Page Eight 

Zordon has located the Spit Flower near the park bridge.  The five teens morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger arrive with their power weapons drawn.  Spit Flower shoots numerous flowers at the five Rangers.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger jump out of the way.  It is a small reprise as the ferocious blossoms launch themselves from the pavement onto the five Rangers.  spit Flower uses his antennas to blast the five Rangers off their feet.  Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, these things are really digging in.  Pink Ranger feels herself getting weak.  Blue Ranger exclaims they are draining our energy.  Spit Flower laughs at them.  The five Rangers continue to struggle against the ferocious blossoms.  Pink Ranger can barely move.  Yellow Ranger exclaims they are picking away at all our strength.  Spit Flower walks over to them.  The five Rangers manage to get up and start battling Spit Flower with their power weapons.  it is a difficult fight for the five Rangers.  Then Spit Flower grows to giant size.  Red Ranger exclaims we got to get rid of these flowers.  The five Rangers start yanking the various flowers off of them.  Spit Flower blasts them once more and the five Rangers are knocked off their feet.  Spit Flower is about to step on the five Rangers when Green Ranger arrives.  Green Ranger uses his Dragon Dagger and fires at Spit Flower.  Spit Flower is knocked off his feet.  Green Ranger races over to the rest of the Rangers and makes sure they are okay.  Spit Flower gets back up and uses his breath to pull in hundreds of flowers.  The Rangers have been watching Spit Flower.  Red Ranger makes the decision that they need Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Green Ranger summons Dragonzord.  Black Ranger summons Mastodon.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger summon their zords.  The zords all arrive and form Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  The five Rangers leap into Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battles Spit Flower, fist using his drill.  During the battle, Spit Flower grabs the drill and lands a kick on Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Spit Flower releases his flowers.  They land on Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and it begins to spark.  Red Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers they are losing power.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode falls to the ground.  Spit Flower laughs.  Alpha 5 teleports the Power Rangers into the Command Center.  Red Ranger is angry - that monster almost trash the Dragonzord!  Pink Ranger never thought flowers could be dangerous.  Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to track Spit Flower.  Alpha 5 immediately gets to work.  Spit Flower soon shows up on the viewing globe.  Zordon tells the Rangers he has retreated their zords since they were ineffective against Spit Flower.  Spit Flower's strength grows with every minute.  Alpha 5 tells them flowers are on the attack all over town.  Zordon tells Alpha 5 to begin an analysis of the last battle.  the Power Ranger continue to watch images of Spit Flower on the viewing globe.  Yellow Ranger asks how are we going to stop that thing?  Zordon tells them the analysis form their last battle has located Spit Flower's weak point.  If you destroy the Spit Flower's spit sack, he will be unable to produce any more biting bloomers and his strength will be reduce.  Red Ranger asks Pink Ranger if she can hit that with her Power Bow.  Pink Ranger replies, no problem.  I'll show Rita not to miss with me.  Zordon tells Green Ranger he must stay here.  If the Power Rangers fail, you will be our last hope.  Green Ranger is disappointed and bows down his head.  Alpha 5 teleports the rest of the Rangers out.  The five Rangers arrive in the park with their power weapons drawn.  Spit Flower is back to normal size.  Red Ranger tells Pink Ranger to go get him!  Pink Ranger leaps into the air with her Power Bow.  Pink Ranger hits Spit Flower's spit sack with several arrows.   Spit Flower goes flying through the air.  The five Rangers then form the Power Blaster.  The five Rangers fire the Power blaster and destroy Spit Flower.  The following day, Zack and Jason are sparring at the Youth Center.  As they spar, Jason comments that they have fought some ugly monsters, but man, that Spit Flower.  Zack agrees that was the worse.  Jason is glad they got him before it got to the parade.  They finish and Zack hollers at Ernie, what's up with the parade?  Ernie hollers back to hurry up, it's about to begin.  Zack and Jason walk over to the counter.  Billy and Trini are already sitting there.  The TV set is showing Angel Grove's High Marching Band and Drill team.  Ernie just loves parades.  Jason wishes they could have gotten Kimberly to go down in person.  Ernie notices Billy is looking at the TV through a pair of binoculars.  Ernie asks him what is up with the binoculars?  Billy replies they make me feel like I'm there.  Kimberly and Tommy walk in and head over to the counter.  Kimberly is not happy to see the parade on the TV and reminds her friends that she did not want to watch the parade.  Tommy tells her but you have to.  Kimberly reluctantly watches the parade.  The announcer comments on an award winning float by a high school student.  Kimberly recognizes the float as her own.  Zack, Billy, Trini, Jason, and Tommy yell surprise!  Trini tells Kimberly that Tommy put it back together in time.  Kimberly gives Tommy a hug and thanks him.  Tommy is thrilled.  Just then Bulk and Skull walk in.  Skull asks about a hug for him.  Tommy and Jason get up and face Bulk and Skull.  Tommy tells them to buzz off.  Bulk tells Tommy that maybe they want to watch the parade too.  Zack gets up as well and tells them to watch this.  Zack does a magic trick that produces a bouquet of flowers.  Skull starts to hiss at the flowers.  Bulk and Skull are scare of the flowers and start to back away.  Laughing, Zack, Jason, and Tommy join their friends at the counter.

The Youth Center is packed as several teens are decorating the place for an upcoming costume party.  Ernie walks in and tells the teens to get a move on, there is a lot of work to do to get ready for the costume party.  Angela is carrying a decoration and walks past Zack.  Zack notices her immediately and asks if he can be of assistance?  Zack follows Angela, paying no attention to the roll of crepe paper trailing behind him.  Jason has the other end of the crepe paper.  Jason chuckles and yells out to Zack.  After the Youth Center is decorated, all the teens leave to get ready.  Later, Zack,   Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason have gathered outside Billy's house.  They are already dressed in their costumes.  Kimberly is very excited - this is going to be an morphinomenal party.  Zack tells Billy he looks just like that Sherlock Holmes dude.  Billy thanks "King Tut".  Trini wonders who is going to win first prize in the costume contest.  Zack is positive it is going to be him.  Kimberly asks where Tommy is?  Jason replies that his costume isn't finish yet, he'll catch up with us later.  Zack suggests they head over to the party and they eagerly leave.  The Youth Center is packed with teens dancing and enjoying the costume party.  Zack, Jason, and Angela are by the refreshment table.  Zack does some "Egyptian" dance moves to impress Angela.  Zack asks Angela to dance.  Angela replies go back to your tomb, Tut and walks away.  Jason walks over to Zack.  Zack can't believe it - not even a king is good enough for that girl!  Jason chuckles.  After awhile,  Frankenstein lumbers over to where Zack and Jason are standing.  Before Frankenstein can make his move, a girl, dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein walks up.  She grabs a hold of Frankenstein and tells him they are playing our song.  Bride of Frankenstein drags Frankenstein to the dance floor and starts dancing.  Much to the amusement of Zack and Jason.  Bride of Frankenstein is unaware that Frankenstein's dance moves are really him trying to fight her.  A crowd has formed a circle around them.  Frankenstein tries to walk away, but Bride of Frankenstein yanks him back.  They dance for a little bit, but then Bride of Frankenstein accidentally steps on his feet.  Frankenstein becomes very angry, grabs her, and holds her up into the air.  Bride of Frankenstein starts screaming as Frankenstein tosses her into the crowd.  Bulk catches her.  Zack, Billy, and Trini are puzzled by Frankenstein's behavior.  Bulk tells Skull to get him.  Skull uses his dart gun and the dart lands in the middle of Frankenstein's forehead.  Frankenstein becomes more angry as he yanks the dart off.  Skull laughs.  Frankenstein angrily starts to walk over to Bulk and Skull.  The Bride of Frankenstein runs away.  Bulk tells Skull to give him that and tries to use the dart gun.  Frankenstein picks up Skull and holds him up in the air.  Skull tells him it's just a joke man.  After growling at him a little bit, Frankenstein tosses Skull aside.  Bulk catches him.  Skull tells him some people just can't take a joke.  Frankenstein tries to take a swipe at them, but Bulk and Skull duck out of the way.  Zack and Jason become concern as Bulk & Skull race out of the Youth Center and Frankenstein goes after them.  Billy follows the trio out the door.  A few minutes later, the Youth Center starts to shake.  The kids at the party start to panic and race out the door.  Ernie tries to get the teens to settle down.  It's just a small earthquake, just a tremor.  Billy returns to the Youth Center and races over to his friends.  Billy tells them we've got a major crisis situation.  Kimberly replies no kidding, we just had an earthquake.  Billy tells them it's Rita and that Frankenstein monster is one of her goons.  Kimberly is stunned.  Jason tells his friends that they need Zordon to explain some of this, they also need to find Tommy and teleport to the Command Center.  Zack tells them Tommy hasn't shown up yet.  Trini, Billy, and Jason look around the Youth Center.  Jason makes the decision we have to go without him.  Trini agrees.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly race out of the Youth Center.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason teleport into the Command Center.  Jason asks Zordon what is going on?  Zordon informs the teens that Rita plans to use the Frankenstein monster to destroy them, then conquer the Earth with an army of Super Putties she created.  Trini asks Super Putties?  Zordon replies yes, a new form of Putty that is nearly indestructible.  Zack is blown away by the idea of indestructible Putties.  Kimberly suggests they try and contact Tommy.  Jason tries to reach Tommy over his communicator, but gets no response.  Alpha 5 tells them he's not online.  Alpha 5 goes over to the control panels, trying to locate Tommy's signal.  , Zordon tells the teens there's not a moment to spare.  Rita's monster is on the loose.  It's up to you to stop him.  Good luck Rangers and may the power protect you.  Zack, Kimberly, Jason, Billy, and Trini morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger arrive with their power weapons drawn.  Frankenstein takes a flying leap towards them.  The five Rangers battle Frankenstein with their power weapons.  At one point, Blue Ranger has his Power Lance on either side of Frankenstein's neck.  Frankenstein breaks free and knocks Blue Ranger to the ground.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger take a flying leap towards Frankenstein and battle him with their power weapons.  Frankenstein knocks them both to the ground.  Frankenstein starts swing his bolt chain.  Then Frankenstein grows to giant size.  The five Rangers summon their zords.  The zords arrive and the Rangers leap into their zords.  The Megazord is quickly formed.  Frankenstein has a large ball on a chain now.  Megazord and Frankenstein battle.  Frankenstein hits the Megazord several times with the chained ball. Red Ranger decides it's time for more fire power.  The power sword arrives.  The Megazord battles Frankenstein with the power sword.  It is a tough battle for the five Rangers.  Frankenstein manages to wrap the chain around the Megazord's neck.  Frankenstein lifts the Megazord up into the air and then lets it drop to the ground.  Frankenstein continues to slam the Megazord against the ground.  Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, this guy is tearing us apart.  How are we going to stop him?  Red Ranger replies, first we have to get the Megazord back on it's feet.  Frankenstein lands on kick on the fallen Megazord.  Red Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers to switch us over to emergency power before he hits us again.  Frankenstein throws his chained ball against the Megazord.  It hits the Megazord in the chest several times.  The Megazord goes flying through a building.  Sparks start to shoot out of the fallen Megazord. Frankenstein lifts the Megazord over his head, spins around and then lets go of the Megazord.  The Megazord crashes into another building.  Green Ranger arrives and summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord emerges and quickly joins in the battle.  The Megazord is back on it's feet.  Dragonzord and Megazord battle Frankenstein.  Dragonzord tries to knock Frankenstein down with his tail, but Frankenstein grabs it's tail instead.  Frankenstein lifts Dragonzord into the air, spins it around and knocks it against Megazord.  Megazord falls to the ground.  Frankenstein spins Dragonzord a couple of more times and then lets it go.  Dragonzord falls to the ground.  Megazord and Dragonzord get up.  Frankenstein blasts them with his mouth.  Frankenstein then takes the bolts out of his necks and hits Megazord and Dragonzord with them.  Red Ranger declares it's time to regroup.  It's time for Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed.  Frankenstein takes a flying leap at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  The two fight.  Dragonzord in Fighting mode tries to blast Frankenstein, but Frankenstein returns the blast to him.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode powers up the power staff.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode destroys Frankenstein with the power staff.  After the battle, Zack and his friends return to the costume party.  Tommy is still not dressed in his costume.  He tells his friends he has a few finishing touches and dashes off.  After a few moments, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason become frighten when "Frankenstein" appears.  But it is only Tommy in his costume.  Kimberly tells him he looks great in gray.  Ernie announces the winner of the costume party and it's Alpha 5.

Zack and Billy are helping Jason and Tommy train for the upcoming Team Ninja competition.  They are at the Youth Center.  Instead of working together, Tommy and Jason keep trying to outdo each other.  As a result, they are not doing well with their training.  When Jason and Tommy start arguing with each other.  Zack calls a half and points out they have a lot of work to do before the Team Ninja finals.  Billy adds that this computer training program will have them ready in no time, if they would learn how to cooperate.  Jason thanks them for managing them, but he is confident he's got a lock on this team ninja thing.  Jason then gives a demonstration.  Jason and Tommy train once more and soon they end up on their backs on the floor mats.  Zack walks over to the two.  Zack tells them this is suppose to be a team competition.  Team!  Zack walks back over to Billy, hoping Tommy and Jason understand.  Jason and Tommy get up and start training once more.  In spite of themselves, they keep trying to upstage the other one.  Zack and Billy get very frustrated.  Trini and Kimberly walk in and join Zack and Billy.  Kimberly asks how's it going?  Billy replies they are having a little trouble developing their team work.  Once more, Jason and Tommy land on the floor mats.  Trini tells them they need to learn how to gung ho.  Jason and Tommy have no idea what Trini is talking about.  Trini tells them it's Chinese for working together.  You have to learn to work together if you want to win the Team Ninja finals.  Tommy and Jason don't listen as they get back up to grain once more.  They soon end up arguing with each other.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini have been watching them.  Zack tells them to stop.  Billy adds they lasted 7.8 seconds that time.  Bulk and Skull enter the Youth Center.  Bulk is laughing.  Bulk tells them their boys need some work.  Skull adds a lot of work.  Zack replies don't worry about it Bulk.  Tommy and Jason are ready for the finals.  Bulk tells them they better be.  My ninjas are the best.  Two young men leap into the Youth Center, covered from head to toe in black ninja gear.  Skull laughs.  Trini comments that is some heavy competition.  Bulk states you are looking at the team who is going to win the ninja finals.  I only manage the best.  Gentlemen, time for your workout.  Skull repeats that is it time for their workout.  the ninjas walk over to the floor mat as Tommy and Jason leave.  The four guys stare each other down as they pass each other.  Bulk tells them to look at them, that is what losers look like.  The two ninjas begin their workout and they are doing extremely well.  Kimberly is impressed and tells her friends they look like pros to me.  Billy states they are extremely proficient as he glances at his stop watch.  Zack adds yeah, and they are good.  Jason claims he can take them on by himself.  Tommy states he can as well.  After awhile, Bulk has the ninjas stop and tells them now, a power kick.  the two ninjas take a flying leap towards the punching bag and kick it.  Bulk bras I told you they were super ninjas.  The punching bag swings back and knocks Bulk down.  Everyone in the Youth Center laughs.  Trini and Kimberly leave the Youth Center.  Zack has the guys go back to training.  Jason is working out on the punching bag.  When Jason is finished he leans onto the punching bag.  Tommy tell shim he blew that last combination.  Jason replies hey, I was tired, okay.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Zack, Tommy, and Billy gather around Jason.  It is Zordon.  Kimberly and Trini have been attacked by Putties in Angel Grove park.  Hurry!  Zack, Billy, Jason, and Tommy hurry out of the Youth Center.  Kimberly is trying to protect Trini - who had gotten hurt - from the Super Putties when the guys arrive.  Billy tells his friends he will protect Trini.  Billy runs over to Trini to protect her.  Kimberly joins Zack, Jason, and Tommy in their battle against the Super Putties.  Despite their best efforts, they cannot defeat the Super Putties.  Zack and his friends gather together.  Zack tells his friends they are getting pounded.  Jason instructs his team - everyone back to the Command Center to regroup.  The teens teleport away.  Zack and his friends arrive in the Command Center.  Jason tells Zordon we never had that much trouble with Putties before.  Zack asks what is the deal with those clay heads?  Zordon informs them they are not ordinary Putties.  They're Rita's new Super Putties.  Behold the viewing globe.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, Tommy, and Kimberly walk over to the viewing globe.  It shows Finster's monster room and the Super Putties being made.  Zordon informs them they are made from the super putty she mined and they are nearly indestructible.  Alpha 5 announces the Super Putties are attacking a factory.  Zordon tells Tommy and Jason he is sending them on a quest to get the weapons they need to defeat his new menace.  Kimberly asks what will the rest of them do?  Zordon replies they have to keep the Super Putties at bay.  Jason tells them to hold off those Super Putties as long as you can.  Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger, yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive at the factory.  Numerous Super Putties are at the factory.  Black Ranger suggests they blast them.  The four Rangers pull out their Blade Blasters and start firing.  The Super Putties are still standing.  Pink Ranger exclaims it didn't work!  Black Ranger notes there is not a scratch on them.  The four Rangers race towards the Super Putties.  Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger battle the Super Putties with their Blade Blasters.  No matter what they do, they cannot defeat them.  If a Super Putty falls to pieces, it simply reassembles itself.  Black Ranger pulls out his Power Ax and battles the Super Putties with it.  Not even the Power Ax is strong enough to defeat the Super Putties.  The four Rangers gather together.  Black Ranger notes that nothing seems to work on these dudes.  Pink Ranger calls out a warning - look out!  Black Ranger warns his friends - here they come again!  Black Ranger, yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger continue to struggle against the Super Putties.  The four Rangers are knocked to the ground.  Yellow Ranger exclaims those Putties are unbeatable!  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger continue to struggle in their battle against the Super Putties.  The four Rangers are knocked to the ground.  Black Ranger tries to encourage his friends.  Black Ranger tells them, come on guys.  We can't let them beat us.  Suddenly several blasts hit the Super Putties.  It is Red Ranger and Green Ranger above them.  Red Ranger shouts out we are back and we've got some presents for your, courtesy of Zordon.  Green Ranger and Red Ranger tosses the weapons down to Black Ranger, blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger.  The four Rangers catch them easily.  They are impressed with the new weapons.  Black Ranger instructs the rest of the Rangers to fire at will.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Range fire at the Super Putties.  The Super Putties are destroyed by the weapons.  Red Ranger shouts out - you lose again Rita!  On Saturday, Zack, Tommy, Jason, and Billy enter the Youth Center.  Zack is giving them a pep talk.  Remember to concentrate.  You can do this - if you work together.  Bulk, his ninjas, and Skull are already there.  Bulk spots Zack, Jason, Tommy, and Billy and calls them losers, which Skull repeats.  Zack, Billy, Tommy, and Jason don't pay them any attention and walk away in the opposite direction.  Zack continues his pep talk.  Now remember, teamwork is the key.  Billy agrees.  You score more points when you operate in unison.  Zack adds the essence of martial arts is self control and discipline.  Trini and Kimberly walk up to the guys.  Trini asks them if they are ready?  Tommy tells her they finally learned how to gun ho.  Jason's communicator goes off.  After taking a quick look around, they all lean in to listen.  Zordon tells them nice work in defeating the Super Putties.  Jason thanks him.  Jason asks if they have to fight Titanus again?  Zordon replies that was only a test of your teamwork Jason.  Titanus is really a valuable ally and friend.  Ernie announces that the finals are about to begin.  Ernie asks the judges if they are ready and they nod their heads yes.  Ernie wishes the competitors good luck.  Kimberly tells Jason and Tommy to go for it.  Tommy and Jason enter the ring in one corner, while Bulk's ninjas enter the ring in another corner.  Zack and Billy help strap up the gloves for Jason and Tommy.  Bulk & Skull strap up the gloves for their ninjas.  The teams bow to each other and the competition begins.  Jason is up first and he does really well.  The crowd enjoys the match and there is a lot of cheers.  Bulk & Skull are upset that their ninja is not doing so well and shout come on, come on!  Round one has ended and it's time for the competitors to switch places.  Tommy enters the ring this time.  Tommy also does really well against Bulk's other ninja.  Tommy does get knocked to the floor, but quickly gets back up and continues to do well.  Bulk shouts out what's wrong with you?  Which Skull repeats.  Round two has ended.  The third round had Jason and his competitor using a bo staff.  Once more, Jason does really well.  Tommy shouts out encouragement from his corner.  Round three ends.  Round four involved shinais.  Tommy did really well with his shinai against his competitor.  Kimberly was thrilled - she knew they could do it.  Trini shouts out gung ho!  Round four ends.  Round five had all four guys in the ring.  They all use their shinais in the competition.  Zack tosses Jason his.  Jason and Tommy do really well against bulk's ninjas.  Soon it is announced the competition is over.  Jason and Tommy go over to their corner.  Zack tells them congratulations.  Kimberly adds nice teamwork.  Trini tells them way to gun ho!  The winners of the Team Ninja finals are Tommy and Jason.  Ernie brings over the trophy and tells them congratulations.  Tommy and Jason are very excited.  Tommy tells Jason they did it partner!  Jason adds we make a great team.  Bulk and Skull are very disappointed.  Bulk tells Skull to get water for their warriors.  Skull quickly walks over to get water, which is in a pail.  Skull accidentally trips on the way back and the water splashes all over Bulk.  Bulk stands there drenched as the crowd laughs at him.  Skull weakly laughs.  Behind him, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, Jason and Tommy join in the laugher.

Angel Grove High School is doing the play Rumpelstiltskin.  Rehearsals are in one of the classrooms.  Mr. Caplan is overseeing the production.  Billy is the director.  Trini is his assistant.  The cast includes Kimberly as the miller's daughter, Jason as the King, Skull as a court jester, and Bulk as Rumpelstiltskin.  Zack and Tommy are watching play rehearsal.  The cast goes through their lines.  All goes smoothly until Bulk misses his cue.  Bulk hasn't been paying attention and Trini points out that he has missed his cue.  Bulk quickly starts doing his lines - with a little Bulk flavor added to it.  Mr. Caplan asks Bulk where is his costume?  Bulk replies that he is just adding a touch of the 90's.  Mr. Caplan checks his watch and then tells Bulk to get on with it.  The play rehearsal continues.  Bulk is very rough with the spinning wheel.  This upsets Kimberly as it is her grandmother's spinning wheel.  Bulk tells Mr. Caplan that Kimberly is making him mess up his lines.  Bulk spins the spinning wheel way too fast.  The wind from the spinning wheel makes Mr. Caplan's toupee fly off.  Bulk starts laughing.  Kimberly gets really mad.  Kimberly checks the spinning wheel and is furious to find it is broken.  Kimberly yells at Bulk that he has ruined her grandmother's spinning wheel.  Mr. Caplan calls a break before anything else gets broken.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, Tommy, Kimberly, and the rest of the kids walk out with Mr. Caplan.  After school, Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason go to the Youth Center.  They see Kimberly looking sad and sitting by herself.  They walk over and sit by her with long faces.  Kimberly looks at them and she smiles a little.  Trini asks her what is the matter?  Billy adds you look quite distressed.  Kimberly replies you are not going to believe this, someone walk off with my grandmother's prize antique spinning wheel.  Zack tells her that is awful.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Zack, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini get up and walk over to where the lockers are.  It is Zordon and he tells them it is urgent they get to the Command Center.  We have a desperate situation.  Jason tells Zordon they are on their way.  When the five teens arrive, Zordon tells Kimberly the mysterious disappearance of your grandmother's spinning wheel has been solved.  Goldar has stolen it.  Kimberly asks why?  Zordon explains so that Rita can put an evil spell on it.  Now it can destroy everything it touches, Power Rangers, including you.  Kimberly can't believe it.  Zordon instructs them to behold the viewing globe.  Zack, Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy walk over.  The viewing globe shows Tommy tied up and guarded by Putties.  Zordon tells them part of Rita's plan is to keep Tommy out of the way.  By outsmarting her, you can break the spell and destroy her evil wheel.  Kimberly feels bad for Tommy.  Trini states we got to help him.  Zordon tells the teens they have something more urgent to do.  Goldar and Scorpina are on the rampage.  You must deal with them.  Zack, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrive with their Blade Blasters drawn.  Scorpina quickly blasts them off their feet.  The five Rangers get back up and charge towards Goldar and Scorpina.  The five Rangers battle Scorpina and Goldar with their Blade Blasters.  Rita has teleported down to the battle.  Rita makes Goldar and Scorpina giant size.  Scorpina goes into her monster form.  The five Rangers summon their zords.  When the zords arrive, the Rangers immediately leap into them.  Rita screams to get the Red Ranger - throw the net.  Goldar has a large net that he throws over Tyrannosaurus Dinozord.  Tyrannosaurus is unable to break free of the net.  Blasts from Goldar's fingertips hit Tyrannosaurus.  Black Ranger notes Red Ranger is in trouble.  Goldar is ready to finish Red Ranger for good!  Goldar starts battling Tyrannosaurus with his sword.  Scorpina leaps in and battles Tyrannosaurus with her sword.  Tyrannosaurus is knocked to the ground.  Yellow Ranger screams for Red Ranger to hold on.  Mastodon Dinozord and Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord race towards Goldar and Scorpina and fire at them.  The rest of the Dinozords join in the battle.  Scorpina blasts them all.  Red Ranger tells his team to get out of here.  You have to save yourself before it is too late.  Goldar starts kicking Tyrannosaurus.  Green Ranger arrives (he had manage to break free of his bindings) and summons Dragonzord.  Dragonzord removes the net from Tyrannosaurus.  The battles continues.  Eventually Titanus is summoned and Ultrazord is formed.  Ultrazord fires all it's weapons at Wheel of Misfortune.  The Wheel of Misfortune is destroyed.  Scorpina and Goldar retreat.  After the battle, Zack and his friends return to the school.  They are in high spirits, except for Kimberly.  Kimberly doesn't know what she is going to tell her grandmother.  They enter the classroom where play rehearses have taken place.  Zack and his friends are very surprise to see the spinning wheel is back and works.  Zordon contacts them and tells them once the spell was broken, the spinning wheel was returned to normal.  The following evening, Zack is backstage with Tommy, Trini, and Billy.  The play goes smoothly except for one mishap - Bulk ripping his pants in front of the audience.

Zack is at the Youth Center, practicing his dance moves for an upcoming dance contest.  Trini, Jason and Kimberly are watching Zack practice.  Kimberly shouts out great moves Zack!  Jason tells Kimberly and Trini he's going to blow them away at the dance contest this week.  Bulk & Skull walk up and stand behind Jason, Kimberly, and Trini.  Bulk tells them he thinks Zack is going to blow it at the dance contest.  Skull laughs.  Zack has overheard their words and is trying not to let it upset him.  Zack does a dance move and gets very close to his friends.  Kimberly panics and jumps out of the way.  Her drink spills all over Bulk.  Zack tells Bulk he is sorry.  Zack is upset with himself - he doesn't feel he has what it takes to win.  Bulk is very angry.  Bulk follows Zack out onto the floor.  Bulk tells Zack he's got what it takes to make him lose.   Zack and Bulk are having a dance off.  Trini, Jason, and Kimberly watch them.  Zack does really well with his dance moves.  Bulk tries, but can't match Zack's ability.  The crowds are impressed with Zack's dance moves and amused by Bulk's.  Bulk ends up crashing into several columns that are on the floor.  Both Bulk and Skull end up on the floor.  Everyone laughs.  Billy joins Jason, Kimberly, and Trini.  Zack walks over to them.  Kimberly tells Zack guess you taught them a new dance.  Tommy walks over and agrees - crash and burn.  Everyone laughs, except for Zack.  Zack tells them he just tripped himself up.  Just like I'm going to do at the dance contest.  Zack walks away.  Zack stays outside and that is where Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini find him.  Jason tells him bad news bud.  Trini tells Zack that Zordon has told them Rita is about to start something.  Kimberly tells them it already has and points up into the sky.  Several Putties arrive.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Trini and Billy battle the Putties.  Goldar and Scorpina arrive.  Trini becomes alarmed.  Guys, we are surrounded!  Jason tells her not for long.  The five teens morph.  Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger battle Scorpina and Goldar.  Red Ranger uses his Power Sword in the battle.  Then giant Mutitis arrive.  The Rangers summon their zords and went into battle with the Megazord.  Green Ranger soon joined them with Dragonzord.  Mutitis sprays foam all over Megazord and Dragonzord.  The Rangers were ejected and landed on a strange island.  Zack and his friends soon realized they did not have their communicators or power morphers.  An image of Goldar's face appeared in the sky and he taunted them.  Pineoctopus, Pudgy Pig, Eye Guy, Snizzard, and Shellshock appeared in front of them.  Zack and his friends prepared to fight as the five monsters ran toward them.  The five monsters suddenly vanished.  Zack and his friends explore the island.  They ran into Quagmire.  Quagmire disappeared once they mentioned Rita.  Zack and his friends continued to walk around the island.  Zack was ahead of the group.  He saw a huge snake and started screaming that he hated snakes. 

TThe Spit Flower


Life's A Masquerade


Gung Ho!


Wheel Of Misfortune


Island Of Illusion, Part I










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