Page Eleven

The next day, at Angel Grove High School, Miss Appleby is impatiently waiting for the video presentation by Bulk and Skull.  Bulk gets a little nervous until Skull finally walks into the classroom with the tape.  Skull announces he just finished editing it.  Skull walks over to Miss Appleby and pretends to give her the tape a couple of times before she finally grabs it out of his hands.  Miss Appleby tells the class, this will be very interesting.  Miss Appleby puts in the tape as Skull walks to his seat.  Bulk tells Miss Appleby, I'm sure it will be an award winning project.  Bulk asks Skull how does it look.  Skull reassures him, there are a few glitches, but nothing to worry about.  Bulk is very relieved.  The tape starts to play and it depicts Bulk in very mishap they had while filming.  Bulk becomes alarmed and Skull gets worried as the tape continues to play.  Zack and Trini and the rest of the class can't stop laughing.  Soon Jason, Kimberly, and Billy join in the laughter as well.  Bulk threatens Skull, but Skull gets him to calm down. The tape continues to play with hilarious shots of Bulk and Skull.  Even Miss Appleby can't help chuckling.  The tape ends and the classroom laughs.  Bulk tells Skull he's going to pound him, camera man!  Skull quickly gets up and tells Bulk he can fix it.  Skull runs out of the classroom with Bulk chasing after him.  The class is in stitches.

Zack and his friends are walking down the hall of Angel Grove High School, when they spot Mr. Caplan on the floor with soap suds spraying everywhere. They hurry over.  Jason turns off the water fountain.  Billy kneels down to see if Mr. Caplan needs a hand.  Mr. Caplan replies, you five, detention now!  Kimberly exclaims what!  Jason has no idea what is going on. Within a few moments, Mr. Caplan cleans himself up as he addresses the students in detention.  Not only are Zack, Jason, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini in detention, but Bulk and Skull as well.  Mr. Caplan tells them you all know why you are here.  Skull makes a raspberry sound and then looks around as if he didn't do it.  Mr. Caplan continues, your drinking fountain prank was the height of delinquency.   Jason starts to protest, but Mr. Caplan screams, silence!  Now you are to remain in your seats for the duration of the day.  I have a meeting to attend.  Bulk tells Mr. Caplan to go to his meeting.  I know the routine.  I'll fill them in on the rest.  Mr. Caplan leaves for his meeting, but warns he will be back to check on them shortly.  Bulk and Skull wave goodbye to him.  Skull thought he would never leave.  Bulk gets up and walks over to Jason.  He tells Jason to get out of his chair.  Jason replies, do I see your name written on it.  Bulk moves Jason's binder and reveals his name is on the desk - Buulk.  Trini points out it isn't even spelled right.  Jason changes desks and Bulk sits down at his desk.  Skull asks Kimberly if they still are on for tonight?  Kimberly replies, get real!  Skull is confused.  Bulk is eager to see what his mom has packed him for detention.  Bulk unpacks an enormous amount of food.  Zack, Jason, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini are amazed at the amount of food packed in the lunchbox. Skull walks over to Bulk and stares longingly at all the food.  Bulk tells him to quit staring.  Your ugly mug is causing me to lose my appetite.  Skull begs for a little piece.  Bulk begrudgingly hands him a can of soda.  Skull takes off with the soda.  Jason tells his friends, something is not right.  Zack points out Skull thinks he has a date with Kimberly.  Billy remarks even Skull is not that mentally deficient.  Skull opens the can and it sprays on him.  Zack, Jason, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini laugh.  Skull chases Kimberly around the desk, preparing to spray the remains of the can on her.  Instead it hits Bulk.  Angry, Bulk throws a pie at Skull and it hits him in the face.  Instead of being angry, Skull is happy that Bulk is sharing the pie that tastes better than his mom makes.  Zack can't believe they have to put up with this all afternoon.  Jason, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly groan. Zack tells his friends, this stinks.  Trini adds, we're being blamed for something we didn't do.  Bulk finishes his lunch.  He checks his watch and gets excited that it's time for his favorite cartoon.  Bulk pulls a small TV set out of his detention survival kit.  He plugs in the TV and sits to enjoy his cartoon.  Skull joins him.  Skull is blocking Bulk's view, so he tosses him onto the floor.  Skull protests that he wants to see too. Billy writes notes on what he observes as early Neanderthal social behavior.  Skull makes his way back to Bulk and they both laugh at the cartoon.  Within a few minutes, the cartoon is interrupted by a special report.  The announcer states, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, who once fought on the side of justice as defenders of our planet, have joined with the forces of evil.  Zack, Jason, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly get up from the desks and walk over to the TV.  Jason tells his friends, that's bogus.  We...the Power Rangers would never join the forces of evil.  The announcers continues, this tragic turn of events as the Power Rangers begin a terrifying attack on downtown Angel Grove moments ago.  Footage of the attack is being shown.  Kimberly can't believe her eyes.  Trini adds, or my ears.  The announcer states, this attack was totally unprovoked and took many by surprise.  Billy states, but that's impossible.  Jason tells his friends, the Power Rangers are being framed.  Zack, Jason, Billy, and Trini have gathered in a small group and talk in low voices.  Jason tells his friends, this must be one of Rita's most evil plans yet.  Billy adds, we got to get out of here and stop those phony Rangers before they destroy the world.  Trini suggests they just morph.  Jason disagrees.  We can't reveal our identities to Bulk and Skull.  Kimberly has been keeping an eye out in the hallway.  She tells her friends, Caplan just took off.  Now's our chance to sneak out.  Kimberly leaves the classroom.  Jason suggests they follow her.  Bulk tells them he wouldn't.  She'll be back.  Skull counts backwards and sure enough Mr. Caplan returns with Kimberly in tow.  Mr. Caplan tells Kimberly to stay in.  An embarrassed Kimberly joins her friends as Mr. Caplan leaves the classroom.  Bulk remarks to Skull, amateurs.  A voice comes over the loudspeaker to announce, due to the current emergency no one is allowed to leave the school premises until further notice.  Have a nice day.  Everyone is frustrated.  The news bulletin comes back on.  Zack, Jason, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly walk back over to the set.  The announcer states, the magnitude of this crisis is increasing.  As is the amount of destruction, which at this point, is impossible to estimate.  All efforts to stop the Power Rangers have failed and the city, perhaps the world, is at their mercy.  Zack, Jason, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly walk away to the other side of the room and speak in low voices once more.  Jason tells them morphing is the only way.  Trini asks, but how?  But Jason doesn't have an answer.  Zack comes up with an idea.  Zack walks over to Bulk and Skull.  He asks Skull if he wants to see a magic trick?  Skull replies, sure.  Bulk sarcastically remarks, yeah geek, show us something we haven't seen.  Kimberly suggests the alphabet.  Skull and Bulk make faces at Kimberly.  Zack breaks it up.  Zack tells them, I can make us disappear.  Skull is in disbelief - no way!  Zack instructs them that they have to cover their eyes.  Jason adds and count backwards from ten.  Bulk and Skull go along and start to cover up their eyes.  Trini adds, now plug your ears with your fingers and then count backwards.  Bulk and Skull nod their heads in agreement and proceed with the directions.  Zack joins his friends and they morph and teleport out of the classroom. Black Ranger and the rest of the Power Rangers arrive in downtown Angel Grove.  Scorpina stands with the fake Rangers.  "Red Ranger" tells the Power Rangers they don't stand a chance.  Red Ranger replies, you can't fight the real thing. Scorpina has the fake Rangers charge into battle with the Rangers.  Each Ranger fights it's fake counterpart.  There is some confusion as to who is who.  "Pink Ranger" gets knocked down and Yellow Ranger runs over to help.  "Pink Ranger" repays this by attacking Yellow Ranger.  Pink Ranger uses her Power Bow to attack her fake counterpart.  The arrow hits and "Pink Ranger" reverts to it's Putty form and is defeated. Pink Ranger runs over to Yellow Ranger and asks if she is okay?  Yellow Ranger tells her she is okay and thanks her.  Pink Ranger wonders if Yellow Ranger is really Trini.  Yellow Ranger proves it by throwing her Power Daggers at "Yellow Ranger".  "Yellow Ranger" is hit and reverts to Putty form and is defeated.  Blue Ranger fires it's blade blaster at it's duplicate.  "Blue Ranger" avoids the blasts and takes out it's "Power Lance" to battle Blue Ranger with.  Blue Ranger battles "Blue Ranger" with his own Power Lance.  Blue Ranger strikes "Blue Ranger" with his Power  Lance and "Blue Ranger" reverts to it's Putty form and is defeated. Black Ranger fights "Black Ranger".  Black Ranger tosses "Black Ranger" to the ground.  Black Ranger leaps towards "Black Ranger" with his Power Ax drawn.  Black Ranger strikes "Black Ranger" with his Power Ax.  "Black Ranger" reverts to his Putty form and is defeated.  Red Ranger and "Red Ranger" fight each other with their Power Swords.  It is an intense fight, but eventually Red Ranger strikes "Red Ranger" with a hard kick that sends him flying and landing on the grass. "Red Ranger" reverts back to Twin Man.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers race towards Twin Man as he got up.  Twin Man exclaims farewell Power brats!  He twirls around a weapon shaped like a silver rod that releases energy towards the Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers.  Black Ranger and the rest of the  Rangers are hit and knocked to the ground.  Twin Man chants, mirror, mirror, all around.  Smash the Rangers to the ground.  A kaleidoscope effect forms around Twin Man and the Rangers.  Twin Man forms circles with his weapon which makes Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers dizzy.  Twin Man fires the weapon and Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are hit once more.  Twin Man laughs as Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers struggle to get up.  Twin Man charges towards the Rangers.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers fire their Blade Blasters at Twin Man, striking him and knocking his weapon out of his hands.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers form the Power Blaster and fire it at Twin Man.  Twin Man is destroyed.  After the battle, several citizens race towards the Power Rangers.  A woman tells Blue Ranger and Pink Ranger that we saw the whole thing.  It's terrible how those evil twins tried to frame you.  A man tells Black Ranger, we knew you wouldn't let us down.  Not the real Power Rangers.  Black Ranger hangs his head in embarrassment.  A news reporter happily reports, and so the Power Rangers are cleared of all wrong doing and once again, made the world a safer place.  Afterwards, Zack and his friends teleported back into the classroom.  Thankfully it was empty and Zack and his friends hurried into their seats.  Bulk and Skull entered with Mr. Caplan.  Bulk and Skull were surprised to see them and asked how they did it?  Zack replied it was magic.  Kimberly added they used mirrors.  Mr. Caplan told them he hoped they had learned their lesson and they were dismissed from detention.  Zack and his friends filed out of the classroom with big grins as Bulk and Skull puzzled over what had happened.

Zack was walking down a hall when he spotted his friends at the bottom of the stairs.  He walks over to them and asks what's up?  Trini tells him they are reading about the Power Rangers.  Zack is interested in what the article says.  Kimberly continues, Mayor Carrington hopes that the mysterious super heroes will make a public appearance in Angel Grove park, where countless fans will be gathered to celebrate.  Kimberly has a feeling the Power Rangers will show up.  With big grins, they walk away.  After school, there is a big crowd at Angel Grove park which include Ernie and Miss Appleby.  Zack and Jason walk among the crowds.  Zack is excited over all of these people coming to see the Power Rangers.  Zack spots Angela in the crowd and call out to her.  Angela walks over and Zack asks her out.  Angela turns him down and tells him if he was  Power Ranger, she would say yes in a minute.  Angela tells him to keep trying and walks away.  Jason jokes that it's nice to be appreciated.  Zack is very eager to go ahead and morph.  Jason clams him down and tells him they still have plenty of time.  Soon Kimberly, Billy, and Trini walk up to them.  After awhile, Jason asks his friends if they are ready to morph?  Zack is very ready, I got to impress Angela.  Bulk shouts out of our way as he walks through them, with Skull following close behind.  Kimberly asks her friends, what are they doing in those costumes?  Jason tells his friends, this is something I got to see.  Bulk and Skull get up on stage and walk towards the podium.  Bulk greets the crowds.  Skull gives a small wave as Bulk talks to the crowd.  He welcomes them to this historic day when the city's two most dynamic and incredible super heroes to ever walk the Earth, decided to move to this fair city and protect it.  Bulk introduces himself as The Incredible Bulkster.  Skull introduces himself as Super Skull, Boy Wonderful.  The crowd is very amused, including Zack and his friends.  A young boy shouts out to them to show some of their super powers.  Bulk and Skull do several super heroes poses.  Skull starts to get tangle up in his cape.  The crowd laughs.  Zack laughs as well, telling his friends, this is classic.  The crowd continues to laugh at Bulk and Skull's super heroes poses.  Suddenly Bulk and Skull vanish.  The crowd is stunned into silence and then several more people vanish.  Zack wonders where they went?  It continues until the only people remaining are Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Trini.  Jason wants to know what's going on?  Kimberly asks, where has everyone gone?  Trini notes the whole park is empty.  Jason contacts the Command Center, stating they have an emergency. Zordon responds that he is already picking it up.  An dimensional vortex beam, emitting from the moon, appears to have enveloped everyone in Angel Grove.  Kimberly concludes it must be Rita. The teens scan the park as Zordon informs them, if Rita brings her Moon Palace to Earth, as I fear she may, it will greatly increase her powers. The ground begins shaking.  Jason contacts Zordon and tells him, we've got big trouble down here.  Zordon tells the teens they must morph to down town Angel Grove and activate Megazord.  The teens morph and arrive in down town Angel Grove.  The zords are immediately summon and Megazord is formed, first in tank mode and then in battle mode.  Megazord walks towards Cyclopsis.  Red Ranger notes Goldar is piloting Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis charges towards Megazord.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, they have to match Cyclopsis move per move.  Cyclopsis lands the first blow.  Cyclopsis kicks and punches Megazord.  Cyclopsis is relentless.  Cyclopsis reveals his weapons underneath his armor and fires them at Megazord.  Megazord falls to the ground.  Cyclopsis fires it's laser beams at the buildings around them.  Pink Ranger tells Red Ranger, they got to get up.  They can't let him trash the whole city.  Red Ranger replies, he's trying.  Cyclopsis is too powerful.  I'll try and get the controls to respond.  Megazord manages to get back up.  Megazord and Cyclopsis battle.  Cyclopsis shoots lasers out of it's eyes and it hits Megazord.  Black Ranger tells Red Ranger, we need help.  Red Ranger uses the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord arrives and fires it's missiles at Cyclopsis.  Dragonzord stands beside Megazord and they face down Cyclopsis.  Dragonzord and Cyclopsis battle.  Megazord charges towards Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis used it's power to lift Megazord up into the air.  Cyclopsis swung Megazord around and then dropped it to the ground.  Megazord landed at Dragonzord's feet.  Megazord got back up.  Red Ranger gave the command to switch to Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus faced down Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis fired at Tyrannosaurus and knocked it to the ground.  Cyclopsis fires at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Cyclopsis fires at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode again, knocking it to the ground.  Cyclopsis walks over and stomps his foot onto Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Cyclopsis kicks Dragonzord in Fighting Mode hard enough to cause him to roll over.  Cyclopsis then ejects it's wrists.   They attached themselves to Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus and lifts them up into the air.  Cyclopsis releases them and they both fall to the ground. Titanus arrives and fires at Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis releases Dragonzord in Fighting Mode and Tyrannosaurus.  Titanus continues to fire at Cyclopsis.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode quickly gets back up.  Red Ranger announces all systems are back online.  Ultrazord is formed.  Ultrazord fires at Cyclopsis.  Goldar teleports out.  Cyclopsis falls to the ground, and his head comes off and goes flying through the air and lands on the ground.  The Rangers are thrilled.  Rita is furious.  She uses her wand to blast Titanus.  The ground beneath Titanus opens up and Titanus struggles as it sinks.  Titanus cries out as it struggles to stay above ground.  Megadragonzord walks over, gets a hold of Titanus' neck, and tries to pull it up.  Rita uses her wand to blast Megadragonzord.  Megadragonzord loses it's grip on Titanus.  Titanus sinks beneath the ground.  Blue Ranger states Titanus is gone.  Now what?  Red Ranger doesn't have an answer for him.  Rita leaves the Moon Palace and stands on top of a tall building.  Rita casts a spell.  Soon Lokar appears in the sky.  With Lokar's power, she can recreate Cyclopsis.  Rita aims her wand down at the ground and soon Cyclopsis is back.  The teens have retreated to the Command Center.  The viewing globe shows Rita bringing back Cyclopsis and Lokar's return.  Jason comments that Lokar is out of control.  Zack adds it looks like Rita has reconstructed Cyclopsis.  Kimberly asks Zordon, what are we going to do?  Zordon replies, nothing until your zords are reenergized.  Only then can you battle Lokar.  Zack concludes if we stop him, we stop Rita and the others.  Zordon has Alpha 5 scan the data banks for more information on Lokar.  It may provide a clue to help you defeat him.  Billy asks about all the people.  Where are they?  Zordon replies, our sensors indicate they are safe but out of reach in Rita's vortex.  Jason realizes they are their only hope.  Zordon tells them if they lose this battle, the citizens will be trapped in Rita's vortex forever.  This was not news Jason wanted to hear. 

Billy and Alpha 5 work at the controls as Zack, Kimberly, Jason, and Trini watch the viewing globe.  It shows images of Cyclopsis attacking the city with Goldar inside.  Zordon informs the teens, Cyclopsis is one of Rita's most terrifying creations.  You have to defeat him in order to release the population of Angel Grove from the dimensional vortex from which Rita has them trapped.  Goldar has taken over piloting Cyclopsis with backup from Lokar.  This situation is grave.  If you don't win this battle soon, Angel Grove and the entire world is doomed.  Jason tells his friends, we got to stop that thing.  Jason walks over to Billy and asks him what's the update on the zords?  Billy informs him the zords are not fully energized.  Alpha 5 adds the zords need another twelve hours to be at full power.  Jason is very agitated.  We can't wait that long.  Jason gives the order that we'll take them at half power.  Billy is stunned.  He turns around and faces his friend.  Billy tells Jason, if we do that, we risk doing serious damage to the zords.  Jason doesn't think they have a choice.  Zordon tells them there is too much danger in what they propose.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Trini stand in a line in front of Zordon.  Kimberly asks him, what about our city?  We have to stop it from being destroyed.  Zack adds, not to mention rescuing all those people trapped in Rita's dimensional vortex.  Trini also voices her concern.  They are safe right now but, if we wait twelve hours, it may be too late.  Zordon tells them that what they are asking has never been tried before.  If the zords backups fail, you and everything in the morphing grid could vanish forever.  Do you really want to try this?  Jason replies, you know we do.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy and Trini add their agreement as well.  Alpha 5 puts in the coordinates and asks the teens if they are ready to morph to the city?  Jason confirms that they are.  Zordon tells them good luck and may the power protect you.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Trini morph and teleport out.  The zords arrive and Megazord is quickly formed.  Megazord is ready to battle.  Rita is on top of a building.  She asks if they are back for more?  Lokar will take care of you for good!  Right Lokar?  Lokar blasts his breath onto Megazord.  Megazord is hit and flips through the air, eventually crashing onto the ground.  Cyclopsis walks over and ejects swords out of it's wrists.  Cyclopsis is about to strike the fallen Megazord, but Megazord rolls out of the way.  Goldar is furious and vows they will pay for that.  Megazord gets back up.  Megazord and Cyclopsis battle.  During the battle, Cyclopsis cuts off one of Megazord's arms.  Megazord crashes through a building and lands back on the ground.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers that the power grid is down.  Red Ranger gives the command to switch to emergency power.  Pink Ranger tells him, we can't.  Black Ranger adds backups are down.  Cyclopsis walks over to fallen Megazord.  Cyclopsis places it's foot onto Megazord.  Goldar announces, victory is mine!   Cyclopsis is about to strike Megazord again, but Megazord blasts it.  Cyclopsis is knocked back and Megazord is able to get back up.  Cyclopsis strikes Megazord with it's swords.  Soon Megazord is knocked to the ground once more.  Pink Ranger announces, shields are down.  One more hit and we are finished.  Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, we got to do something fast!  Red Ranger just hopes Dragonzord is powered up enough to help.  Red Ranger uses Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord quickly arrives.  Dragonzord prepares to strike Cyclopsis with it's tail.  Cyclopsis promptly slices off a piece of Dragonzord's tail.  Dragonzord is knocked to the ground and lands by Megazord.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers can't believe it.  Lokar then blasts Megazord and it falls to the ground once more.  Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, the weapons are out.  Lokar grins at helpless Megazord and Dragonzord.  Lokar announces, they are all yours Rita.  Rita uses her wand to blast them.  Megazord and Dragonzord are hit.  Red Ranger tells his team, it's overloading.  Black Ranger yells, we're coming apart!  Pieces of Dragonzord and Megazord start to vanish.  Red Ranger gives the command to abandon ship.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers eject themselves from Megazord. Zack and his friends land in Angel Grove park.  Jason asks his friends if they are okay?  Everyone is okay.  Jason tries to contact the Command Center.  When there is no response, Billy tells his friends, Rita is undoubtedly jamming the frequency.  Billy walks a little away from his friends and then turns and faces them.  Billy points out that they have lost all contact with Zordon and Alpha.  Zack asks him about the zords?  Kimberly points out that they just came apart.  They dissolved.  Billy informs them that was actually the new security system Zordon had designed for the zords.  If they lose in battle, they automatically disassemble and return to their secret hiding place to reenergize.  Trini walks up to Billy.  Trini confirms with Billy that the zords are not destroyed.  Zack points out, our problem now is we have no way of contacting them.  Billy thinks that they do.  He has some equipment in his garage that may help change the frequency on the communicators.  Jason tells his friends, then let's move.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Trini run to Billy's garage.  The teens run past the Rad Bug as they enter Billy's garage.  Billy asks Trini to check an area for a device as he grabs some plans.  Trini finds it and brings it over to Billy.  Zack, Kimberly, Jason, and Trini anxiously watch Billy work.  Billy tells them he has all the equipment he needs, it's just a matter of time.  Kimberly tells her friends, if he does fix our communicators and reestablishes contact with Zordon, then what?  Jason hopes that by then Zordon has already come up with a plan.  Or this truly is the end of the Power Rangers.  Jason is very worried.  Billy frantically works on his Communicator.  Jason asks him, how's it coming?  Billy replies, I'm adjusting the modulator to read an alternative signal.  I just need a few more minutes.  Just then Goldar and two Putties appear outside of Billy's garage.  Goldar taunts, your few minutes are up.  Zack, Kimberly, and Trini go into a fight stance.  Goldar continues, greetings Power Rangers!  I thought I would stop by and say hello!  Goldar laughs and continues, before I say goodbye forever!  It's been nice knowing ya!  Goldar laughs once more.  Billy is worried about the equipment.  Jason tells Billy to keep working.  We'll take care of Goldar.  Goldar laughs.  Still living in a fantasy!  Time to learn a lesson!  Goldar begins wrecking items in the garage.  After a few tense moments, Billy excitedly announces he did it!  The communicators work.  Goldar shouts impossible!  Jason announces, we're out of here.  Zack and his friends teleport out.  Goldar is furious.  Goldar and the two Putties vanish.  Zack and his friends arrive in the Command Center and Alpha 5 is very happy to see them.  Zordon asks them if they are alright?  Zack replies, yeah, we're all in one piece.  Zordon tells them there is no time to waste.  We may finally have a way to defeat Rita.  Jason asks how?  Zordon informs them that Alpha 5 has tapped into Rita's data storage and discovered a weakness in Cyclopsis we can use.  Trini asks, what do we do?  Cyclopsis will adjust to whatever it fights.  Change battle modes frequently and it will not be able to keep up.  Zack asks if the zords are powered up?  Alpha 5 replies, ready and waiting for you.  Zordon continues, each time you change, Cyclopsis will weaken as it tries to adjust.  Use this to your advantage Rangers.  Titanus is now reenergized and ready for action.  When the time is right, call on the power of Ultrazord.  If you fire at Cyclopsis in it's moment of weakness, you will be able to destroy it.  Jason tells his friends, there's no time to lose.  Zordon tells them, may the power protect you.  Remember the quicker you change modes, the weaker Cyclopsis becomes.  Zack and his friends morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive as Cyclopsis is knocking down buildings.  The Rangers quickly summon their zords.  When the zords arrive, the Rangers leap inside them.  Goldar is piloting Cyclopsis and he shouts at the Rangers, give me your best shot!  Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, and Sabretooth Tiger fire at Cyclopsis.  Cyclopsis is hit several times.  Tyrannosaurus battles Cyclopsis.  Red Ranger gives the command to switch to Megazord.  Megazord is immediately formed.  Goldar tells them they can't win.  Megazord charges towards Cyclopsis with it's power sword.  Megazord and Cyclopsis battle.  After a few moments, Red Ranger uses the Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord quickly arrives.  Dragonzord fires at Cyclopsis and then battles Cyclopsis.  Dragonzord uses it's tail and destroys Cyclopsis' swords.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed.  This time Cyclopsis charges towards Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode strikes Cyclopsis with it's weapon.  Cyclopsis and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battle.  Lokar fires at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode falls on top of a building.  Red Ranger summons Titanus.  Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is formed.  Red Ranger tells Lokar and Cyclopsis, you two have had it!  Lokar laughs at them.  Ultrazord fires it's weapons.  Cyclopsis starts to overload with all the changes.  Goldar is furious.  Ultrazord continues to fire at Cyclopsis.  Goldar abandons ship.  Cyclopsis is destroyed.  (Lokar vanished - whereabouts unknown.)  The Rangers leap out of Ultrazord.  Rita quickly moves her Moon Palace out of Angel Grove and back on the moon.  The citizens of Angel Grove start to reappear in the park.  Everyone is excited to be back.  Bulk and Skull reappear on the stage.  They scream, we're back!  They are so grateful to be back, they begin kissing the stage floor.  Mayor Carrington walks up on the stage and shoos them away.  Ernie very excitedly points out that the Power Rangers have arrived.  Miss Appleby exclaims, my heroes!  Mr. Caplan comes to the conclusion that they must have saved us.  The citizens begin to applaud and cheer.  Mayor Carrington asks the crowd to clear the way for the Power Rangers.  The Power Rangers walk through the crowd as they make their way towards the stage.  Bulk and Skull are very disappointed over the crowds' reaction.  Skull asks, what about us?  Tommy is in the crowd as well.  Each Ranger makes a point of clasping Tommy's hand as they pass.  The Power Rangers walk up on stage.  Mayor Carrington tells the crowd, as the mayor of Angel Grove city, it is with great pride I stand here before you in the presence of true heroes.  They have risked their lives countless times for the safety of our city and it's people.  They are true examples of good triumphing over evil and now it is time to thank them.  They are the Power Rangers.  The Power Rangers step forward on stage and wave as the crowd erupts in cheers.  The Rangers formed a semi circle, placed their hands on top of each other, and then leap into the air, shouting Power Rangers!  After the celebration, the teens return to the Command Center.  Zordon congratulates them.  Victory is yours.  You have dealt Rita a serious blow and have proven yourselves to be the mightiest heroes on Earth.  Jason thanks him.  Zordon continues.  Rangers, it's time for you to choose again.  Kimberly is puzzled and asks him, what do you mean?  Zordon replies, you have gone far beyond the call of duty and saved your world from a terrible fate.  And although the danger has not passed completely, you may now choose whether you wish to remain Power Rangers or return to your regular lives.  The decision is yours.  Jason answers, there is no decision to be made.  Jason looks at his friends and adds, I think we all feel the same way.  Kimberly agrees, yeah, we're the Power Rangers.  Trini excitedly adds, to the end!  Zack points out the reason you choose us was to stop Rita, but it doesn't end there.  Billy adds, there are other villains.  Other crimes to protect the city from.  Trini states, Zordon you have taught us what truth, honor, and real courage are all about.  We don't want to abandoned that now.  Zack humorously adds, so in other words, you can't get rid of us!  Everyone laughs.  Zordon is very pleased to hear them say those things.  The world is very lucky to have you and so am I.  May the power protect you always.  Alpha 5 walks up from behind them sneezing.  Alpha 5 walks between them and stops in front of them.  Alpha 5 apologizes to them, he has caught a computer virus.  Sneezing, Alpha 5 walks away.  Jason places his hand out.  Zack places his hand on top of Jason's, followed by Trini, Kimberly, and Billy.  They leap into the air, shouting Power Rangers!

Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, Mr. Caplan, and Billy are gathered around a table with several plants on top of it.  Mr. Caplan tells the teens, very nice work.  The samples you have grown from your science project look very healthy,.  Trini thanks him.  Mr. Caplan tells them that he thinks they are ready for phase two, transplanting them to the park.  Zack gets excited over the idea of their plants providing oxygen and clean air.  Billy adds with the accelerated rate rain forests are being destroyed, every tree planted counts.  Mr. Caplan tells them to keep him posted on their progress and walks away.  Bulk and Skull walk up.  Bulk taunts them, with nerds, nerds, how absurd, how does your garden grow?  Jason replies, with Billy's special fertilizer, it's going to grow great.  Bulk asks them if they want to make a bet?  This time we got you geeks beat!  Bulk snaps his fingers and Skull pulls a rollaway table over.  Skull reveals their plants.  Bulk boastfully tells them, now these are baby trees.  Not like the little toothpicks you guys are growing.  Skull adds, yeah toothpicks.  Kimberly walks over and looks at the tag on their baby trees.  Kimberly reads, one hundred percent pure plastic trees, 19.95.  Yeah, you guys are really ahead of us.  Skull makes a face as he knows he is in trouble as Kimberly joins her friends at their table.  Bulk pushes the table away.  Bulk angry tells Skull, I thought I told you to pull off the tags.  Skull replies, I knew I forgot something.  Bulk tries to grab Skull, but Skull manages to stay out of his reach.  Skull grabs a guy painting and green paint splatters all over Bulk.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy laugh.  Zack tells his friends, that's the closest he is ever going to get to having a green thumb.  After school, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason are walking through the park with their equipment and trees for planting.  Jason stops them and tells them this is the spot in the park where they are suppose to plant the trees.  Billy points out that his special fertilizer will enhance the growing process.  Trini is very impressed.  Kimberly suggests a spot and they all follow her.  Kimberly, Billy, and Jason work in one group.  Digging holes in the ground and planting their small trees.  Zack and Trini work in another group.  Trini playfully scoops up the dirt and tosses it over to Zack's spot.  Billy carefully waters and uses the fertilizer on his tree.  Zack and Trini successfully plant their trees and walk over to Kimberly, Jason, and Billy, who are just finishing up.  Trini tells them, good work guys.  Kimberly thinks the trees look so cute.  Jason comments, it's hard to believe huge trees start out as little things like that.  Zack teases Jason, telling him even you were a baby once and pinches his cheek.  Billy suggests they get some fresh water down the road.  The five teens walk away.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason walk along the pathway.  Trini tells her friends, and we're doing something to make the world a better place.  While they are gone, Squatt gets to work planting Rita's evil seeds for the Octoplant to grow.  After awhile, Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly are returning with their buckets of water.  Jason is the first to notice Squatt and points him out to his friends.  Kimberly wonders what Squatt is doing?  Zack replies, whatever it is, it can't be good.  Jason gives the command, let's move!  Suddenly several Putties arrive.  Squatt vanishes.  The Putties quickly surround the teens.  Zack leaps in and quickly battles several Putties.  Jason battles another batch of Putties.  A Putty grabs a hold of Jason, but he manages to fight it off.  Kimberly battles another group of Putties.  Billy looks both ways and sees Putties everywhere.  Billy accidentally steps into a bucket left on the ground.  Thinking quickly, Billy uses the bucket to fight the Putties.  Zack continues to fight and defeat his batch of Putties.  Using clever moves, Trini fights her batch of Putties.  Jason fights a batch of Putties.  Zack and Billy team up to fight their group of Putties. Kimberly and Trini team up as well to fight and defeat their group of Putties.  Zack and his friends continue to fight the Putties.  Suddenly the Putties vanish.  Zack wonders what that was all about?  Jason has no idea, but Rita must be up to something.  Suddenly the ground starts to shake.  Jason tells his friends, let's get back to the Command Center.  Zack and his friends teleport into the Command Center.  Alpha 5 is in a panic.  Zordon greets the Rangers and informs them that his senses detect a major disturbance in the morphin grid.  He instructs them to observe the viewing globe.  Zack, Trini, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy walk over.  The viewing globe shows all of Angel Grove is shaking and the ground cracking.  Kimberly comments, great, Rita is having another one of her temper tantrums.  Zordon tells them as soon as Alpha has entered all the data, the computer can search for the source of the disturbance.  Alpha 5 is overwhelmed.  Billy offers to help him.  Zack comments, sounds like we need to work fast.  Zordon confirms that time is of the essence.  We may be able to stop what Rita has planned, if we can catch it in time.  Jason tells Zordon, he wants to go back to the park.  See if I can figure out why Squatt was there.  I mean, it may tied into all of this.  Zordon thinks this is an excellent idea.  Jason tells his friends, I'll let you know what I find.  Zack wishes Jason good luck and Trini cautions him to be careful.  Jason teleports out.  Later, it would be discovered that Rita had sent down Squatt to plant evil seeds to make Octoplant bloom.  Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly have gathered around Alpha 5 as he works.  Alpha 5 has almost finished entering all the data when the alarms go off.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy hurry over to the viewing globe.  It shows Red Ranger trapped within Octoplant's roots.  Zack points out that thing's got a hold of him.  Kimberly asks, what is it?  Zordon informs them it's one of Rita's monsters, known as the Octoplant.  Zack tells his friends that we got to help him.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger leap in with their Blade Blasters drawn.  The four Rangers strike Octoplant's roots and free Red Ranger.  Red Ranger falls to his knees as he tries to catch his breath, but he reassures the rest of the Rangers that he is okay.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers gathered around the planted seeds.  Red Ranger reaches for the seeds.  Blue Ranger warns him to be careful, the energy field may still be activated.  But there is no shock.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, Alpha 5 had shut it down so that they could get to the seeds.  Pink Ranger and Red Ranger start digging with their shovels.  Scorpina and Goldar arrive.  Scorpina tells the Rangers, now it's time for you to leave those seeds alone!  Goldar summons the Super Putties.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Blue Ranger battle the Super Putties with their Blade Blasters.  Black Ranger fights a batch of Putties.  Blue Ranger fights another batch of Putties.  Blue Ranger gets knocked to the ground.  Blue Ranger quickly gets back up and battles the Putties with his Power Lance.  Yellow Ranger and Pink Ranger are kept busy fighting their batch of Putties.  Scorpina and Goldar leap into the battle.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger have their Blade Blasters drawn as they face down Goldar and Scorpina.  Goldar suggests to Scorpina that they blast them.  Scorpina and Goldar leap into the air, combine their weapons, and fire at the Rangers.   The four Rangers are hit and knocked off their feet.  Red Ranger battles several Putties with his Blade Blaster and knocks them off their feet.  He joins the rest of the Rangers and tells them, come on Rangers, let's get it together.  Unknown to them, Octoplant is starting to bloom.  Meanwhile, the battle continues.  This time the Rangers are kept busy battling Goldar and Scorpina.  Red Ranger uses his Power Sword as he battles Goldar.  The rest of the Rangers use their Blade Blasters as they battle Goldar.  After awhile, Black Ranger and Pink Ranger team up as they battle Scorpina.  Red Ranger is knocked to the ground.  The rest of the Rangers hurry to his side.  Goldar joins Scorpina and stands by her side.  Scorpina calls out, Red Ranger, I have news for you chum.  You and your playmates have meet your match.  Goldar and Scorpina blast the Rangers with their weapons.  The Rangers are hit and knocked off their feet once more.  As the Rangers struggle to get back up, Red Ranger tells them, we can't let them beat us.  Octoplant blooms and then grows to giant size.  Yellow Ranger points out the giant Octoplant to the rest of the Rangers.  Octoplant calls them puny.  Yellow Ranger takes offense to this.  Puny hun?  We'll see about that you overgrown petal pusher!  Right guys!  The Rangers summon their zords.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers leap into their zords.  The zords charge towards Octoplant.  Octoplant's eyes glow red and it fires at the zords.  The zords are hit.  Octoplant is walking through the burning city when the ground begins to shake.  It's the Power Rangers forming the Megazord.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, let's finish her!  Octoplant charges towards Megazord and they battle.  Megazord lands a punch, but Octoplant lands a kick.  They each continue to land strikes against the other.  Black Ranger is surprised that she keeps coming.  Blue Ranger points out that she is mostly made of vegetable matter, so our punches have little or no effect on her.  Red Ranger is confident there is something they can do.  Octoplant throws one of it's vines and it wraps around Megazord.  This pins down Megazord's arms.  Yellow Ranger doesn't like the idea of being sitting ducks.  Octoplant's eyes glow red and fires at Megazord.  Megazord is hit hard.  Black Ranger calls out a warning, here she comes again!  Red Ranger informs the rest that one more blast and they are history.  Octoplant charges towards Megazord.  Red Ranger calls for the Power Sword.  As the sword arrives, it hits the vines, freeing Megazord.  Octoplant jumps towards Megazord, but misses.  Octoplant becomes distracted by it's own reflection in the building.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, she's looking at herself.  Now's our chance!  Megazord charges up it's power sword.  Octoplant turns around and sees Megazord.  Megazord strikes Octoplant with it's power sword.  Octoplant is destroyed.  The next day, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason are walking down the stairs of Angel Grove High School, heading to their classroom.  Jason tells his friends, plants can be amazing.  Kimberly adds, leave it to Rita to take something as beautiful as a plant and make it evil.  Trini just hopes that's the end of her green thumb.  Zack and his friends enter the classroom and take their seats.  Mr. Caplan is at the front of the classroom.  He tells the class, I just want you to know that I am extremely impressed with all your science projects.  And I passed by the park this morning, to see how the saplings fared.  You really did a great job.  Zack and Billy high five each other.  Trini hopes the people of Angel Grove will treat them with care and respect.  Billy adds when they grow up to be trees, they will provide us with shade and clean air.  Mr. Caplan is pleased with their comments.  Bulk and Skull walk in at the back of the classroom.  They are covered in filth.  Bulk wants to know, what about us?  We deserve an A+ after what we've been through.  Skull agrees.  Mr. Caplan only notes that they are late again.  Bulk explains, we got taken for a ride and then we got dumped!  Skull adds, in a dumpster.  Mr. Caplan asks what's the problem here?  He walks towards them.  Mr. Caplan asks, what is it with you two?  Mr. Caplan then gets a strong whiff of them and faints.  Bulk and Skull take a sniff of each other and don't understand the problem.  Zack and the rest of the class just laughs.

Zack is running through the woods, upset with himself for being late.  Zack pauses for a moment when he sees an elderly lady acting strange.  He watches her and is stunned when she turns into a Putty.  Zack calls out to the Putty.  The Putty turns around with a device in it's hands.  Suddenly several more Putties leap in.  Zack is surrounded.  Zack concludes, he should have known this wouldn't be a fair fight.  Zack takes on the Putties and fights them.  It is a difficult battle.  At one point, he lands close to the device the Putty had, but has been dropped to the ground.  Zack manages to defeat the Putties, and they vanish.  Zack spots the device on the ground.  He picks it up and decides Billy should take a look at it.  The next day, Zack enters Billy's lab.  Billy and Trini are already there.  Zack asks Billy if he has figured this thing out?  Billy replies, it has a timing mechanism on it that is counting down to zero.  Although I have no idea when that will occur.  Just then Trini remembers something.  Zack, didn't you say that Putty was dressed as an old lady?  Zack confirms it, yeah, it was pretty weird.  I wonder what Rita is up to this time?  Trini and Billy look at each other and shout, Norman!  Zack is puzzled, who's Norman?  Trini answers, Bulk and Skull's pig.  The device has something to do with him.  Billy suggests they locate him right away.  Zack, Trini, and Billy take off. 

Clean-Up Club

A Bad Reflection On You


Doomsday, Part I



Doomsday, Part II


Rita's Seed Of Evil


A Pig Surprise






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Page Twelve
Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen
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Page Eighteen