Page Nine

Jason, Billy, Tommy, Kimberly, and Trini don't see any snake and tried to tell Zack there isn't one, but he kept screaming.  Zack's lower part of his body started to disappear.

Kimberly cries out, Zack you are disappearing!  Jason tries to encourage Zack by telling him not to let Rita get him, fight it!  But Zack doesn't know if he can as he continues to fade.  Billy and Trini note the more Zack doubts himself, the less there is of Zack.  Jason shouts out to hang on man!  Quagmire appears in a puff of smoke.  Quagmire states fight Rita, if you can.  Only Quagmire knows her plan.  Quagmire then vanishes.  Kimberly points out that Zack is getting fainter.  Zack is upset, he can't beat Rita's magic.  Trini wishes they could contact Zordon.  Tommy wonders about the weird little dude they saw.  Jason tells his friends, he said he knew Rita's plan.  Jason and Kimberly try to remember his name, but it is Trini who remembers - Quagmire.  When Trini says his name, Quagmire appears on a branch of a tree above them.  Quagmire states speak my name and I appear.  Kimberly runs over to the tree.  Quagmire wants to know why they called him.  Kimberly tells him it's about their friend Zack.  Rita is making him disappear.  Quagmire realizes they are no friends of Rita and he is very happy to meet them.  Quagmire jumps out of the three.  Kimberly and Quagmire hurry over to Trini, Billy, Tommy, and Jason.  Quagmire tells Zack to keep from getting caught, think a positive thought.  Tommy wonders if this guy is for real.  Billy points out that lack of confidence is the operative factor - it might just work.  Jason tells Zack to try it.  Zack decides to give it a try.  Zack remembers a really tough fight with Nasty Knight.  Kimberly notes that it's working as more of Zack appears.  Jason tells Zack to keep it up!  Zack continues to concentrate on the memory of his battle with Nasty Knight and how he beat him.  Zack is back.  Trini, Tommy, Jason, Kimberly, Billy, and Quagmire run over to Zack, very happy for him.  Zack thanks Quagmire.  Quagmire welcomes him back and tells him the key was inside him.  Zack notes they are still stuck on the island.  Jason tells his friends, if we don't find our power coins, we don't stand a chance.  Tommy suggests that maybe Quagmire might be able to help.  Quagmire tells them the coins they seek, they must find on their own and he vanishes.  Trini has no idea where they would start.  Zack adds they have already look over half of the island.  Billy makes calculations and tests the wind and suggests a direction to go.  Before they head off, Goldar's face appears in the sky.  Goldar tells them let's get started with an illusion for Kimberly's confusion.  Kimberly walks away from the group as she is stunned by what she sees.  Kimberly sees Bulk & Skull acting nice.  Zack, Jason, Tommy, Trini, and Billy don't see anything.  Jason asks Kimberly what is she talking about, no one is there.  Kimberly becomes frighten and faces her friends.  Kimberly tells them if Rita can make them act like that, she can make anything happen.  Kimberly starts to fade away.  Trini screams for Quagmire to come quick and help Kimberly.  Quagmire appears.  Quagmire advises Kimberly a toad might frighten you to the marrow, but stay your course, straight as an arrow.  Quagmire then vanishes.  Kimberly really doesn't want to remember her battle with Terror Toad.  Tommy steps forward and tells Kimberly she's got to.  Kimberly closes her eyes and remembers her battle with Terror Toad and how she destroyed him.  Kimberly returns to normal.  Tommy hurries over and tells her nice going, you beat he illusion.  Tommy is the next that is affected.  Tommy sees his friends as Putties.  Jason notes that now it's Tommy suffering from an illusion.  Jason approaches Tommy and Tommy fight him.  Trini cries out for Tommy to stop it.  Tommy battles the Putties, which are actually his friends.  His friends surround him inside a circle.  Zack tells him to come on man, snap out of it.  Kimberly tells Tommy it's us.  Zack and Jason approach Tommy.  Zack tells him to chill, it's us.  Tommy insists he'll take them all on.  Zack and Jason try to calm Tommy down.  Kimberly steps forward and tells Tommy it's us!  Tommy fells like there are too many Putties and he can't win.  Trini is the first to notice that Tommy is fading.  Zack calls for Quagmire.  Quagmire appears on top of a tree.  Quagmire tells Tommy to not let Rita steer you wrong, think strong thoughts and you'll be strong.  Quagmire then vanishes.  Tommy remembers the time he had to fight numerous Putties outside the Youth Center.  Jason tells Tommy to hang in there.  Kimberly pleads with Tommy not to leave them.  Tommy continues to remember his battle with the Putties and realizes that he knew he could do it.  Tommy exclaims and I did it!  Zack, Kimberly, and Jason run over to Tommy, happy to see that he is back to normal.  Tommy tells them that there were like a zillion Putties coming at him, but I wasn't scare.  Kimberly glances away and notices something is not right with Trini.  Kimberly walks over and asks Trini if she is okay.  The guys follow Kimberly.  Trini is afraid that Rita might come after her next.  Jason tells her that's just what she wants you to think.  Billy is the first to notice that Trini is fading.  Trini's illusion is that Billy is too high up on the rocks.  Jason tells her it's Rita illusion.  Quick, think positive!  Tommy tells her to remember what Quagmire says.  Quagmire appears.  Quagmire tells them Trini had to conquer heights, even though that was her greatest fright.  Quagmire tells Trini do your best to pass this part of Rita's test.  Quagmire vanishes.  Trini remembers how she helped Billy and breaks the illusion.  Trini returns to normal.  Billy is the next one to start fading.  Billy tells them not even all his scientific knowledge can get us out of this one.  I failed.  Jason tells Billy it's not his fault.  Don't let Rita get to you.  Trini screams for Quagmire.  Quagmire appears once more.  Quagmire senses a fight in a land of dreams, where Billy fought a nightmare Queen.  Quagmire vanishes.  Billy remembers his battle with Madame Woe and how he defeated her.  Billy returns to normal.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Tommy, and Jason run up to Billy.  Jason tells them now maybe they can find their power coins and get out of here.  Goldar's face appears in the sky.  Goldar tells Jason if he was a real leader, he would have saved his friends already.  Jason states you are right.  Jason thinks he should have figured a way out.  Zack shouts out don't listen to him, Jase!  Jason starts to fade.  Billy calls out for Quagmire.  Quagmire appears and sates nasty magic happening here and vanishes.  Jason sees  his friends fading and calling out to him, although they are alright.  Zack notes that Jason can't see or hear us.  Jason tries to beat his illusion by remembering his battle with King Sphinx.  As the memory gives him strength, Jason shouts out you haven't won yet, Rita!  Jason returns to normal.  Zack, Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Tommy all run up to him, happy to see that he okay.    The communicators reappear on the teen's wrists.  Jason is the first to notice their communicators are back.  Kimberly retrieves her power coin and points out their power coins are back.  Trini notes they could have had these all along.  Tommy adds they each had the power to break Rita's spell.  Zack tells his friends all they needed was a little self confidence.  The teens feel the ground shake.  Billy tells his friends they got to hurry.  Jason tells them it's morphin time.  The Rangers manage to teleport off the island before Rita blasts it.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive back in their Megazord and Dragonzord.  Dragonzord and Megazord get back on their feet.  Rita is back in Angel Grove, and watching from a building.  She is furious to see they have all gotten off the island.  Megazord and Dragonzord combine to form Megadragonzord.  Lokar screams when he sees the arrival of Megadragonzord.  Rita commands Mutitis to attack.  Mutitis runs towards Megadragonzord.  Red Ranger gives the command to fire.  Megadragonzord fires at Mutitis.  Mutitis fires back at Megadragonzord.  Red Ranger gives the command for full power.  Megadragonzord fires and destroys Mutitis.  Rita is very upset.  Red Ranger tells Lokar he is next.  Red Ranger summons Titanus.  Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is formed.  Red Ranger tells Lokar it's all over for him.  Red Ranger commands for all weapons to be fired.  Lokar is hit and screams out in pain.  Lokar quickly retreats before ether Power Rangers can destroy him.  Pink Ranger is upset that Lokar got away.  Red Ranger vows next time.  Rita screams and vanishes.  The day of the dance contest arrives.  The Youth Center is packed.  Zack is standing with is friends as they watch the contestants.  Bulk is one of the contestants.  He does his routine.  The spectators are amused by Bulk's routine.  Bulk does a spin and falls to the floor.  Skull immediately leaps onto the dance floor and starts dancing.  Bulk gets up, grabs a hold of Skull and tosses him aside.  Bulk then finishes his dance routine.  Bulk gets his scores form the judges.  Ernie walks up and tells the audience another fine effort from Bulk and Skull.  Ernie then introduces Zack as the next contestant.  Zack is hesitant to go no the dance floor.  Trini tells Zack to go out there and have fun.  Zack feels something is not right.  Jason tells Zack he is the best.  Kimberly can't believe Zack is losing his confidence.  Tommy points out after all we've been through.  Jason tells Zack to go out there and do it.  Still a little nervous, Zack goes out onto the dance floor.  Zack starts his dance routine and he is very impressive.  The crowds bop along to Zack's dancing.  Zack finishes his dance routine and he did great.  The judges agree and Ernie announces Zack is the winner.  Trini, Kimberly, Tommy, Billy, and Jason run onto the dance floor and congratulate Zack.  Everyone is in high spirits.  Zack suggests they boogies and Zack starts dancing again.

Zack, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy have gathered outside Billy's house.  Kimberly and Billy are loading up the Rad Bug with bags.  Billy thinks the trip will be fun.  Kimberly wishes Jason was going on the field trip with them.  Billy adds there is plenty of room, takes a look inside the Rad Bug and changes it to barely.  Jason thanks them.  Jason tells his friends he wants to spend time with his cousin Jeremy while he is in town.  Zack tells Jason it won't be the same without him.  Trini walks up with a tray of food.  Trini apologizes for being late.  She offers the tray to her friends and tells them she made them in her gourmet cooking class.  Zack, Billy, and Jason gathered around and take a piece of food off the tray.  Kimberly runs up and also grabs a piece.  Kimberly takes a sniff and isn't impress.  She asks Trini what is in these?  Trini replies it's an exotic recipe.  It's very popular in France right now.  They call it Torte a la escargot.  Zack thinks its tasty, until Billy tells them it means snail.  Zack and Jason start coughing.  Zack, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy quickly throw away their escargot.  Trini is unaware as she wraps the tray.  Trini looks up and smiles at her friends as she carries the tray to the car, intending to take the dish on their field trip.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy take off in the Rad Bug.  While they are on the road, the ground begins to shake.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy become alarm and the Rad Bug has a hard time staying on the road.  Kimberly is sure it's an earthquake.  Zack instructs everyone to hold on.  Billy manages to pull the Rad Bug off the road and Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy get out of the Rad Bug.  They are standing outside the car when Zordon contacts them.  Zordon tells them to teleport to the beach immediately.  Zack replies we are on our way.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy teleport to the beach.  Jason spots them and calls out to them.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini race over to where Jason is pinned down by boulders.  The four teens reach Jason and struggle to remove the boulders off of Jason. Zack tells Jason, not to worry, they will free him.  Trini asks him if he is okay?  Eventually the boulders are remove and Jason can stand back up.  Jason thanks his friends.  Jason realizes they need to find Jeremy.  He's got the map that Scorpina is looking for.  Zack replies let's go.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Jason, and Billy teleport off the beach.  In  a wooded area, Zack, Kimberly, Jason, Trini, and Billy are searching for Jeremy.  They call out his name as they search the area.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Zordon tells them they must go and fight Scorpina and the Rockstar monster at the beach club.  Jason is worried about Jeremy.  Billy offers to continue to search for him and takes off.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini morph.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Rockstar and Scorpina.  Jeremy finds the Mirror of Destruction.  Scorpina sends Rockstar after him and Jeremy destroys him with the Mirror of Destruction.  Later Blue Ranger joins the rest of the Rangers.  The Rangers formed their Megazord and battle Scorpina and Goldar.  Eventually they retreat.  Later, Zack and his friends went to the Juice Bar.  Jeremy entered, full of enthusiasm over the battle he saw the Rangers had with the monster.  Zack and his friends are flattered by Jeremy's glowing account of the Rangers that he saw in action.  Jeremy asks Jason where he had gone?  Jason stumbled for an answer, and then told them all that he had a karate class to teach and left.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy chuckled.

Island Of Illusion, Part I







Island Of Illusion, Part II






The Rockstar


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