Page Six

Zack was walking the halls at Angel Grove High School with Jason when they both stopped.  Kimberly and Billy were arguing with each other as they walked down the halls.  Trini was there as well.  Zack, Trini, and Jason were surprised to see Billy and Kimberly fighting.  Kimberly and Billy explained that Billy's machine had switched their minds.  It would take awhile before Billy could fix his machine.  Neither Billy or Kimberly were happy about the switch.  Later, Alpha 5 contacted the teens.  They were to go to the park and retrieve a lamp.  Zack and his friends quickly went to the park and started searching.  Zack found the lamp and they teleported to the Command Center.  Alpha 5 didn't find the lamp very dangerous.  Zordon explained it wasn't lamp, it was the Genie that had left the lamp that was dangerous.  Goldar and several Putties landed in Angel Grove.  Zack and his friends morphed.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battled Goldar and the Putties.  After awhile, Alpha 5 contacted them.  Goldar and the Putties were a diversion.  Genie was in Angel Grove.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers teleported to where Genie was at.  Rita made Genie giant size.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and battle Genie.  It was a difficult battle.  Back in the Command Center, Alpha 5 would discovered that the lamp was Genie's source of power.  Carefully, Alpha 5 destroyed the lamp.  When he did so, Genie vanished.  After the battle, Zack and his friends went to Billy's lab.  Billy had made the repairs.  Billy and Kimberly entered the machine and pulled the switched.  Zack, Jason, and Trini watched anxiously.  After a few moments, Kimberly and Billy stepped out.  They were back to normal.  Bulk and Skull entered the garage.  Earlier they had entered the machine and they were switched as well.  Bulk and Skull were eager to go back to normal.  Billy was upset that they had messed with his machine.  Billy asked his friends if he should switch them back.  Trini didn't think so - it was time for them to learn not to mess with other people's properties.  Zack felt Bulk and Skull had already learned that lesson.  Billy agreed and Bulk and Skull entered the machine.  After a few moments, Bulk and Skull were back to normal as well.  Skull motioned Billy over.  Skull asked Billy if he could borrow Billy's brain for an upcoming math test.  Billy remarked some people never learn.  Zack and his friends laughed.

The Youth Center was having a Martial Arts Expo.  Ernie, along with a large crowd, is watching the competition.  Jason is in the competition.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy are standing with him as he prepares.  Zack tells Jason to think positive and concentrate on your moves.  Trini adds to focus your mind as well as your body.  Jason thanks them and points out a young man practicing.  Jason tells his friends it looks like he is going to need all the help I can get.  Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini all watch the young man.  Zack remarks the guy is pumped.  Zack asks who is he?  Trini answers that she doesn't know - she thinks he is the new kid in school.  Kimberly adds that he is really cute.  The announcer announces that next will be Angel Grove's finest and a new challenger.  The competition between Jason and Tommy begins.  It is a very close match.  Jason initially takes the lead, but they are soon tied.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy watch the match anxiously.  Within a few moments, Tommy has surpassed Jason in points.  Zack yells out that time is running out.  Zack is very happy when Jason gets another point.  At the end of the match, there is a tie and no winner.  The crowd cheers enthusiastically.  Jason walks over and joins his friends.  Zack tells Jason he was awesome and Kimberly, Trini, and Billy all compliment him on the match.  Jason notes that he didn't win.  As they walk away, Trini tells Jason that it's the dignity and the spirit in which you compete that is important.  Jason tells his friends that he is going to take a shower and meet them at the Juice Bar.  Zack and Billy walk away.  The following day, Zack and Jason are at Billy's house with Billy.  They are washing the Rad Bug.  Billy is impress as he doesn't think he has ever seen the Rad Bug this clean.  Zack jokes around and tells them it's going to be styling after Zack's Wax.  Zack and Jason start throwing their rags at each other.  Trini and Kimberly walk up.  Zack tells them they are jus tin time to help.  Zack gives a rag to Kimberly and she gives it back to him, telling him she is not in the mood.  Zack asks her what is wrong?  Trini replies Tommy.  Kimberly is irate that Trini had said anything.  Jason is confused and asks if it is the guy he fought in the competition?  Kimberly confirms that it is and tells them they were suppose to meet at the Youth Center, but he never showed.  Zack suggests that maybe something came up.  Jason's communicator goes off.  Zack and his friends gather round.  It's Alpha 5, but he keeps breaking up.  Billy checks his communicator and is surprise to fin it is non-functional.  Billy adds that teleportation is down as well.  Zack, Trini, and Kimberly check their communicators.  Trini becomes alarmed and tells them something is seriously wrong.  Jason tells them they have to get to the Command Center.  Billy suggests the Rad Bug.  Zack adds it's the only way to fly.  Zack and his friends hurry over to the Rad Bug and get in.  They are soon up in the skies.  In the Rad Bug, Trini is worried - Alpha 5 sounded upset.  Jason thinks something bad is going down.  Kimberly bets Rita is up to something.  Zack asks Billy if the Rad Bug can go any faster.  Billy replies alright and the Rad Bug is flying faster.  In no time at all they land in the Command Center.  Zack and his friends get out of the Rad Bug and see their fears confirmed.  The Command Center is dark and the panels are ripped out.  Alpha 5 is walking very jerkily.  Kimberly points out that Zordon is gone.  The teens hurry over to alpha 5.  Zack asks what is wrong with Alpha 5?  Billy concludes someone must have fed a virus into his data banks.  Trini asks Billy if he can help him?  Billy tries and removes a disc.  Alpha 5 is back to normal.  Zack asks Alpha 5 who did this to you and where is Zordon?  Alpha 5 tells them all his memory chips have been scrambled.  Alpha 5 was barely able to contact them.  Jason points out someone obviously broke into the Command Center.  Trini asks but who?  No one has access to the Command Center without a power coin.  Kimberly notices the image on the viewing globe and points it out to her friends.  They all hurry over to the viewing globe.  It's a giant size Goldar.  Jason tells Alpha 5 they have to stop him and asks him if he is going to be alright?  Alpha 5 tells him he is semi-operational.  alpha 5 tells them to take care of Goldar, he will try to locate Zordon.  Zack and his friends morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive in the mountain area of Angel Grove.  Not only is Goldar in Angel Grove, but Baboo and Squatt.  Patrol.  Several Putties arrive.  The Power Rangers battle the Putties with their Blade Blasters.  Giant Goldar watches the battle.  The Power Rangers give their all as they battle the Putties and eventually defeat them.  Goldar takes his sword and slices a stone tower.  The rocks fall all around the Power Rangers.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they got to stop Goldar.  The Power Rangers summon their zords.  the zords come and the Megazord is formed, first in tank mode.  Red Ranger gives the instruction to switch into battle mode.  The Rangers battle Goldar in the Megazord.  Red Ranger quickly summons the Power Sword.  It is an intense battle as Goldar battles them with his sword.  Goldar warns them to prepare to feel the wrath of Rita Repulsa.  During the battle, Blue Ranger notices another Ranger standing by and asks who it is?  A few moments later, Green Ranger bursts through the cockpit and declares long live Empress Rita.  Green Ranger battles the startled Power Rangers.  Sparks start shooting out of the Megazord's head.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are knocked out of the Megazord and land on the ground.  Green Ranger leaps out, eager to continue.  Green Ranger declares they are finished and battles them with his all.  Pink Ranger tries to use her Blade Blaster against Green Ranger and is knocked aside.  Black Ranger also uses his Blade Blaster against Green Ranger.  Pink Ranger leaps back in.  Green Ranger knocks both of them to the ground.  Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Red Ranger race over to the fallen Rangers and make sure they are okay.  Red Ranger challenges Green Ranger to take him on.  Green Ranger throws a Blade Blaster at Red Ranger, knocking him in the chest.  Red Ranger and Green Ranger race towards each other and battle.  After a few minutes, Green Ranger knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger race over to Red Ranger.  Green Ranger summons up a bright green energy ball and shoots it at the Rangers.  They are knocked off their feet and land on the ground.  Green Ranger laughs.  Zack and his friends teleport to the Command Center.  Alpha 5 informs them that he still hasn't been able to bring back Zordon.  The teens are obviously upset.  Jason tells Alpha 5 to keep trying - we need answers now!  Kimberly informs Alpha 5 that a guy in a green costume attacked our zords.  Zack tells Alpha 5 how Green Ranger just busted into their cockpit.  Zack asks alpha 5 if he has any idea on who it was?  Alpha 5 tells them sorry, he doesn't.  Alpha 5 then begins to jerk around and act funny.  Billy quickly examines Alpha 5.  Billy informs his friends that Alpha 5 still hasn't fully recovered form the virus.  With a few more jerky movements, alpha 5 shuts down.  Zack can't believe they have more bad news.  Kimberly tells her friends, that first Zordon disappears and then this green guy shows up.  Jason is worried that they only have a small sample of his power.  Trini thinks the whole situation is all too weird.  Trini asks her friends what are they going to do?  Jason replies they will have to prepare themselves - they don't have Zordon to help them this time.  Zack realizes they will have to do it on their own.  Jason tells his friends the thinks they have only made it through round one.  It looks like to be a major battle.  Billy points out the viewing globe to his friends.  They all walk over.  The viewing globe shows Green Ranger.  Green anger laughs evilly.  Green Ranger shouts out to the fall of the Power Rangers!  Green Ranger vows to destroy them one and all.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason are very worried.


Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy are inside the Command Center.  Zordon is still missing.  The Command Center is still in shambles.  Zack walks up to Kimberly and Jason.  Kimberly has just informed Jason that they still can't get a fix on Zordon.  Zack points out without Zordon, they have no clue as to who the Green guy was that attacked us.  Kimberly tells Jason and Zack to take a look at the place.  Whoever had attacked the place, knew exactly what to do.  Billy and Trini are working in a different area of the Command Center.  They are working on repairing Alpha 5.  Jason asks Billy if he is making any progress?  Billy is doing the best he can, but he is unfamiliar with the circuitry.   Not long after, Alpha5 starts up and it's apparent that he is back to normal.  Kimberly shouts out good job Billy!  Zack is happy to see Alpha 5 is back as well.  Jason tells his team that Alpha 5 may be okay, but they sill need to find a way to get Zordon back and figure out the story with the Green Ranger dude.  The moment of happiness is gone as the teens realize how much they still have left to do.  Zack, Jason, and Kimberly leave the Command Center.  Zack and Jason head over to the Youth Center.  Zack is holding the punching bag as Jason pounds on it.  Jason is very angry.  Jason stops for a moment.  Jason wishes he knew who the Green guy was.  Jason can't get him off his mind.  Jason takes another swing at the punching bag.  Zack tells him to lighten up.  Jason stops and tires to figure out who the Green guy is.  Jason points out that he wears a costume like ours, but Zordon has never mention anything about a Green Ranger.  A person walks by and Zack and Jason lower their voices.  Zack asks Jason if he thinks Green Ranger is the one who totaled the Command Center?  Jason thinks it's too much of a coincidence.  Green Ranger shows up and Zordon is suddenly missing.  Zack suggests that maybe Green Ranger is working for Rita.  Jason thinks its possible.  Jason tells Zack all he knows for sure, is he would like to get his hands on Green Ranger.  The following day, Zack and Kimberly are outside Billy's home, sitting on the Rad Bug.  Zack is testing his communicator.  Kimberly hopes Billy and Trini had some luck at the Command Center.  Zack replies they haven't fix the communicators yet, they are still down.  Looks like we are taking the Rad Bug.  Zack and Kimberly wait for Jason.  Kimberly wishes Jason would show up.  Zack adds it's not like Jason to be late.  Zack and Kimberly continue to wait for Jason.  Kimberly is worried about Jason.  Zack tells Kimberly we can't afford to wait on him.  Kimberly doesn't feel right leaving him.  Zack tells her not to worry, Jason can take care of himself.  they need to get to the Command Center - Alpha 5 needs them.  Zack and Kimberly get into the Rad Bug.  Kimberly hopes Zack knows what he is doing.  Zack does too.  Soon the Rad Bug is up in the skies.  Zack is enjoying the experience - commenting that it is the only way to fly.  Kimberly is a bit down, which Zack notices.  Zack tells her to cheer up, Billy and Alpha 5 will find a way to get Zordon back.  But it's more than that for Kimberly - it's Tommy.  Zack concludes that Tommy gave Kimberly the cold shoulder.  Kimberly tells Zack it's like Tommy totally changed.  Zack replies that they have bigger problems to worry about now.  The Rad Bug lands inside the Command Center.  Trini, Billy, and Alpha 5 are at a control panel when they arrive.  Zack and Kimberly quickly get out and walk over to their friends.  Zack asks if there is any progress in locating Zordon?  Trini tells them Billy almost has the main computer back up.  Billy adds a couple more wires to connect and they should be getting something.  Alpha 5 tells them to cross their fingers as Billy connects the last set of wires.  Kimberly points out the viewing globe.  Its shows Green Ranger.  Zack thinks now is their chance to nail him and get to the bottom of what is going on.  Alpha 5 announces the sub generator is now active.  Alpha 5 soon locks onto Green Ranger's energy field.  Zack is eager to morph and get the Green Ranger.  Kimberly points out they need Jason.  Zack tries his communicator once more.  There is no response from Jason.  Trini wonders where Jason could be?  Zack knows they cannot wait.  Zack tells Alpha 5 to try and contact Jason and have him meet them at the bluff.  Alpha 5 reassures them he will work on it.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy morph and teleport out of the Command Center.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger arrive at the bluff with their Blade Blasters drawn.  The four Rangers battle Green Ranger with their Blade Blasters.  Green Ranger battles them with his Sword of Darkness.  The four Rangers have a difficult time against Green Ranger.  Green Ranger tells them he is going to finish them.  Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Yellow Ranger summon their zords.  All of the zords arrive and the Megazord is formed.  Green Ranger uses the Sword of Darkness against the Megazord.  Green lightening heads towards the Megazord.  The Megazord uses it's shield and deflects the energy back to Green Ranger.  Green Ranger is knocked off his feet.  Green Ranger vows you have not seen the last of the Green Ranger before he teleports away.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy return to the Command Center.  Alpha 5 is working on locating Zordon as the teens stand close by.  Alpha 5 tells them the sub generator has locked onto something.  Billy asks if it is Zordon?  Alpha 5 is uncertain and replies we will know momentarily.  Zack hopes it is - we need him.  Billy has more negative news - he hasn't been able to locate Jason anywhere.  Trini can't believe it - not Jason too!  Zack tells them if Rita is behind this, she is doing some serious damage.  Suddenly the hear Zordon's voice.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy hurry over to Zordon's tube.  Zordon's voice keeps breaking in and out.  Zack gets excited and tells Alpha 5 you almost have him.  Trini tells Zordon to hold on.  Zordon is trying to tell them about Green Ranger, but the teens cannot make out what he is saying.  alpha 5 loses contact with Zordon.  Trini becomes very upset - Zordon we need you.

Alpha 5 is working on trying to get Zordon back.  Zack tells him, come on, you almost had a lock on Zordon.  Alpha 5 is working as fast as he can.  Billy announces that the sub generator is losing power.  Alpha 5 tells them Zordon's signal is fading.  Trini urges Alpha 5 to hurry.  Alpha 5 decides to switch to alternate energy source.  Billy tells them we are still not getting enough power - Zordon's signal is too weak.  Alpha 5 and the four teens have lost him.  Zack tells his friends in the brief second they had Zordon back, he was trying to tell them about the Green Ranger.  Trini concludes that probably means Green Ranger is involved in all of this.  Alpha 5 tells them the computer is still trying to locate Jason, unfortunately it has come up with nothing.  Kimberly has a bad feeling about this.  Zack adds something isn't right.  Zack suggests they split up and try and find Jason.  Zack and Kimberly leave the Command Center to search for Jason.  Later, Zack walks into the Youth Center.  Zack sees Tommy and Kimberly.   Zack tells Tommy hi, but Tommy only looks at him with contempt and then leaves.  Zack asks Kimberly what's with him?  Kimberly only wishes she knew.  Kimberly asks Zack if he has found out anything?  Zack has checked all over the place, no one has seen Jason.  Kimberly tells Zack that Tommy told her, Jason was suppose to meet him after school, but he never showed.  Zack tells Kimberly that's bogus, he knows Jason was there.  Kimberly asks Zack to talk to Tommy.  Kimberly doesn't want Tommy to think she is making this all up, so she has something to say to him.  Zack and Kimberly head out.  Zack and Kimberly are running through the park, looking for Tommy.  They pause as Kimberly points out Tommy in the distance.  Tommy is walking up a hill.  Zack calls out to Tommy, but Tommy doesn't turn around.  Zack and Kimberly run, trying to catch up to Tommy.  Suddenly several Putties arrive.  Zack can't believe the bad timing of the Putties.  Zack and Kimberly fight the Putties.  Zack and Kimberly battle and defeat the Putties.  Zack asks Kimberly if she is okay and she tells him yes.  Kimberly notices that Tommy is gone.  Zack thinks something is definitely up.  Kimberly finds it weird that the Putties didn't even attack Tommy.  Zack agrees.  Zack decides they need to get to the Command Center.  Kimberly and Zack take off.  They return to the Command Center.  Kimberly tells Trini we couldn't find Jason.  Zack adds we had to leave without him.  Trini tells them we haven't been able to locate him here either.  Alpha 5 walks up to one of the control panels.  Kimberly just hopes Jason is okay.  Zack asks Alpha 5 how long until the computer is ready to locate Zordon?  Alpha 5 replies 15.2 minutes. Billy walks in and announces the communicators are fixed.  Trini tells Billy that is great.  Billy is confident they can get a fix on Jason and teleport him back here.  A few minutes later, Billy announces they have partial power in the main computer.  Alpha 5 tells them it's locked onto Jason's wrist communicator.  Trini asks Billy if he can teleport Jason here?  Billy can, it just going to take a minute as he has to feed in the coordinates manually.  Zack asks if there is anything they can do?  Billy tells them to cross their fingers, which they all do.  A few tense moments passes,  Kimberly asks Billy how much longer?  Billy replies he almost got it.  Alpha 5 is having a tough time dealing with the suspense.  Kimberly urges Billy to hurry.  Billy announces that he has locked on!  Jason is teleporting now!  Jason lands on the floor.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy hurry over to him.  They are very happy to see him back.  Jason tells them that was way too close - Green Ranger nearly sliced and diced him.  They help Jason to his feet and he tells them he has a lot to fill them in on.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy gather round as Jason tells them it all started after he had talked to Tommy at school.  Zack and Kimberly are puzzled - Tommy had told them he had never showed.  Jason finds that weird and then continues his story.  Jason tells them how he fought Goldar and Goldar had his Power Morpher.  Then the Green Ranger shows up and they went at it.  Billy asks Jason if he got any more information on the Green Ranger.  All Jason can tell them is Green Ranger is one mean fighter.  The alarms go off.  An unfamiliar villain is in the viewing globe.  Alpha 5 tells them it's Scorpina.  Zack and his friends morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrived in the warehouse district.  Scorpina blasts them and then summons several Putties.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers battle the Putties.  Eventually Red Ranger and Scorpina battle as well until Scorpina is called back to the palace.  Zack and his friends return to the Command Center.  They are trying to figure out Rita's plan.  It seems as if she always pulls back, preparing for an even bigger battle.  Alpha 5 announces that he thinks he might have locked onto Zordon.  Zack and his friends gather round.  It's Zordon and he is attempting to get a message to them, but they can't make out what he is saying.  They lose Zordon once more.  To make matters worse, the viewing globe shows a giant Goldar attacking Angel Grove.  Billy thinks it might be a trap.  Jason tells them they have no choice - they have to go into battle.

Zack and his friends watch the viewing globe for a few more minutes.  The viewing globe shows giant Goldar attacking Angel Grove.  Zack is alarmed and tells his friends Goldar is blowing the world to bits.  Jason tells his team we got to move.  Zack and his friends take out their power morphers and begin to morph.  The power morphers shot out large sparks and then begins to smoke.  Kimberly asks what is going on?  Zack wonders the same thing.  Trini states something is seriously wrong.  Alpha 5 is working at the control panels.  Billy hurries over and asks Alpha 5 what is it?  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason join them.  Alpha 5 tells them it's an inter dimensional power surge cause by them trying to locate Zordon.  It's shutting down all power in the Command Center and throughout the morphing grid.  Jason is not happy with the idea that they can't morph.  Alpha 5 states they will not be able to morph until the power surge ends.  Zack wonders what they are going to do with Goldar ripping the city apart.  Alpha 5 tells them there is nothing I can do.  After a few minutes, Alpha 5 announces they have lost the computer too.  Jason tells his friends if they can't morph, Goldar is going to trash the world.  After awhile, Jason becomes very frustrated - he can't believe we are stuck here.  Zack adds that it looks like things keep going from bad to worse.  Alpha 5 tells them he wishes there was something he could do.  Billy gets an idea and walks over to a control panel.  Billy wants to try something as he opens one of the control panels.  Billy starts working on the wires.  There are sparks and smoke as he works and Alpha 5 panics.  Zack tells Alpha 5 that Billy is trying to concentrate.  Tense moments pass, as Billy continues to work on the wires.  He is watched intently by Trini, Kimberly, and Alpha 5.  Trini gives Billy encouragement, telling him he can do it.  Billy works steadily.  Jason walks up from behind and watches as well.  There are more sparks and smoke, but the power comes back on.  Billy is thrilled that it worked.  Billy tells his friends they should be able to morph now.  Jason instructs Alpha 5 to keep looking for Zordon while they take care of Goldar.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and immediately begin battling the Putties.  Scorpina emerges from her boulder and leaps on top of a building.  Scorpina screams ready and then leaps off the building.  Scorpina battles the Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers.  She knocks them off their feet easily.  Baboo and Squatt arrive and stand on either side of Scorpina.  Scorpina wants the Rangers to feel her sting and throws her weapon like a boomerang towards the Rangers.  The weapon hits each Ranger and knocks them off their feet once more.  Giant Goldar arrives.  Goldar tries to step on the Rangers, but they leap out of the way.  Blue Ranger tells Red Ranger we got to use a new tactic.  Things continue to go bad for Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers.  Goldar has grabbed the Youth Center bus.  Inside is Bulk & Skull.  Goldar takes the bus to the beach.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers as Goldar places the bus on a ledge.  Several Putties, Baboo, and Squatt are trying to push the bus off the ledge.  Rita and Scorpina are there and watching.  The Power Rangers summon their zords and form the Megazord.  The bus goes over the ledge, but the Megazord catches it and places it safely down.  The Power Rangers, in their Megazord, battle Goldar.  Then Scorpina, in a giant and monster form, joins the battle.  The Rangers have a difficult time.  Then a giant Green Ranger joins in the battle.  Rita has cast a spell and a solar eclipse begins.  The Megazord starts losing it's power.  Green Ranger and Goldar use their power and blast the Megazord.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers are ejected from the Megazord as it falls apart and into a hole created by Goldar and Green Ranger.  Zack and his friends race to the edge of the hole and watch helplessly as the zords sink below the ground.  Zack and his friends return to the Command Center.  Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly have lost all hope and feel Rita has won.  Jason doesn't think so.  Jason feels they should keep fighting.  Zack points out that Green Ranger was Rita's trump card and she played it.  Jason still believes they can win.  Alpha 5 announces that he has had the computer working on searching for the identity of the Green Ranger, when he was trapped earlier in the Command Center.  Zack and his friends gathered towards the viewing globe.  Zack and his friends are stunned when Green Ranger's identity if revealed to be Tommy.

The image of Tommy continues to rotate in the viewing globe.  Kimberly still can't believe Tommy is the Green Ranger.  Jason asks Alpha 5 if he is sure about this?  Alpha 5 is confident in the computer's matching.  Zack points out that the computer has been under repair.  Zack thinks maybe the computer made a mistake.  Billy tells them it's not likely.  Alpha 5 had corrected the malfunction.  Trini is convinced that Tommy is the Green Ranger.  Zack becomes upset and asks how Tommy can do this to us?  Alpha 5 tells them Rita must have cast a spell on him and is controlling his mind.  Jason tells them this is why they can't give up.  They have to break Rita's spell and save Tommy.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy are still not convinced.  Alpha 5 panics at the thought of Rita ruling the world, she will enslave mankind, she will destroy the Command Center again.  Zack walks up to Alpha 5 and tells him he made his point.  Alpha 5 asks them if they will reconsider?  Trini agrees, as does Zack, Kimberly, and Billy.  Jason tells them they need to find Tommy and break Rita's spell.  Jason suggests they split up and look for him.  Kimberly wonders if he is at Rita's palace?  Billy suggests they wait him out.  Tommy will have to show up sooner or alter.  Trini asks Alpha 5 about Zordon.  Alpha 5 tells them Green Ranger may have thought he got rid of Zordon, but there is a chance he can still bring him back.  Jason tells Alpha 5 to keep working on bring back Zordon.  Zack and his friends leave to find Tommy.  Later, Zack, Billy, and Jason are outside of Billy's house, when Kimberly arrives.  Kimberly tells them she found Tommy and that his eyes were glowing green.  It was really scary.  Kimberly adds that he has known all along who they are.  Billy is surprise that Tommy knows they are the Power Rangers.  Kimberly tells them that Tommy is definitely out to get them.  Jason concludes that he has to be under one of Rita's spells.  Kimberly figures the spell would explain why he is acting so weird.  Zack adds and why the Putties didn't attack him.  Billy tells them finally this is all starting to make sense.  Trini comes racing towards them.  She tries to catch her breath as she tells them a monster is attacking the business district in Angel Grove.  Jason tells them Rita is not going to give up.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason morph and teleport to the business district.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and immediately race to the edge of the top of a building.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers quickly spot Dragonzord as it towers over their building.  Green Ranger yells surprise and leaps off of Dragonzord and on to of a taller building.  Green Ranger commands Dragonzord to destroy the Power Rangers.  Green Ranger starts playing his flute.  Yellow Ranger is puzzled as to what Green Ranger is doing.  Red Ranger has already figured out that Green Ranger uses the flute to call his Dragonzord.  Missiles appear at the end of Dragonzord's fingers.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers become alarmed.  Dragonzord fires and knocks Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers off the building.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers land in an alleyway.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers quickly get up as Dragonzord continues it's attack.  Red Ranger pleads with Green Ranger to stop, you don't know what you are doing.  Green Ranger states he is destroying the Earth because his empress commands it.  Soon she will rule the world.  Red Ranger screams no!  Red Ranger continues to pleads with Green Ranger.  Red Ranger shouts out don't do this!  Green Ranger tells them he must, there is no other choice.  Green Ranger starts playing his Dragon Dagger again.  Dragonzord continues to attack the warehouse district.  The ground shakes beneath the Rangers' feet.  Blue Ranger calls out a warning - look out for it's tail!  Yellow Ranger shouts we got to stop him!  Green Ranger continues to play his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord kicks through several buildings and fires start in several places.  Red Ranger can't believe this is happening.  The ground continues to shake and a crack has formed in the pavement.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers struggle to keep their balance.  Red Ranger notices his Power Morpher is glowing.  Black Ranger and the rest look down and noticed their Power Morphers are flowing as well.  Red Ranger knows this means Zordon is back.  Alpha 5 teleports Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers out of the city and into the mountain area.  Their zords reappear from beneath the ground.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers immediately leap into their zords.  Dragonzord leaves the city and enters the mountain area.  Red Ranger is eager to take on Dragonzord.  Tyrannosaurs Dinozord and Dragonzord battle.  Tyrannosaurs Dinozord knocks his tail against Dragonzord.  Dragonzord then knocks his tail against Tyrannosaurs.  Tyrannosaurs grabs Dragonzord's tail and holds it for a few seconds.  Dragonzord breaks free.  His missiles come out of his fingertips and he fires them at Tyrannosaurs.  Red Ranger pleads with Green Ranger to stop - you don't know what you are doing!  Green Ranger does not respond and the battle continues.  Dragonzord spins around and uses his tail to knock Tyrannosaurs down to the ground.  Tyrannosaurs quickly gets back up and takes a flying leap at Dragonzord.  Tyrannosaurs hits Dragonzord in the chest with his feet.  Dragonzord is knocked to the ground.  Red Ranger gives the command for the rest of the Rangers to power up.  The Megazord is formed, first in tank mode and then quickly into battle mode.  The Megazord walks over to where Dragonzord is laying.  The Megazord picks up Dragonzord and holds it above it's head.  The Megazord spins around for a few turns and then lets go to Dragonzord.  The Megazord then has it's Power Sword and battles Dragonzord with it.  Red Ranger instructs the rest of the Rangers to increase power.  The Megazord grabs Dragonzord by the end of it's tail and spins it around.  The Megazord then lets go of Dragonzord.  Dragonzord goes flying into a mountain, knocking a good portion of it off.  Dragonzord lays on the ground.  Red Ranger tells Green Ranger to give up.  Green Ranger replies no way.  Red Ranger tells Green Ranger he is sorry it has to be this way, but Zordon had told him he's got to destroy Green Ranger's word in order to save Green Ranger, before Green Ranger and Rita destroy the world.  Red Ranger leaps out of the Megazord.  Green Ranger gets out of Dragonzord.  Red Ranger has his Power Sword and is ready to battle.  Green Ranger combines the power of his Dragon Dagger and Sword of Darkness.  The blast knocks Red Ranger off his feet.  Green Ranger and Red Ranger battle with their weapons.  Red Ranger is knocked off his feet.  Red Ranger takes out his Blade Blaster.  Green Ranger starts playing his Dragon Dagger.  Red Ranger fires at Green Ranger with the Blade Blaster.  It does nothing to Green Ranger.  Instead Red Ranger is knocked off his feet once more.  Red Ranger gets back up.  Red Ranger and Green Ranger battle each other with their weapons once more.  Green Ranger knocks Red Ranger aside.  Green Ranger announces that it is now time for him to destroy Red Ranger.  I must be victorious for my queen!  Green Ranger places the tip of the Sword of Darkness into the ground.  The blast goes straight to Red Ranger and knocks him off his feet.  Red Ranger throws his Power Sword at Green Ranger.  Green Ranger is knocked to the ground and both of his weapons fly out of his hands.  Red Ranger tells him it's all over.  Red Ranger uses his Blade Blaster and fires it at the Sword of Darkness as Green Ranger tries to reach for it.  The Sword of Darkness is destroyed.  Green Ranger demorphs.  Tommy lays on the sand, confused.  The Power Rangers demorph.  Zack is very excited.  Zack tells Jason you destroyed the Sword of Darkness - Rita's spell is broken!  Jason runs over to where Tommy is laying.  Jason asks Tommy if he is okay?  Tommy asks Jason what has happened to him?  Jason tells him you are no longer under Rita's power.  Tommy's head is spinning.  Jason helps Tommy up.  Jason tells Tommy you will be okay.  Tommy has his doubts - what have I done?  Jason tells him what you did, you did under Rita's influence.  You own the power now.  Fight by our side, and we can defeat Rita.  Tommy feels really bad for what he did.  Tommy asks Jason after everything that has happened?  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy join them.  Jason tells Tommy we need you - it's where you belong.  Tommy looks over at Kimberly and Billy and they nod their heads in agreement.  Jason asks Tommy if he will join them and holds out his hand.  Tommy takes it and they shake hands.  The six teens morph.  Zordon's voice reaches them.  With our new friend, comes new power.  The Dragon Dagger floats towards Green Ranger, and Green Ranger grabs it.  Zordon instructs Green Ranger to use his flute and bring new life to the Dragonzord.  Dragonzord stands up.  Mastodon, Triceratops, and Sabretooth tiger race towards Dragonzord.  Dragonzord combines with Mastodon, Triceratops,  and Sabretooth Tiger Dinozords to form Dragonzord Fighting Mode.  The Rangers admire Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Zordon's voice tells them the safety of the universe is once again in your hands, Power Rangers.  Zack and his friends return to the Command Center.  They are very happy to see Zordon.  Jason tells Zordon they missed him.  Zack adds that morale was pretty low without him.  Zordon tells them the fact remains, that even as you faced your greatest danger, with all the odds stacked against you, you carried don like true super heroes and persevere.  Trini tells Zordon they really owe a lot to Alpha 5.  Alpha 5 is flattered by the compliment.  Zordon tells Alpha 5 you displayed exceptional leadership abilities in my absence.  I am very proud of you.  Alpha 5 becomes very flustered and walks away.  Zordon then welcomes Tommy.  Tommy steps in the front of the ground as Zordon tells him the three basic rules of being a Power Ranger.  One:  Never use your power for personal gain.  Second:  Never escalate a battle, unless Rita forces you.  Finally:  Keep your identity a secret.  No one must know you are a Power Ranger.  Tommy tells Zordon you can count on me.  Billy walks up to Tommy and presents him with his won communicator.  Tommy is touched and thanks Billy.  Jason walks up and tells Tommy you are one of us now and welcomes him aboard.  Zordon tells them a new chapter has begun.  Let the Power protect you.  Zack, Trini, Jason, Tommy, Kimberly, and Billy form a semi circle.  Jason places his hand in the center.  Kimberly then places her hand on top of Jason, followed by Zack, Trini, Billy ,and finally Tommy.  The teens leap into the air and shout out Power Rangers!

Zack and his friends are at the park.  Zack and Jason are playing basketball.  Tommy is standing by the court, cheering them both on.  Kimberly, Trini, and Billy are sitting on a picnic table, also cheering the guys on.  Zack makes an incredible shot.  Kimberly, Trini, and Billy cheer.  Kimberly shouts out totally styling move, Zack.  Tommy then goes in to play against Zack, as Jason steps out and watches.  After awhile, Jason teams up with Tommy and plays against Zack.  During the game, Zack knocks the ball out of Tommy's hands and accidentally knocks Tommy down.  Zack helps him up.     The basketball rolls out onto the grass.  Suddenly several Putties arrive.  Zack and his friends notice them immediately and start fighting them.  Eventually Zack leads them away from his friends as he races across the court and makes a basket.  The Putties chase after Zack.  Kimberly, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Tommy race after the Putties and surround them.  The Putties suddenly vanish.  Tommy tells his friends that he is late for karate practice and takes off.  A hot dog vendor comes up, and Billy realizes that he is hungry.  Billy and Trini head over to the vendor as Zack shouts out to Trini he wants one with everything on it.  Jason shouts and then some!  Trini and Billy reach the hot dog vendor and place an order for five hot dogs with everything on it.  Jason and Zack start playing basketball again.  Bulk and Skull also walk up to the court.  Bulk grabs the bouncing basketball.  Bulk tells them this is our space.  Jason replies that it is their space too, and that is their ball.  Bulk looks over at Skull and very sarcastically tells him and their mommy said we can't play with it.  Kimberly tells Bulk and Skull to go back to the circus where they belong.  Skull becomes excited about the idea of the circus being in town.  Bulk tells him it's an insult and now they will have to pay for it.  Bulk then grabs a hold of Kimberly as she tries to get the ball back.  Jason and Zack tell him to let go of Kimberly.  Bulk tosses her over to Skull, who has moved to the center of the court.  Jason and Zack start fighting Bulk.  Kimberly spins Skull around until he is dizzy.  Kimberly lets go of Skull and he lands on top of Bulk.  Bulk staggers into the vendor's cart.  The condiments and food dump on them.  The vendor tells them they have to pay for the food.  Neither of them have money.  The vendor marches the two off, figuring it would take them two weeks to pay everything off.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly laugh at them.  Zack and Jason are playing basketball once more.  Billy, Kimberly, and Trini are sitting, eating, and watching them.  The ball rolls away and then is blasted apart.  Zack and Jason spot Baboo, Shellshock, and Squatt hidden among the trees.   Zack and his friends immediately morph.  Shellshock uses his ray, the traffic light on top of his head, and hits Yellow Ranger.  Yellow Ranger can't stop moving and she runs away, calling out for help.  Red Ranger demands to know what Shellshock has done to Yellow Ranger.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger run towards them.  Red Ranger lands a kick that knocks Shellshock down.  Squatt and Baboo help Shellshock back up.  Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger face down Shellshock, Baboo, and Squatt.  Squatt threatens the four Rangers, telling them just wait and see what their monster can do.  Shellshock uses his weapons against the Rangers.  The first is a baseball bat, that comes out of his torso.  Squatt throws him a few baseballs.  Shellshock quickly hits them all and the baseballs are aimed at the Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Pink Ranger.  Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Red Ranger leap out of the way.  Shellshock then uses his stop light.  It hits Black  Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger.  After awhile, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Blue Ranger came too in the Command Center.  While they had been frozen, Yellow Ranger had gotten the Deandra flower and spray the dust on Shellshock's traffic light.  The three Rangers watched the viewing globe as Red Ranger and Green Ranger in their zords, battle and destroyed Shellshock.  Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Pink Ranger cheered.  After the battle, Zack and his friends returned to the park.  Zack and Tommy played another one-point game to see who would buy the other guy lunch.  Zack won.  Billy then walked over and challenged him to a quick match.  Zack was reluctant to play against Billy because he thought it would be too easy.  Billy offered that whoever won would buy both lunches.  Zack asked Billy if he was sure, and Billy was.  Billy quickly got the ball from Zack and won the game.  Zack had to buy both Tommy's and Billy's lunches.

Zack was at school.  Trini and Billy have part of the hall cornered off as they try to get signatures on a petition.  The petition is to save the Forest Spirit statue.  A crowd of students have gathered, including Zack, Tommy, Kimberly, Jason, Bulk, and Skull.  Bulk wants to know what's the big deal?  Trini explains the big deal is the city council wants to tear down the statue and put in a barbecue pit.  Bulk is all for the idea - maybe they'll get some decent chicken and ribs.  Skull repeats this, which annoys Bulk.  Trini tells the crowd it's not good.  Everyone has forgotten why the statue has been put up in the first place.  Billy tells the crowd, according to the legend, the Forest Spirit forms a buffer against harmful arthropods.  No one knows what Billy means.  Trini explains - to protect all of us from bad insects.  Zack is standing by a table that has several containers set up with different insects in each one.  There are a couple of pictures of the statue as well.  Zack is all for that, cause crawlers give him the heebie jeebies.  Trini walks over and points out the flower on the picture of the statue.  The flower in her hair is to remind us that most insects are helpful to humans.  A few minutes later, Bulk is tossing the containers of insects into the crowd of students.  The students start screaming and running.  Zack really freaks out when he spots a large spider on his shoulder.

Switching Places


Green With Evil, Part I


Green With Evil, Part II




Green With Evil, Part III


Green With Evil, Part IV


Green With Evil, Part V

The Trouble With Shellshock




Itsy Bitsy Spider



Page One
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Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
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Page Ten
Page Eleven
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen
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Page Seventeen
Page Eighteen