Page Eighteen

Dang, what am I going to do?  A man sitting on a picnic table calls out to Zack - psst, young man over here.  Zack reluctantly walks over.  Can I help you, sir?  The man replies, no, but I think I can help you with your dilemma.  I happen to have a pair of pearl earrings I'm sure you can afford.  The man opened his overcoat and the inside was lined with various pieces of jewelry as the man picked out the pearls.  Zack is impressed.  Those are beautiful.  Uh, they're not stolen, are they?  The man laughs.  No, no.   Far from it.  In fact, these used to belong to my dearly departed wife, Edna.  When I gave these to her she fell in love with me.  I always thought of them as a love charm.  Zack gets excited.  I could really use a love charm.  Zack pulls out some money.  Uh, will this do?  The man replies perfectly, as he takes the money and gives Zack the pearl earrings.  Zack thanks him.  He can't wait to show them to his friends.  This is awesome.  Thanks again!  Zack leaves the park and does not see the man turn back into a Putty.  The following day Zack and Angela go on their double date with Tommy and Kimberly.  They arrive at the French restaurant.  Zack lets Angela and Kimberly walk ahead of them as they make their way to the table.  The teens pick up their menus and note that it is all in French.  Zack reassures them.  Don't worry.  I got it covered.  Zack calls for their waiter.  Garcon!  The waiter walks over.  Oui, Monsieur.  We are ready to order?  Zack replies oui.  He suggests to his friends that he take the liberty of ordering for all of them.  Zack tries to impress Angela by ordering in French. After their order arrives,  Zack notices Angela is not really eating anything, just pushing the food around her plate.  Angela, don't you like it?  Angela responds, about as much as you like your frog legs.  Zack has a quick explanation.  I'm just waiting for it to cool a little.  The waiter approaches their table.  Escusez Moi.  There is a Mademoiselle Angela at the table?  Surprised Angela replies, that's me.  The waiter responds, tres bien.  With a distasteful look on his face, he snaps his fingers.  Bulk and Skull approached their table singing off key.  When Skull sees who's table it is he stops.  No way!  But Bulk wants to prove his talent.  Now wait, Skull.  Let's show them what real music is all about.  Zack can't believe how badly his date is going.  Oh, no.  Tommy teases Bulk and Skull.  Well, I guess the audition paid off, huh, guys?  Bulk and Skull don't respond, instead they sing.  My baby's as fine as a porcupine.  And her eyes are brown like mud.  But she's the queen of mean.  So why does she treat me like a French bean?  Angela is not impressed.  Some surprise Zack.  In a last ditch effort, Zack gives his gift to Angela.  Angela takes the gift but is reluctant to open it.  I suppose this explodes or a can of worms jump out at me.  Zack pleads with her to just open it.  Angela is very surprised to see a beautiful pair of pearl earrings.  She tells Zack they're beautiful.  Zack is very excited to see one thing go right.  You like them?  Angela responds, I love them.  Zack and Angela lean in for a kiss as the waiter approaches their table with a large cake.  Bulk and Skull are still enthusiastically playing and Skull accidentally hits the waiter with his guitar.  The waiter loses his balance and falls onto their table, slamming the cake onto it.  Skull then accidentally hits Bulk and both of them go flying and hit the pavement.  The waiter is furious.  Look what you've done!  Bulk has a mouthful of frog legs.  Skull gets every excited and pops one of the frog legs out and starts eating it.  Bulk spits out the remaining frog legs which Skull quickly gathers up.  Zack and Tommy have both been splattered by the cake.  They get up and try to wipe themselves off.  Tommy tells the girls, I think we better go clean up.  Zack agrees.  Absolutely.  Uh, we'll be right back, ladies.  Don't go away.  Angela softly replies, I wouldn't dream of it.  Zack and Tommy leave.  After a few minutes, Zack and Tommy return to the restaurant and are puzzled by what they see.  Everyone is as still as statues.  Zack runs over to his friends to check on them and can't believe what he is seeing.  Oh, man.  Tommy checks on a few customers.  This is weird.  Zack and Tommy hurry over to their table and Zack is upset.  Oh, no, Angela!  Tommy stops and checks Bulk's pulse.  They still have their vital signs.  Zack suggests they teleport to the Command Center and Tommy agrees.  Zack and Tommy teleport out.  Once they arrive, Zordon informs them that Rita intends to destroy the sea which in turn will destroy the planet.  The Oysterizer and the Ecocide Pearl must be stopped.  Tommy asks about the others.  How do we break the stillness spell?  Zordon replies, it won't be easy.  Observe the viewing globe.  The guys turn around and face the viewing globe which is showing images of Oysterizer and his pearl.  Zordon continues, to break the spell, lure the Oysterizer out of the sea and destroy his pearl.  Caution.  He may try to return to the sea and lure you into an underwater battle.  Alpha 5 adds, that could be dangerous.  Your zords may have to function in deep water.  Zack comments, man, that would be a first.  Zordon reminds Tommy that his powers are still temporary.  Are you certain you want to take this risk?  Tommy replies, I have to.  Zack adds, I say we make oyster soup out of this guy.  Tommy and Zack morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and Green Ranger arrive at the beach.  Black Ranger searches one area of the beach as Green Ranger heads south.  Suddenly Oysterizer leaps out of the ocean and strikes Black Ranger, knocking him down.  Black Ranger remarks, you want to play like that.  Oysterizer responds, I'm not playing with a puny particle like you.  You couldn't whip a brine shrimp with the flu.  You're out of your league here.  You won't be able to take it what I'm doing to you.  Black Ranger responds, yeah, I can take it, and I can take you too!  Oysterizer laughs.  Me?  No way!  Oysterizer sprays acid gel onto Black Ranger.  Black Ranger is hit.  Zordon didn't say anything about this!  Tommy!  Help!  Oysterizer laughs some more.  Got you!  Bye-bye Power Ranger!  Oysterizer shoots flames at Black Ranger, who is hit once more.  Black Ranger is knocked off his feet once more.  Oysterizer gloats, your end is near.  Victory is mine!  Suddenly Green Ranger leaps in and strikes Oysterizer with his Dragon Dagger.  Oysterizer is knocked off his feet.  Green Ranger hurries over to Black Ranger.  Black Ranger warns him not to touch him.  Oysterizer sprayed me with some kind of acid gel.  It would get you too.  Green Ranger tells him to take his shield.  The powers in it will heal you and give you energy.  The shield transfers over to Black Ranger.  Black Ranger thanks Green Ranger and asks him, what about you?  Green Ranger replies, I'll be okay.  Green Ranger shouts out a warning as Oysterizer stands up again.  Oysterizer threatens Green Ranger, you're going to pay for that!  Oysterizer shoots out his acid gel towards Green Ranger.  Green Ranger shields Black Ranger.  Green Ranger is now struck with the acid gel and falls to the grounds.  Black Ranger hurries over to Green Ranger and tells him to sit tight.  I'll take care of this guy.  Black Ranger leaps over to Oysterizer and punches him hard.  Oysterizer goes flying and lands back into the ocean.  Black Ranger is confident that should break the spell.  The people in the restaurant return to normal.  Angela is disgusted when her pearl earrings begin to dissolve and tosses them into a glass of water.  Just as she gets to the exit, Zack races in.  He immediately apologizes.  Angela, look, I'm sorry.  Angela has had enough.  Zack, do me a favor and don't do me any more favors.  Comprendez-vous?  Angela walks out.  Disappointed, Zack heads over to his friends.  Guys, we got a big problem.  Trini responds, we know, the Oysterizer.  Kimberly asks, where's Tommy?  Zack replies, he's okay.  I left him at the beach.  We have to go after the Oysterizer and the Ecocide Pearl underwater.  Billy comments, this will definitely be a new experience for the Megazord.  Jason is eager to go.  Let's jam.  Zack quickly places some bills on the table and the four friends race out of the restaurant.  In a quiet area, the four teens morph.  The Megazord is quickly formed and descends onto the ocean floor.  Black Ranger is excited.  Yeah, we made it!  Red Ranger is ready.  Let's do it.  The Megazord starts searching.  Soon Red Ranger spots the Ecocide Pearl.  Oysterizer quickly arrives.  Red Ranger tells the team, let's get rid of the pearl while we have a chance.  Megazord fires a laser that destroys the pearl.  Oysterizer is furious.  No!  You fools!  You've destroyed my beautiful pearl!  Oysterizer charges towards the Megazord and strikes it several times.  You bunch of sea snails!  Take this!  Oysterizer strikes Megazord hard and Megazord falls to the ocean floor.  Oysterizer threatens them.  I'll turn you into flounder bait!  Oysterizer charges towards the fallen Megazord.  Oysterizer places it's foot on Megazord and presses down.  Black Ranger notes, we can't take much more of this.  We need help.  Red Ranger agrees.  Megazord wasn't meant to work underwater, but Dragonzord is.  Red Ranger tells Pink Ranger to focus all our communication signals on a tight beam to the beach.  Red Ranger tells Blue Ranger to send a distress signal now.  Green Ranger is standing on the beach when he hears Blue Ranger's voice over his communicator.  Tommy, do you read us?  We need help.  Green Ranger quickly summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord arrives and strikes Oysterizer with it's tail.  Oysterizer is sent spinning through the water and lands back on the surface.  Dragonzord emerges from the ocean.  Oysterizer is not impressed.  Well, what do we have here?  Another zord for me to destroy.  Oysterizer laughs.  Dragonzord swings it's tail once more but misses Oysterizer.  Oysterizer strikes Dragonzord.  Oysterizer gloats.  So, you think you're through, huh?  Well, try this on for size.  A ball and chain appear in Oysterizer hands.  Oysterizer strikes Dragonzord with it's ball.  Dragonzord is hit hard.  Oysterizer strikes Dragonzord with it's ball again and it wraps around Dragonzord.  Oysterizer tries to pull Dragonzord towards him, but it resists.  Oysterizer gloats, feeling a bit tied up?  Well, let me help you unwind a little.  Oysterizer laughs.  Oysterizer sprays it's toxic goo onto Dragonzord.  Want a little more?  How about this?  Oysterizer shoots flames at Dragonzord.  Dragonzord falls to the ground.  Oysterizer continues to yank on the chain, trying to drag Dragonzord.  Now, you're through!  Finished dust!  A rumor!  Yesterday's news!  Suddenly the chain is broken.  Oysterizer falls to the ground, but quickly gets back up. Megazord has arrived and stands protectively in front of Dragonzord.  Pink Ranger points out that Dragonzord is covered in acid gel.  Megazord uses it's laser to clear the acid gel off of Dragonzord.  Dragonzord gets up and stands next to Megazord.  Oysterizer is not happy.  You two are becoming a real pain in the shell.  Oysterizer charges towards them holding a spike in it's hands.  Green Ranger shouts, let's do it buddy and begins playing his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord fires it's missiles at Oysterizer.  Oysterizer is hit several times and knocked to the ground.  Oysterizer gets back up.  Red Ranger shouts, all right, Rangers, let's finish this!  Megazord destroys Oysterizer with it's power sword.  The following day, Angela is working out at the Youth Center.  Zack and Trini are standing in the doorway of the Youth Center.  Zack is holding a bouquet of flowers.  Zack tells Trini he sure learned a lesson.  Never try to impress somebody with money.  You can't buy love.  Trini thinks that's a very good motto to live by.  Always be yourself.  Zack admits that's he broke.  These flowers are all I could afford.  Trini gives Zack a smile.  Bulk and Skull walk up behind them.  Trini glances at them and then wishes Zack good luck before she walks away.  She joins the rest of her friends at their table.  Zack asks Bulk and Skull where they have been?  Bulk replies, we had to wash the dishes at the cafe.  Skull points out that they did get all the frog legs they could eat.  Skull burps.  Zack reminds them no singing this time.  Bulk and Skull silently raise their hands in agreement.  Zack asks if they are ready and Bulk gives a small nod.  Zack walks towards Angela singing.  Bulk and Skull follow behind, playing their instruments.  Zack kneels down and continues to sing his song to Angela, who is moved by the lyrics.  After a few moments, Skull breaks into song.  Everyone winces or covers their ears.  Angela laughs.  Zack apologizes.  Angela apologizes as well.  I guess I shouldn't be so materialistic about things.  Zack tells her happy birthday, as he gives her the flowers.  Zack and Angela kiss.  This time Bulk breaks into song with Skull quickly joins in.  The rest of the customers laugh.

An Oyster Stew














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