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At the end of the class, the bell rang and everyone gathered their things and started filing out.  Miss Appleby reminded them of their homework.  To read Chapter 4 in their language arts books - Question Marks - Why do we need them?  That night, Trini had a dream.  In her dream, Zack and Jason were sparring at the Youth Center.  Kimberly stood close by with a stack of boards.  Zack did well in his sparring match against Jason.  Afterwards, Jason broke through a set of boards.  Jason was about to do a second set, when their communicators went off.  Zack, Kimberly, and Jason hurried out of the Youth Center and teleported to the Command Center.  Zordon instructed them to go to the viewing globe.  The viewing globe showed a life size Mr. Ticklesneezer.  Mr. Ticklesneezer had been a part of Trini's doll collection.  Mr. Ticklesneezer liked to collect things in his magic bottle for his goody bag.  Mr. Ticklesneezer had collected Trini's car, which had Trini and Billy inside screaming for help.  Zordon told the three teens there was a platoon of Putties, along with Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt in Angel Grove.  Zack, Jason, and Kimberly morphed and teleported out.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Red Ranger arrived at the train tracks.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Red Ranger battled the Putties.  After awhile, Red Ranger battled Goldar.  Baboo and Squatt just got into each other's way.  Mr. Ticklesneezer tried to leave and tripped.  The bottle went flying and Pink Ranger caught it.  Before she could release her friends, Goldar attacked.  The bottle went flying once more and landed on the train tracks.  Pink Ranger and Goldar battled.  Pink Ranger managed to get away long enough to grab the bottle.  Pink Ranger opened the bottle and Trini's car rolled out.  Trini and Billy quickly got out of the car.  Pink Ranger told them they could really use their help.  Billy and Trini morphed and joined in the battle against the Putties.  Rita appeared on a balcony of an apartment.  Rita wanted Mr. Ticklesneezer to continue to collect, but he couldn't since he didn't have his bottle.  Rita didn't care.  Rita tossed down her wand and now Mr. Ticklesneezer was giant size.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summoned their zords and formed the Megazord.  Mr. Ticklesneezer managed to get his magic bottle back.  Mr. Ticklesneezer opened his bottle and the Megazord was pulled in.  The Rangers summon the Megazord's Power Sword.  The Power Sword hit the ground, causing Mr. Ticklesneezer to fall and drop the bottle.  The bottle opened and the Megazord was released.  The Megazord picked up the bottle.  Mr. Ticklesneezer tried to grab it back.  The Rangers threaten Rita, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt with it.  The Rangers opened the bottle.  Goldar and Baboo grabbed Rita's wand.  Squatt started to float and he grabbed onto the building.  Rita used her wand to fire at the Megazord, but it was not enough.  Rita, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt retreated.  Zordon contacted the Rangers and told them they needed to have Mr. Ticklesneezer placed all his goodies back to their proper time and place.  Yellow Ranger told Mr. Ticklesneezer to put everything back.  Red Ranger added before he hurt someone.  Mr. Ticklesneezer never intended to hurt anyone and began placing everything back.  Trini woke up from this dream, very relieved and concluded that she had too much Rita on her mind.  The next day, Hobby Week was drawing to it's conclusion.  Miss Appleby had the last presentation come up - Bulk & Skull.  Bulk & Skull walked to the front of the class.  Skull was carrying something that was covered up with a red cloth.  Bulk did the talking.  Bulk told the class they were into parasites.  Zack and the rest of the class, and Miss Appleby, were a little grossed out by this revelation.  Bulk continued that they collected fleas off of dogs.  Skull unveiled what he had covered up - it was a flea circus.  Zack and the rest of the class leaned forward to get a closer look, but could see nothing but the miniature set up of a circus.  Bulk peered down and asked Skull where the fleas where.  Bulk and Skull looked over to Miss Appleby, as did the rest of the class.  Miss Appleby was scratching herself furiously.  It was obvious that the fleas had left the circus and landed on Miss Appleby.  Zack and the rest of the class erupted in laughter. 

Zack was excited about his upcoming birthday.  The only thing was he couldn't track down his friends.  After checking with Trini's mom, Zack headed toward the Juice Bar.  But his friends were not there either.  Zack found only Ernie, who told him he was just catching up on some paperwork.  The following morning, Zack could not contain his excitement over his birthday.  He saw Kimberly at her locker and headed her way.  Zack ask Kimberly if he looked any older - when Kimberly seem puzzled, he tried to drop a few hints.  But instead of remembering his birthday, Kimberly remembered her poodle's birthday.  Zack could not hide the disappointment from his face.  Discouraged he walked away and headed towards his class. Trini, Billy, and Jason were heading towards Kimberly and said hi to Zack, but he didn't say much to them.  Later in the day, he was alone and berating his friends.

For Whom The Bell Trolls




Happy Birthday,  Zack











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