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 Zack replies, I'm on the job.  Zack vows the Chimera monster will pay.  Zack morphs and teleports out.  Black Ranger arrives on top of a cliff with his Power Ax.  Black Ranger is alarmed to see his fellow Rangers spinning around inside the tornado.  Black Ranger fires the Power Ax at Goatan.  Goatan is knocked back several feet.  Goatan gets back up and notes Black Ranger has arrived.  Black Ranger tells Goatan, he is one messed up looking cat.  When the Power Ax struck Goatan, it freed Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger from the tornado.  The four Rangers are very happy to see Black Ranger.  Black Ranger tells Goatan, you are going to pay big time!  For messing with my friends, and especially for messing up my date!  Goatan tells him, he's all talk.  Black Ranger replies, and you're all goat!  Black Ranger leaps off the cliff and strikes Goatan with his Power Ax.  Goatan is knocked to the ground.  Black Ranger comments, that ought to change your mind Goatan.  Both of them.  Goatan grows to giant size.  Goatan creates a blizzard.  Black Ranger shouts, our problem just got bigger guys!  The Rangers summon their zords and quickly form Megazord in tank mode and then in battle mode.  Goatan charges at the Megazord.  Goatan and Megazord battle.  Goatan lands a kick and a punch on Megazord.  Goatan's goat head shoots out more snow and soon Megazord can't move it's arms or legs because it is covered in snow.  Goatan laughs.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers that the controls are frozen.  Goatan has a hockey stick as he declares now for the icing on the cake.  Goatan charges towards Megazord with the hockey stick.  Black Ranger suggests they spin the Megazord.  The Rangers do so and the snow comes off of Megazord and the controls are back to normal.  The spinning Megazord makes Goatan dizzy.  Megazord punches Goatan and sends him flying.  Goatan lands on the ground hard, but gets back up.  Black Ranger shouts, let's finish him off and summons the power sword.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, let's get the job done.  Goatan charges towards Megazord once more.  Megazord strikes Goatan with it's power sword and destroys Goatan.  The Rangers cheer.  After the battle, the teens teleport to the Command Center, Zordon congratulates them on a job well done.  I regret your trophy was destroyed.  Zack tells him, it's alright.  We don't need a trophy to prove that we're winners.  Alpha 5 adds, another happy ending.  Zack suddenly realizes he's in trouble.  Trini asks him what is wrong?  Zack replies, speaking of happy endings, I left Angela sitting back at the theater!  If I don't get back before the curtain goes down, it's going to be curtains for me.  I'm out of here.  See ya!  Zack teleports out of the Command Center.  Zack enters the movie theater, holding two buckets of popcorn and makes his way back to his seat.  It is obvious Angela is very angry.  Zack notes her expression and apologizes as he hands her a bucket of popcorn.  Zack adds, it was a long line.  Angela takes the popcorn and glances at it and then at Zack.  Angela stands up and dumps the bucket of popcorn on his head.  She then places the bucket on his head with a firm pat and walks out.  Dejected, Zack watched the movie and ignores the giggles behind him.  Later, the teens gather at the Youth Center.  Trini helps Ernie hang up a plant.  A police officer enters with Bulk and Skull.  The policeman wants to know if anybody can positively identified these two gentlemen.  Jason suggests that they are the swamp creatures from the black lagoon.  Kimberly and Trini giggle.  Bulk pleads with them.  Come on guys!  It's us, your friends, Bulk and Skull.  Billy admits that unfortunately they do know them.  Skull remarks, that's more like it.  The policemen releases Bulk and Skull.  Bulk starts to squirm and squiggle around.  Bulk bumps into the ladder, which causes Ernie to dump water from the watering can on him.  Bulk reaches into his shirt and removes a small frog.  Zack and his friends laugh.

Zack, Billy, and Jason walked down the hall, towards the lockers where Trini and Kimberly stood waiting for them.  Zack immediately notices their bummed expressions.  Kimberly reminds them there is a huge science test on Monday.  The guys are aware.  Trini can't believe they are not worried.  Jason tells them, Billy has come up with a great plan to make sure we all pass.  Billy tells them he was thinking they should all go to his Uncle's resort in the mountains and spend the weekend studying.  Zack adds if we stick together on this, it will be a breeze.  Kimberly and Trini get excited over the idea.  The next day, Zack and his friends are at Billy's Uncle's resort.  Zack and his friends stay in the Forest Creek Cabins.  Jason, Trini, and Kimberly are sprawled on the floor with various books and notes.  Zack is sitting in a chair, while Billy props himself up on the bed.  Billy reads to them a chapter from the science book.  Zack is excited when they get to the end of chapter eight.  Kimberly thinks this was such a great idea.  All of us studying together.  Billy agrees as he gets up and stretches.  They have already made significant progress in preparing for the exam.  Trini sits up and tells her friends, I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting hungry.  How about taking a break and getting something to eat?  It's a great idea.  Jason adds he could use a big burger.  As they head out, Trini suggests Chinese food.  Kimberly tells them, she just wants a salad.  Billy is thinking tacos.  Zack suggests liver, which gets a negative response.  After awhile, Zack, Jason, and Billy enter the cabin after saying bye to the girls.  Zack tells Jason and Billy, he loves the fresh mountain air.  Gives him energy to burn.  Zack turns the radio on and starts dancing.  Amused, Billy and Jason watch him.  Zack removes his shoes and drops them at the floor by the bed, as he tells them to watch this move.  Zack continues his dancing as he tells his friends, now check out this move.  Zack jumps up and down on the bed.  Zack jumps off the bed.  Billy tells him, oh yeah, check out this move.  Billy throws his pillow at Zack, who catches it.  Zack quickly grabs his pillow and swings both pillows around.  Before Zack can do anything, Jason throws his pillow at Zack.  Zack throws one pillow back at Jason and the other at Billy.  Billy and Jason get up and charge towards Zack with their pillows.  A pillow fight breaks out among the three friends, and feathers fly everywhere.  Eventually Zack, Billy, and Jason go to bed.  At first, Zack sleeps peacefully but after awhile, he starts to feel uneasy.  Zack's nightmares is his battle with Nasty Knight.  Black Ranger is struck hard and rolls down a hill.  Soon, Zack, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini's nightmares merge into the same nightmare.  In the nightmare, Zack and his friends are in the Command Center.  Zordon tells them it's become obvious you are no longer capable of performing your duties.  I have no choice but to strip you of your powers forever. 

Lions And Blizzards






Crystal Of Nightmares









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