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After school, Zack teleported to the Command Center.  He couldn't believe it when Alpha 5 wanted dance lessons.  Zack show him some dance moves and Alpha 5 was impressed.  The alarms went off.  Zordon informed them that the girls were in trouble.  The viewing globe showed Trini and Kimberly battling Putties at the dump site, and they were outnumbered by the Putties.  Alpha 5 asked Zordon what they were going to.  Zordon contacted Jason and Billy and told them to teleport to the Command Center.  When they arrived, Zack lead them over to the viewing globe, where they could see Kimberly and Trini battling the Putties.  Zordon was about to send the guys out when the viewing globe showed Minotaur had arrived.  Zordon sent the guys to take care of Minotaur, he would monitor the girls.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrived where Minotaur was and battled him.  They then used their Blade Blasters on him.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger were having a difficult time against Minotaur.  It was made worse by Baboo and Squatt throwing boulders down on them.  Moments later, Minotaur became giant size.  The three Rangers tried to avoid being stomp on.  The zords were summon and Yellow Ranger and Pink Ranger joined them.  Mastodon Dinozord tried to freeze Minotaur.  Pterodactyl Dinozord fired at Goldar (who arrived as well) and the rest of the Putties from the sky.  Triceratops Dinozord fired at Minotaur.  Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord fire and then leaped into the air and knocked against Minotaur.  Triceratops Dinozord used chains to bring down Minotaur.  Tyrannosaurus Dinozord battled Minotaur.  After awhile, Red Ranger gave the instruction fro the Megazord to be formed.  The Rangers battled Minotaur with the Megazord, but it was not enough.  After awhile, Zordon had Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleport to the Command Center for new instructions.  The Rangers wondered what was going on when they arrived.  Zordon told them their zords have gone into hiding and presented them with new power weapons.  Black Ranger received the Power Ax.  The weapons also come together to form a more powerful weapon - the Power Blaster.  The Rangers teleported out.  Red Ranger gave the rest of the Rangers the plan as they flew across the terrain.  First they were going to use their new weapons against Minotaur and if that didn't work, they would put their weapons together.  Minotaur was normal size when the Rangers arrive.  The Rangers used their new weapons against Minotaur.  Zordon instructed them that the time was right to bring their weapons together.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers did so.  The Rangers fired the Power Blaster at Minotaur.  Minotaur was destroyed.  Zack, Jason, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly returned to the high school.  They were walking down the hall and talking about teamwork.  They happened to be walking down the same hall that Bulk & Skull had trashed earlier.  Mr. Caplan came walking in and saw the mess and blamed the five teens.  Mr. Caplan was going to talk to them, when a voice came over the loudspeaker that Mr. Quackmeyer wanted to talk to him.  Mr. Caplan walked away.  Jason suggested they use teamwork to clean the mess up.  The teens very quickly clean up the mess.  When Mr. Caplan returned, he was puzzled as to how the hall looked so clean.  Mr. Caplan gave up and walked away.  Zordon contacted the teens.  he congratulated them and told them they had done well.  Zordon also asked them to excuse the static as it was a result of Alpha 5 practicing his dance steps and short circuiting the controls.  Zack told Alpha 5 to forget about the hip hop, go back to being a robot, and keep the controls working.

Zack entered the Youth Center on his skate board.  Most of the teens manage to stay out of his way.  Zack headed towards a crowd that had gathered around Jason as he attempted to break the press bench record.  Kimberly had just blown a huge bubble.  Zack crashed right into Kimberly.  Gum covered his and Kimberly's face.  Zack washed his face off and then sat down with Jason at a table.  Zack apologized to Jason, which he accepted.  Kimberly walked over, with a clean face as well.  Zack apologized to Kimberly and she accepted as well.  Jason voiced his concern that people would consider him a quitter.  Zack raised his voice as he protested that.  Zack then ordered another round of juice for him and his friends.  Bulk & Skull walked in.  Bulk taunted Jason about not being able to beat his bench press record.  Zack had gotten up to help Jason, but Skull pushed him back down.  Jason told Zack he got it.  Jason asked Bulk if he was ticklish and then proceeded to tickle Bulk.  Jason then stomp on Bulk's foot.  Bulk let go and bent over, and in the process ripped the back of his pants.  Skull went around and pull Bulk's pants together, which caused it to rip in the front and fall down.  Skull took off.  Bulk tried to go after him, but fell over his own feet.  Zack, Jason, and Kimberly laughed.  Moments later, Jason's communicator went off.  Ernie heard the sound as he walked over with their drinks.  Zack, Jason, and Kimberly quickly got out of their chairs.  Zack told Ernie to put it on his tab and they headed out into the hall.  Jason contacted Zordon.  Zordon informed them that there were Putties at the children's theater, along with a monster, King Sphinx.  Zack, Kimberly, and Jason morphed and headed out.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger battled the Putties.  Baboo and Squatt were sitting in the stands, cheering on the bad guys.  King Sphinx flapped his wings and Pink Ranger vanished.  Red Ranger asked what happened to Pink Ranger.  Black Ranger didn't know, but he was going to find out.  King Sphinx flapped his wings again and this time Black Ranger vanished.  Zack was surprised to find himself on the balance beam, demorph, and his back to Kimberly.  Kimberly told Zack that was really weird.  Zack and Kimberly knew that Jason was going to need their help.  Zack and Kimberly raced over to Billy's house and entered the garage, where Billy kept his lab.  Zack and Kimberly found Trini and Billy there and filled them in.  Trini tried to contact Red Ranger, but had no success.  Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly teleported to the Command Center.  The viewing globe showed them that Red Ranger was in trouble.  Red Ranger was facing down a giant King Sphinx and Goldar.  Zordon had them summon forth their Power Crystals.  Alpha 5 held a small packet and Zack and the rest placed their Power Crystals in the packet.  The packet was sent out to where Red Ranger was.  This would enable Black Ranger and the rest to arrive and help Red Ranger.  The zords were summon and the Megazord was formed.  The Rangers battled King Sphinx and Goldar in tank mode and battle mode.  The Rangers destroyed King Sphinx.  Goldar retreated before the Rangers could strike.  After the battle, Zack and his friends went to the Youth Center.  Jason was trying once more for the bench press record.  Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly, along with the crowd, cheered him on.  Jason beat the record and everyone cheered.  Jason told Zack and the rest he couldn't have done it without him.  Ernie walked in with a cake to celebrate.  Jason noted that the cake said Happy Birthday Mom.  Ernie had gotten the cake on sale.  Bulk and Skull entered.  Bulk was very upset that Jason had beaten his record and told him he was getting his record back.  Zack told Bulk to relax and have some cake.  Bulk liked the idea, but emphasized that he would have the first piece.  Skull repeated this.  Bulk started to walk over, but tripped over some weights and fell into the cake.  Zack, Trini, Bill, Jason, Kimberly, and even Skull laughed.

Zack was at the Youth Center.  He was sitting at the counter with Trini and Jason.  Trini and Jason were arm wrestling, and Trini was doing well against Jason.  Kimberly was on the floor teaching an aerobics/dance class.  Billy was in the class.  Zack, Jason, and Trini got distracted by Billy landing on Ernie's cart.  Billy careen through the dance class, waving his arms to get people to get out of the way.  Billy headed into the hall, where the lockers where.  Zack, Trini, and Jason heard a crash.  Billy was still on the cart, when he came rolling out.  This time covered in toilet paper and assorted towels.  Billy went through the dance class once more, and crashed into a wall.  Zack, Jason, and Trini cringed for their friend.  After a few moments, Billy crawled his way over to his friends.  Trini helped him up and walked him over to where they stood.  Trini removed the debris from Billy as Billy confessed, with Trini's translation, that he can't dance.  After awhile, Bulk and Skull entered the Youth Center.  They immediately began making fun of the dance class and stating how easy it is.  Zack told them he would like to see them do it.  Bulk demonstrated that he could do the class dance steps.  Bulk also kick away the legs of the chair, Jason was sitting on.  Zack held Jason back.  Zack then asked Bulk if he could do his dance steps.  Zack did a complicate dance routine.  Bulk tried to do it, but ended up getting stuck, and Skull had to help him get back on his feet.  Zack then did a handstand on the counter.  Bulk tried, but went over the counter instead, taking Zack's dish with him.  When Bulk reappeared he was covered in Zack's food.  Zack told him he could have it, as he wasn't hungry anyways.  Kimberly's dance class ended and Kimberly and Billy joined Zack and the rest.  Zack told them they needed to bail if they wanted to make the movie.  Bulk threaten them, telling them they better bail as no one tricks him.  Zack laughed as he replied that it looked like he already did.  Zack and his friends left.  Later, Jason found Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly.  Jason had a note which Melissa, Kimberly's deaf student, wrote that her friends were in trouble.  Melissa lead Zack and his friends through some fields to the entrance of a cave.  Kimberly told Melissa to stay hidden.  Zack and his friends morphed.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Gnarly Gnome with their Power Weapons.  They then formed the Power Blaster and defeated Gnarly Gnome with it.  Rita threw down her wand and Gnarly Gnome was back and giant size.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon the zords and the Megazord was formed, first in tank mode, and then in battle mode.  The Rangers battled Gnarly Gnome with the Megazord and it was difficult.  Gnarly Gnome played his music, which had them seeing buildings that wasn't there.  Eventually the Megazord's Power Sword was called down and the Rangers destroyed Gnarly Gnome.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers demorph.  Zack and his friends went to the cave and rescue Melissa's friends.  Everyone was in high spirits.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly gave the credit for the rescue to Melissa and the Power Rangers.  Zack suggested they all get some ice cream.  They all headed back to the Youth Center.  Zack danced to the music.  Kimberly, Melissa, Jason, and another girl sat at a table.  Billy, Trini, and the rest of the girls stood close by.  Ernie brought over a tray of sodas and told them it was on the house.  Jason signed to Melissa, and ended up telling her his dog smelled.  Zack teased Jason and Jason told him he would get the hang of it.  Melissa then asked Billy to dance.  Billy told her no, but Melissa dragged him onto the dance floor.  Zack and the rest watched as after awhile, Billy did some amazing dance moves.  Kimberly referred to Melissa as a miracle worker.

Zack and his friends were at the Youth Center, helping to set up for the Cultural Food Festival.  The festival was to raise money for new playground equipment for Angel Grove's daycare/preschool center.  Mr. Caplan was there as well.  Zack, Billy, and Jason joined Trini and Kimberly as they talked to Mr. Caplan.  Mr. Caplan wanted one of their dishes.  Kimberly yanked the dish away and Billy told him it would be twenty dollars.  Mr. Caplan decided he wasn't hungry and walked away.  Ernie walked over to them and told them to hurry as the doors opened in ten minutes.  Zack thought the festival was going to be a blast.  Jason only hoped Rita wasn't hungry for trouble.  Zack ran booth that featured African American food.  He was an enthusiastic seller.  Suddenly a food fight broke out.  It was started by Bulk & Skull and their friends.  Zack and his friends gathered together, trying not to get hit by food.  They need they had to stop the food fight before the festival was ruined.  Zack and his friends tried but they didn't have much luck.  Zack tried to get Bulk to chill with the whip cream.  Zack used his apron and cried "Toro Toro" as Bulk charged at him like a bull.  Bulk slid across the table, knocking more food off and a punch bowl onto Mr. Caplan.  Mr. Caplan became very angry and everyone stopped in their tracks.  Mr. Caplan put Zack and his friends in charge of the cleanup.  Mr. Caplan stormed off.  Zack's and his friends' communicators went off.  Zack and his friends went out into the hall.  It was Zordon, they need to get to the Command Center.  Zack and his friends teleported to the Command Center.  The viewing globe showed them Pudgy Pig devouring food.  If Pudgy Pig wasn't stop, the world's food supply would be gone in forty-eight hours.  Zack and his friends morphed.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleported to the city and battled Pudgy Pig with their weapons.  Much to their disbelief, Pudgy Pig swallow their weapons during the battle.  The Rangers were then sent into a vortex.  Zack and his friends landed in the park and demorph.  Zordon contacted them again to let them know that Pudgy Pig was now at their food festival.  Zack and his friends hurried over.  They had just missed Pudgy Pig when they arrived.  The place was even more of a mess.  Zack commented that Mr. Caplan was going to flip his wig - again.  Trini noted that Pudgy Pig did not touch the spicy food and this gave them an idea.  Arm with food, the teens contacted Zordon to find out where Pudgy Pig was.  Zordon told them he was at a food packing plant.  The teens morphed and teleported out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers stood on top of a building.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger tossed food into Pudgy Pig's mouth.  Yellow Ranger tossed her food last, after placing a spicy radish in it.  Pudgy Pig did not like the radish and spit out everything he had eaten, including the Power Weapons.  With their weapons back, the Power Rangers were ready.    The Rangers battled Pudgy Pig with their Power Weapons once more.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers then formed the Power Blaster and destroyed Pudgy Pig.  After the battle, Zack and his friends returned to the Youth Center.  The place was still a mess.  Alpha 5 teleported several dishes of food to them.  Mr. Caplan walked in.  Mr. Caplan knew that Zack and his friends had not been responsible for the food fight.  Mr. Caplan told them they had almost made enough money for the equipment.  Mr. Caplan was interested in one of their dishes.  Zack and his friends reminded him it was twenty dollars and Trini mention it was for the playground equipment.  Mr. Caplan gave the twenty dollars, he was starving.  He took a big bite - it was very hot.  Mr. Caplan asked for water.  Kimberly handed him a pitcher and he dunked it over his head, causing his wig to fall off again.  Mr. Caplan told them it was a little hot, but not too bad.  Zack and his friends laughed.

Zack was at the Youth Center, sparring with Jason.  They noticed the girls and Billy standing close by.  Jason noticed their faces' expressions and told them they looked like they lost something.  Kimberly replied not a something a someone.  Trini told them she and Kimberly were suppose to be Big Sister for the day to a young girl, Maria.  Maria was suppose to meet them at the Youth Center half an hour ago.  Kimberly was worried that Maria may be in trouble.  Zack walked over and told the girls not to worry - Detective Zack was here.  Zack asked them how much trouble could a little girl can into.  Just then several teenage boys came running out of the shower area with towels wrapped around their waists.  Some of them even still had shampoo in their hair.  Zack and his friends laughed, along with the rest of the patrons at the Youth Center.  Jason wondered who could do such a thing.  The answer came soon enough - Maria was sitting by the hot water valve.  Later, Zack sat at the counter of the Youth Center with Jason and Billy.  Ernie just delivered a large bowl of ice cream to Zack.  Ernie told Billy and Jason theirs was coming up next.  Zack began eating the ice cream while Jason told him there was no way he could finish it.  Trini and Kimberly came running up to them.  They told Zack, Jason, and Billy that Maria had been taken by several Putties in the park where they were having a picnic.  Billy wondered what Rita would want with a little girl.  Jason didn't have any answers and tried to contact Zordon.  But communications and teleportation was done.  The repairs would take hours.  Zack and his friends needed to get to the Command Center.  Billy told them he had been working on a mechanical surprise for them in the garage.  It would help them.  Zack and the rest agreed to check it out and race out of the Youth Center and to Billy's garage.  There Billy revealed the Rad Bug.  A modified Volkswagen Beetle that could go incredible speeds and fly.  Zack and his friends hopped in and they took off, flying through the air.  Zack was interested in the control panel, but Billy told him not to touch anything.  It was a bumpy ride, but they made it to the Command Center, through one of the tubes.  Alpha 5 was surprised to see Zack and his friends.  Communications and teleportation had been down for hours.  Zordon noticed their distressed looks and asked them what was wrong.  Zack and his friends filled Zordon in on the kidnapping of Maria.  It had been something Zordon had been fearing for a long time.  Alpha 5 was concern that Zordon was talking about the Power Eggs.  Zack and his friends were confused.  Zordon instructed them to go to the viewing globe.  Zack and his friends watched the scenes as Zordon told them the story.  Long ago sorcerers who called themselves Morphin Masters, had placed power in the Power Eggs.  The Power Eggs were placed in a magic chest and tossed out to the sea - where they believed their ancestors would watch over them.  Only the touch of an innocent child could open the chest.  If Rita got a hold of the Power Eggs, she would be unstoppable.  Zack and his friends left in the Rad Bug and headed up the mountain, towards the cave where the magic chest was.  Trini was impatient and asked why they couldn't fly, but Billy thought that if they stayed on the ground they might surprise Rita.  At the last bend, they spotted Baboo, Squatt, and Goldar.  Chunky Chicken had already taken off.  Zack and his friends morphed.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Squatt, Goldar, and Baboo with their Blade Blasters.  During the battle, the chest was knocked out of Baboo's hands and back into the sea.  Chunky Chicken joined the battle.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers used their Power Weapons in the battle.  Rita needed the Power Eggs and summon her forces to an old warehouse.  Zordon contacted the Rangers to let them know Maria was at the warehouse.  The zords were summon and the Megazord was formed.  The Megazord arrived at the warehouse.  Rita, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt were standing on the stairs.  Maria was dangling from a rope with Chunky Chicken next to her.  Rita told the Rangers she would make a deal - the girl for the Power Eggs.  The Rangers refused.  Rita gave Chunky Chicken the order to cut the rope.  Chunky Chicken did so and Maria fell.  The Megazord caught her.  Blue Ranger told Red Ranger to bring in the Rad Bug by remote.  As the Megazord lowered Maria they told her to get into the Rad Bug, it would take her to safety.  Maria quickly jumped into the Rad Bug and it drove away.  Rita was furious and made Chunky Chicken giant size.  The Rangers battled Chunky Chicken in the Megazord.  It was a difficult battle as Chunky Chicken was about to cut into space with his scissors and appear elsewhere in the battle.  The Megazord's Power Sword was summon and the Rangers destroyed Chunky Chicken.  The following day, Zack and his friends were back at the Youth Center.  Zack stopped by Kimberly's and Billy's table to say hi.  Ernie asked Kimberly for help.  Kimberly held up a bowl of chili and offered it to the customers.  Ernie announced that it was freshly made and on the house.  Zack was standing next to Jason and the crowd surged forward.  Kimberly lost balance of the bowl and it dump on Bulk - much to the amusement of everyone.

Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason were at Billy's lab.  They were standing at a table.  Billy and Willy, a young friend of Billy's, walked over.  Willy had invented a holo game.  Zack and his friends were eager to try it out.  Billy told them to place their goggles on and they did so.  Willy turned on the game.  The holo game made you feel as if you were riding a roller coaster.  Zack, Trini, Jason, Billy, and Willy loved it.  Kimberly yelled for them to stop the game, she was getting dizzy.  Willy reluctantly turned off the game.  Jason was impress that Willy had invented the game.  Willy had entered the game in Angel Grove's Junior Science Fair.  Zack and his friends helped Billy and Willy packed up the machine.  They walked through the park on the way to the Science Fair.  Suddenly five Putties arrive.  One of the Putties grabbed Willy.  Jason got Willy back.  Zack and his friends formed a circle and Willy was placed in the middle.  Zack and his friends battled and defeated the Putties.  When the Putties vanished, Zack and his friends made sure Willy was okay and then they continued on their way.  The Science Fair was being held at the Youth Center.  When they entered the place was packed with people and several tables and machines.  Billy and Willy headed over to their table.  Zack offered to help them set up, but they had things under control.  Billy told Zack and the rest to have fun.  Zack and Jason went and look at the displays.  Bulk & Skull entered the fair and soon began to cause trouble.  Skull had taken a young boy's invention and spray Bulk with it.  This cause Bulk's pants to vanish.  Bulk was furious.  Jason and Zack had seen what had happened and laughed.  Billy and Willy had walked over.  Billy told Skull to put the invention down.  Bulk commented on the fact that it was the King Geek himself.  Billy asked Bulk if he felt out of place, after all an IQ was required.  Bulk formed a fist and told Billy this was all the IQ he needed.  Skull repeated the gesture and words.  Zack and Jason walked up.  Jason told Bulk all he needed was a club, he would make a perfect caveman.  Zack grunted.  Bulk became more furious.  Zack and Skull fought as Jason and Bulk fought.  During the fight, Bulk & Skull ended up on a flatbed cart.  Kimberly and Trini had a friend at the fair.  She had the Funky Fashion Makeover.  Trini and Kimberly thought she could use some volunteers and wave over to Billy.  Billy and Willy wheeled the cart over to the Funky Fashion Makeover machine and tipped them inside.  The doors closed.  Zack laughed and told Willy this would teach them a lesson.  When the doors opened, Bulk & Skull were dressed as women, complete with wigs and makeup.  Zack and the rest of the place laughed.  Bulk & Skull left in a hurry.  A judge walked over and told Willy this was not a playground.  The commotion could cause havoc with the other competitors.  The judge disqualified Willy, despite Billy telling him it was not Willy's fault.  Willy became very upset.  Willy felt he never did anything right and took off.  Billy knew how he felt and planned on going after Willy.  Zack and Jason decided to go with him.  The three guys left the fair.  Zack, Billy, and Jason searched the park for Willy.  Yelling his name and whistling, but got no response.  Trini and Kimberly joined in the search.  Billy spotted Willy's lucky cap and pointed it out to Zack and Jason.  The guys raced over.  Billy picked up the cap.  Zack was concern that the situation had turned serious.  Jason was positive Rita had something to do with it.  The girls joined them and Billy showed them the cap.  Jason's communicator went off.  Jason told them it was Zordon, it was time to teleport in.  Zack and his friends teleported to the Command Center.  Billy asked Zordon about Willy.  Zordon was aware of what had happened - their suspicions were correct.  Rita was behind it.  Zordon instructed Zack and his friends to go to the viewing globe.  The viewing globe showed Eye Guy capturing Willy.  Willy was stuck in a spinning contraption inside the Internal Vortex, which was a world inside Eye Guy's main eye.  Rita wanted to gain control of Willy's intelligence.  The only way to save Willy was to destroy the main eye.  Zack and his friends morphed.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrived where Eye Guy and Baboo stood.  Baboo quickly took off.  Red Ranger battled Eye Guy with his Power Sword.  The rest of the Rangers soon surrounded Eye Guy.  Eye Guy fired at them, knocking them down.  The Rangers formed the Power Blaster and fired it.  Eye Guy fell into several pieces, but then quickly reassembled himself.  Eye Guy fired at the Rangers, causing them to roll down a hill.  Zordon contacted Blue Ranger.  Zordon told him his sensors showed that the main eye was hidden in a different part of the park.  Blue Ranger needed to find the main eye.  Blue Ranger told the rest of the Rangers he was going after the main eye, they were to keep Eye Guy busy.  Rita became furious when Blue Ranger successfully battled the main eye and made Eye Guy giant size.  The main eye returned to Eye Guy as he grew giant size.  Blue Ranger joined the rest of the Rangers.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord.  The Rangers battled Eye Guy.  During the battle, Eye Guy's main eye opened.  With the Power Sword, the Rangers struck the main eye.  Willy was freed and Eye Guy was destroyed.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers made sure Willy was okay.  Willy was impress to have meet the Power Rangers.  Later, Willy talked about the Power Rangers to Zack and his friends as they headed back to the science fair.  Billy gave Willy his cap back.  Zack and his friends spotted the judge and Ernie using Willy's holo game and having a great time.  When the game ended, Zack and his friends walked over.  The judge apologized to Willy.  He had overacted to something that was not his fault.  Willy hoped his invention would be allowed in the competition.  Not only was it allowed, but it had won first prize.  Zack and his friends congratulated him.  Bulk & Skull entered, wrapped in towels.  Bulk & Skull walked over to Zack and his friends.  Bulk told them the joke was over, they wanted their clothes back.  Skull repeated it.  Kimberly told them they had the clothes cleaned and sterilized.  Kimberly and Trini passed over the clothes to Bulk & Skull.  There was only one problem.  The clothes were now miniature size.  Zack and his friends laughed.

Zack was sitting inside Miss Appleby's class.  Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason were also in the class, along with Bulk AND Skull. It was Hobby Week in Miss Appleby's class.   Trini was the first to go up and show her doll collection.  Several other students went after Trini, including Zack.  Zack's hobby was surfing.  He placed a surfboard on Miss Appleby's desk and gave a demonstration, all while listening to some tunes. 


A Pressing Engagement


Different Drum

Food Fight



Big Sister


PSA About Healthy Eating

I, Eye Guy





For Whom The Bell Trolls


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