Page Fifteen

Jason notices Bulk and Skull sitting at a table and studying.  They all head over.  Bulk tells them that Miss Appleby had told them, if they didn't pass, she would have the top six students tutor them all summer.  Zack quickly figures out that means him and his friends.  Zack and his friends immediately begin helping Bulk and Skull study.

The Youth Center is holding a Women's Self-Defense Class.  Jason and Tommy had volunteered to teach the class  to several moms.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy were sitting at the counter, enjoying Ernie's exotic drinks.  After the class, Jason and Tommy walked over to them.  Ernie places a basket of fruit on the counter.  Zack is really enjoying his drink.  Kimberly passes her glass to Tommy and tells him, he's got to try this.  Zack adds, man they are great as he passes his glass to Jason.  Jason and Tommy take a sip of the drinks.  Tommy agrees, that's really good.  Jason asks, what is this?  Ernie tells them, they are my new exotic fruit shakes.  I've got some pineapple, a little guava, some papaya, and a whole bunch of stuff.  Ernie walks away.  Trini tells them, Ernie bought all kinds of exotic fruit to make them.  Kimberly makes a face when Bulk and Skull join them.  Bulk greets them, okay karate geeks, we are here for the self defense class.  Jason responds, well you guys are late and class is over.  Trini adds, besides it's a women's self defense class.  Bulk responds, we know that.  We want to meet some babes.  Skull adds, yeah, like Kimberly as he lifts her hair and sniffs it.  Kimberly yanks her hair away.  Tommy tells them, you know what.  You should be in the class.  Tommy gives Jason a wink and he quickly plays along.  Jason adds, yeah, we've got some real babes for you two to meet.  Bulk and Skull get excited and exclaimed yes!  Tommy reminds Jason, we have to go figure out what we are teaching next time.  Jason tells his friends, catch you guys later.  Jason and Tommy head out.  After awhile, Zack and his friends are teleported to the Command Center.  Once they arrive, Zordon informs them that Jason and Tommy were just attacked in the park by Rita's latest monster, the Two Headed Parrot.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, Tommy, and Billy turn around and face the viewing globe, which shows images of Two Headed Parrot.  Zordon continues, with two heads working together, the parrot becomes twice as intelligent and twice as dangerous.  Jason comments, it shoots feather shaped darts.  Tommy adds, and missiles.  Zordon tells them, the key to the parrot's power lays in both brains cooperating with each other, in order to launch it's attack.  The teens turn around and face Zordon.  Kimberly comments, I guess Rita finally learned how to use a little teamwork.  Zack adds, man, that is one bad bird.  Trini asks, how can we stop it?  Billy suggests they distract it with it's favorite food.  Parrots do love fruit.  Alpha 5 tells them the data on the parrot shows it likes pamangos.  Tommy tells his friends, there are a lot of fruit trees in the park.  I'll go find one.  Zordon tells Tommy, good thinking.  But be careful, your powers are limited.  Tommy responds, got it.  Zordon tells the rest of the teens to stay here and study Alpha's data on the Two Headed Parrot until Tommy gets back.  Jason agrees.  Tommy teleports out.  After a few moments, Billy looks at the data he retrieved and then tells his friends, well parrots are rather intelligent to begin with.  By doubling it's cranium capacity, Rita created a monster that....the alarms went off.  Zordon informs them that the Two Headed Parrot has appeared in the park once again.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason turn around and look at the viewing globe, which is showing images of the Two Headed Parrot.  There are also images of the Putties, which alarms Alpha 5.  Kimberly concludes they are going to ambush Tommy.  Trini tells them, we got to stop them.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger, Yellow  Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive in the park and face down Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot calls them foolish and asks, do you really think you can outsmart us?  Several Putties arrive and soon the five Rangers are fighting the Putties.  Two Headed Parrot taunts the Rangers as they fight.  Give up!  You'll never win!  Two Headed Parrot leaps towards the five Rangers.  The five Rangers get out their Blade Blasters and charge towards Two Headed Parrot.  The five Rangers fight Two Headed Parrot with their Blade Blasters.  Two Headed Parrot easily knocks the five Rangers away.  The Rangers gather together and hold out their Blade Blasters.  Two Headed Parrot tells them, their time has come.  They are going to finish them once and for all.  With eyebeams from all four eyes, Two Headed Parrot blasts the five Rangers off their feet.  The Rangers struggle to get up.  Red Ranger becomes angry.  That's enough!  I've had it with this guy!  Black Ranger tries to calm him down.  Be smart, wait for Tommy.  Two Headed Parrot asks, what's the matter Red Ranger?  Have you finally discovered you're no match for us?!  This really makes Red Ranger mad.  He leaps into the air with his Blade Blaster, declaring, you're mine!  Red Ranger fights Two Headed Parrot with his Blade Blaster.  After several kicks and hits, Two Headed Parrot knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  Red Ranger struggles to get back up.  Two Headed Parrot walks towards Red Ranger and comments, divide and conquer, right.  Red Ranger teaches about teamwork but forgets his own rules.  Two Headed Parrot stomps Red Ranger.  Green Ranger leaps in with his Dragon Dagger.  Green Ranger grabs Two Headed Parrot and they fall to the ground.  Green Ranger gets up quickly and holds out the pamango fruit.  Green Ranger comments, this should keep you two occupied.  Green Ranger tosses the pamango fruit towards Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot grabs the pamango fruit and immediately start arguing over it.  The rest of the Rangers gather around Green Ranger.  Pink Ranger tells Green Ranger, good job.  That was great.  Red Ranger thanks Green Ranger.  Guess I lost it.  Green Ranger replies, no problem.  Let's show this turkey some real teamwork!  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger leap into the air and land a kick on Two Headed Parrot.  The five Rangers gather together and, using their hands,  form a launch pad for Green Ranger.  Green Ranger lands onto their hands and then goes flying towards Two Headed Parrot.  Green Ranger fires his Dragon Dagger at Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot is hit and rolls onto the ground.  The Rangers gather together and face down Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot grows to giant size.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger summon their zords.  The zords arrive and the five Rangers quickly leap inside them.  Red Ranger gives the command to power up all systems.  Blue Ranger confirms, all systems go.  The Megazord is formed in tank mode.  Red Ranger gives the command for battle mode.  The Megazord transforms into battle mode.  Green Ranger uses his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord.  Dragonzord quickly arrives.  Megazord and Dragonzord stand side by side as they face down Two Headed Parrot.  Megazord and Dragonzord charge towards Two Headed Parrot.  Two Headed Parrot runs and then leaps into the air towards them.  Two Headed Parrot strikes both Megazord and Dragonzord.  Megazord and Dragonzord take several steps back.  Two Headed Parrot runs towards them again.  Dragonzord swings it's tail, but misses Two Headed Parrot.  Megazord tries to kick Two Headed Parrot, but Two Headed Parrot blocks the kick.  Dragonzord swings it's tail once more, and misses again as Two Headed Parrot ducks out of the way.  Two Headed Parrot strikes Dragonzord.  Two Headed Parrot releases it's feather darts and several hit Megazord.  Dragonzord goes after Two Headed Parrot.  This time when Dragonzord swings it's tail, it strikes Two Headed Parrot hard.  Two Headed Parrot and Dragonzord fight each other.  Two Headed Parrot tries several kicks, but Dragonzord blocks them.  Dragonzord strikes Two Headed Parrot hard and Two Headed Parrot goes flying through the air and hits the ground.  Two Headed Parrot struggles as it gets back up on it's feet.  Megazord joins Dragonzord and they stand side by side once more.  Green Ranger exclaims, let's finish it guys!  Red Ranger calls on the power of Titanus.  Titanus quickly arrives and Ultrazord is formed.  Red Ranger tells Two Headed Parrot to give it up.  Two Headed Parrot refuses.  Ultrazord fires all weapons and Two Headed Parrot is destroyed.  The following day, the lessons continue for the self defense class.  Tommy and Jason are busy teaching the class.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy are sitting at the counter.  Zack is enjoying one of the exotic fruit drinks and comments, he could drink them all day.    Bulk and Skull enter the Youth Center.  Zack notices them and points them out to his friends.  Bulk and Skull walk through the class, a little puzzled.  They interrupted class to talk to Tommy and Jason.  Bulk asks, where are all the babes?!  Skull adds, these are just a bunch of moms.  Two moms in particular are very offended over the remark.  Jason notices their expression and comments, I think it's time for a little practice.  Jason asks Bulk and Skull if they would like to be the attackers?  Bulk and Skull immediately perk up and reply sure.  Bulk tells the moms, don't worry ladies, we won't hurt you.  Skull tries to attack one mom and ends up quickly restrain.  Bulk attacks another mom and finds out he can't keep up with her defensive moves.  Bulk and Skull try one more time and the moms flip them onto the mat.  Tommy tells Jason, taught them how to do it.  Jason replies, I knew we could do it.  Tommy and Jason pound fists.   The moms help Skull and Bulk get back up on their feet.  Bulk and Skull are a little wobbly as they stand up.  One of the moms tells them, always remember boys.  The two moms then speak together, two moms are better than one.  Jason is very amused.  Bulk and Skull look at each other and then fall back down onto the mats.  The rest of the class gathers together around the two moms, Jason, and Tommy.  They are very proud of themselves.  At the counter, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy chuckle over the scene. 

Zack was helping out Angela with a group of kids she was watching over at the Youth Center.  Zack was performing a juggling act for the kids as Angela kept track of the kids with a clipboard.  As he performs, Zack tells the kids, juggling is great.  It tones concentration skills and improves eye hand coordination and it's a great way to impress the ladies.  Zack grins and gives a wink in Angela's direction.  Bulk jumps down the steps and towards Zack, closely followed by Skull.  Bulk tells Zack, I can do that.  Zack responds, let's see and tosses the balls to Bulk.  Bulk catches the balls, but spills Skull's drink onto the floor.  With his mouth full, Bulk tries to talk to the kids, but no one understands, even Skull, although he does his best to repeat it.  Bulk gives Skull one ball and then acts like he is juggling the other two balls by tossing them into the air.  Skull simply moves his arm up and down to act as if he is juggling.  Bulk and Skull lose their balance on the slippery floor and fall.  The kids laugh as the balls come down and hits them on their heads.  Amused, Zack tells them, that's no way to do hip hop.  Angry Bulk and Skull get up as Bulk declares, I'll show you how to hip hop.  Bulk and Skull run towards Zack at opposite ends of the table.  Zack quickly jumps over the table and Bulk and Skull crash into each other.  Zack asks the kids if they want to see him make Bulk and Skull disappear.  The kids gleefully shout yes.  Zack stands in the middle of Bulk and Skull and utters a few magic words.  Underneath his cape, Zack dramatically pulls out two plastic snakes, which he holds in each hand, and holds out to their faces.  Skull and Bulk scream.  Skull runs over and jumps onto Bulk.  Bulk carries him as he takes off running in terror.  The kids laugh some more.  Zack reminds them, if you are ever in a jam, you got to think smart.  Using your brain is the best ticket out.  Angela walks up to Zack and she is very impressed.  That was brilliant.  Modestly, Zack responds, that was nothing.  Zack exchanges the snakes for a bouquet of flowers that he gives to Angela.  Angela gives him a kiss on the cheek and walks away.  Zack is stunned.  Billy, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason all witness the kiss and they walk towards their friend, teasing him.  Jason asks, so when's the wedding?  Zack grins and replies chill guys. It was just a little peck on the cheek.  But his friends aren't fooled and Zack can't help but to dance with joy.  The group separates for a bit.  After awhile, Kimberly, Jason, Trini, and Billy head over to Zack as he is  cleaning up his magician table.  Jason asks Zack if he is coming?  (The gang plans to go to the mall.)  Zack replies, no.  I'm going to hang out here and make sure Angela...I mean the kids don't need any help.  Not one of his friends believe him.  Kimberly asks, who is that rad guy Angela is talking to?  Zack quickly looks over.  Angela is talking to one of the young boys.  Kimberly teases Zack.  Busted!  Jason tells Zack not to do anything he wouldn't do.  Billy, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason head out.  Angela is sitting at the counter and Zack builds up his courage to approach her, muttering, here goes nothing.  Zack sits next to Angela at the counter.  Ernie is working behind the counter, but he can hear their conversation.  Angela asks Zack, how come you didn't tell me you were so good with kids?  Zack replies, you know me.  I hate to brag.  Ernie chokes on his drink when he hears Zack's reply.  Ernie apologizes.  Something must have got stuck in my throat.  It's also affecting my hearing.  Ernie moves further down the counter.  Angela and Zack speak at the same time.  Zack tells Angela to go first.  Angela, shyly tells him, well, I was thinking, if you don't have any plans tonight.  I was wondering if....if you would like to take me...Ernie was watching the TV and he tries to draw Zack's attention to the set.  Zack doesn't even look at the TV and tells Ernie, not now.  Zack eagerly looks at Angela, you were saying?  Angela had glance at the TV and is surprised by what she sees.  She stands up and points to the TV, stating, look!  The TV screen is showing images of Peckster attacking the city.  The kids have gathered around the counter, watching the TV.  Zack tells them, it's alright.  Everything will be okay.  Angela adds, stay cool.  One little girl isn't worried.  I know the Power Rangers will save us.  Zack suggests to Angela that he do some magic tricks to keep the kids calm.  Angela agrees to the idea.  They walk back over to the table, Zack had set up.  Zack picks up his wand and says hey to Bulk, who he knows is hiding under the table.  Bulk and Skull  become startled and flip over the table.  Zack asks Bulk, how would you like to make me disappear?  Skull and Bulk quickly get up.  Bulk asks, make you disappear?  You got to be kidding.  Zack walks over to the magic cabinet.  Bulk and Skull follow him over.  Angela and the kids watch the exchange.  Zack tells Bulk, when I step inside here, you just wave the magic wand.  Zack gives the wand to Bulk and continues, and say iamagoon.    Bulk repeats the magic word several time as Zack steps into the cabinet.  Zack briefly steps out to tell Bulk, to bring me back, just say Zack.  Got it?  Bulk nods his head in agreement.  Zack steps into the cabinet and closes the curtain.  Once the curtain is closed, Zack teleports to the locker area, keeping a close eye on everyone. 

Grumble Bee


Two Heads Are Better Than One



Fowl Play











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