Page Ten

Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason are at the Youth Center.  Zack and Jason are sparring.  Trini is helping Billy go through the moves of a kata.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Zack and Jason gather close.  Jason asks Zordon what is wrong?  Zordon informs them that one of Rita's monsters has captured Kimberly in the park.  Tommy was injured while attempting to rescue her.  Jason tells Zordon they are going to teleport to the Command Center right away.  Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason run over to the locker area.  Once they make sure the area is clear, they teleport out.  Alpha 5 is dusting off a reclining chair when Zack, Trini, Jason, and Billy arrive.  Jason immediately asks Zordon where's Tommy?  Zordon replies they are teleporting him from the park right now.  A few moments later, there is a flash of green and then Tommy appears on the chair, still unconscious.  Trini kneels down and takes Tommy's hand.  She asks Zordon if he is going to be okay?  Zordon has Alpha 5 check on him.  Alpha 5 runs a scan on Tommy.  Alpha 5 informs them he will be alright, it just might take some time.  Billy asks Zordon about Kimberly.  Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows Kimberly in a nasty place screaming for help.  Zordon tells them as you can see, her present accommodations are rather unpleasant.  Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason become alarmed.  Zack asks Zordon where is she?  Zordon tells them she is trapped in another dimension, inside the Samurai Fan Man's jar.  The dimension only exists for a short period of time.  When it disappears, so will everything in it.  Zack, Trini, and Billy are very worried for their friend.  Jason becomes angry.  He tells Zordon they will morph to the Samurai Fan Man and kick him into another dimension.  Zordon warns them to be careful.  Samurai Fan Man is known for setting traps, and he will try and trap you as well.  Zack, Trini, Jason, and Billy morph.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger arrive.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger had their Blade Blasters drawn.  Red Ranger has his Power Sword drawn.  The four Rangers battle Goldar.  Samurai Fan Man laughs as he watches the battle.  Red Ranger leaps into the air and then battles Samurai Fan Man with his Power Sword.  Samurai Fan Man strikes Red Ranger and sends him flying.  Red Ranger lands on the ground and the rest of the Rangers race over to him.  Samurai Fan Man is joined by Goldar, Baboo and Squatt.  He taunts the four Rangers, telling them they will never get Kimberly back.  Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger are ready to go after Samurai Fan Man.  Black Ranger cautions them to be cool.  We got to be careful.  If that jar breaks, Kimberly is inside, she will be trapped in the other dimension.  Yellow Ranger becomes very angry.  She yells at Samurai Fan Man to let her friend go.  Yellow Ranger takes a flying leap towards Samurai Fan Man.  He knocks Yellow Ranger to the ground and she rolls to her friends.  Samurai Fan Man knows they are pretty steamed.  He takes out his fan and waves it towards them.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger have a tough time against the force of the fan.  Soon Black Ranger and Red Ranger go flying through the air.  They are quickly followed by Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger flying through the air.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger land in the Command Center.  Black Ranger is very happy they landed in the Command Center.  Alpha 5 tells them he is happy they landed here as well.  The Samurai Fan Man almost trapped them in a distance dimension.  Red Ranger asks how Tommy is doing?  Zordon tells them he is improving.  Black Ranger and Yellow Ranger kneel by Tommy.  Black Ranger tries to encourage the unconscious Tommy by telling him, come on buddy, you got to get better for us.  Blue Ranger wants to know how they battle this evil monster?  Yellow Ranger wants to know how they are going to get Kimberly out of that jar?  Zordon tells them to use their zords and they can defeat him.  When the Samurai Fan Man is defeated, Kimberly will be freed.  Yellow Ranger points out they need Tommy's help.  Red Ranger adds and the power of the Dragonzord.  Black Ranger doesn't think Tommy looks any better.  Red Ranger demands to know where are the creeps who did this?  Zordon tells them his sensors have tracked them to the Putty Bowl Restaurant.  Zordon has them observe the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows Samurai Fan Man, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt at the Putty Bowl Restaurant being served by Putties.  They are laughing and having a great time.  Squatt informs them the dimension in the jar will disappear any minute, and so will Kimberly.  Baboo adds then they will make the other Power Rangers disappear.  Baboo uncorks the jar and peers inside.  Kimberly hits the wall and demands he let her go!  Kimberly then pleads for them to let her go.  Alpha 5 feels bad for Kimberly.  Red Ranger tells Zordon we are out of here!  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive at the Putty Bowl Restaurant.  Samurai Fan Man has a rake appear in his hands.  Red Ranger battles Goldar with his Power Sword.  Goldar knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger race to his side.  Samurai Fan Man tells them they will never beat him.  Samurai Fan Man pulls a couple of spikes off his helmet and throws it at the four Rangers.  The spikes hit Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger with an explosion and they are knocked off their feet.  Samurai Fan Man and Goldar grow to giant size.  Black Ranger notes to his friends, it looks like we got big trouble.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger summon their zords.  Once the zords arrive, they leap inside them.  Triceratops Dinozord fires at Samurai Fan Man and Goldar.  Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord also fires at the two.  There is a huge blast, but Samurai Fan Man and Goldar are okay.  Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and Goldar battle.  Tyrannosaurus is knocked to the ground.  Goldar uses his sword to blast Mastodon, Sabretooth Tiger, and Triceratops.  Blue Ranger notes this isn't working.  We need more fire power.  Yellow Ranger agrees.  We need the Dragonzord now!  Red Ranger contacts Tommy.  Soon Green Ranger arrives at the battle and immediately summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Red Ranger is happy to see that Green Ranger has arrived.  Within a few moments, Dragonzord arrives and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed.  Tyrannosaurus Dinozord battles Goldar while Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battles Samurai Fan Man.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode knocks the rake out of Samurai Fan Man's hands.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode also knocks Samurai Fan Man to the ground.  Samurai Fan Man quickly gets back up.  He grabs the spikes out of his helmet and throws them at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is hit with several explosions.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode's drill appears.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode uses the drill against Samurai Fan Man.  The drill cuts loose the jar and it falls to the ground.  The cork pops open and Kimberly is freed.  Kimberly immediately morphs and summons Pterodactyl Dinozord.  Red Ranger welcomes Pink Ranger back.  Pink Ranger thanks him and tells the group let's get those guys.  Samurai Fan Man summons his staff and uses it against Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Red Ranger announces it's time to change mode.  The Megazord is formed, first in tank mode, and then in battle mode.  Red Ranger summons the power sword.  Megazord battles Samurai Fan Man as Dragonzord battles Goldar.  Megazord snaps Samurai Fan Man's staff in half.  Samurai Fan Man summons his fan and uses it against Megazord.  The force sends Megazord spinning through the air and crashing into the mountain.  Goldar goes to stand next to Samurai Fan Man as he uses the fan against Dragonzord.  Dragonzord also goes flying through thee air and crashes next to Megazord.  Samurai Fan Man charges towards Megazord and Dragonzord.  Megazord struggles to get back on it's feet.  Red Ranger calls on the power of the Ultrazord.  Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is formed.  Red Ranger gives the command to fire all weapons!  Samurai Fan Man is destroyed.  Goldar tells the Rangers he will get them for this and retreats.  After the battle, Zack, Jason, and Tommy join Billy by the Rad Bug outside Billy's house.  Billy had been working on the Rad Bug, but stopped and talked with the guys when they arrived.  Trini is inside Billy's garage, watching the TV.  Trini shouts out to them - Wow!  Guys, come here quick!  Zack, Jason, and Tommy walk into the garage.  Billy stays outside to clean up his tools.  Zack, Jason, and Tommy gather around Trini and they watch the TV.  The TV Announcer is asking who are the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and how do they get their incredible power?  The TV Announcer tells how the Power Rangers had destroyed another of Rita's lethal monsters when Kimberly walks into the garage.  Kimberly says hi to her friends and asks them if the report is about them.  Billy, still outside, asks his friends to increase the volume please?  Tommy does a double take at Kimberly's improved appearance and tells her it looks like your day is getting better.  Kimberly picks up the remote and sarcastically asks could it have gotten any worse?  Billy joins his friends in the garage, as Kimberly presses the remote.  The TV explodes.  Zack, Trini, and Jason respond to Kimberly's question by telling her yes.  Billy yanks the remote out of Kimberly's hands.  Zack, Trini, Jason, and Tommy all laugh.  Billy is not amused

Zack, Kimberly, and Tommy are walking down a hall, towards their lockers, at Angel Grove High School.  Kimberly asks Tommy if he is going to the beach with them tomorrow?  Tommy really wishes he could.  Tommy has exciting news for them.  He is trying out for a karate commercial.  Zack gets excited over the idea of Tommy being on TV.  Bulk and Skull come walking down the hall towards them.  Skull is talking on a cell phone.  He is demanding a limo for Bulk's audition.  The phone goes dead.  Bulk walks up to Zack, Kimberly, and Tommy.  He tells Tommy not to get his hopes up for the screen test.  I've got that commercial in the bag.  Tommy passes his green folder and book over to Kimberly.  Tommy decides to give a demonstration.  He yanks the scarf off of Bulk's neck.  Tommy does several impressive martial arts move using the scarf to emphasize the point.  Afterwards, Tommy gives Bulk his scarf back.  Bulk tells Skull he better practice first and they walk off.  Kimberly hands Tommy stuff back and they all laugh.  The following day, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason are enjoying their day at the beach.  Zack and Trini are tossing a small beach ball around.  Billy is relaxing in his beach chair next to Kimberly, who is writing.  Jason is practicing his martial arts.  Bulk & Skull arrive at the beach.  Skull is weighted down by various beach gear he is carrying.  He accidentally kicks sand onto a couple of girls as he walks by.  Bulk heads straight towards Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason.  Skull follows him.  Zack hits the beach ball and it goes into their direction and hits Bulk.  Trini shouts out a sorry Bulk, as Bulk falls onto the sand, knocking Skull down as well.  Bulk tells him this looks like a good spot.  Trini grabs the beach ball and goes back to her game.  Bulk gets up as Skull sets up their things.  Bulk walks over to Jason.  He mimics Jason's martial arts.  Bulk tells Jason, your friend Tommy is history, muscle brain!  Zack and Trini walk up to the Bulk and Jason.  Bulk gloats that he is going to get this commercial.  Kimberly and Billy notice what is going on and they get up and join the group.  Jason replies, let's see about that Bulk.  Bulk tells him, okay, we'll see.  Bulk walks back over to where Skull is.  Bulk throws Skull the sunscreen bottle and tells him to get to work.  Bulk wants to get a tan before the audition.  Skull accidentally sprays the whole bottle onto Bulk's face and chest.  Bulk is furious.  He tells Skull, I want to get a tan, not a bath.  Watching the whole thing, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Jason, and Billy laugh.  After awhile, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Jason are having a game of volleyball.  Trini hits the ball out of bounds and goes after it.  Trini becomes very frighten when she sees Scorpina.  Scorpina immediately has the Putties attack.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Trini morph.  Red Ranger battles several Putties.  Yellow Ranger battles a couple of Putties.  Blue Ranger battles a couple of Putties.  Black Ranger battles several Putties as well.  Red Ranger defeats his batch of Putties and starts battling Scorpina.  Scorpina strikes Red Ranger with her weapon.  Red Ranger is hit, lands on the beach, and rolls away.  The rest of the Rangers gather around Red Ranger.  Red Ranger gets up and they all face Scorpina.  She tells them, now meet my pet worm.  An ugly looking worm appears and starts spraying the Rangers with strings.   The strings wrapped around the Rangers, forms into a cocoon, and encases them inside.  Red Ranger punches and kicks, but cannot break free from the cocoon.  Red Ranger wonders, what is this stuff?  Pink Ranger has no idea, but it's pretty strong.  Red Ranger tries contacting Zordon, but gets no response.  Blue Ranger notes his communicator's signal is jammed.  He asks the rest of the Rangers if theirs is getting through and they all reply no.  Yellow Ranger wonders if they can teleport out of here?  Blue Ranger replies no, and there seems to be no way out. Pink Ranger suggests they keep looking, there's got to be a way.  Suddenly the cocoon begins to shake.  Blue Ranger notes that they are moving and it feels like we are on water.  Red Ranger instructs the team to hold on.  The Rangers don't know that the Putties have pushed the cocoon into the ocean.  The cocoon continues to float in the ocean.  Blue Ranger tells the rest that the air is getting thin.  The Rangers start getting tossed around in the cocoon.  When things calm down, Black Ranger suggests they try their weapons.  The Power Rangers pull out their Blade Blasters.  Black Ranger thinks they can blast their way out of here.  Red Ranger instructs the team to set the weapons on low power and fire on my mark.  Red Ranger counts backwards from three and then the Rangers fire their weapons.  A hole begins to appear in the cocoon.  The Rangers continue to blast their way out of the cocoon and then they teleport out, per Alpha 5's instructions.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and the rest immediately leap into their zords.  They have been warned that Goldar had sent down Babe Ruthless, the baseball monster.  Babe Ruthless is already giant size when they arrive..  Goldar is there and he grows to giant size.  Scorpina goes into her monster form and is also giant size.  Babe Ruthless tells them, play ball!  Tyrannosaurus Dinozord battles Scorpina and Goldar.  Scorpina strikes Tyrannosaurus with her weapon.  Goldar quickly strikes Tyrannosaurus with his weapon.  Babe Ruthless shouts out, batter up!  Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord fires it's lasers at Babe Ruthless.  Babe Ruthless is hit.  Angry, Babe Ruthless shouts, try my curve ball!  The blast hits Mastodon, Sabretooth Tiger, and Triceratops.  Black Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers, they have Red Ranger pinned down.  They got to do something.  Blue Ranger suggests they come in from either side and draw him away from Red Ranger.  Babe Ruthless gloats, his pitches are like lightening.  All in his path shall be punished.  Red Ranger tells his team, they have to take him down.  Red Ranger instructs them to power up their weapons and give it all they got.  Sabretooth Tiger fires it's weapons once more.  The blast hits Goldar and Scorpina, knocking them off their feet.  Babe Ruthless steps in front of them, as Goldar and Scorpina get back up.  Blue Ranger is excited, alright!  Way to go!  Black Ranger adds, that was awesome!  Soon Green Ranger arrives with Dragonzord.  The battle continues.  Babe Ruthless is destroyed by Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Goldar retreats.  The Power Rangers continue the battle with Scorpina's Pet Worm.  Eventually they destroy the Pet Worm with the Megadragonzord.  The following day, the teens were at the Youth Center, watching the TV.  Bulk and Skull walk in.  The karate commercial comes on.  Zack and his friends were thrilled to see Tommy in the new TV commercial.  Bulk wasn't so happy as the commercial did not portray him in a positive light.

The Youth Center is packed with teens practicing for the talent show.  Zack, Kimberly, and Trini are helping Ernie with the props.  Tommy and Jason enter and walk over to their friends.  Jason asks them how's rehearsal going?  Ernie replies it's going fine, except they are having a hard time keeping track of everyone's props.  Trini adds they are still looking for a few things.  The conversation reminds Tommy that he has forgotten to bring their belts.  Jason isn't worried, they can just get them later.  Tommy insists that they have to have them.  Tommy tells them he will be right back as he heads out. After awhile, Ernie asks Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy if they can help him sort the stuff out.  The four teens are more than happy to help.  Later, the teens notice Tommy has not returned.  Billy goes out to look for him and then walks in and heads over to Jason.  Billy wonders what is keeping Tommy?  Jason doesn't know and tells his friends, Tommy isn't answering his communicator.  He should have been back half an hour ago.  Kimberly adds, did he have to go to Japan to pick up the black belts or what?  Zack tells them it's not funny.  Tommy could be in trouble.  Billy agrees, he is sure something is wrong.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Zack, Kimberly, Jason, Billy, and Trini hurry over to the locker area.  Jason states, we read you Zordon.  Zordon tells them teleport to the Command Center immediately.  Jason replies, we are on our way.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Jason teleport out. Zack and his friends arrive in the Command Center.  Jason immediately tells Zordon that Tommy doesn't answer his communicator.  Zordon replies, that is why I have called you here.  Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe.  It shows Tommy being captured by the Putties.  Zack immediately states, we got to help him.  Zordon replies, not so fast Zack.  There is another problem.  Rita has released a gnarling fang monster, who intends to destroy the Earth.  The viewing globe is now showing images of Fang.  Zack comments, man, he's ugly.  Billy agrees.  Kimberly is at a dilemma.  Zordon, shouldn't we help Tommy first?  Zordon replies, Tommy is capable of handling his situation.  Your first priority must be to destroy Fang, before he can release his awesome power.  Zack and his friends morph.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleport to where Fang, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt are.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive with their Blade Blasters drawn.  Goldar commands Fang to attack!  Fang knocks several boulders down to where Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers manage to avoid the boulders.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap into battle and start fighting Fang with their Blade Blasters.  Fang knocks them all aside.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers gather together.  Baboo, Squatt, and Goldar hurry over to Fang's side.  Baboo threatens that they better leave, or he will be force to raise his voice in anger.  Goldar commands Fang to attack them!  Fang picks up several more boulders and throws them at Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers manage to avoid getting hit.  Goldar uses his sword to blast the boulders and knocks the Rangers off the cliff.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Ranger land in a crumpled heap.  Rita arrives in the mountains and makes Fang giant size.  Rita tells Fang to get them!  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers quickly summon their zords.  When the zords arrive, Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers immediately leap into them.  The Megazord is formed, first in tank mode and then in battle mode.  Fang exclaims eggs, I want eggs!  Red Ranger has no idea what Fang is talking about, but we better stop this thing before he does some real damage.  Megazord and Fang battle.  Fang kicks Megazord a couple of times.  As he battles, Fang states eggs.  Rita says you have eggs, I want them now!  Red Ranger warns Fang to back off.  We don't have any eggs.  Rita lied to you!  If you don't stop fighting, we're going to have to make you stop.  Fang uses his sharp arrows to strike Megazord.  Red Ranger gives the command to finish him.  Megazord grabs Fang by the arm, but Fang breaks free.  Fang strikes Megazord twice.  Red Ranger notes this lizard is not going down easy.  We have to give it all we got.  Fang demands they give him the eggs, now!  Fang hits Megazord hard.  Rita is watching the battle and she is very happy.  Megazord falls to the ground as Fang continues to go on about eggs.  Fang tells them, now he is going to finish them.  Red Ranger notes Fang is a lot tougher than he looks.  Red Ranger adds we could sure use Tommy's help.  Fang starts walking over to the dam.  Red Ranger notices Fang's direction and becomes alarmed.  Fang exclaims, we are victorious!  Red Ranger states, that's what you think.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers get the Megazord back on it's feet.  At the park, Tommy has freed himself and quickly picks up his morpher and communicator.  He hears Red Ranger's voice over the communicator.  Tommy replies, I'm right here buddy.  Where are you guys?  Red Ranger replies, we're at Angel Grove dam.  We need your help.  Hurry!  Tommy tells him he's on the way and morphs.  Green Ranger arrives at the battle and quickly summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Fang runs towards the dam, but Dragonzord stops him by hitting him with his tail.  Dragonzord and Fang battle.  Fang knocks Dragonzord back.  Megazord goes to stand by Dragonzord.  Red Ranger gives the command to change the mode to Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed.  Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battle Fang.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode tries to strike Fang with it's drill, but Fang knocks it away.  Fang hits Tyrannosaurus hard.  Fang grabs Dragonzord in Fighting Mode's drill, and pushes it aside.  Tyrannosaurus hits Fang hard.  Fang hits the ground, but quickly gets back up.  Fang uses it's horns to blast Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Red Ranger gives the command to switch modes.  Titanus is summon and Ultrazord is formed.  Red Ranger tells his team, let's finish it!  Fang starts charging at Ultrazord.  Ultrazord fires all weapons. Fang is destroyed.  Red Ranger states, guess we took care of you, frog face!  Rita is furious.  She vows they will pay for this!  After the battle, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, Tommy, and Trini walk into the Youth Center.  Billy walks a little away from his friends and keeps an eye out, as Jason contacts Zordon.  Jason tells Zordon, good news.  We destroyed Rita's plans again.  Zack adds it was morphinomenal.  Zordon congratulates them on a job well done.  Zack and his friends are happy to hear his praise.   Ernie walks over and asks them where have they been?  You're up next.  Ernie returns to the stage.  Zack and his friends hurry to where the audience is seated.  Ernie announces, up next is Tommy and Jason.  Let's give them a big hand!  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini stand at the back of the audience as Jason and Tommy walk up to the stage as the audience clap.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini cheer for their friends.  Tommy and Jason hop onto the stage.  Tommy and Jason start their martial arts demonstration.  The first part of their demonstration, they are in sync as they demonstrate moves.  Then they spar with each other.  They end their demonstration by breaking the boards set up on the stage.  The audience cheers and applaud.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini applaud for their friends as well.  Jason and Tommy walk back to their friends, among the cheers.  Ernie announces Bulk and Skull are next.  Bulk and Skull take to the stage with their band.  They enthusiastically play their guitars and sing.  The audience isn't sure what to make of their music.  Zack and his friends are very amused.  Bulk and Skull really get into their song and go crazy on the stage.  When they are done, there is no applause, except for a few claps from Kimberly. 

Zack and Tommy are sparring at the Youth Center.  Eventually Tommy uses his leg to side sweep Zack and Zack is knocked down on the mat.  Tommy asks Zack if he is okay?  Zack replies yeah.  Tommy helps Zack back up on his feet.  Zack compliments Tommy on the karate move.  Tommy returns the compliment by telling Zack, he wasn't so bad himself.  Zack and Tommy walk along.  Zack asks Tommy about the dance.  Tommy replies that he hasn't asked her.  Zack can't believe it.  Tommy explains that he is nervous.  Zack tells Tommy, that Kimberly is going to say yes, but you have to ask her first.  Tommy thinks about what Zack said, as Zack reaches for a board.  Tommy asks Zack, so you think I should ask her today?  Zack replies, don't put it off, man.  It's time to make your move.  Tommy makes a flying kick and breaks the board in half.  Zack and Tommy have gone back to sparring.  After awhile, Zack flips Tommy onto the mat.  Zack tells Tommy, he has lost his focus.  Tommy blames Zack - you got me thinking about Kim.  Zack helps Tommy back up on his feet.  Zack tells Tommy, the sooner you ask Kim to the dance, the sooner your mind will be at ease.  Trust me.  Tommy doesn't quite buy it.  Tommy replies, if you're such a pro, let's see you in action.  Zack is more than happy to demonstrate his moves on Angela.  Zack gives a play by play.  First you have to catch her eye with your walk.  Angela gives Zack a look and continues her way to the counter.  Tommy grins as he watches.  Zack continues.  Then you have to impress her with some smooth spins, which he then demonstrates.  Angela continues walking.  Zack concludes - finally you just have to bust some moves.  Zack does some great dance steps, but none of them impress Angela.  Zack slides over to where Angela is standing at the counter.  Angela tells Zack to get a life, before walking away.  Zack is heartbroken.  Tommy walks up to him, laughing.  Tommy jokes, real impressive buddy.  Bulk and Skull walk in.  Bulk remarks, real impressive, if you're trying to get a date with a carnival geek.  Skull laughs.  Bulk asks them, what's the matter?  You guys can't get a date?  Zack replies, if you guys are such experts, why don't you teach us?  Bulk pulls up his jacket over his head and zips it so only his face is sticking out.  Bulk recites a poem to them.  Roses are red.  Violets are blue.  No girl in the world is going to go out with you!  Skull laughs once more, but not for long.  Bulk is stuck and can't remove his jacket from his head.  Skull tries to help him out of the jacket and they both end up falling onto the floor.  Zack and Tommy laugh.  Zack calls over a few of the girls at the Youth Center as he and Tommy walk over to where Bulk and Skull are laying on the floor.  They decide to recite a poem as well.  Roses are red.  Violets are blue.  We sure can learn something from you.....not!  Everyone laughs.  Later, Zack, Trini, Jason, Billy, and Kimberly are at the Command Center.  Kimberly is pacing back and forth.  Kimberly has told them of Tommy being taken by Goldar and several Putties.  Kimberly is convince this is another one of Rita's wicked plans.  She's going to try to regain control of Tommy.  I just know it.  Billy is working on the computer with Alpha 5.  Zordon tells the teens, I can't get a lock on him.  Rita must be holding him in her dimensional prison.  Jason asks Billy if he has come up with anything?  Billy replies, not yet.  Still trying to tune in to the frequency of his morpher.  The alarm goes off.  Kimberly notices the image on the viewing globe first and directs her friends to look.  The viewing globe shows Dragonzord attacking Angel Grove.  Zack concludes it can only mean one thing.  Zordon continues, Rita has regain control of the Dragonzord.  Zack and his friends are alarmed. Zack and his friends continue to watch images of Dragonzord attacking Angel Grove as the alarm continues to go off.  Jason tells his team, we got to stop it.  Kimberly is worried about Tommy and asks, what about Tommy?  Zack replies, we have to take him down too.  Zordon tells the teens to wait, his sensors tells him the Dragonzord they see is an imposter.  Trini asks, one of Rita's creations?  Billy concludes, she's trying to lure us into a trap.  Jason tells his team, we don't have a choice.  It's got to be stopped.  Zordon warns the teens to be careful.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive in the city, ready to battle.  Goldar is there and he has the Putties attack.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Yellow Ranger battle the Putties.  Goldar leaps into the battle.  Red Ranger battles Goldar with his Power Sword.  Red Ranger demands to know where Tommy is.  Goldar replies, you will never see your friend again!  Goldar knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  The imposter Dragonzord continues it's attack on the city.  Rubble falls all around Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers, who are still battling.  Red Ranger exclaims, we got to do something and fast!  Red Ranger battles the Putties with his Power Sword.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers continue their battle with the Putties.  Red Ranger exclaims, we need dinosaur power now!  The Dino Zords are summon. When the zords arrive, Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap inside them.  Megazord is quickly formed.  Megazord and the imposter Dragonzord battle.  Imposter Dragonzord uses it's tail against Megazord and hits it hard.  Megazord lands a punch on imposter Dragonzord.  Megazord also lands a kick on imposter Dragonzord.  Imposter Dragonzord smacks Megazord with it's tail once more.  Red Ranger can't believe - imposter Dragonzord is just as powerful as the real Dragonzord.  Pink Ranger adds and Rita controls it.  What if we can't defeat it?  Black Ranger replies, we have too.  Pink Ranger wonders how.  Red Ranger replies, if we had Tommy's help.  Red Ranger instructs his team, we got to pull it together until he gets here.  Eventually Green Ranger arrives and summons the real Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord join the battle.  Soon imposter Dragonzord lost it's form and revealed itself to be Cyclops.  The battle continued and Cyclops used the shape of Megazord as well.  Eventually Cyclops was defeated and the Rangers returned to the Command Center.  Tommy told them of the green candle Rita had created that was supposed to take his powers away.  Tommy was skeptical until Zordon confirmed that yes, Rita could take his powers with the green candle.

Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Tommy are in the Command Center.  Tommy is still having difficulty accepting the fact that Rita can take his powers.  I don't believe this.  Rita has linked my powers to a candle.  Zordon confirms it.  And if the flames burn out while in her possession, you will be stripped of those powers and they will belong to Rita forever.  Kimberly steps forward and asks Zordon if there is anything we can do?  Zordon tells them someone must journey into Rita's dark dimension and get the green candle before it burns out.  Tommy immediately asks, how do I get there?  Zordon replies, you don't.  Your presence will only accelerate Rita's spell.  Another Ranger must go in.  Jason immediately volunteers.  Tommy tells him to forget it.  Jason tells Tommy, it's makes sense.  I'm the only other Ranger that has ever been there.  Tommy replies that it's dangerous.  Billy reminds Tommy, that it's his only chance.  Tommy still refuses, there is no way I'm going to risk something happening to Jason because of me.  Jason tells Tommy, he is one of us.  You're a Power Ranger.  I'm not going to stand by and watch as we loss a teammate.  Trini adds that Jason speaks for all of us.  Tommy is overwhelmed by their concern and thanks Jason.  Alpha 5 exclaims, Zordon, I found it!  Tommy asks, found what?  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Tommy gather around Alpha 5.  Alpha 5 answers, the molecular energy patterns left by the Putties in the park   Zack has no idea what Alpha 5 is talking about.  Billy explains, Alpha's found the doorway to Rita's dark dimension.  Later, Billy announces that the molecular decoders are ready.  Alpha 5 hopes it works.  Jason is ready to teleport.  Zack, Trini, and Billy are all ready to go.  Kimberly feels bad about leaving Tommy behind.  Tommy tells her thanks, he doesn't know what else to say.  Kimberly reassures him that he doesn't have to say anything.  Just know that you mean a lot to us.  Kimberly joins the rest of the team and they teleport out.  Kimberly leads Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason to the place where Tommy was captured.  Trini is eager to get to work and set up the decoders.  Billy works on his as Zack and Trini work on the other decoder.  Trini checks with Billy to make sure she has the decoder set up properly.  Zack is working on the other decoder.  Billy instructs Zack and Trini to line up the decoders exactly.  Billy double checks the decoders.  He thinks they are ready.  Zack suggests they fire them up.  Before they do, Kimberly asks her friends if they hear that really gross sound?  Zack, Billy, and Jason hear it as well and reply yeah.  Bulk and Skull have been climbing up the hill to reach them, and they are now out of breath.  Bulk tells them they are in our private park!  Skull backs him up.  Billy walks over to Skull and Bulk and tells them, actually this is a public park, anyone can visit.  Billy thinks he has the matter cleared up.  Skull replies, anyone but you Brainic.  So get going!  Trini tells Skull and Bulk to leave them alone.  They have work to do.  Skull notices the decoders and asks Bulk what are those?  Bulk doesn't know, but he is eager to find out.  Zack tells them they can look, but don't touch.  Bulk becomes angry - no one tells me what to do!  Bulk charges towards Zack.  Zack quickly steps out of the way.  Zack has moved in front of a trash can.  Bulk turns around and charges towards him once more.  Zack steps away and Bulk lands, head first, into the trash can.  The trash can tips over and rolls down the hill.  Skull quickly races down the hill to help his friends.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly  watch from the top of the hill.  The can stops rolling when it crashes into a tree.  Skull helps Bulk out of the trash can. Zack and his friends go back to work.  The teens start turning on the decoders.  The decoders start to spark and Billy announces the first decoder has been activated.  Within a few moments, Trini announces the second decoder has been activated.  Zack notes the portal is open.  Jason contacts Zordon to let him know he is going in.  Zordon replies, good luck Jason and may the power protect you.  Jason tells his friends he is ready.  Close the portal, once I'm in.  Zack is worried about his friend and wishes him good luck.  Jason thanks him as he is going to need it.  Jason walks into the portal and vanishes.  Trini and Kimberly exchange worried glances.  Unfortunately Green Ranger needed their help in battling giant Cyclops.  Zack entered the portal to get Jason.  Jason had been battling Goldar and was unable to get the candle.  Zack and Jason left the dark dimension without the candle.  Zack and his friends morph and quickly formed the Ultrazord.  The Rangers battle giant Cyclops and eventually destroy him.  Unfortunately, during the battle, the green candle burnt out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleported to the Command Center.  Green Ranger gave Red Ranger his power coin, to prevent Rita from obtaining them.  Green Ranger soon demorph.  Tommy no longer had any of his powers.  Pink Ranger told Tommy that he would always be one of them.

Zack is teaching a karate class at the Youth Center.  At the end of an exercise, Zack tells Cameron, he would like him to go through the new kata for them.  Cameron is reluctant.  He asks Zack if he isn't sure he wants Josh to do it?  Zack has confidence in Cameron.  He tells the class, trust your instinct and skills.  That's what martial arts is all about.  Zack offers to do the new kata with Cameron.  They get into position and both start off doing really well.  Towards the end of the kata, Cameron falls onto the mat.  Zack helps Cameron up.  He tells him with a little more concentration, he will do great in the competition this weekend.  Bulk, Skull, and Biff have walked in and they all overhear the conversation.  Bulk agrees that Cameron will do well, for giving out prizes for geeks.  Skull laughs.  Zack replies, I don't remember you being an expert in this field, Bulk.  It involves self discipline, control, knowledge.  Bulk remarks, I'll tell you what I know.  My protégée Biff is going to crush your wimpy dude in the competition.  Bulk has Biff demonstrate.  Biff does some impressive karate moves, although Zack is not impressed.  Zack has the class go through one last exercise and then ends the class.  As the students walk away, Zack calls Cameron over.  Zack wants to talk to him.  He tells Cameron to not let Biff psych him out, just because he's bigger.  Cameron is concern that Biff will cheat.  Zack reassures him that Biff will be disqualified.  Cameron feels a lot better and tells him he couldn't have done it without him.  Zack replies, yeah you could.  You just wouldn't be able to do all the cool dance moves in between.  Cameron laughs.  Zack reassures him that he will be in his corner if he needs him.  Cameron thanks him and they walk off.  The weekend arrives and the Junior Martial Arts competition is about to start.  Trini, Billy, and Kimberly are in the audience.  Zack and Cameron stand at one corner of the mat.  Cameron tells Zack he really is not sure about those new moves.  Zack reassures him once more, telling him to have confidence in his skills.  Zack knows Cameron will make him proud.  Cameron tells him, he will.  Zack goes over and joins Billy, Kimberly, and Trini in the audience.  Jason walks over to his friends.  He points to his communicator and whispers that there is trouble.  We got to go.  Zack becomes upset, why now?  Jason, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly all feel bad for Zack and Cameron.  Zack reluctantly walks over to Cameron, who is stretching.  Zack tells Cameron, he's got to go.  Cameron is surprised.  Zack explains that it's an emergency.  Cameron tells Zack he can't leave.  It will ruin everything.  I can't do it without you, Zack.  Zack tells Cameron to believe in himself.  You can do it.  Zack walks away.  Cameron sadly watches him go.   Zack and his friends teleport to the Command Center.  Jason asks Zordon what's happening?  Zordon informs them that Rita has buried a bird like monster named the Hatchasaurus in the ground near the power plant.  Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe.  It shows a very ugly monster.  Zordon tells them not to be fooled by it's appearance.  It is controlled by an ultra intelligent internal computer called Cardiatron.  Your mission is to get inside the Hatchasaurus and disconnect the Cardiatron.  Trini and Kimberly are not looking forward to that.  Zack asks how?  Zordon tells them to have confidence in your skills.  I know you will find a way and wishes them good luck.  Zack and his friends morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and the zords are summon immediately.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap into their zords as giant Hatchasaurus appears.  Red Ranger thinks they could use some help.  Pink Ranger agrees.  Red Ranger uses the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord arrives and immediately begins battling Hatchasaurus.  It's an intense battle.  Hatchasaurus makes a couple of strikes, but so does Dragonzord.  Eventually Dragonzord grabs a hold of Hatchasaurus.  Red Ranger announces that Dragonzord has got him, let's finish him guys!  The rest of the Rangers are ready.  Mastodon, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and Sabretooth Tiger all fire at Hatchasaurus.  Hatchasaurus is hit several times, goes flying through the air and lands on the ground.  Hatchasaurus gets back up and Tyrannosaurus fires at it.  Hatchasaurus is hit and blows up.  The next day, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy are teleported to the Command Center.  Zack asks what's wrong?  Zordon informs them that the Hatchasaurus has not been defeated.  Kimberly can't believe it.  We totally shredded that thing!  Zordon reminds them that they still have to destroy Cardiatron, it's computer.  Zordon instructs them to observe the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows images of Hatchasaurus pieces reforming.  Trini can't believe what she is seeing, this is impossible.  Jason thinks they will need the Megadragonzord to take this monster down.  Zack, Billy, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason are worried.  The viewing globe shows images of Cardiatron.  Jason comments, if we don't stop this thing, it's going to destroy the Earth.  Zack and his friends continue to gaze at the viewing globe until Zordon reminds there is only one way to defeat the Hatchasaurus.  Billy adds we must disconnect the Cardiatron.  Zack, Jason, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly morph and teleport out. Hatchasaurus begins attacking the city.  The Power Rangers arrive in their Megazord.  Red Ranger tells Hatchasaurus, you want a fight, you got it! Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle.  Megazord lands several punches.  Hatchasaurus strikes the Megazord hard enough to make it go back several steps.  Hatchasaurus charges at Megazord and rams it.  Megazord continues to fight Hatchasaurus.  Hatchasaurus grabbed Megazord and uses it's chest to shoot Megazord with electrical currents.   When Hatchasaurus released Megazord, it fell to the ground.  Red Ranger warned the rest of the Rangers to brace themselves, it's headed straight for them.  Hatchasaurus leaped on top of the fallen Megazord.  Hatchasaurus struck the Megazord several times.  Red Ranger pulled out the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord for help.  But Dragonzord didn't arrive.  Red Ranger knew sometime was wrong, when Dragonzord did not appear.  He continued to play the Dragon Dagger, but no Dragonzord.  Blue Ranger informed them that something was interfering with his mega receptors.  Hatchasaurus continued to strike the Megazord. Red Ranger decides it's time for the power sword.  It arrives, knocking Hatchasaurus off the Megazord.  Megazord gets up and grabs the power sword.  Hatchasaurus charges at it once more.  Megazord and Hatchasaurus battle.  Hatchasaurus picks up Megazord, spins around, and then throws it aside.  Blue Ranger informs them that their power is down by fifty percent.  Megazord gets back up.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, it's time we finish this dude.  The Megazord uses it's power sword against Hatchasaurus as it charges towards them.  Hatchasaurus is defeated.  But the Rangers still have to defeat Cardiatron. Cardiatron immediately reconstructed the monster, this time with horns. Giant Hatchasaurus could shoot yellow energy bolts from all over its body. Red Ranger leapt down giant Hatchasaurus's throat to get to Cardiatron. The Ultrazord blasts destroyed giant Hatchasaurus after Cardiatron had been destroyed.   After the battle, Zack returned in time to watch Cameron win the final round of the competition.  Although Cameron was at first annoyed with Zack, he decided Zack was right and they were friends again.

Miss Appleby calls her class to attention.  Bulk and Skull entered the classroom.  Skull is filming Bulk as he walks in.  They are making a video called Bulk - The World's Greatest Guy.  Skull walks backwards as he films and accidentally bumps into Miss Appleby.  Skull turns around and films Miss Appleby, telling them to take their seats now.  Jason, Kimberly, and Billy are not amused by Bulk and Skull's antics.  Skull continues to film Bulk as he walks towards his chair.  Bulk tells the camera, that's Miss Appleby, who can't wait for me to sit down.  Bulk sits at his desk.  Skull directs him to move to the left, my left, and numerous other directions until Bulk gets confused and falls to the floor.  The classroom laughs.  Skull helps Bulk back up and promises he will edit it out later.  Skull takes his seat.  Miss Appleby tells the class it's time for their first video project.  Trini is called up to present her video.  Trini tells the class that her video project is called - Pollution Problems in Angel Grove.  The video has Trini narrating as footage of pollution is shown.  The video states although progress has been made, there is still the problem of trash, dirty air, and polluted water.  Trini warns it's important not to destroy nature's delicate balance for the sake of the animals and our very world.  If the animals disappear, ultimately, so will we.  The time to act is now.  The video ends.  The class and Miss Appleby are very impressed.  Miss Appleby tells Trini she did a very nice job.  She tells the class that pollution is a serious concern to our society.  Billy agrees.  Kimberly asks what can they do to help?  Trini plans to start a clean-up club.  One day a week we can do some recycling, clean up some trails, help animals who are endangered.  Jason tells her to count him in.  Zack adds, sounds cool. After school, Zack and his friends go to the Youth Center.  The Youth Center is having a recycling drive.  Zack and Jason are having fun crushing cans by using various martial arts methods.  Trini checks on each of her friends.  After checking on Zack and Jason, Trini walks over to Billy.  Billy has created an organic paint for labeling the recycling bins.  Trini is impressed.  Kimberly directs Ernie on the placement of trash bins. Zack, Jason, Billy, and Trini join Kimberly.  Ernie thanks them for helping him out with the recycling stuff.  Trini replies, that's what the clean-up club is for.  Trini suggests they go to the field near the park to pick up trash.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy leave as Bulk and Skull enter.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy arrived at the field by the park.  They are surprised by all the trash that they see.  Jason comments, this is really sad.  Trini adds, look at this mess.  Kimberly can't believe people would ruin such a beautiful place.  Billy decides to take a soil sample.  The result - completely polluted.  Zack adds that it stinks.  Trini passes out the trash bag and the teens get to work cleaning up the place.  They add a some fun to the task by adding flips and dance moves as they work on picking up the trash.  Soon several trash bags are filled.  When they are done, Billy does another soil test.  The result - clear.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini are proud of the work they have accomplished.  Trini suggests they do another section and then head down to the recycling center.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy follow Trini to the next section. Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini are picking up more trash.  Trini wonders what kind of people just dump their trash like this?  Billy notices the Putties and shouts out pollutants like that!  Zack and his friends are soon surround by the Putties.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini battle the Putties. Eventually Zack and his friends defeated the Putties.  But there is more trouble.  Polluticorn flies towards them.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini morph. Polluticorn flies through the Rangers, knocking them aside.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger  leap into the air.  Polluticorn fires at them, using it's horn.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger are hit and fall to the ground.  Polluticorn flaps his wings, creating strong winds.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger get up, but are pushed back by the strong winds.  The two Rangers are hit once more and land in a heap.  Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Yellow Ranger race over to make sure they are okay.  Yellow Ranger warns them they got to destroy Polluticorn, before he pollutes everything in sight. Red Ranger gets back up.  Goldar and Scorpina leap in and stand in front of Polluticorn.  Goldar and Scorpina are ready to battle the Rangers, but Polluticorn stops them.  He wants to take care of them himself.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle Polluticorn once more.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers land several blows and kicks on Polluticorn.  Blue Ranger notes he doesn't even feel our attacks.  Goldar comments to Scorpina that he likes Polluticorn's style.  Scorpina nods her head in agreement.  Polluticorn faces the Power Rangers and vows he's going to destroy them and their miserable planet.  Polluticorn blasts the Rangers with his horn.  The Rangers are knocked off their feet once more. Alpha 5 is working in the Command Center when the teens arrive.  Jason tells Zordon that horse thing is too much.  Zordon confirms the monster may prove difficult to defeat. Zordon asks Billy to help Alpha 5 with the analysis while he briefs the others.  Billy walks over to Alpha 5 to help.  Alpha 5 tells him the data printout is coming out.  Zack asks Zordon, what's up with this new monster?  Zordon replies, it's all part of Rita's latest plan to destroy Earth.  Zordon has the teens observe the viewing globe.  Billy joins them.  Rita has created this monster, the Polluticorn, to fill the Earth with pollution.  Trini tells her friends, we can't let that happen.  Jason adds, there's got to be a way to stop that thing.  Kimberly agrees, but how?  Alpha 5 is wrapped up in sheets of data and spinning in it.  His cries catch the teens' attention as Alpha 5 falls to the floor.  Billy and Trini help Alpha 5 back up on his feet. Trini uncovers Alpha 5 as Billy takes a look at the sheets of data.  Billy tells everyone that Polluticorn gets his power from his horn.  Zordon tells Billy he has done well and brings up the image of Polluticorn on the viewing globe.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini take another look at the viewing globe.  Zordon informs them that Polluticorn is attacking the Angel Grove recycling plant.  On the viewing globe, Polluticorn gloats that he can pollute the planet faster than they can clean it up.  Trini tells her friends, we can't let him wreck that factory.  Zack and his friends morph and teleport out. Black Ranger and the rest of the Power Rangers arrive at the recycling plant.  Polluticorn jumps down to them.  Goldar and Scorpina are there as well.  Red Ranger tells his team to take care of Goldar and Scorpina, he will take care of horn head.  Red Ranger battles Polluticorn.  Blue Ranger and Yellow Ranger battle Goldar with their Blade Blasters.  Black Ranger and Pink Ranger battle Scorpina with their Blade Blasters.  It is a difficult battle for all the Rangers.  Polluticorn knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  Red Ranger knows he's got to find a way to chop off that horn.  Red Ranger gets back up.  Red Ranger pulls out his Power Sword.  Polluticorn gloats that he's just too powerful for Red Ranger.  Polluticorn tells Red Ranger his friends are finished!  Polluticorn decides he needs to destroy the recycling plant first.  So much to pollute, so little time!  Red Ranger tells him his polluting days are over.  Red Ranger battles Polluticorn with his Power Sword.  Red Ranger has a difficult time and is soon knocked to the ground again.  Scorpina and Goldar knocked Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Yellow Ranger to the ground.  Red Ranger gets back up and summons the power of the dragon shield.  Red Ranger charges towards Polluticorn with his Power Sword and Dragon Dagger drawn.  Polluticorn fires at Red Ranger several times.  Red Ranger leaps up into the air and chops off Polluticorn's horn.  Polluticorn becomes very upset. Polluticorn grows to giant size.  The Rangers summon their zords and the Megazord is quickly formed.  Polluticorn flies by the Megazord, striking it as he flies by.  Polluticorn turns around and flies again towards the Megazord and strikes it with it's wings.  Polluticorn lands on the ground.  Polluticorn turns around and faces Megazord.  Polluticorn flaps it's wings to create toxic winds.  Megazord tries to fight against the wind but it's no use and it soon goes flying through the air. As the Megazord flies through the air, Polluticorn shoots lightening out of it's eyes and hits Megazord.  Megazord manages to get back up on it's feet.  The Rangers summon the power sword.  Megazord leaps through the air towards Polluticorn.  Megazord strikes Polluticorn with it's power sword and Polluticorn is destroyed.  Afterwards, Zack and his friends return to the Youth Center.  The Youth Center is busy with it's recycling drive.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini sit at the counter and listen to the TV announcer talk about Angel Grove's latest attack by Rita.  Once again, the amazing Power Rangers, have saved our city and the world from one of Rita Repulsa's monsters.  After a lengthy battle, the Power Rangers and their zords were able to defeat the beast just before it attacked downtown Angel Grove.  No people were reported injured.  The teens are very pleased over the glowing news report.  Ernie gets their attention by telling them there is more recycling to do.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini quickly get to work.  Moments later, Billy stacks aluminum cans and announces that makes over five hundred.  Kimberly and Trini work on the plastic bottles.  Zack and Jason on the newspapers.  Zack exclaims we just saved a redwood!  Skull films Bulk as he walks into the Youth Center rolling a tire.  Skull gives him direction, remember you want to help.  Bulk snaps at Skull, telling him he knows his lines.  Bulk states I always like to help out with the recycling drive.  He rolls the tire and it knocks against Skull.  Skull falls into the pile of newspapers and subsequently knocks over the pile of plastic bottles as well.  Bulk laughs and walks forward, stepping into the tire and tripping himself.  Bulk stumbles around and eventually falls into the pile of aluminum cans.  Skull quickly scoots over and films Bulk.  Bulk threatens to pound Skull.  Skull points out he's still filming.  Bulk tells the camera, I think, whenever possible, everything should be recycled.  Bulk crushes the aluminum can he is holding and throws it at Skull.  Bulk then falls back onto the floor.

Calamity Kimberly

A Star Is Born


The Yolk's On You!

The Green Candle, Part I



The Green Candle, Part II





Birds Of A Feather




Clean-Up Club


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