Page Seventeen

At the park, Zack, Jason, and Billy are tossing the football around when Kimberly and Trini join them.  Kimberly suggests they have a little scrimmage.  With a smile, Jason agrees.  The teens have fun playing flag football.  After awhile, several Putties arrive.  A Putty leaps in front of Billy and catches the football before Billy can.  Jason tells his friends, let's tackle them!  Jason and Zack charge towards the Putties.  Two Putties grab a hold of Billy and push him away.  Billy does several flips and catches the Putties by surprise by fighting them.  Zack fights another batch of Putties.  He kicks several to the ground.  Jason fights several Putties as well as the football goes flying.  Billy ends up catching the football and he takes off running as several Putties chase him.  Trini is fighting a Putty and flips it onto the ground.  Billy steps on the Putty as he runs pass.  The Putties also step on the fallen Putty as they continue to chase Billy.  Kimberly fights another group of Putties.  Jason carries a Putty on his shoulders as he charges towards another group of Putties.  Billy manages to outmaneuver everyone as he continues to run.  The Putties suddenly vanish and the teens gather together.  They are in high spirits.  Suddenly Jason's communicator goes off.  Zordon tells them to teleport to the Command Center immediately.  Jason responds, we're on our way.  Zack, Jason, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini teleport to the Command Center.  When the teens arrive, Zordon tells them, as you can tell by her latest Putty attack, Rita has planned a football game of her own.  The teens gathered towards the viewing globe.  Zordon continues, and this is her quarterback.  The viewing globe shows images of Rhinoblaster.  He is quick on his feet and very cunning.  You must be careful.  Trini comments, that monster looks mean.  Kimberly adds, and strong.  Zack also adds, a cruel looking rhino.  Zordon tells them they are all correct.  The Rhinoblaster is vicious and very strong.  Rita plans to pit her evil team against yours.  The teens turn to face Zordon.  Zordon continues, if they defeat you, her evil will be unleashed on Angel Grove.  Alpha 5 becomes alarmed, but Billy is quite calm.  I believe our team is stronger.  Jason agrees.  Come on, we have a score to settle!  The teens morph and teleport out.  The five Rangers face down Rhinoblaster.  Rhinoblaster boosts, you power brats are no match for my team!  Five Putties arrive, with football jerseys on.  Rhinoblaster sends the Putties in.  The five Rangers charge towards the Putties.  The Putties manage to push the Rangers back.  The Putties knock the Rangers off their feet.  The Putties charge towards the Rangers.  The Rangers get back up and flip out of the way.  The Putties don't give up and go after the Rangers relentlessly.  The Rangers are knocked to the ground once more.  Rhinoblaster tells them, you've been sidelined!  Hit the showers!  Rhinoblaster blows a white mist towards the Rangers.  The Rangers are hit and teleported away.  The five Rangers land on a small rock and are unable to escape the vortex they are trapped within.  It's up to Green Ranger to free them.  Green Ranger fights Rhinoblaster with Dragonzord.  After awhile, Green Ranger tosses the Dragon Dagger into the mist, shouting Jason!  Catch!  Rhinoblaster is taken aback.  Green Ranger continues with battle with Dragonzord.  Suddenly a vortex appears, and Megazord steps out of it.  Megazord takes a giant leap and punches Rhinoblaster.  Rhinoblaster falls to his knees.  The Dragon Dagger returns to Green Ranger.  Rhinoblaster is in disbelief.  What!  No way!  Dragonzord joins Megazord.  Megazord gives a small nod of acknowledgement.  Green Ranger begins playing the Dragon Dagger.  The rest of the Rangers cheer on Green Ranger.  Megadragonzord is formed.  The Rangers fire their weapons and Rhinoblaster is destroyed.  The next day, Zack and the rest of the football team has gathered at the Youth Center, waiting to be introduced by Mr. Caplan.  As Mr. Caplan calls their names, each member of the football jumps through the streamers, placed inside the cardboard mouth of their mascot.    Jason!  Billy!  Zack!  Bob!  Matthew!  Ryan!  Michael!  Thomas!  And Paul!  The crowd, including Trini and Kimberly, had cheered as each name was announced.  Mr. Caplan concludes, that's it ladies and gentlemen.  Congratulations to our new team!  Zack notices a piece of paper on the floor.  He picks it up as he tells Mr. Caplan, it looks like you dropped something.  Zack gives the paper to Mr. Caplan.  Mr. Caplan apologies.  I'm sorry.  I seem to have made an error here.  There are more names.  Well, well, well, well.  I'm pleasantly surprised.  So, let's introduce....Bulk!  There is smattering of claps.  Bulk leaps through the streamers, still wearing his tutu.  He does a spin and falls onto the floor.  Skull helps him up as he tells Mr. Caplan, they are still working on the agility part.  Mr. Caplan gives them a look and Bulk and Skull walk away.  Mr. Caplan continues, last but not least, I would like to introduce to you our new star quarterback.....Tommy!  Tommy leaps through with a big smile.  Mr. Caplan asks for a round of applause for our new team.  Everyone cheers.  Afterwards, Tommy greets his friends with a big smile as they gather around him.  Jason tells him, way to go bro!  Zack adds, that's morphenomenal news.  Kimberly adds her congratulations.  Billy tells him, we're glad you're on our team.  Tommy doesn't know what to say.  I didn't think I could do it.  Jason leans in.  Hey, after you play football against Rita, you can play against any team.  They all laugh.

Zack and his friends were at the Command Center.  Kimberly and Tommy had just been attacked by Pink and Green Mutant Rangers.    Zordon tells them that Goldar has distributed the Badges of Darkness to four Putties to become the Mutant Rangers.  There is no evil Red Ranger at this time.  Unable to do anything at this time, the teens return to their lives.  The next day, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason walk down the halls of the school.  They don't like waiting around and their anxious to get started.  Suddenly Jason's communicator goes off.  They find a quiet spot and gather round.  Zordon tells the teens that Rita Repulsa had selected Commander Crayfish to be the leader of her Mutant Rangers.  Jason responds, we'll take care of it.  Zordon continues, Commander Crayfish is at the Angel Grove shoreline.  You must stop him before he heads inland.  Kimberly asks about Tommy.  Zordon tells them that Tommy is not answering his communicator.  The teens morphed and teleport out.  The five Rangers battle the Mutant Rangers and Commander Crayfish.  After a few moments, Green Ranger arrives and joins in the battle.  The Rangers have a difficult time against the Mutant Rangers and Commander Crayfish.  They retreat back to Command Center.  Zordon gives them weapons that looks like their old ones, but more powerful.  The Rangers return to the battle and their new powerful weapons help.  The Rangers form the Power Blaster and fire it.  Pink and Yellow Mutant Rangers are destroyed.  The remaining Mutant Rangers and Commander Crayfish grow to giant size.  The Rangers summon their zords.  Dragonzord arrives and Megazord is formed.  Commander Crayfish battles Megazord while Blue, Black, and Green Mutant Rangers battle Dragonzord.   Eventually Ultrazord is formed and the three Mutant Rangers and Commander Crayfish are destroyed.  The following day, at school, Kimberly and Trini tell Tommy that it's okay to have faults.  Zack, Jason, and Billy joined them telling Tommy that your true friends will accept you as you are.  They all watch Bulk and Skull stroll down the hall dressed in tuxes.  Bulk abd Skull present Miss Appleby with a gift.  Miss Appleby insists that Bulk and Skull open the gift as she just had her nails done.  Bulk and Skull have no choice but to open the gift and have silly string spray all over them. 

At the Youth Center, Zack is helping Tommy with his work-out, but is distracted by the sight of Angela.  Also at the Youth Center are Bulk AND Skull who are working on a song.  Kimberly walks by and then pauses to listen to their lyrics.  Kimberly laughs and tells them, you guys got to be kidding me.  Bulk tells her they have a very important audition today that is going to make both of them very big stars. Kimberly joins Zack and Tommy.  Zack knows that Angela's birthday is coming up and he want to impress her.  Tommy suggests sending some flowers, but Zack thinks flowers are tired.  Zack is thinking of something real special like a pair of pearl earrings.  Tommy feels that's a little out of Zack's budget.  Kimberly suggests a singing telegram.  Zack considers it and glances over at Angela.  Zack decides a singing telegram at the restaurant right before he presents her with the pearl earrings.  Kimberly tells him maybe he shouldn't try to impress her so much.  But Zack is confident it will out work out and tells them to trust him.  He also asks them if they would be willing to make it a double date if Angela agrees.  Kimberly and Tommy agree to go on the double date.  The following day at Angel Grove High School, Zack asks Angela out to dinner.  At first, Angela refuses, but when Zack mentions a French restaurant, Angela changes her mind and agrees.  Zack is excited and races off to find pearl earrings for Angela.  A trip to the jewelry store leaves Zack depressed as he had no idea that pearl earrings were so expensive.  Dejectedly Zack walks through Angel Grove park. 

Football Season


Mighty Morphin Mutants


An Oyster Stew












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