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Tommy hears him screaming and runs over.  Trini is trying to help Zack, but she can't get close enough.  Tommy tells Zack to hold still as he aims his notebook at Zack.  The spider jumps off just as Tommy slams his notebook onto Zack's shoulder - which hurt a lot.  The next day, Trini and Kimberly are at their lockers.  Zack walks up and joins them.  Zack asks Trini how did it go at science lab?  Trini tells them Mr. Barts went berserk when she only turn in three ants and a cockroach.  Kimberly feels bad for Trini that the rest of them got away.  Kimberly adds you can thank Bulk & Skull for that.  Jason joins them as they walk down the hall.  Jason tells Trini they will help her replace the bugs.  Kimberly suggests they have a picnic, and then they will come to us.  Zack, Trini, and Jason are amused by the idea.  Trini tells Kimberly, I think we need to be a little more aggressive than that.  Billy walks up to his friends.  In his hand is a mouse.  Kimberly is charmed by the mouse.  Kimberly had always wanted a little mouse for a pet.  Billy is offended.  The mouse is Jack, his research assistant.  Zack likes mice only a little more than he likes creepy, crawly bugs.  Zack gives a shudder.  Bulk & Skull walk up.  Bulk tells Skull look, the geeks have a new mascot.  Skull laughs and repeats what Bulk said.  Zack tells them the mouse is smarter than some humanoids he knows.  Skull is outrage and tells Zack you can't talk about Bulk like that!  Bulk elbows him.  Zack remarks all he knows is the mouse never failed an IQ test.  Bulk reaches over and grabs Trini's English Fundamentals book out of her hands.  Bulk wants to see if the mouse can handle an obstacle course.  Bulk throws the book towards Billy.  Billy drops the mouse when he catches the book.  Jack scurries across the floor and crawls up Skull's leg.  Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Jason, and Zack start laughing as Skull starts to twitch his leg.  Skull runs in circles around Bulk, trying to shake the mouse as he continues to climb up on Skull.  Skull jumps into Bulk's arms.  Billy gives Trini her book as he walks over to Skull.  Billy reaches into the collar of Skull's shirt and retrieves Jack.  Billy tells Jack that was very brave of you.  Kimberly tells Bulk, nice catch.  Billy, Trini, Jason, Zack, and Kimberly walk away.    After school, Zack is at Angel Grove park, teaching his hip hop kido class.  His students circle him as he shows some of the moves.  When he is finished, his students walk up to him.  They think hip hop kido is cool.  Zack explains that hip hop kido, along with all martial arts, teaches self confidence and discipline.  Now remember to only use these moves in self defense, when you are in real danger.  The class agrees.  Zack is ready to show them another combination, he is going to keep it simple this time.  Zack asks who wants to go first?  A student immediately says he wants to.  Zack has the rest of the students back up to give them some room.  Zack shows the combination.  The young boy follows it as best as he can.  Zack tells him he did pretty good.  Zack thinks the student needs funkier music.  He asks the class if they want funkier music?  The students tell him yes.  Zack goes over to his tape player and realizes he left the cassette he wanted in his car.  Zack explains to his students what happened and has them practice while he goes to his car.  A few moments later, Zack comes running up to his class and finds them laying on the ground.  He tries to wake up a couple of kids, but he can't.  Zack realizes something is going on and contacts Zordon.  Zack tells Zordon he has a big problem here in Angel Grove park.  Alpha 5 is watching the viewing globe and he exclaims Zack, you were not kidding!  Zordon tells Zack the moths were made of sleeping powder.  Leave the area at once, you are their next target.  Zack is reluctant to leave his students alone.  Zordon tells Zackary not to worry, he will keep an eye on them.  Zack wishes it wasn't bugs as he starts running.  Zack knows if the moths get him, it will be Rip Van Winkle time.  Zack stops running for a moment, trying to think of something that will stop the moths.  Zack thinks of the Forest Spirit statue - it's suppose to protect people from bad bugs.  These bugs are as bad as it gets.  Zack takes off running towards the Forest Spirit statue.  Zack reaches the Forest Spirit statue.  He can't believe it when he sees the statue is covered with moths.  Zack takes a closer look at the statue and realizes it is not the real statue.  The real statue had flowers in it's hair, not snakes.  Zack is positive Rita sent it.  Zack morphs.  Black Ranger uses his Power Ax to blast apart the fake statue.  Spidertron is revealed.  Black Ranger hates spiders.  Suddenly Goldar arrives.  Black Ranger uses his Blade Blaster as he battles Goldar.  Goldar knocks Black Ranger to the ground.  Soon, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive and help Black Ranger up.  Black Ranger and the rest face down Spidertron and Goldar.  Spidertron shoots out webbing.  The webbing ensnares the Black Ranger and the rest.  Goldar then blasts them with his sword.  Black Ranger and the rest are knocked off their feet.  Black Ranger and the rest are having a hard time getting up.  Goldar and Spidertron charge at them.  Black Ranger breaks free and leaps into the air.  Black Ranger takes out his Blade Blaster and fires it at Spidertron and Goldar.  Rita then makes Spidertron giant size.  Black Ranger and the rest summon their zords.  Mastodon tries to freeze Spidertron.  It works only briefly.   Black Ranger and the rest continue their battle, but it is very difficult.  Soon Dragonzord arrives.  The Rangers continue to struggle in their battle against Spidertron.  Eventually Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed.  The Rangers battle and destroy Spidertron.  The following day, Zack and his friends are back at school.  Zack, Tommy, Kimberly, and Jason are at the bottom of the stairs, when Trini makes her announcement from the top of the stairs.  Billy stands with Trini as she tells the gathered students that the city council was so impressed with the signatures gathered, that they declared the Forest Spirit statue a historical landmark.  the students cheer.  Trini and Billy join Zack and his friends at the bottom of the stairs.  Tommy asks Zack if this experience helped him conquer his fear of spiders.  Zack confidently replies that it has.  Tommy remarks that is good, because there is a large spider on your left shoulder.  Zack thinks Tommy is joking at first, until he sees the spider.  Zack starts screaming and trying to shake the spider off.  Tommy tells Zack to calm down, it's only a fake and removes it.  Tommy jokes that it is good to see Zack had overcome his fear of spiders.  Everyone laughs.

Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason enter the Youth Center with supplies for Kimberly's model float.  The place is empty except for Kimberly and Tommy battling several Putties.  They immediately leap into the battle.  As the six teens battle the Putties, the Putties suddenly vanish.  Jason shouts out don't come back clay brains!  Kimberly is sitting on the floor, among the wreckage of her float model.  She is in tears.  Zack, Billy, Jason, Tommy, and Trini walk over to her.  Kimberly looks up and tells them look at my model.  They all feel really bad for her.  Zack kneels down and softy remarks they really demolished it.  Kimberly tells them without the model, they can't build the full size float.  Trini sits down next to Kimberly.  Kimberly tells them now it won't be able to be in the parade.  Tommy sits on the other side of Kimberly.  Trini tries to cheer up Kimberly by telling her there will be other parades you can design floats for.  Kimberly replies that Rita will probably wreck them too.  Billy suggests they simply reconstruct it.  Kimberly tells them all that time and effort for nothing.  Tommy tells her they can help her build a new one.  Kimberly tells them there is no way they can get more flowers in time.  The model is due today.  Kimberly gets up and walks away from her friends to sit at the counter.  Jason comments that Rita is a real witch.  Zack, Trini, Jason, Tommy, and Billy clean up the mess.  As they are cleaning, Trini suggests taking out to lunch to cheer her up.  Billy thinks it's a good idea.  Zack thinks what happen to Kimberly's model float is a real bummer.  Jason adds Kimberly really had her heart set on having a float in the parade.  Trini wishes there was something they could do.  Tommy's got an idea, but we'll deal with it later.  Tommy tells them he's got to go.  Tommy goes over to say bye to Kimberly and then leaves.  Jason tells Trini, Zack, and Billy they will show Rita that it's not that easy to defeat the Power Rangers.  Just then Jason's communicator goes off.  Zordon tells them I need you in the Command Center immediately.  Jason looks over to where Kimberly is sitting and tells her Zordon needs us in the Command Center, right away.  Kimberly gets up and joins her friends.  Jason tells his friends to prepare to teleport and the five teens teleport away.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason arrive in the Command Center.  Alpha 5 is working at the control panel when they arrive.  Zordon tells them that Rita wants to destroy the Flower Power Peace parade.  Kimberly exclaims that means she will destroy all the floats.  Alpha 5 panics.  Zordon informs them that Rita has just unleashed a new monster on Angel Grove.  Behold the viewing globe.  Zack, Billy, Trini, Jason, and Kimberly turn around and face the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows them Spit Flower.  Zordon tells them Spit Flower has the ability to turn every flower into an evil and ferocious blossom.  Kimberly states with that thing around, no one is going to be safe.  Zordon adds and peace on Earth will be dealt another blow.  Zordon gives them more information about Spit Flower.  It's body is like armor with few weak spots.  You must avoid his claws and fangs.  Zack exclaims man, that is one ferocious bug! 

Itsy Bitsy Spider












The Spit Flower


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