.  Jason tells Billy and Trini to keep working on that device.  The rest of us will split up and look for Bulk and Skull.  They all hurry away.  After awhile, Zack walks in the Youth Center.  The only people there are Bulk and Skull.  They are terrified because Pudgy Pig is right in front of them.  Zack quickly assesses the situation.  Zack tells Bulk to give him the food (Bulk is holding onto his sub sandwich), he's just hungry.  Bulk protests, I haven't eaten since lunch.  Skull adds, me neither!  Zack tells them you better give him food or you're going to be lunch.  Bulk tears a small piece of his sandwich off and tosses it into Pudgy Pig's mouth.  It's not enough and Zack tells Bulk, you're going to have to do better than that.  Reluctantly Bulk gives the rest of his sandwich to Pudgy Pig.  Bulk tells him, well nice knowing ya.  Skull adds, we're out of here.  Bulk and Skull race out of the Youth Center.  Zack faces down Pudgy Pig and goes into a fight stance.  Pudgy Pig vanishes.  Zack takes a quick look around and then contacts Zordon.  Zordon responds and tells Zack that the rest of the Rangers are in the Command Center, waiting for his arrival.  Zordon continued, prepare for teleportation to the Command Center.  Zack replies, you got it.  Zack is teleported out of the Youth Center.  Zack teleports into the Command Center.  Zack apologizes, sorry guys, he got away.  Zordon tells them, it's apparent that once again we faced Rita's evil Pudgy Pig.  We must stop this overweight menace and stop it once and for all.  Trini tells Zordon, we can't hurt it.  It's a real pig.  Kimberly adds, are you ready for this?  It's name is Norman.  Zordon replies, this is indeed most unfortunate.  Do your best to bring him under control.  At all cost, you must keep Pudgy Pig from running free.  Zack, Billy, Trini, Jason, and Kimberly morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Power Rangers arrive in Angel Grove city.  Pudgy Pig is sitting on top of one of the buildings.  Red Ranger has his Blade Blaster ready.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, it's going to be all we can stomach guys.  Blue Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers that Pudgy Pig is about to descend.  Pudgy Pig jumps off the building and back on top of the building and then back down.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers charges towards him with their power weapons drawn.  Red Ranger strikes Pudgy Pig with his Power Sword.  Pudgy Pig knocks him aside.  Blue Ranger strikes him with his Power Lance, and is also struck aside.  Pink Ranger and Yellow Ranger team up with their Power Bow and Power Daggers.  They are knocked to the ground.  Pink Ranger tells Pudgy Pig, we don't want to hurt you.  It means nothing to Pudgy Pig.  Blue Ranger leaps in and Pudgy Pig lands a kick that sends Blue Ranger flying.  Black Ranger charges towards Pudgy Pig with his Power Ax.  Pudgy Pig stops the Power Ax and knocks Black Ranger down.  Red Ranger leaps in with his Power Sword.  Red Ranger battles Pudgy Pig with his Power Sword.  Pudgy Pig soon knocks Red Ranger down.  The rest of the Rangers gather around Red Ranger.  Pudgy Pig blasts them.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger are knocked to the ground.  Blue Ranger and Pink Ranger hurried over and help them back up.  Red Ranger had his Blade Blaster drawn when he notices Pudgy Pig has vanished.  Black Ranger can't believe he got away again.  Yellow Ranger asks, what are we going to do?  Red Ranger responds, get some help.  Red Ranger tells Zordon, we lost him.  Soon Alpha 5 located Pudgy Pig at a farm and Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are teleported there.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, that sausage head has got to be around here somewhere.  Yellow Ranger states, we'll find him.  Pink Ranger adds, yeah, it's not like he can blend in with the scenery or anything.  Red Ranger suggests they split up and search for Pudgy Pig - they will cover more ground that way.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers split up and search for Pudgy Pig.  Red Ranger wonders, where is he?  Yellow Ranger runs through the farm and comments, no sign of him anywhere.  Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger gather together when Black Ranger comes running up.  He tells them, they are not going to believe this.  Pink Ranger guesses, you found him!  Black Ranger has the rest of the Rangers follow him.  They hide behind a stack of hale bales.  Black Ranger tells them, check that out.  Pudgy Pig is dancing.  Pink Ranger can't believe it, a dancing pig.  They all laugh.  Yellow Ranger tells them, now I've seen everything.  Red Ranger cautions them to not be so loud.  We don't want him to know we are here.  Pudgy Pig kneels before another pig and talks to it.  Yellow Ranger concludes Pudgy Pig is in love.  Pink Ranger finds the idea gross.  Blue Ranger tells them it confirms their hypnosis that beneath the facade, it is indeed Norman.  Yellow Ranger adds, one of Rita's monsters could never fall in love that way.  Red Ranger's communicator goes off.  It is Zordon.  He tells them it appears Pudgy Pig was a diversion to keep you occupied.  Zordon continues, Goldar is attacking Angel Grove.  There is not a moment to lose.  Intercept him immediately.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, let's go get him Rangers!  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleport out.  In the city, giant Goldar shoots lasers out of his eyes.  Scorpina arrives on top of a building.  The Rangers arrived in the city.  Red Ranger has his Blade Blaster drawn.  Red Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers, this is going to be tougher than we thought.  Pink Ranger can't wait till she can get her hands on Scorpina.  Giant Goldar continues to wreck the city.  From top of the building, Scorpina blasts the Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers.  Scorpina laughs as Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are hit.  Several Putties arrive as well.  The Rangers battle the Putties.  Scorpina leaps down from the building and battles the Rangers as the Putties have been defeated.  Squatt and Baboo join Scorpina as she uses her weapon to knock the Rangers off their feet.  Goldar walks over and threatens to crush them like flies.  The Rangers leap out of the way as Goldar tries to stomp on them.  Red Ranger declares, we need dinosaur power now.  The Rangers summon their zords.  The zords arrive and the Rangers immediately leap inside them.  The Megazord is quickly formed, first in tank mode, then in battle mode.  Goldar immediately strikes the Megazord with his sword.  Megazord and Goldar battle.  Goldar does well against Megazord.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, turn up the axillaries, we need more power.  Goldar kicks and strikes the Megazord with his sword.  Goldar has a hold on one of Megazord's arms.  Megazord manages to break free by stomping on Goldar's foot, which makes Goldar let go of the arm.  Red Ranger summons the power sword.  Goldar charges towards Megazord.  Megazord strikes Goldar with it's sword.  Goldar leaps into the air and lands a kick on Megazord's chest.  Megazord is knocked back a couple of feet.  Goldar flips through the air and lands on his feet.  Goldar walks towards the Megazord, stating, this time you're mine.  Red Ranger gives the command to power the sword to full charge.  Goldar vows, you haven't seen the last of me, fools!  Goldar vanishes before Megazord can strike.  Zack, Jason, Billy, and Kimberly return to the farm.  Pudgy Pig was still trying to charm the pig.  Billy had the device in his hands.  Kimberly asks him if he was sure it was going to work?  Billy was able to recalibrate the transformer.  If my calculations are correct, it should reverse the process with no harm to Norman.  Billy holds out the device and points it at Pudgy Pig.  Pudgy Pig transforms back to Norman.  Zack exclaims, you did it Billy!  Jason tells him good work.  Kimberly can't believe she is going to say this, I actually think they look cute.  Norman and his pig nuzzle.  The following day, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason are in Miss Appleby's classroom, chatting before class starts.  Trini walks in and joins her friends.  She has very good news to tell them.  She asks them if they remember the pig Norman met?  They all do.  Trini continues, well the farmer, her owner, decided to adopt Norman too.  Jason thinks that's great and they are in high spirits.  Kimberly believes they will live happily ever after.  Mr. Caplan stands in front of the classroom.  He tells the class that Miss Appleby is absent today, so I'll be substituting.  I've got a wonderful lecture prepared and fortunate enough to have a stunning live specimen here in our own class.  Mr. Caplan opens the door and brings in a pig.  Mr. Caplan announces, the pig.  Bulk asks Skull, did he say pig?  Skull confirms that he did.  Bulk and Skull scream and run to the back of the classroom, where they climb on top of a table to stay as far away from the pig as possible.  Mr. Caplan is bewildered by their behavior.  The rest of the class, including Zack, Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Jason laugh.

Zack, Jason, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and other students pour out of a classroom at Angel Grove High School.  Trini can't wait to go scuba diving.  Jason tells his friends, you won't believe the reef I found, it's awesome.  Zack is looking forward to seeing really big fish down there.  Bulk and Skull walk towards the lockers, they have fishing gear with them.  Bulk pushes a student aside as he walks along.  Trini is the first to notice Bulk and Skull and comments to her friends, you don't have to look far.  Some of the biggest fish are right here.  Bulk and Skull stop and face the teens.  Bulk tells them, don't count on seeing any big ones dork, because they are going to be at the end of my hook.  Skull adds yeah, his hook.  Zack, Jason, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly are not impressed.  Bulk opens his locker and lots of mostly fishing stuff falls out.  Bulk and Skull try to catch the stuff, but most of it ends up on the floor.  Trini tells Bulk, that's disgusting.  Bulk doesn't know what she means.  He walks over and picks up a can of bait off the floor.  Bulk tells her, this is perfectly good bait.  Skull adds, yeah, it will make us irresistible to fish.  Just like with the ladies.  Skull gives a wink.  Bulk shakes his head in agreement.  Trini tells Skull to get a life.  Annoyed, Bulk asks Skull, what are you yapping about?  Get the stuff, there is fish waiting to be caught.  They head back over to the locker.  Skull picks up a net, unaware that Bulk's foot is in it, and Bulk falls to the floor.  Bulk glares at Skull, but Skull is amused.  He tells Bulk, look Bulk, I caught one already.  Bulk scrambles up and Skull stays a safe distance away.  Skull walks backwards as he tells Bulk to take it easy as Bulk goes after him.  Zack tells his friends, I don't think the fish need to be worried about those two.  Jason invites Billy to come with them.  Jason is a certified diving instructor.  Billy declines the invite, he has a regrettable dislike of fish.  Trini invites Kimberly along.  Kimberly turns it down as well.  No reason to spoil a perfectly good hair day.  Besides Billy and I are going to the park for a picnic.   Later, Zack, Jason, and Trini are at the beach, getting into their wet suits.  Jason tells them lets do a final equipment check.  Zack agrees, like you always say, safety first.  Trini can't wait to get down there.  The fish and plant life is going to be beautiful.  Jason instructs his friends to make sure your valves, gauges, and regulators are clear and working right and that your other equipment fit properly.  The three teens make sure their equipment is safe.  Jason asks if everyone is ready?  Trini gives a thumbs up.  Jason reminds them to remember the safety signals and to stay together.  Zack tells his friends, let's do it.  Soon they are in the ocean.  Zack, Jason, and Trini enjoy exploring the ocean.  Later, Zack, Jason, and Trini have finished scuba diving and are walking along the beach, still thrilled with their adventure.  Zack tells his friends, he can't believe how clear it is down there.  Jason and Trini agree.  As they take off their scuba equipment, Jason tells Zack and Trini, that was an awesome dive.  Zack adds, totally amazing.  Trini can't believe how beautiful it is down there.  Jason's communicator goes off.  It is Zordon.  Zordon tells them, Rita has trapped the other Rangers with a venomous Goo Fish.  You must help them immediately.  Jason tells Zordon, we are on the way.  Zack, Jason, and Trini morph and teleport to the battle.  Red Ranger fires his Blade Blaster at Goo Fish, just as Goo Fish was about to strike Pink Ranger.  Goo Fish is knocked aside.  He tells the Rangers, another time, and dives into the ocean.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Pink Ranger hurry over to Blue Ranger, who is still crouched down in fear.  They ask Blue Ranger if he is okay?  Blue Ranger gets up with no explanation of what happened to him.  Zack and his friends teleport in and Billy is feeling pretty bad about what happened.  Jason tells Zordon that they had a lot of trouble with that Goo Fish.  Zack adds, that was one of Rita's worst monsters ever.  Billy blames himself - I couldn't even bring myself to get close to that thing.  Alpha 5 has sympathy for Billy, as does his friends.  Trini tells Billy, don't blame yourself.  Everyone has something they are afraid of.  Kimberly asks Zordon if there is anything they can do to help Billy?  Jason adds, we're really going to need him.  Zordon replies, Billy, Rita has cast a spell on you by using your fear of fish.  If you face your fear and overcome it, her spell will be broken.  Billy doesn't think he can face that sea monster.  Zordon tells him he has no choice.  Zordon instructs the teens to behold the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows Goo Fish.  Zordon continues, as you can see, the Goo Fish is craving a terrible path of destruction.  It's toxic venom will immobilize anything it touches.  Humans and sea life alike.  You must overcome your fear Billy.  The other Rangers need you.  Kimberly is concern and asks Billy if he is sure he is ready for this?  Trini adds, we're going to need you.  Billy replies, I'll try not to let you down.  Zack and his friends morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive on the beach and find Goo Fish with several Putties.  Pink Ranger tells the team that she and Blue Ranger will take care of the Putties, they can take care of Goo Fish.  Goo Fish instructs the Putties to attack.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are kept busy battling the Putties.  Red Ranger uses his Power Sword as he battles the Putties.  Goo Fish approaches Blue Ranger.  Pink Ranger yells out a warning.  Blue Ranger is immediately filled with fear.  He yells at Goo Fish to go away.  Red Ranger sees Blue Ranger is in trouble and leaps over with his Power Sword.  Goo Fish knocks Red Ranger aside before Red Ranger can strike.  Black Ranger and Yellow Ranger race over to Red Ranger to make sure he is okay.  Red Ranger is okay.  The three Rangers are ready to fight Goo Fish when he shoots out his toxic venom on the three Rangers.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger cannot move.  Red Ranger yells out to Pink Ranger and Blue Ranger, that they are stuck.  We need help!  Blue Ranger crunches down in fear and tells them he can't.  Goo Fish is ready to go after Blue Ranger once more.  Pink Ranger leaps in the air and fires her Power Bow.  Goo Fish uses his lance to knock the arrow away.  Pink Ranger lands in front of Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger and stands protectively in front of them with her Power Bow at the ready.  Goo Fish throws several starfish and sand dollars at Pink Ranger.  When the starfish and sand dollars hit Pink Ranger there is several explosions.  Goo Fish then throws a couple of fish at Pink Ranger.  Pink Ranger is hit again with several more explosions.  Pink Ranger falls to the ground.  Red Ranger yells at Blue Ranger, come on buddy!  You can do it!  Blue Ranger confesses he wants to, but I'm afraid.  Pink Ranger pleads with him.  Billy please, we need you.  Blue Ranger remembers Zordon's advice.  If I face my fear, I can break Rita's spell.  Blue Ranger breaks Rita's spell.  Blue Ranger leaps over Goo Fish's head several times.  Goo Fish shoots out his venom, but it misses Blue Ranger and hits his own face instead.  Goo Fish screams in pain.  Blue Ranger faces down Goo Fish with his Power Lance.  Blue Ranger declares, I've faced my fear and overcome it!  Blue Ranger is back!  Blue Ranger strikes Goo Fish with his Power Lance.  Goo Fish is knocked aside, but quickly gets back up.  The rest of the Rangers are freed and race over to Blue Ranger.  Black Ranger faces down Goo Fish with his Power Ax.  The rest of the Rangers have their power weapons as well.  Goo Fish grows to giant size.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and they quickly arrive.  The Rangers leap into their zords and quickly form the Megazord.  Goo Fish charges towards Megazord with it's lance.  Red Ranger calls out a warning to the rest of the Rangers.  Megazord walks towards Goo Fish and they battle.  Goo Fish strikes Megazord with his lance.  Goo Fish makes another strike, but this time Megazord knocks the blow aside.  Goo Fish strikes Megazord once more.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, he got us good that time.  Brace for more Rangers.  Goo Fish swings it's lance around and then charges towards the Megazord once more.  Goo Fish tries to strike Megazord with his lance, but Megazord blocks the blow.  Goo Fish tries to kick Megazord, but Megazord blocks that as well.  Goo Fish manages another strike against Megazord.  Megazord grabs the lance and spins Goo Fish around.  Megazord smashes the lance.  Goo Fish becomes angry and shoots it toxic venom at Megazord.  The venom lands on the Megazord's feet and it can't move.  Goo Fish gloats, try this on for size.  Goo Fish shoots a red laser out of  his eye.  It hits the Megazord hard.  Blue Ranger exclaims, we're going down!  The Megazord falls to the ground.  Goo Fish laughs.  Black Ranger can't believe it.  We're losing to a overgrown herring.  If only we could get more power.  Wait a minute, that's it.  Red Ranger has no idea what Black Ranger is talking about.  Black Ranger explains, covert the goo into energy.  The goo is converted into energy and soon the Megazord is back on it's feet.  Goo Fish protests.  No!  I had you finished!  All fished out!  Red Ranger replies, you were wrong!  Alright Rangers, let's finish this fight!  The power sword arrives and Megazord quickly grabs it.  Goo Fish is still protesting.  No! No! No!  You cheated!   Goo Fish runs towards the Megazord.  Megazord strikes Goo Fish with the power sword and it is destroyed.  Red Ranger tells Blue Ranger, I'm proud of you Billy.  You conquered your fear.  Blue Ranger proudly replies, yes I did, didn't I.  The next day, Zack, Jason, Trini, and Kimberly are hanging out at the Youth Center when Billy and Ernie walk in dressed in fishing gear.  They walk over to Zack, Jason, Trini, and Kimberly's table.  Billy excitedly asks them to look at what I caught as he holds up a sack cloth bag.  Trini is very impressed.  Kimberly tells Billy, you have really overcome your fear of fish.  I'm very proud of you.  Jason adds, maybe you'll come scuba diving with us next time.  Billy replies, I'll like that Jason.  I think I could learn to really enjoy that sport.  Ernie tells the group that Billy was great.  I'm going to cook up the catch in a few minutes and it's on the house.  Zack and his friends are excited.  Ernie walks away.  Bulk and Skull walk in.  Kimberly comments, it's really starting to smell fishy around here.  Bulk tells her it's because he caught the king of the sea.  With disbelief, Jason asks Bulk, what did you catch?  Zack replies, probably a cold.  Bulk tells them, I got the big one.  Something you nerds could never do.  Bulk snaps his fingers and tells Skull to show them.  Skull pulls out a big can of tuna from the bag.  Everyone laughs, except for Bulk.  Bulk, in a low voice, tells Skull, I thought I told you to buy a big fish.  Skull replies, I did!  It's the only kind of fish I know.  Zack and his friends laugh some more.  Bulk, angrily, asks Billy, what are you laughing at?  Let me see what you caught!  Bulk grabs the bag from Billy and puts his head inside it.  Billy warns him, I'll be careful there's a....Bulk removes his head and there is a lobster tangling from his nose.  Billy finishes, a live lobster in there.  The teens laugh once more.

Angel Grove is hosting the Oddball Games at the park.  There are two teams, the red team and the blue team.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason are on the red team.  Bulk, Skull, and Angela are on the blue team.  Jason and Bulk compete against each other as they run through a path of tires, having to make sure they place their foot in each one as they race along.  They both do well, but at the very last tire, Bulk trips and falls onto the grass.  With a mouthful of grass, Bulk glares at Jason's back.  There  is also sack race.  Zack and Angela are both in this portion of the games.  Zack gives Angela a hard time as they hop along.  Trini and Skull are waiting at their portion of the race - which is the wheel barrel race.  Trini shouts encouragement to Jason.  Jason reaches Trini and they take off.  A few moments later, Bulk reaches Skull and they try to overtake Jason and Trini.  Skull ends up getting his face shoved into the grass.  From the sidelines, Zack, Billy, and Kimberly and the rest of the crowd cheer the competitors on.  Trini and Jason cross the finish line first.  Everyone cheers, except Bulk and Skull.  Jason helps Trini to her feet and they join their friends.  Mr. Caplan announces the red team wins.  But there is tie between the red team and the blue team in terms of points.  Now the final event - tug of war.  The winning team will receive the coveted Noble Lion Trophy.  Everyone gets very excited.  The two teams face each over as they brace for the tug of war.  Bulk shouts, we're going to whip you good Jason!  Jason replies, give it your best shot Bulk!  Zack shouts out to Angela, asking if she wants to defect over to the winning side?  Zack man saved a special place just for you.  Angela tells him to dream on!  Bulk adds that Angela knows what side the real men are on.  Mr. Caplan tells the teams, on the count of three, I will blow the whistle.  Zack is confident they can do it.  Mr. Caplan counts to three, blows the whistle, and the tug of war begins.  Both teams are giving it their all as they try to pull the other team over.  Bulk yells, that trophy is mine buzzard breath!  Be prepared to eat mud.  Mr. Caplan walks over to the blue team, to keep an closer eye on Bulk.  Kimberly shouts, prepare to eat your words Bulk!  Both teams continue to struggle to pull the other team over.  Billy suggests they apply the law of physics.  Trini shouts out, teamwork everyone!  The red teams pulls the blue team over.  Bulk, Skull, Mr. Caplan, and Angela fall face first into the mud.  Bulk picks up his face, spits mud out, and glares at the red team.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Jason, and Billy cheer, along with the rest of the red team.  Billy thinks it's great they won the Noble Lion trophy.  Skull and Mr. Caplan struggle to get out of the mud, along with Angela.  Zack notices Angela's dilemma and walks over to her.  He removes his red tank and offers some assistance as he lays the red tank onto the mud.  Angela tells him, you're just loving this, aren't you?  Zack doesn't answer, but the grin on his face is enough of an answer.  Zack helps Angela up.  Jason helps Mr. Caplan up.  With an unhappy look on his face, Mr. Caplan tries to wipe the mud off his sweat suit.  A few moments later, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Jason have gathered together and are having a great laugh over the games.  Zack asks his friends, did you see Bulk's face when he hit the mud?  They all laugh.  Trini then asks, how about poor Mr. Caplan?  They laugh some more.  Billy tells his friends, once again, teamwork has proven most effective against our adversaries.  Jason is confident Ernie is going to get a big kick out of the Noble Lion trophy.  Kimberly glances over at the stand, which had the Noble Lion trophy on display and notices it is missing.  Kimberly points this out to her friends and they all walk over to the stand.  Zack is sure Bulk and Skull have something to do with this.  Kimberly tells them, we cannot let them get away with this.  Billy points out they have a large area to cover.  Jason suggests they split up.  Jason and Kimberly go in one direction, while Zack, Billy, and Trini go in another direction.  Zack, Billy, and Trini are walking through the playground area of the park, when several Putties leap out.  Trini immediately battles a batch of Putties.  Zack battles another set of Putties.  Trini shoves one Putty up the tube slide.  Zack calls out a warning to Billy, that Putties are heading his way.  Billy battles the set of Putties with clever moves.  Zack kicks a Putty into the tire swing.  Zack, Trini, and Billy find themselves surrounded by Putties.  They are prepare to fight when the Putties suddenly vanish.  Zack, Trini, and Billy gather together.  Zack comments, that was weird.  I wonder what Rita is up to?  Billy suggests they find Jason and Kimberly.  The three teens head off.  Zack and his friends eventually give up their search for the Noble Lion trophy.  Zack, Jason, and Kimberly go to the Youth Center.  Zack and Jason are working out.  As they work out on the punching bag, Zack tells Jason, it's too bad about that trophy.  Jason replies, we don't need a trophy to know we are winners.  Kimberly runs over to them.  She tells Zack, don't look now, but your dream diva is heading our way.  Angela has walked into the Youth Center.  Jason asks him if he is going to ask Angela out again?  Zack admits, she's a babeasaurus, but I gave up on Angela a long time ago.  Zack continues to work out, unaware that Angela is walking straight towards him.  Angela greets Zack, and asks him how about you and me catching a matinee or something?  Zack and Jason are both stunned.  Zack glances back at Jason.  Jason gives him a thumbs up and motions him to go with Angela.  Zack and Angela walk away with their arms linked together.  Zack glances back at his friends and tells them, don't call me, I'll call you.  Zack and Angela head out.  At the movie theater, Zack doesn't hear his communicator.  (Alpha 5 is trying to contact him.)  Zack comments that it's chilly in here.  Feels like winter.  Zack puts his arm around Angela.  Angela removes Zack's arm, telling him it's not that cold.  Dejected, Zack watches the movie.  Moments later, Angela becomes frighten by the movie and clings to Zack.  Zack doesn't mind at all.  Just then both Zack and Angela hear his communicator.  Angela asks, what's that?  Zack tells her it's his popcorn alarm.  I'll be right back.  Zack leaves the theater and enters the lobby area.  Zack checks around to make sure no one is around and then checks in with Alpha 5.  Alpha 5 tells Zack that the Rangers need your help.  They've been trapped inside a tornado by Goatan, Rita's evil Chimera monster. 

A Pig Surprise








Something Fishy



Lions And Blizzards




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